
Comments by IHearVoices (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    How Do You Come Across in a Strip Club?
    I've been told that I come off as someone who doesn't want to be approached, which I have to admit is often true. I stand and walk a lot, so I get it. I also don't have the look of a preferred customer, so there's that too. It is what it is.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dancer giving out phone number?
    It happens on occasion to me, but seemingly always when I'm out of town. I'll text them a few times and we'll have convos, but then there's a mutual loss of interest/communication. Getting a dancer's number is nothing to really be excited about. FishHawk's comment reminded me: last time I was in Atlanta, a Follies girl gave me her 'vanilla job' business card. I might still have it somewhere.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dance count
    Once at Playhouse in Hallandale a girl tried to charge me for 8 songs when we danced for 4. I got up with her still on my lap and carried her to the song counter. He told her we were at 4 songs. She apologized. Of course I never got another dance from her. I've noticed that song count discrepancies happen to me more often in South Florida than in other places. I don't remember ever having one in the year and a half I lived in the northeast (clubbing mainly in PA, DC, and NJ). Song count stuff is my #1 SC pet peeve. If more than one girl does that at a club, I cross the club off my list...unless the club is Follies.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Avengers Endgame
    Had a couple movie ticket coupons due to expire May 1. Thankfully, there's a movie coming out Thursday (The Intruder) that I was able to use the second coupon for: otherwise I'd have seen Endgame a third time. Oddly enough, I could see The Intruder twice and still catch the ending of Endgame since its runtime is only 1:24.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Avengers Endgame
    My opinion is more favorable after seeing it this morning than after first seeing it Thursday. Don't get me wrong: I thought it was very good Thursday. Certain moments just hit harder today. It actually felt more like today was my first time seeing it and Thursday was the second time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Avengers Endgame
    @gammanu95 - this might not be the time to quit the MCU, or at the very least you might want to come back around 2022. With Disney's acquisition of Fox, the X-Men will likely return home in a few years. It'll be interesting to see if/how they are introduced to the MCU. I do think the post-Endgame MCU will be a bit of a dropoff, although how much obviously depends on who meets or continues their ultimate demise in Endgame...but that X-Men arrival is going to bring the excitement back. Also, I agree with you on Civil War. It's my favorite MCU film.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Avengers Endgame
    ^ She's not lying. Those movies are - or at least should be - at the top of any post-2000 superhero movie list. The Dark Knight in particular leans more into history and game theory than one would expect from that subgenre of film.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Avengers Endgame
    Have my ticket for Thursday. With all the hype surrounding the movie, I think it has a chance of catching Titanic and/or Avatar at the box office.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Guilty Pleasure #27 / Young Female Pop Stars
    There are only two women (I know of) under 30 to whom I'd give it all - and define 'all' however you choose - to. One of them fits this post, and I'm surprised she hasn't been mentioned yet: Demi Lovato. Even with all her issues, I'd be first and second in line.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Which do you prefer
    If I've gotten dances from her and we've built a rapport, the former. Otherwise, the latter.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dancers Wearing Mesh or Fishnets...
    A thousand times no, for the reasons people mentioned. I almost always wear a buttoned shirt to SC and the untangling game gets really irritating really quickly. I turn down and/or avoid dancers with them now.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs / Who ya got ?
    Until they give me a reason not to, I'm going with the Warriors. The Bucks might make it interesting, though.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    I did...once. Never paid over market price with her again. I admit that it was a gamble, but it worked out. I understand what you're saying about setting a precedent and agree: she's the only girl I've ever done that with.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Top 5 Strip Clubs in USA
    Problem for me when considering lists like this is the 'baseball prospect' type question of ceiling versus probability. Some clubs have greater variance between a normal trip and a great trip than others - I've found this to be especially true with black clubs. There are too many factors that have to align for great trips, so I'll rank based on normal trips...or probability, to use the baseball term. 5. Inner Room - it honestly seems almost as good as it was 4-5 years ago 4. Deans Gold - if Tootsies didn't exist, this place would be #2 - more variety than any club I know 3. 2001 Odyssey - a lot of people like the place across the street, but I have a lot more fun at 2001 2. Tootsies - the sheer number of girls makes the probability jump...unless you don't like Latinas 1. Follies - no matter what you're looking for, it's almost impossible to 'not' find it there: especially during the day
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    I've been on both sides of this...actually, with the same girl. I was an established regular at the spot when she started dancing there. She immediately caught my attention, but this guy had her locked down the whole night. He left maybe five minutes before the club closed. I gave her "a lot more than a song and a half dollars" for a song and a half. She was mine for the next several months and never danced with him again. Actually, I don't recall her dancing with anyone else once she realized I was there. More generally speaking, it just is what it is. I've waited for girls to become available for hours on numerous occasions. What I did in the meantime depended on whether I found other girls interesting. SCs are capitalist havens, though: (s)he who has the cash rules. If I can't get a girl away from a guy who's feeding her money, then I have to step my game up (be it through financial means or those that are literally game related).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Weirdest fun thing you've done in a club
    Hmm...probably the time another guy and I recited the lyrics to Snoop's "Ain't No Fun" at Tootsies. The DJ had just started to include 90s hip hop in his set, and that song in particular isn't what you expect to hear at a SC. He played it, though; and we went line for line. Regular club, my friends and I used to get to certain places only and bring cards so we could play spades at the tables until things got jumping. I don't know why we stopped doing that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Change Subject
    ^ What Warrior15 said.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Things that make a strip club crappy
    The top two for me are ID scan and tip parade. I frequented a place with ID scan while I was in PA, but that place was pretty much the only game in town with what it offered...mainly, showing UFC fights. Places like BWW showed them, but charged the same cover so it made more sense to just go to the SC. I wouldn't go to a place with a scan again. Re: tip parade, that's why I won't go to any club in Miami other than Dean's or Tootsies. Most Miami clubs have girls I like, too. Oh well. The drink hustle has only happened to me at Follies, although it hasn't been a problem the last few times I've gone. The one thing I'll mention that I don't think anyone said is lack of seating at places other than the stage and/or bar. Black clubs tend to be most guilty of this...looking at you, Mint and Trap...but smaller mixed clubs have that problem too. Everything else is specific to employees, as opposed to being club issues.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How do you know when you're old?
    I was on the set at my old college (I lived in the same town and was on campus running an errand) and a student called me 'sir'. I cut my hair off as soon as I got home. Haven't been called 'sir' in the same sense since.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Ride this motherfucker till the wheels fall off!
    What was your most memorable strip club story
    I'll split this up: most memorable moment directly involving me was my first lap dance. Dancer was fine, songs were good, everything just seemed right. I can't even listen to one of the songs without thinking of her and the dance. Most memorable moment overall was definitely the monkey dancing on stage when I went to XTC in Dallas. People were making it rain too. It was hilarious. If anyone wants more detail, it's mentioned in my review of the club.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Help with Clubs near, Willow Grove PA
    If you like Brazilians, go to Playhouse Lounge. You should have a good time there: the club website has a dancer schedule and the reviews should give you any other info you might need.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lauderhill 2AMer.
    I passed by that place last week and wondered if it was still open. Something tells me it might not be after this.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    new city, new club
    9 hours in the club?
    I'd say my average is 4 hours, but my club visits are mostly within one of five groups: visits to IR, visits to Follies, visits to Tootsies, daytime visits anywhere else, and nighttime visits anywhere else. Nighttime visits anywhere besides the aforementioned usually are in the 3 hour range. Daytime visits anywhere else are the shortest because A) I have a specific order of business, or B) traffic is a concern. IR visits tend to average 5 hours: I get there as close to 1 as possible and head out when the day shift girls leave between 6 and 7 because I usually have a long drive to get to where I'm going. I only visit IR when I travel, and it's at least 2.5 hours from wherever I'm going (it's on the way, though). Tootsies visits tend to last closer to 6 hours, especially if I go there to watch UFC. I've had one Follies visit that was less than 6 hours, and that was because I had a plane to catch. My Follies average is about 8 hours, and I think my longest visit was 9.5 hours. I get there when it opens and never have any desire to deal with Atlanta traffic, which mandates staying until at least 7. I think I mentioned this before in another thread, but at some point I may want to try opening and closing Tootsies on the same day (it opens at noon and closes at 6 AM). It would take an extreme set of circumstances to even try, but maybe one day I'll go for it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do y'all carry on conversations with dancers when getting lap dances
    I concentrate on the dance. Even if I'm with a girl I 'know', we can do the small talk thing upon seeing each other before the dancing starts.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Human Trafficking in FL
    There's actually a bill filed in the FL Legislature (coincidentally enough, the legislator represents the area where Kraft was arrested) that would mandate 30 days in jail for solicitation. I can see that bill picking up steam thanks to Kraft - and I guess whoever the bigger name is.