Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night

Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night?
For me, I will say no & here is why
Nobody should be able to lock down a stripper all night...
Most of us are simply trying to get dances from different group of girls who’re extremely pretty...
I think it’s selfish for some PL’s to monopolize certain strippers thereby preventing other PL’s from buying dances from that particular dancer...
I dislike PL’s that lock down strippers be it day, afternoon OR Night...
Strippers should be free to move around the club & make money from other PL’s...
If mongers need someone to lock down then they should get a girlfriend or maybe a sugar baby & lock her down whenever he wishes...
This is a Strip club for Christ sake & no single P/L or group of P/L should assume monopoly over any particular stripper...
last commentThese kinda threads usually don't go very well.
Many feel they should club as they please/like and if it affects other SCers that's not their problem.
I just dislike when some PL’s act as if Strippers are their girlfriends...
They’re usually the most pathetic ones...
I see them at the Clubs always & I feel sorry for them because they’re getting played & they might not even know it...
They strip club is a place to enjoy variety not assume monopoly...
Some PL might just be better off getting a Sugar Baby & if possibly a SGF {Spoiled Girlfriend}
Locked down all night? I've had one locked in my garage for three weeks.
i don’t lock down a girl in the usa for more than an hour.
in tj one time i locked down a girl for 3 hours once.
Free market man. If you don’t like it break up the whale and dancer mid song.
I've been on both sides of this...actually, with the same girl.
I was an established regular at the spot when she started dancing there. She immediately caught my attention, but this guy had her locked down the whole night. He left maybe five minutes before the club closed. I gave her "a lot more than a song and a half dollars" for a song and a half. She was mine for the next several months and never danced with him again. Actually, I don't recall her dancing with anyone else once she realized I was there.
More generally speaking, it just is what it is. I've waited for girls to become available for hours on numerous occasions. What I did in the meantime depended on whether I found other girls interesting. SCs are capitalist havens, though: (s)he who has the cash rules. If I can't get a girl away from a guy who's feeding her money, then I have to step my game up (be it through financial means or those that are literally game related).
Strip club etiquette 101
“You don’t break up a PL & dancer mid song”
Some PL’s are extremely jealous & can fight you for this singular act...
I’m at the Strip Club to have fun not fight...
Even in free markets there are laws against monopolies.
If a dancer chooses to stay with a particular PL that's her choice, but often times her only choice is to tend to him exclusively or lose all his business - often times there is no middle ground.
I used to think this way before I was on this website.
Here are the things you have to remember.
If there is a dancer you want who is being locked down by a whale, you will have to out whale the whale monetarily or be willing to move on.
With you being new to this site, I just wanted to give you the lowdown. Welcome to TUSCL.
There was a tinge of sarcasm in my post
@IHearVoices So you basically over paid in order to attract her attention?
I don’t encourage that...
By doing so she might decide to inflate her prices there by overcharging PL’s which isn’t good for us in the long run...
Never over pay either for dances OR Pussy...
Except if & only if the stripper provided exceptional service...
No one is talking about breaking up a dance - it's the guys that want a dancer to not leave his table for 3 hours and then he does a VIP at the end of the visit, they monopolize and milk the time and ther1le are dancers that depend on regulars so they gotta play by his rules if they want his $$$ every time he comes in.
You’re basically saying that GPS {Golden Pussy Syndrome} should be encouraged...
I don’t care who the stripper is be it Cardi B or whoever
But no pussy is worth $1000...
I’m not that pathetic...
A lot of regulars are not necessarily whales - they may spend more or less what the avg SCer may spend except they spend it on just one girl vs multiple girls, and they spend on the same girl every visit - and they leverage this.
It basically boils down to SCing style - the guys that like variety vs the guys that like having a fave - thise that are into having a fave basically go to the club just for that fave and want/expect/desire her constant undivided company.
You missed my point. I'm just giving you what the economics could be. And the reality of the club. Dancers will dance for who they want. Just because you want a dance with a dancer didn't mean she will dance for you. I wouldn't get dances from the GPS girl either but some PL's will spend a lot of money, But if she has GPS you wouldn't get dances from her anyway so the point is moot and she stays with the whale.
Just like you won't get dances from certain dancers because they are not your type. Some dancers won't dance with certain customers as well. Some dancers only dance for old guys. Some dancers won't dance for certain ethnicities. You never know Why they aren't dancing for you And I stopped trying to figure it out. I'll find a dancer or dancers who want my money and to have fun or I'll leave. I don't waste time waiting around for a dancer who may or may not dance for me.
Papi also makes excellent points.
There are limits to "capitalism" - e.g. down here in Miami we get hurricanes - in past years after a hurricane there'd be a shortage of gasoline, water, and ice, and many businesses would take advantage and quadruple the prices sometimes charging $20 for a bag of ice - no one was putting a gun to the head of people telling them they had to pay those prices but obviously the business owners were rigging the system for their advantage (capitalism doesn't mean anything goes) - eventually laws had to be passed against such actions - i.e. dancers have a choice not to pander to regulars just like people have a choice not to pay $20 for a bag of ice after after a hurricane.
Dancer’s choice. If she wants to Hang out with one person all night, who the hell are we to dictate her business?! Find another dancer. Simple as that for me.
Evasparkling said "Strippers should be free to move around the club & make money from other PL’s..."
They are.
Problem solved.
This is only a problem until you are the PL monopolizing her time.
It's really pathetic when you have enough money to keep a dancer with you for her entire shift. It's even more pathetic when you have enough money to take her OTC or on vacations.
Dancers spend all night with one customer for$500 to $1000 a night.They give unlimited lap dances,drink and chat with him. I did it 2 times. She kept on rejecting other customers requests for dancers.
Whenever my ATF and I were in the club at the same time, we were both exclusive by choice. Her rule was that if you wanted a dance from her, you had to ask for my permission. Only 2 guys ever did...both friends of mine. Her ex BF came in one time and tried to break us up. He even went so far as to ask the waitress to find out what she was drinking and send her a drink. She asked the waitress what the most expensive drink was, ordered it, and then left it sitting on the table untouched.
Yeah, clubs should establish spending limits to discourage this type of behavior.
I would never ask for a dance from a stripper while she’s still with another customer...
I might have to wait until she goes up to the stage & then try to see if I could gain her attention...
What part of the country are you?
$500 all night doesn’t really sound like a lot in Miami Florida...
Hot Strippers can make much more especially during Friday, Saturday & Sunday when working in one of the big strip clubs in Miami FL due to the cash flows from tourists visiting the city for a vacation...
I never monopolize a dancer time...
I’m just like Papi_Chulo...
I love getting multiple dances from different girls...
I don’t like the idea of making an appointment with a fave before going into the strip clubs...
I love to keep my options open & tend to enjoy my visits more without any form of commitment & obligation...
Some PL’s also enjoy having a fave & there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it...
I guess everyone has their own way of having fun...
@Evasparkling let’s get something clear I’m one of those guys you’re complaining about, you need to know that I go to a club for my enjoyment not yours. When I’m in a club with a particular dancer, she’s free to leave at any point but if she does I might either leave or get with another dancer, that money she won’t get, from you, remember I’ll probably see her two or three times a month are you gonna step up, I didn’t think so and neither did she. Also you have no idea what my relationship with her is, I might be at her apartment a few time a month, I might have helped her out of a jam, you really have no idea, best for you to find another because chances are she’s not gonna leave me if I’m in the club. Sorry buddy that’s the American way, you’re talking about socialism, that’s not popular on this website.
Just walk up to their table, set down a quarter, and call next game. Oh, wait, that's billiards.
When this happens to me, I usually tip during her stage rotation and find out if she is going to be free at some point. If she won't be or she doesn't do stage rotations, I shrug and find someone else. The only time it is a problem is when she is the lone 8 amongst a sea of 5s. Then I cut my losses and leave.
On a reverse note has it ever occurred to you ( or any of the guys who feel this is unfair) that the dancer is locking down the PL for the night?
After all the choice is hers and if she chooses to set her sights on a single guy why is that a problem.
I've been that guy--I've also been the guy who wants to meet a dancer and I can't get her attention because she is with a favorite client.
I don't tie down dancers. I do have favs, but I can't afford to pay their shift. That said, I do have a couple that just sit and chat with me for an hour or so because we enjoy each others' company (I will get a few dances either at the beginning or end so it isn't completely unpaid). At some point I encourage them to go hustle so they can make their $$$ and ask them to come back by if they get the opportunity.
That being said, remember that the girls are there to make $$$. If they feel their best way to accomplish that, long term or short term, is to stay with a whale don't begrudge her for it. This complaining about not being able to get with a specific girl sounds a bit like sour grapes and will only serve to undermine your enjoyment. Move on and just accept the situation. There are usually other options.
You can be at her apartment maybe 10 times or even 20 times a month I could care less...
The last thing I would do is engage in a financial bidding with another PL for a particular stripper...
I’m not that pathetic...
Now let’s be clear if it wasn’t for the financial compensation we both know that these strippers wouldn’t give you the time of the day...
But outside of the Strip Club when it comes to civvie girls I seriously doubt you can pull way more girls than me...
You meant have money than me but I definitely have more game than you when it comes to pulling girls...
I don’t really have a problem with girls spending maybe 2 hours or more with their whale...
We both know that there are certain whale that kinda make it mandatory that the stripper cannot be seen with another guy while he is still in the building...
If they do, most whales threaten to cutoff the $$$
Why do you think most strippers live some whales giving $$$?
Because their demands have become outrageous...
In as much as it’s what it’s PL’s shouldn’t claim monopoly to a particular dancer...
We all at the Strip Clubs to have fun not claim monopoly...
If you want monopoly you’re better off getting a Girl Friend OR Sugar Baby which makes sense financially in the long run...
How many times have you seen a stripper locking down a PL for the night?
The number of whales locking down a PL for the night is usually greater than the number of Strippers locking down a whale for the night at any given time...
How many times have you seen a stripper locking down a PL for the night?
The number of whales locking down a Stripper for the night is usually greater than the number of Strippers locking down a whale for the night at any given time...
@Eva you seem to be making this personal, again I’m sorry if y’all are butthurt but that just tells me your game ain’t as strong as you think, I’m telling you truth and it’s their choice, you can obsess all you like, but it’s really unproductive of you to assume all these woman are trainwrecks or that guys that spend a shift with a gal are outspending everyone else.
“Or that guys that spend a shift with a gal are outspending everyone else”
Again I’m not making it personal but we both know that no stripper is going to spend a shift with you if you aren’t spending...
The only way that happens if you’re a regular who usually spends but on this particular night you aren’t spending as much as you use to...
But the stripper can decide to use her discretion to spend the rest of the night with you if she aren’t making that much money & you’re a reliable regular & well known spender...
She is simply doing that so you can be able to compensate her adequately on subsequent visit...
But assuming that Strippers will spend the night with you when you aren’t spending isn’t true...
The number one priority of a stripper any given night is $$$...
Everything else comes second...
^ @eva "We all at the Strip Clubs to have fun not claim monopoly...
If you want monopoly you’re better off getting a Girl Friend OR Sugar Baby which makes sense financially in the long run..."
You sound like a little bitch.
There are a lot of things I want but don't get because I can't afford it, but I don't cry about it. I recognize things for what they are and adjust my expectations because of it.
Your jealousy isn't attractive.
At the Strip club Cash is king...
Games come second...
Most strippers are there to make $$$
That happens to be their number one priority...
^ "The number one priority of a stripper any given night is $$$...
Everything else comes second..."
Exactly. If you understand that, and you know that she won't maximize her $$ by spending time with you, why are you spilling crocodile tears about it?
As others have said, if a dancer is spending a bunch of time with one guy, I'll tip them the next time they're dancing and say some version of "If you're available, I'm interested in getting some dances." That has worked for me on several occasions.
Sometimes a dancer isn't locked down. She's just spending a lot of time with one guy because she doesn't think there's anyone else looking to spend money on her.
Other times, I've just made eye contact with a dancer while she's with another guy and given her a nod. If That guy isn't spending money (or spending enough money...), she'll dislodge herself and come over to me.
Strip clubs aren't often fair. Not for the customer or even the dancer. If that's a problem, go to a well-reviewed escort. They're a lot less flaky and much more straightforward.
^ or go to a safe-space so your feelings don't get hurt you fucking pussy.
Directed to @eva
I’m not jealous...
You basically saying is as long as I’m doing fine, I don’t really care about how others are doing...
I basically don’t give a fuck...
Which is a problem in itself...
Why would you need to lock down a stripper for an entire night...
You can have her come over to you house then instead of visiting her at the club...
My feelings aren’t gonna get hurt...
We both know if money was taken out of the equation those strippers wouldn’t give you a second look...
You know it, I know it...
There isn’t no need denying it either...
Read my first comment.
What I'm saying is don't be a jealous crybaby.
If I’m a fucking pussy, you’re a fucking dick...
And yes, it might be hard to admit, but you are jealous.
@Eva again you’re making this personal, it’s funny because you don’t know, what you think you know. You’re just making assumptions and failing to recognize that you really have no way of knowing, so you just use that to make yourself feel better, I’m fine with that, but I really don’t care, I go to a club for my own pleasure, I don’t give you a second thought while I’m there, sorry about that, but again the reality is you don’t have as much game as you think.
^ or money lol
And who told you she wouldn’t maximize her earnings spending time with me & everyone else...
What you seem to forget that if you’re nothing more than a stream of income to her...
If it stops she will drop you like a hot potato & replace you ASAP
Then your feelings are gonna get really hurt...
And if that dancer actually is locked down for the night... tough shit (for me). I go find another dancer. That's why there are other dancers.
Addendum to my previous post... If I get a chance to talk to a dancer (on stage, etc.) and she is locked down, I'll ask when she'll be working next without her whale in the club. Most dancers are happy to tell you about their "open" shifts. I've also exchanged phone numbers that way.
You might have money than me that I agree with
But you don’t have more game than I
If most of all do you wouldn’t be paying for pussy since you can easily get a FWB which makes more sense
Am I right?
Same way it’s difficult for you to admit that you’re nothing more than a trick to them...
If you don’t agree then stop spending money on her & then sees if you’re still able to lock her down for the night...
i think you should be able to lock down a dancer all night. but i do see how it would be frustrating for other customers.
about a week and a half ago, i tried something new. i went to the club much earlier (6 :30) than i normally do. the purpose of this was to get my fav sitting with me a little bit after she clocked in---which i accomplished. i ended up locking her down for 2 hours. not only that---but by going early-- i also beat cover charge
now it may not always work out that way---but already being there when she clocks in certainly increases my chances of getting her sitting with me immediately vs arriving at the club at 11 on a friday night
^^^ Smart (@GoVikings)
Eva that’s what I mean you don’t know, I have FWBs one of them is a stripper, yes I’ve helped her out, no I don’t pay her, don’t come back on me with stuff you really know very little about, in this life money is only as important as what you are able to do with it, after you’ve walked a few miles in mine or someone else whose been successful shoes, than youll understand, until you get there it’s all conjecture on your part.
I don’t have any problem with Strippers spending extended time with their regulars...
I have always said that Whales/Regulars should receive priority
Anywhere from 2 hours - 3 hours per night is fine by me...
After that I think Whales/Regulars should be able to give other custy opportunity to get dances with the same stripper...
She can always go back to her Whales/Regulars whenever she is done giving dances...
IMO 2 hours - 3 hours is more than enough to catch up with your fave, get a drink together & get dance and possibly vip if you’re interested...
Point of order... You're arguing about something that isn't going to change.
I guess I'm a dick then
I'm sure strippers have the right to to dance with whoever they want, whenever. If they choose to stay with the fat cat all night in pursuit of the dollar, that sucks, but for you. A PL cant legally force a woman to hang out with to do it all night. She just likes the money. And clearly you don't have the funds to keep her locked on all night like the fat cat. If you really have a problem with it, I suggest you either complain to the stripper or complain to the fat cat. Does long as the strippers get money, the house on the stripper really cares (pending personal preference).
I know but I still have to air my opinion...
Some people tend to think that their own way of clubbing is the right way even when it might not be beneficial to most patrons...
@eva, the problem is that you get jealous and allow that to affect your enjoyment.
@Eva what would you say if I told you that plenty of times, it’s been the girl that’s said to me if you don’t have to leave please stay, you may not want to hear that but it’s the truth, and I hadn’t spent as much as you think, maybe $200. all in including drinks dances etc.
"Some people tend to think that their own way of clubbing is the right way even when it might not be beneficial to most patrons..."
So the whale should sacrifice his enjoyment so @eva doesn't cry.
You sound like @SJG telling others how they should enjoy themselves.
You argue that the girls are there only for the $, but then you want it to be treated like a socialist environment. That doesn't work.
Estafador said "If you really have a problem with it, I suggest you either complain to the stripper or complain to the fat cat."
If any of you do that, please wait for me to bring up the video app on my phone. Because I'm pretty sure that scene will be internet gold.
You are tilting at windmills.
Just be happy she is in the club if she is that hot. Hot girls can vanish when they find a whale to take care of them.
Isn’t it really pathetic that you have to almost empty your bank account just to get a stripper to hang out with you all night...
I’m not that pathetic like most PL’s sorry...
As long as you understand that these women only give you the time of the day because of the money them that’s fine...
If money wasn’t involved I bet none of them would give most PL’s the time of the day...
Same way hot girls can also vanish once the PL’s money is gone...
Sorry I don’t need that...
I don’t wanna be played like that...
I can much better...
If they only way you can enjoy a Strip club is by having a dancer on lock down all night maybe something is wrong with your style of clubbing...
Usually those kinds of people are the ones that get butt hurt whenever the stripper decides to move on due to the sheer amount of money they have spent...
Very interesting...
Evasparkling said "Some people tend to think that their own way of clubbing is the right way even when it might not be beneficial to most patrons..."
That's where our opinions part company. As I said previously, strip clubs aren't havens of egalitarianism. Never will be, and I'm fine with that.
If the customer wants to spend his money for that level of attention, and if that's how the dancer chooses to spend her shift, then they aren't doing anything wrong. It's their choice.
Just like it's my choice to either find another dancer, go to another club, or go home.
That’s one of the perks of being a regular...
You get to spend money on them but whenever you run low on funds, most strippers are always willing to compensate since you’re a sure bet...
For people like me, I enjoy variety & don’t really fancy the idea of having a fave...
^ I’m trying to wrap my head around the idea that I should worry how my fun is rubbing you the rong way, I’m not even paying attention to you, I certainly am not gonna stop what I’m doing because you’re a butthurt lil bitch, that’s what the bouncers are there for, I’m there to have fun, let me be, go find your own fun.
Like I said before, there isn’t nothing to be jealous about...
I’m a variety guy & tend to get multiple dances from different girls...
It kinda a bummer when you wanna get a dance from a particular dancer but she is locked down all night...
Like I said before, I’m more than content with what I have & would never go into a financial bidding with another custy just to attract a particular dancer...
It’s simply not my thing...
^ One other thing if y’all happen to take my dancer I won’t care, there’s another one just as hot that’ll be happy to accommodate me. That’s why you don’t have more game than me, and also why she probably won’t leave my side.
Nobody gives a fuck about your fun...
If you fun involves paying a lot of money to strippers that would otherwise not give you the time of the day so fucking be it...
This is a free country & if I see something I don’t agree with then I have to speak my mind...
Why would I be butthurt when you choose to pay for pussy...
If you could get it for free, then you most certainly wouldn’t be paying for it then...
^ Why do you keep saying that you sound like icee or sjg how do you know ? I’m trying to be nice but you’re just being an asshole, grow up a bit , stop being a whiny little bitch.
I would never take another stripper from a PL while she is dancing for him...
That’s Strip Club Etiquette 101...
I would wait until she goes to the stage & then try to capture her attention using my charisma...
She might not up dancing for me that night out of respect for his Whale & not avoid jealous regulars but better believe it that I would walk away with her number & be able to set something up with her some other time.
You must be really delusional if you think she wouldn’t see other guys...
I’m also tryna be nice...
Stop being an asshole as well...
I find the arrogance and self entitlement in threads like to be odd to be honest.
Arrogance because you assume that you know what's going on between her and the customer, but you don't. She could be there quite willingly, for any number of reasons. You don't know the monetary arrangements between the two and you don't know her state of mind. You assume that you know better than her what is good for her.
Self-entitlement because you want to treat a human being like some public resource. What she is selling is access to herself, which is very different than almost any other product or service offering. Why shouldn't she have a right to choose who she touches or, more importantly, who touches her? Why should you have some inherent right to her, even if she doesn't want to give that to you?
I won't even get into the whole employee status issue once you start micromanaging the behavior of dancers ITC. These are independent contractors who rent the right to work in the club. They have the right to allocate their attention and efforts how they see fit to maximize their income. You being butt hurt because some girl views you as a bad option and won't leave her regular to take the $40 burning a hole in your pocket doesn't change that.
@eva. You are right, it's really envy, not jealousy.
My bad, I get those mixed up sometimes.
@evasparkling if someone who looked like [insert hot model here] worked at the strip club and danced with you, how easily would you allow her to leave, especially if you have the funds to hang with her all night? That's how it is for some people
@EvaLongoria You must have missed my earlier post:
"I don't tie down dancers. I do have favs, but I can't afford to pay their shift. That said, I do have a couple that just sit and chat with me for an hour or so because we enjoy each others' company (I will get a few dances either at the beginning or end so it isn't completely unpaid). At some point I encourage them to go hustle so they can make their $$$ and ask them to come back by if they get the opportunity.
That being said, remember that the girls are there to make $$$. If they feel their best way to accomplish that, long term or short term, is to stay with a whale don't begrudge her for it. This complaining about not being able to get with a specific girl sounds a bit like sour grapes and will only serve to undermine your enjoyment. Move on and just accept the situation. There are usually other options."
^ 'I’m not that pathetic like most PL’s sorry..."
No, being a crybaby is more pathetic.
I’m not butthurt
When I see things I don’t like I speak my mind
Whether you like it or not then that totally up to you
Let’s be clear most of these girls sober up & let y’all touch them because of the financial compensation...
If that was taken out of the equation most strippers wouldn’t even give you the time of the day...
You might try to deny it but that’s the truth...
If you have money & game like you think then you shouldn’t have any problem getting a Hot FWB...
Because most of these girls only love the money they simply suck up to it...
Why don’t you stop giving them money & see if they still hang with you...
Try it & let’s see how it goes...
Being a trick is even worst especially when you know she is using you only for money...
Wouldn’t it make more sense to arrange an OTC with her if you intend to spend that much time with her instead of tying her up all night at the Strip Club?
There is absolutely nothing to be envious or jealous about a pathetic trick being used for money by a stripper...
I’m just calling it the way I see it even if you don’t agree with me...
I don’t really need you to...
Evasparkling said "Nobody gives a fuck about your fun..."
Coincidentally, no one gives a fuck about your fun, either. Or your odd sense of entitlement. Express all the opinions you want. Shout it from the rooftops. No one cares; it won't change anything.
Also, you sound like what would happen if someone gene spliced IceyLoco to SJG. It's not a good look in any context.
Eva, what does that have to do with any of what I posted above? Of course they are doing it for the money, but that doesn't mean that they do not make conscious decisions to target certain people and avoid certain others, which could be for any number of reasons. Again, these are human beings, not fembots.
Sometimes they are just too burned out to circulate. Or they are getting paid well by the regular and don't feel that it's worth it to pick up random dances. Sometimes they avoid certain types of people due to bad historical experiences. Sometimes they avoid people with hygiene issues, or who are too fat, or who give off a bad vibe, or...etc.,etc. There is an infinite number of reasons why a girl will choose to stay put and it is her right to make that choice.
en·vy /ˈenvē/ noun 1. a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.
Classic case
If you have so much game why don't you be the one that takes them OTC?
You’re certainly being biased.
Didn’t you where twentyfive called me a butthurt little bitch before I responded...
All of a sudden you didn’t see that but you did see where I called a bluff of him...
I don’t hit back at people except they hit at me first...
I don’t need to take them OTC because my primary aim when stripping is simply to get multiple dances from different strippers...
I hardly do OTC...
When I want a sure thing I go the escort route...
That’s my MO
I don’t need to take them OTC because my primary aim when strip clubbing is simply to get multiple dances from different strippers...
I hardly do OTC...
When I want a sure thing I go the escort route...
That’s my MO
I also visit Night Clubs & Bars where games are more effective than Money...
In the Strip Clubs money rules...
I’m speaking particularly about Regulars that threaten to cutoff the $$$ if their Strippers attempt to dance for other PL’s while they’re still around the Club...
There’re definitely some regulars that are very chill & even encourages them to sell dances to other PL’s & are more than welcome to come back whenever they’re done selling dances...
I’m certainly not speaking of the latter, I’m speaking of the former...
I did...once. Never paid over market price with her again. I admit that it was a gamble, but it worked out. I understand what you're saying about setting a precedent and agree: she's the only girl I've ever done that with.
Of course I'm biased. It's a debate with opinions. Opinions are inherently biased. Much like strip clubs, TUSCL is also not a haven of egalitarianism.
Don't tell people that they're having fun wrong. It's horrible.
Eva posted: "I don’t need to take them OTC because my primary aim when stripping is simply to get multiple dances from different strippers..."
Good for you, but that doesn't mean that every stripper who you like has to accommodate you. Life is full of disappointments. Instead of dreaming up some scheme to treat dancers as emotionless public resource fembots, maybe you should just learn better coping skills. ;)
Eva posted: "I’m speaking particularly about Regulars that threaten to cutoff the $$$ if their Strippers attempt to dance for other PL’s while they’re still around the Club..."
Then she is a grown adult who can make the decision to stay or leave based upon what she feels is in her best interest.
But this is also a goofy straw man because, in most instances, you really don't know why they are making the choices that they make. Assuming makers an ass out of you and, well, you. They do what they do for too many reasons to count.
@Eva you are just proving me right over and again I offered to meet up with you, but you seem to be taking this the rong way, you talk about speaking your mind but you don't want to hear the truth, because it puts you in an unflattering light, and lastly you made these threads, we just responded. You come across as a newbie, and a butthurt one at that, there are a lot of guys here in their 50s and 60s, that can do anything you can do and better,how old are you seriously, you are coming across like a twentysomething.
If he didn’t call me a butthurt little bitch then I wouldn’t have told him that Nobody gives a fuck about his fun...
He shouldn’t call people a butthurt little bitch. It’s horrible...
If he didn’t call me that then I wouldn’t have escalated this issue...
Agree w/ Papi's first response; no one's going to change their mind, and people get irritated over this issue.
I'm solidly on the lockdown side... I like to spend a few hours with the same stripper ITC. I don't care if you don't like it or you don't understand it or think I should get a SB instead, none of that matters to me. Just like, you shouldn't care that I don't understand or enjoy whatever experience you're going for. You don't need to change just because I don't get the fun in variety SCing. And I'm not going to change for you, believe me :)
One note, we all have to deal with the fact that sometimes regulars come in and lock down the girl we wanted. When that happens, I just find a different girl, it's not a big deal, certainly not worth writing threads about. And, it's not uncommon that the girl isn't actually "locked down". Last time a stripper I wanted spent all her time at another table, I asked the stripper who was sitting with my buddy about her. "I don't think those guys she's sitting with are spending any money. Let me go get her for you." And she did -- that stripper wasn't really "locked down" after all, I just had to send a stripper to get her, and she stayed at my table the rest of the night (it was a rare night trip for me) because we were spending money.
One more thing I don't believe that many regulars make that kind of a threat to cut off dollars, they just do it, the majority of the time you hear that from the girls its just SS, trying to string you along, believe me or not you are kinda naive.
How many times have you seen a stripper locking down a PL for the night?
More than you have obviously.
I've had it happen to me more than once.
The only time I have ever raised an eyebrow about a guy or guys trying to lock down a girl is when they are being an asshole about it. I've yet to see it but there have been conversations on here about guys ( typically in oil industry) walking over to a table where a girl is with a guy and throwing money at her and being overbearing that they are king of the hill but even in that case it is up to the girl to make the choice.
@25: Eva's not alone. Papi has been pushing this same train of thought for the last 7 years that he's been on here. The inherent self-entitlement and actually disturbing views on how other human beings are supposed to behave are mind boggling to me, for all of the reasons I posted above.
Like I said before I’m not butthurt...
What truth are you talking about exactly?
While I don’t agree with you that doesn’t necessarily make them a truth...
Like I said before we will disagree to agree...
We’ve already dragged this issue for too long...
Agree with Rick, she's an adult who can make decisions on how she wants to make her money. In fact, she's in the best position to determine what that course of action is.
Agree with 25, I doubt many regulars make a verbal threat to cut off dollars. The girls just know that regulars, especially big spenders, have expectations or they move on. The stripper can choose how she wants to go... though it's probably rarely a smart decision to risk a big-spending weekly regular in order to give a variety guy the chance to spend $40. But in the end, she's in the best position to decide.
Well I disagree with you...
That I refuse to concur with your school of though doesn’t make me naive...
Well I disagree with you...
That I refuse to concur with your school of thought doesn’t make me naive...
^ @Dugan "...but that doesn't mean that every stripper who you like has to accommodate you. Life is full of disappointments. Instead of dreaming up some scheme to treat dancers as emotionless public resource fembots, maybe you should just learn better coping skills. ;)"
It's not worth crying over.
If you enjoy variety so much, why are you so obsessed with needing dances from the one dancer who isn't interested enough in you to sell her services to you?
That’s fine @Eva but I’m telling you most of us lockdowners don’t make any threats, the girls say that just to string you along because they know we won’t be strung along, and they’re doing this because that’s the way they want believe me on that
@Rick Papi and I have clubbed together numerous times he’s benefited from my style and I’ve benefited from his, I don’t think he really cares all that much, I think the younger guys here just get too frustrated because they see us older guys getting what we want out of our visits, and eventually they’ll get it. Remember that old joke with the old and young bull where the young one says let’s run down and fuck one of those cows and the old bull replies let’s walk down there and fuck them all.
Evasparkling said "If he didn’t call me that then I wouldn’t have escalated this issue..."
If being called mean names has that effect on you, then you've come to the wrong place.
Dancers are free to maximize their money. Believe it or not, it's much easier to entertain one guy all night than sell single dances to 20 guys.
Whenever my I used to see my ATF in the club, she would be by my side for as long as I wished to be there. Even if she was hanging out with someone else, she would drop them and come hang out with me as soon as she saw me come in. Once I finished doing what I needed to do, I would tell her to go get her hustle on with other PLs, but she would routinely refuse and prefer to keep hanging out with me.
My mongering approach with her had nothing to do with any other PL and was not intended to lock her down or slight anyone else. It was her decision everytime, and it was based on the rapport (and money invested) that I had with her. Those are the perks of having a good regular relationship with a dancer, and I earned that choice of hers more than anyone regular PL who comes in off the street looking for a dance.
Now that I've moved on from being anyone's regular, I have zero delusions of being owed anyone's time. I don't walk into a club assuming I get to talk to or get a dance from anyone I want. I need to be on the hunt for someone who's available, knowing I'll play second fiddle to any regular who comes in. To think that anyone is entitled to any dancer is insanity and I think its some of most annoying whining a PL can do on here. The dancers get to spend their time with whomever they wish, even if it means they're with someone the whole time. They have a tipout to pay, and as long as they are hitting that for the club, they can do as they please.
Politely, get over it, and find someone who is available rather than obsessing over someone who is not.
I wrote a long ass reply to this, but decided to say it much more simply.
I think you're assuming a girl is "locked down" because she sits with the same person all day/night. That's a poor assumption. I sit with strippers all day all the time. I never "lock them down." Like 25 said, I'm usually not spending much. I'm also not coercing them into sitting with me all day in anyway. I often encourage them to roam about, or at a minimum remind them that I understand the situation and won't hold it against them if they do. There's a variety of reasons they may choose to sit with me anyway, but it's always their choice. You getting butthurt because they're with someone else doesn't mean you should force them to "move around the club" they're doing what they want to do, calling the customer they're with selfish is kinda ironic. You don't see that you're being selfish? She's doing what she wants, it aligns with what I want, you're SOL.
Don't get me wrong, I've been interested in meeting a dancer that was with another customer for an entire visit. I understand the feeling. But, I'm an adult and I accept the fact that she's doing what she wants or a least what she feels is best for her. Hell, I'm also interested in spending some time with Giselle. She seems pretty nice & hot. But I'm not posting online about how that asshole Tom Brady is being selfish, locking her down not just for hours but for years.
Wanna add one little bit - As much as I disagree with your viewpoint, it's nice to see a thread about strip clubs actually get this kind of activity. So, thanks for posting it.
I don't think he cares if the dancer is "locked down".
I think he is just envious and butt-hurt that a girl he wants to get seviced by is spending all of her time with someone else. The reason why she stays with the other guy doesn't matter.
I've been there, but then I grew up.
I agree with the OP. If you’re going to strip club to spend multiple hours with one particular woman, you’ve probably gone off-track, are over-paying for what you’re getting, and trying to fill the emptiness in your life. Strip club is not a place to find a girlfriend, though; it’s a place to either jizz your pants, relax and have fun, or locate prostitutes or drugs.
^ another SJG disciple
a21985-->"Whenever my I used to see my ATF in the club, she would be by my side for as long as I wished to be there. Even if she was hanging out with someone else, she would drop them and come hang out with me as soon as she saw me come in. ...snip... My mongering approach with her had nothing to do with any other PL and was not intended to lock her down or slight anyone else. It was her decision everytime, and it was based on the rapport (and money invested) that I had with her. Those are the perks of having a good regular relationship with a dancer, and I earned that choice of hers more than anyone regular PL who comes in off the street looking for a dance."
So well stated it's worth repeating. All of that goes for me, exactly. From the use of the term "locked down" to the general air of entitlement and outrage, it seems like some of the variety guys are justifying their feelings by inventing this theory that regulars are doing this specifically to screw over the other PLs (as if we even notice them), and/or we're "locking them down" with threats. For the most part, the girls are making the smartest choices for them; and like every other business in the world, many (but not all) believe higher-spending regulars deserve different services than randos. As if there's some inherent injustice to that. I understand that it's frustrating not to get the girl you want when you want her, but just own your feelings and move on rather than invent this whole contrived theory
Something else should be pointed out the girls that have longer term relationships with regular customers are much less likely to the train wreck that the OP believes, just based on their ability to sustain a regular relationship. What he’s doing right here is going through mental gyrations to convince himself of his game, but as we all know game works different ways in different places, and it’s likely that a guy or gal that has game in a strip club, will know how to do well in any other situation.
Anybody remember the original question?
lol... original question was "Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night?"
Since PLs have no real leverage here but the money they are free to spend however they like, the real question seems to be "should strippers be allowed to make their own decisions as to who they spend their time with and how they maximize (or not) their income?". Evidently not -- they should be forced to leave regulars to get $20 dances with randos :). I don't know how that would even be enforced -- the club, going against their own economic interests, should set up rules enforcing this, in order to cater to some PLs with hurt feelings that there's a girl they might not be able to get dances with this trip? The whole thing is wacky.
@Subraman add to that most of what I read was responses directly to posts by the OP
Sure gsteph, the original questions was: "Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night?"
The problem is that it was based upon the faulty premise that the guys are actually running the show and that the girls lack choice, neither of which is the case. It is a commonly espoused, misguided assumption around these parts serving as a straw man argument to justify some PLs' contention that girls should be forced to circulate "for their own good" when in reality it is all about their desire for equal access.
^ correction “it’s really about their desire for unequal access” Meaning they want our privileges without doing anything that we do.
@EvaLongoria should put on his big boy pants and stop crying.
I find it ironic that Eva talks about having game and how PLs shouldn't get attached to one dancer and yet he really wants the regulars' girls and seems very attached to the idea of getting a dance with them instead of being like Papi and just finding another dancer.
For me though, I really like being able to see my favorite. I've been surprised to find that dancers sometimes will spend 3 hours with you itc even if you only spent like $100-200. Guys really don't have the control over the dancers that you seem to think they do.
Thread should’ve been closed after the first few posts where we learned (again) that different people like different things and some people don’t get their way all the time. Every one of the hundred plus posts after that was repetitive. Only thing I found out afterwards is that Eva is a bitch and Flag is a dick (with which Flag agrees). Next.
^ Well you added that you learned something so there’s that too ;)
I do my most of the clubbing in Philly area. I had a blast when I had the dancer all for myself whole night. She makes that much for a night ,so she prefers spending with me instead of asking 20 to 30 customers and getting rejected.
If you d0 t have the game to get her attention then hat is on you
I don't think you even need "game" necessarily. I mean, I am infamous on here for having no game but I can thrive in a strip club. I think as long as you spend decent money and treat the dancers well, you're pretty much good.
^ You’ve got more game than icee or SJG
a lockdown is too much like marriage.
There are lots of reasons for "locking a dancer down"....I have a lot of experience with this...
One thing I've noticed is if girls know you they don't want to work in front of you.... we've had management come up and tell them to work and make some money, or someone would get staff to notify the girl they want a dance...and then the girl does it but always apologizes to me. Or if she's gonna be made to work by management, the girl asks me to leave coz they can't work in front of me.
If I'm seeing the girl, I'll sometimes surprise her fees and tipouts and give her like $300 and she'll spend her whole shift with me, all the dances I want, hooks us up with booze...I'll even pay the fines so she doesn't have to go on stage.
As just a customer... I've had dancers stick around for a few hours on slow nights... In some more expensive clubs, they expect at least $100 per hour to sit with you. Which I wouldn't pay just to keep a dancer around. But I've gotten a few dances, drinks, and they'd just stick around a few hours coz they like my company. They could of made a lot more working the club. I've had girls reject dances and VIP room offers to stay and sit with me...
Dancers either stay with one guy coz they like them, they're a regular or they're making a lot of money off them... I don't really see a problem with the scenarios. If you really want a dance, have the manager come over and let her know that you want a few dances and she'll go with you for a little while...
Also, your reputation and what you're known for matters to them. Get some street cred....
There's a difference b/w being a regular and being a locker.
A locker damn well coerces the situation - lockers will spouse that it's her free will but then again:
if he told her he was coming in and she dares be with another PL when he arrives the locker gets upset bc he told her he was coming in
is she's with another PL when he arrives she better leave him ASAP - if she can make some $$$ off of that PL by closing the sale, the locker will have none of that, she better drop w/e she's doing and come to him bc he's there - he will not be made to wait
if she's on stage and a PL approaches her for a dance, say what? Of course she can't go - well she can go, butnl she shouldn't bother coming back, he will not be disrespected that way (doesn't she know who he is)
If this doesn't apply to you, you're not a locker - a locker is not content with getting attention on every visit, he demands/expects complete attention - the dancer circulating once in a while and making extra $$$ then coming back to him is unacceptable and lf she dares even suggest such a thing she's already on thin ice for suggesting such (she's disrespecting him)
Time and time again lockers have posted on here how they don't accept their fave being with another custy upon his arrival and her not cutting loose the other custy and coming to him and how that is not acceptable - a locker will coerce the dancer, if she does not spend all her time with him, vs most of her time, then she's disrespecting him as a regular and it's often grounds for termination - a locker just doesn't want her attention, he wants to completely monopolize it and anything less is unacceptable.
There are some clubs, particularly on dayshift, that a PL can't get a dance pretty much at all - most of the girls sit with their regular sometimes just sitting there not even talking and just looking at the stage - the only time she'll move is to go to the stage where she'll not dare even make eye xlcontact or flirt with any other custy - as soon as her stage set is finished she is expected to walk right back to him and not dare interact with any other custy bc she knows the consequences of ever so slightly pissing off the locker in any way - the lockers will say "it's her choice" but again the choice is him and only him or hit the road - there are clubs you go into and can't get a simple dance bc of this scenario.
If you don't tolerate your dancer interacting with any other custy during your visit, then being a locker applies to you, o/w not - a regular should have priority and get more time/attention, but not expect demand complete attention where she can't make some side $$$ while he's there lest she gets fired.
LLockers wanna treat the SC visit like a date while she's at work/in-the-club.
It's pretty-much the guys that are into faves that will defend this practice bc they pretty-much do the same thing or would like to do the same thing.
I can picture @EvaBraun picketing a club with a sign that says something like:
Free the strippers! I want to cum in my pants!
@PapiChulo, the guy you describe sounds like someone who can potentially be dangerous. That's like stalker, obsessed territory.... Thats extremely coercive.
@papi - getting off topic, but it works both ways: there are dancers who will get upset when they're regular if the PL wants to play the field at the club while their CF is there.
@Papi you’ve clubbed with me do I coerce anyone or do I just act decent truthfully.
I heard the locking down is especially bad @Hong Kong Gentlemen’s Club. They even have a term for it—“toda la noche”
^ lol
-->"- if she's on stage and a PL approaches her for a dance, say what? Of course she can't go - well she can go, butnl she shouldn't bother coming back, he will not be disrespected that way (doesn't she know who he is)"
Papi,as multiple guys have said throughout this thread, these kinds of things are usually not even discussed. I've never told a stripper "you're not allowed to dance for anyone but me". They just don't do it -- like anyone in just about any other business, they just raise their service level for good regulars, no discussion needed. Sometimes, someone will approach her at the stage or send the bouncer over -- most of the time, she says "I'm with a customer", and that's that. Once in a while, she'll ask me if I"m okay with her doing a couple of lap dances for someone, and I don't think I've ever said "no it's not okay". You are going through contortions to try to frame this all as customer control when in fact it is the strippers doing the smart thing and raising their service level to what is basically the standard of care in this business. And hey, if she did take off for a half hour to do dances for someone else, well yes of course, there's no Papi Rule that requires me to sit around and wait for her. If she's gone for a half hour, I get to do whatever I want to have fun; that may involve finding another stripper, and sticking with that stripper instead, because that stripper is giving me the experience I'm looking for.
You can call it "locking" all you want, and blame it on the customer; in the end, it's always that stripper's choice. And since it's patently absurd to think that I, as a customer, am for some reason required to wait around for a stripper when I could easily just get a dance with someone else, that's a tradeoff the stripper makes. I realize that's inconvenient for you, but this is all stripper choice, and she is absolutely entitled to up her service level for regulars.
Gee - I really didn't expect this topic to garner so many responses
lol... what I'm shocked about is, no one has changed their opinion
“You are going through contortions to try to frame this all as customer control when in fact it is the strippers doing the smart thing and raising their service level to what is basically the standard of care in this business.”
Not to put you down Subra (if anything it’s a compliment) but aren’t you the one who talks about spending multiple hours with a dancer OTC and she only gets $200-$300 out of it?
Granted, I’ll admit that when it comes to building regulars, it’s far from my forte and I don’t care to cultivate them. So I can’t criticize anyone’s methods too closely on that front. But it still seems the $ earned is a bit too low to be a “smart thing” on their end, at least from the idea of profit. Especially with the SF COL.
Though granted, with the employee thing I guess $200 otc is the equivalent to $500 itc. So I guess there’s a case on that end.
Ok, Papi, just so we're clear on what your definition of a "locker" is...
Scenario 1 Let's assume that I am a regular who enjoys having his favorite sit with him. When I come in, she wraps up what she's doing elsewhere and sits with me for most of the time that I'm ITC. She does so because, between ITC and, candidly, OTC later on, she knows that she's got hundreds locked in for the night. Let's further assume that the club is half dead and her prospects of replacing the cash should I choose another lady are low. I never once threaten her and even make sure she knows that I don't own her, but she's afraid that if she leaves for any time that one of the other hungry ladies will make a play, even though I've never given her reason to worry that my attentions could be so easily swayed.
Am I a "locker" in this scenario?
Scenario 2 Let's assume all the same facts as in Scenario 1, with the added twist that she knows that I get bored easily and might be prone to accepting the attentions of another if she leaves for too long. In fact, if she starts working the crowd, I will consider myself a free agent and play as I like, which could include re-diirecting both my ITC and OTC money for the night. Now once again, I've never once threatened her or done any of the whiny bitch stuff because that's not my gig. But at the same time, nobody owns me either and if another girl wants to entertain me more than she does, then that other girl might get her shot.
Am I a locker in this situation?
Papi, let's her what you have to think on this one.
I'll come back to this thread later when I get on my laptop so I can further enlighten you guys and help you out
-->" Especially with the SF COL."
Nicespice, I spend $200-$300 on VIPs. I usually SC in a group, and some days, when they don't have anyone, it's easily possible for her to make 2x-3x that from my buddies, at those times. I'm always thrilled that my buddies dance with her too -- she makes out, and I seem like a more valuable customer :)
But even ignoring that, the dayshift SC scene in SF is brutally slow (with one club excepted). It's not uncommon that over the course of time I'm there, say Monday 1pm-4pm dayshift, few other girls have even done a single VIP, much less multiple. From what I can tell, most dayshift girls make the majority of money during the lunch rush and after 4pm as people drift in after work. So yes, even in the worst case, a regular $200-$300 when most girls have maybe done 2 or 3 $20 lap dances, is pretty good -- and I'm happy to leave her just as the club starts getting crowded at 4pm. It is not hard at all to find takers, especially since they can occasionally make $600-$900 from the entire table.
Papi, please do enlighten us, because I'd like to know just where the lines are as far as you're concerned. While I understand that you like your little stories to be simple, with a mean selfish PL villain threatening the poor helpless stripper who would other wise love give you the LD of your life, here in the real world these situations are often much less clear cut. ;)
-->"Scenario 2 Let's assume all the same facts as in Scenario 1, with the added twist that she knows that I get bored easily and might be prone to accepting the attentions of another if she leaves for too long. In fact, if she starts working the crowd, I will consider myself a free agent and play as I like, which could include re-diirecting both my ITC and OTC money for the night. Now once again, I've never once threatened her or done any of the whiny bitch stuff because that's not my gig. But at the same time, nobody owns me either and if another girl wants to entertain me more than she does, then that other girl might get her shot."
I was going to phrase this a different way, but same general principle. Porsche goes off to do dances for other guys. Which is true?
While Porsche is gone, I'm free to find another dancer to sit with. And if I like the new stripper, I'm free to continue sitting with her the rest of the day.
I can sit around and wait for Porsche, or I can get another dancer for a while, but when Porsche comes back, I should be forced to go back to her -- because if I don't, that's "locking" and coercion. Porsche must be guaranteed that she can get however many dances she wants with anyone else, and still come back whenever she wants.
Which is it? If she gets dances with another customer, I can get dances with another stripper? Or you guys are proposing that I be forced to go back and sit with her again? That's really all that's happening. There's no verbal "you must come back or I'm dropping you", not a single guy in this thread has said that he needs to say this. The girls know that if they leave, so can their regular; they are making the smart, if inconvenient for Papi, call on prioritizing their regular.
Looks like you're coming around Rick.- hang tight help is on the way
Dayum man I just wanted a little fun! This is getting too complicated for me I think I’ll head over to my FEBs place and wait for her to get home from her vanilla job ;)))
^ "lol... what I'm shocked about is, no one has changed their opinion"
Yeah, I still think @EvaAngelina is a whiney little crybaby.
^ "But it still seems the $ earned is a bit too low to be a “smart thing” on their end."
He also lets her play with his penis, so there's that.
I think what PapiChulo is describing is a real problem....and the coercion is implied. The girls know if they hurt the custie's ego, they'll get upset and not spend. So it is coercive. Its not about the act of spending a lot of time with a girl. Its the implied scenario around you doing it that dictates whether or not its coercive.
@Subraman: Bingo. I can't stand whiny fucking men who actively coerce women for xyz and I routinely give them shit on here when I see it. But I also don't think that it is that clear cut in most of these instances. It sure isn't for me. I don't own anyone and I don't want to. But if a girl is a free agent who can hang with whomever she pleases, then so am I. It is up to her, as a grown woman, to determine which is her best course of action.
Rick: and a question -- why isn't this "lockdown" ethic applied everywhere? I mean, if I pay for a first class airline ticket, I expect first class treatment. If I fly United and get shit firstclass service, I'm either going to 1. fly first class on a different airline that knows how to treat their first class passengers, or 2. when I fly United, not buy a first class ticket, since the extra $ isn't buying me what I think of as the standard class of service. Why isn't this coercion? By this insanity, every act of consumer choice is coercion. It's not... service providers are free to provide any class of service they'd like, consumers are free to pursue any class of service they'd like and can afford. There's no stripper exception.
Yep, a company doesn't want a client to leave, so they bend to the clieng's wishes to make them happy and keep them around. At the same time, the company/provider has the power to decide when the effort isn't worth the outcome. If the client is too demanding, and/or the money isn't significant enough to warrant the demands, they can reign back on the attention given, or even "fire" the client. The provider is ultimately in control in that regards, though it can be tough to make that decision with money being waved in their face, along with saving face on their client centric reputation.
That's not coercion, that's business.
The coercive factor comes into play when there's a dependence or semi dependence on said custie's money.
a2: you understand that and I understand that. But anyone desperately trying to find ways to rationalize "whatever makes me sad must be bad" doesn't seem to understand that.
And the ironic thing is, strippers exercise their right to withdraw service all the time. I know strippers who have fired their regulars, I know strippers who limit the number of regulars they have, and strippers who just don't like regulars at all (e.g., nicespice). No, "if I can't get the service I'd like, I'll find someone who does provide me that service" is not coercion... just like for the extras guys, "if you don't provide me full service at $xxx, I'll find someone who does" is not coercion, it's provider and consumer choice.
Like all business, there is a dependency on the clients money, thats not unique to strip clubs. There are other clients and it's up to the provider to determine which clients they will cater to and to what extent.
My consulting team has to make these very same decisions day in and day out when we decide what client projects to take on, and which ones to reject. It's business.
with extras guys, its breaking the law....
I don't get why everyone is being so defensive. Papi is right, being a regular can be coercive if she knows she has to depend on his money and he's using that fact to coerce her into a weird scenario where she has to walk on egg shells to please his ego.
I'm not being defensive, I think that a lot of people are forgetting that this is a business at the end of the day that is being paid for. We're the clients, and the strippers just happen to be both the product and the salesman. What you call "coersion" would be the sales process and managing the client relationship in any other industry.
It's 6 to one, half a dozen to another no matter how you slice it.
I'm with @Subra on this. At least i think so because I haven't read all the posts.
These arguments about coersion are bullshit. It's business. Do I complain that a dancer is coercing me to spend my money on her when she comes over and fondles my balls when she introduces herself? Hell no. Am i more likely to give her money. Yeah, probably. But I'm an adult and capable of deciding for myself.
I'm not talking about a dancer spending a lot of time with a customer. I'm referring specially to the set of behaviors PapiChulo pointed out.
I often tell girls it's ok to talk to some other guys. Some do, for some it's more about them keeping me locked down. They know I got a pocket pull of money and they want it all for themselves. A girl onetime said something like she wanted to go say hi to a guy real fast, but she'll be right back. I told her that's fine, I know she's got bills to pay, and she turned to me and said, yeah but you pay the rent. As soon as my regular steps away, I'm always fine with it, let's me start looking for other girls without her trying to talk to me about her money problems
And their are clients just like that in business. The company/salesman still has the power and the obligation to determine whether the demands are worth it emotionally and financially. They are still ultimately in control of the situation.
Though, I imagine you could argue that sometimes these dancers don't have the impulse control or rationalizing ability to effectively make that decision...thus being apt to being coerced. But where I differ is I think that many of these ladies are better at this game and having the upper hand in the situation than we give 'em credit for.
I once locked down a hk chica for 2 days.
The set of behaviors Papi describes are the windmills at which Papi tilts. No one on this thread makes explicit threats to the strippers. The girls choose to provide the level of service they feel comfortable with, freely refusing that service or firing regulars. PLs choose whether that service meets their expectations.
I guess the way I look at it is...
Is she better off if: A. if he doesn't show up and she hustles all shift, or B. if he does show up and she stays with him for his entire visit.
If A she wouldn't do B, she would just pretend he isn't there and do the hustle.
Keep in mind when I say better off I don't mean only in terms of how much money she brings home.
I'd rather earn $100 in a day for just drinking and having fun with a friend than earn $200 that day by spending 10 hours doing manual labor.
Things like that don't have to be said.... they're implied in the guy's behavior and attitude/behavior towards the dancer. I think if that implication is there, then yeah I agree with him.
Too many posts to read them all.
But I say cry me a frickne river. I've done it and how's it different from the guy they scores a OTC in mid shift? Done that too.
It's just bad timing on your part get over it, life ant fair
Bog fish eat little fish. Most of the time I'm the little fish
I wouldn’t do it. At the end of the day it’s the stripper’s choice though.
Icey - is that behavior the exception, or the rule? I think anyone would be hard pressed to believe that any overt insinuations to that effect are what happens more often than not. When it happens, I still think the dancer is in control, but they may struggle more with making the call to walk away if they're not as skilled or strong willed, so I can somewhat understand this opposing point of view in that case.
However, more importantly than that, I'd rather have this discussion focused on what happens more often than that, which is a friendly, symbiotic relationship between the dancer and the client. Debating thus based on the exceptions rather than the rule is a fruitless endeavor for all parties in this thread.
I love how Subraman always calls hypothetical dancers "Porsche."
The stupidest statement of the day >being a regular can be coercive<of course the resident moron icee loco would say something like that so we should all stop going to clubs betcha the poor girls would starve if they ever paid any attention to him.
Whether its the rule or exception is irrelevant. I'm just saying its wrong when it happens.
And I posted the conditions under which I've spend a night with a single dancer at the club.
I'm not arguing against doing it. I'm just agreeing that when those traits are present, its wrong.
Car names as stripper named used to be a thing....
CC: sometimes I call them Cinnamon too :)
Are they getting paid? Do the strippers care?
If the answers are yes and no respectively, then why do you care?
Why the quest to determine the rules? Just roll with it. Go with who you want. If she’s busy go with no. 2 or come back another time. All you have to do is ask her on stage if she has time. Or send over a waitress to ask. If she says not today, find another off peak day.
There must be a lot of sore thumbs due to this thread today. Papi, Sub, DC, Darkblue and Eva should meet somewhere so they can carve all the rules onto two stone tablets so the rest of us don’t get arrested for violating them and thrown into Pathetic Loser Jail.
That's the point Jimmy: I don't think there's any rules here either. I go to see my CF, and I continue seeing her if we have a great time together, and I find someone else if I'm not having a great time. Evidently, that's coercion lol... Go pursue whatever kind of fun you want, is a fine rule to me
A lot of spirited discussion on this. The way I see it if "your" girl is locked down you need to find a club where you can easily move on to a plan B in the club. And if there is no plan B moved on to another club. you go to clubs to get away from the mind games women play not create new ones.
Dammit now I wish two_bits would resurface and tell us all how it’s done.
That's true I have heard cinnamon. Not as much as I see Porsche though.
"... I find the arrogance and self entitlement in threads like to be odd to be honest ..."
Like most things, it's often in-the-eye-of-the-beholder - the argument can def be made that it is the lockers that feel entitled to absolute complete attention from the dancer - in the past for a fact there have been comments by lockers such as:
"... sure she can go give dances to someone else, but she shouldn't bother coming back ..."
"... I came in and my fave was engaged w/ another custy and made me wait - I let it slide once but after that we had to have a talk than when I come in she needs to come to me ..."
"... I texted my fave that I was gonna be there at a certain time - I was held up and got there about 30-minutes late and she was w/ another PL and she made me wait ..."
Now - obviously I can't go and find these comments in the tens of thousands of TUSCL comments but it's been posted on TUSCL multiple times by regulars w.r.t. their faves - i.e. when he's in the club the locker expects her to drop everything and come to him and tend to only him.
"... the guy you describe sounds like someone who can potentially be dangerous. That's like stalker, obsessed territory ..."
They are def guys that become obsessive over their fave and consider a particular dancer "his girl" - they see a guy trying to get a dance w/ "his girl" and think the other guy is in the wrong for moving in on his girl and the other guy should find someone else - of course the locker himself finding someone else or something else to do while "his girl" gives a guy dances for 10 or 15 minutes is out of the question - the other guy can and should find another girl, but that doesn't apply to the locker, he has to have her for the entire 3 or 4 hours he's there even though he's had her for months on end over dozens of visits. Not that it's the norm, but I've def seen lockers actually confront another PL b/c the PL was talking to "his girl" - a while back at a mixed-club I see an early-60s guy walk up to a younger guy that was talking to "his girl" after she got off stage and tell the young guy "hey she's with me" - on another occasion I see an older guy trying to lock down a girl and actually grabbing her by the arm and not letting her leave while he tried to convince her to stay by his side while the dancer rolled her eyes and sat there listening to his speal - not gonna say this is common, but to point out many PLs do def get possessive and def get pissed at "his girl" interacting w/ any other custy other than him.
As I've stated - there are differences b/w a regular and a locker - a regular wants/expects a certain amount of attention/service from a dancer - a locker expects and demands, and works it out so he gets exclusive attention from the dancer - a regular allows his fave to circulate the club from time to time and make some extra $$$ - a locker ain't having that - absolutely lockers will explicitly tell his fave the how things are gonna be and that includes being w/ him and only him or else - at times this is explicit, at times this is implicit and the dancers can def read the tea-leaves.
The lockers will not admit to this being their M.O., they'll claim "hey it's business - it's her choice" - well there's a difference b/w business and a monopoly and the line may not always be crystal clear - but in business there have been many examples of companies losing a monopoly case while they'll never admit it and argue all along it's business/the-free-market, etc, yet they still lose those cases.
Just like there is a difference b/w business and a monopoly, there is also a difference b/w a regular and a locker. Many of us on here are regulars to a certain extent - I'm a regular in the sense in the past I SCed a lot and usually spent well in the clubs I hit - thus often times dancers that know me make a beeline for me b/c they know/feel it's gonna be a pretty-sure sale - there's a difference b/w a dancer opting to be w/ a custy and a dancer that knows her only choice is to be with the locker and only him when he comes in if she wants his $$$ in the future - again there's a difference b/w a regular getting priority and a locker rigging the system to not allow a dancer to interact w/ any other custy w/o it there being consequences - not all regulars are lockers and perhaps why they don't conceive what lockers do.
Rick - w.r.t. your scenarios no I would not consider neither of those being a locker - as long as it's the dancer's choice that's no different that the dancer that chooses to sit off to the side and bury her face in her cellphone for an hour and ignore custies, or hide in the dressing-room for two hours - obviously no one can force a dancer to provide service - it's my POV that lockers do actually in a way force dancers via ultimatums which at times are explicit (as has been posted in other threads in the past) and at times implicit (experienced dancers know how to read their regulars and their quirks) - IMO/IME it is def the case that the regulars whom are lockers expect the dancer to not interact w/ anyone else and if they do there will be consequences usually taking away his business - if you folks claim this does not happen nor that you don't participate in this type of "business", then so be it.
Is it worse to have a girl "locked down" or for her not to be at the club at all?
Seems to me it's the same end result, but it's funnier when she's there but ignoring/avoiding the butt hurt PL.
Again - there's a difference b/w being a regular that gets more attention, and a locker that expects exclusive attention - all things being equal a regular should have priority - e.g. if some random PL wants to lock a dancer at his table for an hour, the dancer should not go seat w/ the random PL for an hour and ignore her regular.
But anything to an extreme is usually bad - being a regular everyone can win - being a locker only the locker wins - being a regular means he gets more attention but not exclusive attention, his fave spends more time w/ him but also is able to sell dances from time to time and make extra $$$, and another custy can get dances from her while she still tends to her regular - being a regular everyone gets something including the regular.
Ah, shit, is eve's a retard still posting or didni miss that little bitch? I still want to know what country you're from, because you're sure as fuck not an American. I do like that you and 25 hate each other but your by far one of the biggest douchebags on this site, icy is the only one that usually agrees with you, and you did use the term trick once, so I'm guessing you're the same person.
Money talks...
That makes perfect sense... lockers are a problem.
I've seen some guys like that. A long time ago, I went to the club to see a girl I was seeing. She gave me a hug, kiss on the cheek, got me a drink and the customer she was with, this old fat guy got pissed off, got up and left.
^ there you go - if it makes sense to Icey it should make sense to the rest of you
Ok. He got up and left. Is there a point to that? Maybe he was a nobody. Maybe he was whiney bitch regular who got his panties in a bunch because he confused fantasy with reality. Maybe its a made up story by Icey.
You left out what happened after that. Did the dancer go running after him saying "oh my god you can't leave, what I'm going to do without your money?" Or did she get down to business with the customers that were there?
These are two separate thoughts/approaches in mongering ideology that we're discussing and we may never agree. But I'll say this, there are some people saying that their approach is to worry about themselves and what they themselves can control in the club, rather than fight gravity. And there are those here who may not be entirely wrong, but ultimately are trying fight gravity that's not in their control as they worry about what others are doing and how they're doing it.
I'd rather accept and work with gravity rather than fight it, because trying to fight it sounds like a dumb as shit, pointless battle that I'll never win.
After 200 comments I have a solution. If it continues to bother you that another customer is holding up your dancer why dont you propose to her? That way you can lock her up for life.
-->"^ there you go - if it makes sense to Icey it should make sense to the rest of you"
You may need to take a moment and think about that statement Paps :)
Icey is the voice of reason - the rest of you I got my doubts about
^ LOL Papi the Patronizer : )
@Papi, okay, I literally LOL'ed
Icey for TUSCL moderator!!!
I think those of you defending those types of behaviors do so coz you employ them.
One of the biggest complaints I've heard from dancers is about the guys who think that their money entitles them to act like they own them.
You guys like comparing it to other service providers... Do you get upset and take your business elsewhere if a dr makes you wait to see them? How about leaving if a mechanic doesn't stop working on another car to service yours?
You can't be controlling. Its sick to expect a dancer to only focus on you just coz you're paying. I don't even see how it can be enjoyable to know that thats the case. Someone wanting to be with you vs someone who feels obligated or coerced to be with you is such a different experience...
I don't know. My experiences with dancers and clubs are different. I don't have that big of an age difference with dancers and I kinda look younger than I am, so that helps but a lot of this shit is just pathetic.
I can see locking down a girl for one hour... maybe two at the most. then let her work the club... otherwise it’s too much like marriage!!!!
^ Great point. You changed my mind.
^ don't patronize MisterWonderful
I lock dem hoes down all day every day. I do it to piss you off... hahahaha loser
TTU plays w/ a lot of passion - they keep fighting back in it
^ wrong thread
If I come to see a specific girl and she's being hogged by one PL then I move on to some other dancer. Life's too short to wait for strippers.
"You guys like comparing it to other service providers... Do you get upset and take your business elsewhere if a dr makes you wait to see them? How about leaving if a mechanic doesn't stop working on another car to service yours?"
I don't think you understand the concept of VIP do you?
If you were so inclined to get something done very fast, you can pay the service provider extra money to give you priority over other people. In some cases this is physically impossible, delivery drivers for example can only bring a pizza to you but so fast. I imagine, however, that if you told the car mechanic that you needed your car fixed right away and were willing to pay extra to get it done fast that they would do it. It might come with a pretty big price tag but if somebody is willing to pay it then I don't see why they shouldn't get priority.
That being said, guys who want to lock down a dancer for six hours, as somebody else described, really should be considerate to the dancer and ask for an appointment OTC so that she can get properly paid for six hours worth of work. Six hours is an entire shift so the PL should be ready to pay pretty well for that. Two-three hours, however, is still in the reasonable realm for ITC if the PL spent decently. I kind of figure this is probably how it works at other clubs too but at my club I know that the amount that you buy in dances, de-facto buys you more time in the front room as well. So if you bought like ten minutes for $100, you shouldn't expect her to stick around for very long. If you bought like 20 minutes for $200 though, you can expect that she will give you company in the front room for at least 40 minutes. I've had some dancers stay for as long as 2.5 hours after that though.
^ You have fun your way and leave me to have fun my way, it's absolutely annoying as fuck for you broke ass losers to keep complaining, if the gals didn't like me the way I am they'd not treat me as well as they do, if the club has a problem with me they'll ask me to leave, If y'all have a problem with my club habits go and fuck yourselves. Da End.
I think you might have misinterpreted me, I am on the side of having favorites and spending plenty of time with them.
"You guys like comparing it to other service providers... Do you get upset and take your business elsewhere if a dr makes you wait to see them? How about leaving if a mechanic doesn't stop working on another car to service yours."
Fucking shit, thank you for inadvertantly making my point for me. Case fucking closed. In all those situations, I have the option to walk away or sit down, shut up and wait. I as the customer get to weigh those options, and doctor/mechanic gets to weigh their options whether they should care. And if I whine about the wait, or say...get upset about the doctor or mechanic working with someone else for as long as that patient/customer has already paid for, I'm clearly an irrational prick who lacks the basic understanding of how things work.
I'm sorry, I usually think they are merits to both sides of the argument, but this is one of the dumber debates I've ever been involved in on here...and that includes the era around the 2016 election where everyone was at each others throats for no good reason.
You're missing the point. This isn't about spending time with a dancer....
Hell, I've spent 9 hours at the club with a girl recently... but I didn't lock her down in the sense that we're talking about here.
Its about the conditions under which you spend time with her... the coercive measures involved. Whether she feels uncomfortable because she is afraid of losing the money. Whether you feel that your money means you can act like you own her....
^Okay that makes sense.
My favorite thing about this thread is that its soo fucking long lol. It's the simplest thing in the world...If she likes you enough and she makes her goal $ she hangs out with you, if she just likes your money enough she puts up with you and hangs out with your fat ass.
Don't hate the player, hate the game!
Icey - I'm not missing the point, because my point is we should all worry about ourselves, rather than obsess about how someone else mongers. And why I agree it'd be nice people if people were decent and not dicks to strippers, you're out there in other threads talking about your obsession with "18" year old dancers and giving dancers drugs. You are the last person to be any sort of moral authority on the right way to deal dancers without being coercive. Go away troll.
Fucking socialist Millenials
^Socialist my ass, these fuckn idiots are full on communists, treating these women as if they are community property. With a touch of trafficking thrown in for good measure, requiring these women to circulate and take on all comers.
Great thread, guys!
I'm a varietarian myself, because generally I find a stripper to be pretty dull company if she's not touching my dick, but I feel like reading TUSCL has given me some insight into the regular's mindset (which is dominant here, like the high-hustle is on SW). It's kind of amusing to see all these regulars pretending they don't care what their favs do, and it's strictly business, when "Regular butt-hurt over perceived slight from fav, how should I retaliate?" is an extremely frequent thread topic here, and there are always lots of creative suggestions.
Also, regs, I think you should acknowledge that you're exploiting the girl's uncertainty about how much money might be out there, to underpay her for her time. Imagine there was a way for customers to post bids for the girls, that the girls could see on their phones. So on a slow night, she might still be content to sit with you all night for a few hundred (most of these guys are not really "whales"), but on a night she can see that there's thousands out there, you're going to have to pay up. I'm not suggesting this would ever be implemented, it's a thought experiment. How does it make you feeeeeeel?
Finally, to end on a positive note, I'm honestly curious what you talk about with them for hours. In 20+ years of SCing, I can count the strippers I've actually enjoyed talking to on the fingers of one hand, and not drop my beer. Is it just you telling "funny stories," and her "laughing?"
@justaguy - that last question sounds like a good topic for a new thread...
^ "Is it just you telling "funny stories," and her "laughing?""
No, a lot of it is her fondling my penis and laughing.
@justaguy I’m betting you’ve not met the same strippers I have, I’ve met quite a few awesome looking fun party girls, that were as funny, and smart as the were pretty. I’ve also met girls that were as dumb as icee and have no interest in getting dances or hanging out with them, that’s the fun in this hobby, at least for me.
^^^^^ “I’ve also met girls that were as dumb as icee”
N then there are #RETARDS lyke licepuss
Oh shit...wrong account :(
It's called a free market. And LMAO that's not a euphemism for "coercion". No customer is forced to spend his money on any specific stripper. And no stripper is forced to spend time with any one customer. Both are free to do what they want and bear the consequences of said actions. It's really this simple.
Another funny thing is how strippers become purely rational utility-maximization algorithms when one of these SC libertarians starts talking.
^ I’m gonna channel my inner flagooner and say Sphincter
LMAO at so many butt hurt PLs because the stripper he wants is tied up. The only rationale is that in her eyes she's got a better deal. Too bad, so sad LOL.
-->" It's kind of amusing to see all these regulars pretending they don't care what their favs do, and it's strictly business, when "Regular butt-hurt over perceived slight from fav, how should I retaliate?" is an extremely frequent thread topic here, and there are always lots of creative suggestions."
One of the many ironies of tuscl :) I think most guys who are regulars, go through a butthurt phase; I'll admit I did. It has been years since I've felt that way. Most of the "perceived slight/retaliation" threads are not from the forum regulars who are SC regulars, but from guys just popping in who haven't been ejumacated by us lol. Ironically, the most "butthurt regular" advice I've seen in a long time -- "go with a different stripper while she's there, to make her jealous" -- came from none other than Icey, in a thread within the last week.
-->"Also, regs, I think you should acknowledge that you're exploiting the girl's uncertainty about how much money might be out there, to underpay her for her time"
"Exploiting" is a butt-hurty term in itself. Nearly every business ever has made the smart choice to trade off certainty for a discount. You variety guys have to stop categorizing smart business decisions, as exploitation or coercion. Or take an economics class on coursera or something :) This is nothing but a smart business decision, but both the service provider and consumer, that works out for us both. I also am on a monthly rather than pay-per-visit contract at my gym because they give me a discount for short-term certainty which can turn long-term; no, I am not "exploiting" those meatheats (nor am I "coercing" them by leaving if their service isn't up to par).
-->"Finally, to end on a positive note, I'm honestly curious what you talk about with them for hours. In 20+ years of SCing, I can count the strippers I've actually enjoyed talking to on the fingers of one hand, and not drop my beer. Is it just you telling "funny stories," and her "laughing?""
Don't be silly. I also send her "dick pics", followed by her "laughing" :) :) I have to admit, I'm the opposite of you. I fkn love talking to strippers. I can talk to them for hours. Aside from multi-hour ITC visits, I've done very long OTCs including overnights. This is one of those things that I kinda understand that some older guys don't have patience for their nonsense; but I can always find fun conversation with them.
Shouldn't the question really be "Should dancers be allowed to hang out with a particular PL all night?"
It is her decision, not the PL's?
As an independent contractor, I can't imagine how the club could enforce making her hustle.
I meant "exploiting" only in the sense that she has imperfect information about how much money is out there, so she's willing to give you a bigger discount than she would if she had better information. The same way she's exploiting the fact that most pretty girls don't perform sex acts with strangers for money. No judgement implied.
And I must say some of you regs are alright, I enjoy reading your shit, but I will never really understand it. I find it extremely annoying when a stripper tries to discourage other girls from approaching me, just b/c she made me cum last time. If I was looking for a committed relationship, I wouldn't be in a strip club.
Still, I am baffled regarding the nature of your conversations. And I'm 45, dammit!
I imagine they can set policies at those clubs where the girls are employees. Probably not a smart business move, but hey, just like the strippers and other customers, management and ownership should cater to a small subset of ornery variety guys
For ICs, something like justaguy's more-perfect-economic-knowledge system could, in theory, change stripper behavior away from regulars and towards randos. I've heard of that club in NJ that does something like this. Obviously enough, if it resulted in a different experience for me, I (and I imagine many regular types) would avoid that club; if it didn't change anything for me, it's a don't care
@flag - because it wouldn't fit the "have nots" agenda if the question was posed rationally. And I say this as someone who is no longer a regular of anyone, but still has enough common sense/decency not to whine about a dancer spending time with whomever they rather hang out with over a random like me off the street.
-->"Still, I am baffled regarding the nature of your conversations. And I'm 45, dammit!"
It is likely the case that much of what I think of as a fantastically entertaining conversation, will make you fall asleep at your keyboard! Keep in mind here that these conversations are liberally lubricated with alcohol. Things we talk about: club gossip (this is HUGE for me; I can't get enough of it), whatever drama is going on in their lives, sex talk of various kinds, swapping crazy drinking & partying stories, discussion of where we like to drink and party the most, sex, local sports teams (if she's into any of them), and on and on. This is all punctuated by the frequent arrival of food and more shots.
If y’all want to discuss economic theory, I’ll give y’all something to think about, if you’re in sales and it’s equally as difficult to close a $50 sale as it is to close a $250 sale which one are You going to apply the effort towards, jes sayin
But I'm an Eeeeeeazy sale! I just want to pop my cork and go, 30m tops, and I'm happy to pay as much, or more for it than Mr. Reg is dangling in front of her for an entire evening of flattery.
But I am at peace with all this now, b/c I use SA girls most of the time, and only rarely go to SCs anymore.
If the dancer doesn't know how much money is out there, that's on her. Some work the room and refuse to be tied down. Others prefer to stick with regulars for longer periods of time. It's up to them.
And if a regular threatens to stop paying or go to another dancer, then it's the dancer's decision to succumb to that threat (or not). I've talked to dancers who "fired" regulars because they got tired of their bullshit.
I've also talked to dancers who prefer to camp with a regular as opposed to work an entire room. They know that they could make more money, but it doesn't fit their mood (at least on some shifts).
I've never seen a dancer super glued to a customer's hip. They can make their own choices, just like us.
Just -- she doesn't know that you're willing to spend that much, of course, so for her it's a risk to leave her guaranteed regular for a rando (your imperfect economic knowledge point in action, to my benefit :). On top of that, even if she knew you were going to match the regular's pay -- for just 30 minutes instead of 3 hours -- what she has to play off is the fact that the comes in 6 times a month, so she's risking 6x the income for one quick payoff (although, she's a stripper, and sometimes doesn't think long term. "Sometimes"). In my case, I specifically make appointments during her slowest shifts, and my ATFs routinely have orders from me, "if the shift is dead, text me and I'll come in if I can". The combination of regular who comes in on her slowest shifts is pretty appealing to them, from my experience
at this point in my life I have no interest in locking up a girl for a whole shift or evening. All that I ask of my favorite type of girl (or in some cases girls I have had previous great encounters with) is just that they spend a little time with me... enough to talk a few minutes and then go have some fun!
My former ATF had also mentioned to me that her hanging out with a regular can also make her more appealing to other customers who come in, making it much easier to quickly get someone once I do decide to leave without having to work the floor. I can see that driving the animalistic competitive nature in some men to attain a female who is/was seemingly unattainable because of another male. Certainly many of the comments here reflect that.
You guys are proving PapiChulo's point with your use of words.... When you say that clubs and girls know better than to try to oppose locking, or when you treat her purely as a commodity and think that entitles you to in effect own her coz of what you paid.... That's coercion.
Quiet troll.
Calling me a troll for stating the obvious doesn't lend you more credibility, it does the opposite.
The difference between hanging out with a regular and being locked down has been established. If you persist on stating they're the same, well then you're a locker and your tiny ego is butthurt.
@IceyLoco get off your high horse and quit overcomplicating things. It's just business. Nobody thinks they own anybody, idiot. Quit making your strawwoman arguments.
“My former ATF had also mentioned to me that her hanging out with a regular can also make her more appealing to other customers who come in, making it much easier to quickly get someone once I do decide to leave without having to work the floor.”
100% true IME
I also suspect that is also what triggers them either being done with me, or upping the demands on me (and then I am done with him)
Even if you hung out for an hour, they don’t like the idea of you taking a quick 15 min break and coming back.
LOL here's some quotes by IceyLoco about her stripper ho "GF" leaving her, and she's using money to get her to come back. LMAO they are pretty coercive in a passive-aggressive way...
"Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke."
"Don't care where I met her and have no problem spending the money, its not an issue."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$. You'd think she'd want to push it. And at this stage while I know itll hurt in the long run, Id be down with it. She knows I'll spend it on her.It was pretty much like we were living in a hip hop video...materialistically, it was there for her. Designer shoes, bags, clothes, the best weed, expensive restaurants. She grew up poor and likes fast money..."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"... I'd even be fine with it just being about money if she just stays and acts normal."
^ LMAO she sounds like her money entitles her to the relationship!
Lol iceberg slims comments re Papi he’s an idiot
lol @ "iceberg slim" !!!
But yeah, I do think the team lockdown brigade won the debate. These customers aren’t in a moral wrong. It’s up to a dancer to be an adult and decide what is acceptable for her.
And it’s a heck of a lot easier to walk away from a customer’s nonsense in a strip club than elsewhere. I dealt with a heck of a lot more being captive to an asshole when I worked in a retail setting.
Not calling the gentlemen on the board an asshole :) but if Icey is the female that is suspected by the board members, then she would know what I’m talking about very well
It's funny how the variety types think that a lockdown's money is an "entitlement" but yet his (or her in the case of IceyLoco) money for the same stripper is simply business. LOL there's no fucking difference. Customers pay strippers for services rendered. It's the point.
The odd thing that struck me SLD some time ago is that SJG and ICYLoco have the same mental block.
@nicespice IceyLoco is just a bitter and angry stripper ho or sugar baby that hates her job.
@Uprightcitizen both of them are social retards that lack empathy and objectivity so it makes sense that they have similar mental block issues.
If you look, the clear pattern is: IceyLoco looks at whatever the thread opinion is, and picks the opposite side, 100% of the time. Witness his "my favorite SC cities are Vegas and SF" thread, and about a zillion others. It's always predictable, opposite of whatever the majority is, unless it's SJG or CC talking (since he knows they're not popular). Which is why I continue to believe this is an infamous troll from our past still messing with us, not some stripper -- besides nicespice, what stripper has time for this nonsense?
Their motives, intentions and causes are unethical in the sense that an average person would think its wrong to assume you own someone for spending money on them. Its not about the dancer, its about the customer locking her down.A dancer accepting said money and treatment doesn't make it ethical. It just means she needed the money bad enough, hence the coercive measure and power play in question.
Like with most things, you guys keep trying to skew shit and use euphemisms.
I recently met a girl who dances, I visited her at the club when she pulled a double shift. She spent 9 hours with me, just drinking and hanging out. When we realized that time flew by she asked me to leave the club so she can work. Big difference from locking her down.
You guys know that though but won't admit it.
So what if I like Vegas and SF. Those are 2 of my favorite cities overall.
When Icey locks down a dancer for more than an average workday = visiting, hanging out and having a good time When a regular pays a dancer to hang out for a few hours = coercive, conniving, and immoral.
Haha, what a fucking troll.
Same "you guys got it all wrong" and I am the only one who gets it. Weirdly like SJG with the same tone deaf answer to questions and robotic yet more elaborate on topic postings.
IT's a troll, who has always loved causing confusion and disrupting threads -- the disruption is the point, not whatever argument he's trying to make
@Subra IceyLoco is always taking the side of the stripper 100% of the time. And she harbors a resent of men that pay strippers for sex.
I think Icey is giving her honest opinion when she posts. She just posts in threads that disagree with an opinion she holds. Self selecting into controversy. Nothing wrong with that IMO.
That's not what I said. It depends on the motive, causation, etc factors involved. Their motives, intentions and causes are unethical in the sense that an average person would think its wrong to assume you own someone for spending money on them. Its not about the dancer, its about the customer locking her down.A dancer accepting said money and treatment doesn't make it ethical. It just means she needed the money bad enough, hence the coercive measure and power play in question.
I didn't have her locked down. She knows me and is comfortable enough to let me know to leave so she can work. She knows that doesn't affect our seeing each other or anything. That's a difference.
^ But LMAO @IceyLoco the one thing that's similar is the money you pay your stripper ho "GF". You sound like an old trick when you post this stuff:
"Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke."
"Don't care where I met her and have no problem spending the money, its not an issue."
"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$. You'd think she'd want to push it. And at this stage while I know itll hurt in the long run, Id be down with it. She knows I'll spend it on her.It was pretty much like we were living in a hip hop video...materialistically, it was there for her. Designer shoes, bags, clothes, the best weed, expensive restaurants. She grew up poor and likes fast money..."
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
"... I'd even be fine with it just being about money if she just stays and acts normal."
How long a dancer remains involved with a customer is nobody’s business other than the dancer and her customer.
I would never return to a club where, when she first sat down with me, a dancer pulled from her purse a club-issued stop watch that had been exquisitely calibrated by the U.S. Bureau of Weights and Measures and told me “OK, you have 90 minutes before, according to a strictly enforced club policy, I have to move on to the next customer.”
Fuck that!
I have a dancer that leaves regulars to join me and I rarely spend over a few 100 on her. She left a pro bball player dropping cash to join me. Don't know why or care. Her business, her choices.
@ReverendHorny We should be getting these girls presents I think a broken stop watch might be the way to go ;)
@Rev - the stopwatch thing worked for me once. A girl I wanted to see was hanging at the bar on a slow night. She plopped down at my table. Afterwards she told me that the owner was there and was forcing girls to circulate. She complained about the micromanaging but we ended up having a good time or at least I did.
At another club, an old fave complained about a newly instituted rule with max time spent with one customer. 12 mins maybe? That rule was often ignored except one time when the owner was there.
@Twentyfive - Great idea!
I usually assume that I won’t need or want more than between 60-90 minutes but if I’m really having a great time, I’ve occasionally spent over 4 hours with a dancer.
^ broken Gucci;)
^ "...but if I’m really having a great time, I’ve occasionally spent over 4 hours with a dancer."
If I'm having a GREAT time with a dancer I tend to spend less time with her.
You're still ignoring the fact that it isn't about the time she spends with someone but about him....Its not about the dancer, its about the customer locking her down.A dancer accepting said money and treatment doesn't make it ethical. It just means she needed the money bad enough, hence the coercive measure and power play in question.
^ LMAO you are still ASSUMING that there's a lockdown to begin with. Nobody is fucking locking anybody down. Get that out of your feeble mind because it's a strawwoman argument.
Iceyslim pimp walkin' the argument!
My company has me on "lockdown". They threaten no to pay me if I don't come into work. Capitalism is sooooo "unethical". LMFAO!
@Icey - you are somewhere on the spectrum, right? Don't really mean that as an insult, I'm just looking into any sort of insight to help understand your thought process. Your approach to any sort of discussion/debate/argument in any thread I've seen you in is extremely reminiscent of someone with ASD. They are generally fairly good at arguing because they enjoy it, they become fixated on whatever point they wish to make (even if it's nonsensical or has been already debunked) and have incredible stamina in not giving up or conceding in any way.
If you haven't been diagnosed with ASD and you're not just an unfunny troll, you should really look into speaking with your doctor about it.
You can't debate a point so you accuse me of being disabled. That says more about you than it does about me.
^ "they become fixated on whatever point they wish to make (even if it's nonsensical or has been already debunked) and have incredible stamina in not giving up or conceding in any way."
Lock down a stripper for the entire night? That's between the guy and the girl.
In TJ, generally you bed them down for the entire night.
And it is best in strip clubs if the women can come and go as they please, so it would amount to the same thing.
If you say a customer cannot lock them down, who exactly is telling them that, and how would it be enforced?
The bosses just have to get more women on call, and do away with schedules.
And also, there is no such thing as Autism or Aspergers, these are just concepts invented to legitimate the abuse of children and adults.
Being autistic is not being disabled. Its not a mental disorder or anything like that, its just having a neurodiverse mind.
There is no such thing as Autism or Aspergers. Their are only bullies who need their asses kicked. And some of these are doctors and some of these are parents.
"they become fixated on whatever point they wish to make (even if it's nonsensical or has been already debunked)"
Would explain a lot, especially the parenthetical aside, and garner some understanding here. It's not some horrible disability, and it's good for those around you to know if it's case... I may be tough on trolls, but I'm going to be understanding if it's an expression of a developmental disorder
^^^^ Says the guy who isn't just on the spectrum... he owns it.
Whoops... my above post was for SJG.
Lol... sorry Subraman.
Ish, I know you were aiming at sjg but I slipped in there and you got me instead. Still, I'll own it if it will make Icey feel more comfortable with things.
I shared this thread with a stripper this evening, we were laughing so hard, she called a few girls over to where we were sitting, after about fifteen minutes, there were nine girls and the bartender and the manager laughing so hard they thought that lockdown was hilarious, all of the girls agreed that this is one of the funniest threads that they had ever seen. the consensus was anyone who thinks that they would be coerced to hang out for hours with a custy is a few donuts short of a dozen.
Pimps walks his way in Two-five, it's clear those ladies are badly in need of my management services. I specialize in meth and black eyes. Please give them my card and tell them I said "what's good." But tell them I said it all smooth-like, like "what's gooooooooood". You feel me, youngblood?
Don't you realize that Eva and Icey here are some real ass gangstas from the hood? They don't take shit from nobody when they out on dem streets slangin dat crack an cocaine, fuck the hoes let em know when I'm chillun wit my bros.
I don't know what I went off there for lol.
you really think they'll be honest with a trick like you? That's the real laugh.
If you're not one of the coercive guys don't worry about it. But those of you acting butt hurt do so coz the label fits you.
As a pretend pimp myself, I fear no other pretend pimp. I can make people cringe as well as any of them. My hoes have the blackest black eyes, my bitches are the most strung out on meth.
Damnit, they stole all my bitches
I'm gonna get put on lockdown on Friday I was told.lolololololol
Next thread will be...
Should strippers be allowed to lock down a particular customer all night?
And damn no one called me a trick, real strippers and they don't even know the correct term for custy. lololololololol
make your mind up, am I a women, a retard, a hood rat, a wannabe pimp, a butch lesbian, a pissed off stripper.... can't have your delusion all ways.
Tric-- er, I mean, two five, did you offer those ladies my management services? did you say "What's gooooooood" all smooth-like, like a pretend pimp? Wait, I'm not sure you can pull off my "What's gooooooood". Maybe we should practice before I let you represent Sub the Magic Raman
here is a question.... Do you make it known or imply that you demand her sole attention if she wants your money? Do you get angry if you don't get it?
As part of my management service I'll teach you that if she doesn't give you her attention, you should give her 1. some meth, 2. a black eye. Pay attention, son
^ I couldn't pull that off, I'm still working on snatching the pebble from your hand Master Kan : )
IceyLoco said "make your mind up, am I a women, a retard, a hood rat, a wannabe pimp, a butch lesbian, a pissed off stripper.... can't have your delusion all ways."
The bottom line is that you're not genuine. Fake as a $3 bill. The only talent you have is posting a lot.
Two five: if pretend pimping was easy, err'body be doin' it!
Do you or do you not state or imply that if a dancer doesn't give you her full and complete attention you will no longer spend money on her? Do you contend that you will not tolerate sharing your dancer of choice with other customers?
@iceberg to answer your question it never came up, we were laughing so hard, none of the strippers believe you exist, fortunately you posted while someone was looking at my phone screen, proved it wasn't me making this shit up.
Correction: twentyfive WAS hanging out with a bunch of strippers. Where are they now? See my new tagline
So basically you're lockers and dislike being called out
So basically you have zero credibility because you pay your stripper hos just like the tricks you call out.
^ Yeah I locked down 9 strippers a bartender and a manager, someone sounds jealous, hey pimpy don't hate the playa, hate the game, Ya moron lolz
@25 - i hope you didn't lock them up for too long while they were looking through this thread that you coerced them into reading. Gotta make sure they rotate every 12 minutes so all the other customers get their fair share of time with each dancer!
Hey twentyfive's stripper friends! Hope you enjoyed how absolutely dysfunctional we are as a forum lol.
They're not his friends.... they're finessing him and he thinks he's like James Bond.
Do you or do you not state or imply that if a dancer doesn't give you her full and complete attention you will no longer spend money on her? Do you contend that you will not tolerate sharing your dancer of choice with other customers?
And while you're answering, exactly how much meth and how many black eyes have you given out so far, twentyfive?
“Should PLs be allowed...”
Not your call.
Wat dis abt black eyes? Fuckin racist white trickz
Do you or do you not state or imply that if a dancer doesn't give you her full and complete attention you will no longer spend money on her? Do you contend that you will not tolerate sharing your dancer of choice with other customers?
No no Lil Baller, Sub The Magic Raman ain't no racist. Those eyes WERE white, before I had to slap 'em upside.
Subra I’m more likely to buy her a steak than give a beautiful woman a black eye Iceberg are you serious? Those questions are ludicrous, if you’re not high on something, you are unquestionably brain damaged.
I think we should get the Pope's opinion.
^ Or the Cliffs notes version at least ;)
I guess the penalty for locking down a dancer would be getting shot?
^ more likely getting shots ( of Patron)
flagooner said "I guess the penalty for locking down a dancer would be getting shot?"
Bullets or penicillin? Both are within the realm of possibility...
-->"^ more likely getting shots ( of Patron)"
Look at Mr Fancypants, buying Patron
:) :)
^ I heard you’re the guy wearing the skinny jeans;)))
Do you or do you not state or imply that if a dancer doesn't give you her full and complete attention you will no longer spend money on her? Do you contend that you will not tolerate sharing your dancer of choice with other customers?
Some of you have made statements of said nature on this site before. As per the average person your refusal to answer is essentially an admission to said contentions.
^Another day in the tour de farce of noted tuscl pimp iceberg slim
Thanks for admitting to being a locker.
^ Thanks for continued demonstration that you are an obstinate troll. As per the average person nobody takes you seriously.
I’m a locker wow what a cringeworthy insult Your a tool lol
Very interesting and entertaining read this whole thread was.
After reading all that though, I kinda agree with Papi. There have been plenty of guys on here with favorites that post of how when they show up to the club, their favorites better finish up quickly with whichever PL she's with or she'll be on the chopping block. Same stuff said if she goes on stage and some other PL tips her nicely to try to get some dances. If she indulges the guy then it's a major problem for the locker. Those kind of guys DO exist and I've seen them in the past on these forums complain about such scenarious.
It's another story totally if it's the dancer who chooses to stay with the regular the whole time. And she's not doing it because she senses he'll be pissed if she goes anywhere or talks to another customer. Usually though, I think the main reason they don't want to leave the regular's side is because they don't want to miss out on guaranteed money now or in the future. Which is fine, as long as it's her choice.
Just like it should be fine if you as the regular want to try out a different dancer sometime. Usually I'm a variety type of guy myself so I don't stick with one dancer. But a while back I used to visit a club where I had a clear favorite. That was simply because she was my type moreso than any of the other dancers. Yet I never insisted that she stay with me for extended periods but she still did. I knew it was because of money. As a matter of fact there'd be times I'd suggest that she work the room (mainly so I could see if there was any new talent that I missed). One such time they called all the girls on stage for a roll call. During this time a dancer I never saw before asks me for dances and she was hot. And of course, my fav comes over and pretty much hovers around right in our general area. Still, I take the new girl, and was curious how my fav would respond to that. Glad to say that she wasn't pissed or anything. She simply asked afterward how the dances were, and I truthfully told her they weren't as good as hers. If anything, my favorite's mileage increased after that.
TFP: that makes you, Papi, and Icey on the winning team!
Haha, yeah team Icey!
Ok I cant even say that jokingly without throwing up a little in my mouth. I've read the thread while not logged in to see his comments. I think he takes it a bit too far in labeling lockers. Subra I've seen your comments in the thread and I agree with them as well. You've said that if a girl you've been hanging with in the club for awhile wants to go test the waters then she can do so. But that almost means you're a free agent as well. Which is how I think it should go.
Late last year I was locking down the hottest girl in the club and this high roller was pacing back and forth outside the VIP. He kept sending in managers to let this girl know he was waiting. I didn't want her to lose out on money so I tried to leave... she asked me to stay... because she was having FUN hanging out with me!!! There was literally Z-E-R-O financial incentive for her, she knew she woudn't lose me as a customer if I left and she was quitting in a few weeks anyway so she didn't care about my long term business. We were just having a blast and she didn't want it to end.
Some of us who are "lockers" are fun to hang out with and that's why dancers spend more time with us. Why do anti-lockers not understand this? Why does this thread have 350 posts where no one thinks to suggest that "locked down" dancers might be enjoying themselves?
See. TFP gets it.
Subraman, you can be on a winning team too...
Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday!
Should crazyjoe be allowed to lockdown a particular shitter all night?
^Deserves its own thread tbh.
No he should not be allowed, but he will do it anyway
Most likely anyway
crazyjoe is so entitled and coercive with shitters it's not fair to us variety shitter types. That shit shouldn't be allowed.
I wouldn't mind but fucker always takes shitter #2. You know, the one I HAVE TO HAVE, I can't use any of those other shitters.
Crazyjoe shit the bed on this one
I recently met a shitter that gets shat in, I visited it at the club when it pulled a double shift. It spent 9 hours with me, just shitting and hanging out. When we realized that time flew by the shitter asked me to leave the club so ut can work. Big difference from locking it down.
You guys know that though but won't admit it.
So the question for you @crazyjoe: Do you or do you not state or imply that if a shitter doesn't give you its full and complete attention you will no longer expel your shit in it? Do you contend that you will not tolerate sharing your shitter of choice with other customers?
Fuck you crazy joe I’m not giving you my shitter
Having to wait for crazyjoe to be done with locking down his shitter makes me butt hurt.
I locked down a new girl last night she was so upset about being locked down she asked me if she could cook dinner for me tonight.
Are you bringing your wife?
And you know the difference between hanging out with and locking down as its been made very plain and simple on here, yet admit to being a
Knowing 25, he's going to lock up all the mashed potatoes
I love meatloaf and mashed potatoes with broccoli;)
I see the tour de farce continues take your meds troll.
At dessert, twentyfive locking up all the ambrosia. Scoop scoop pass, foo'!
^You mean Amor Fou’ ?
Also, I think it's disrespectful to use a hard "er". It's 'locka"
^ And it’s not locking them down it’s lock’n them down ;)
"Fuck you crazy joe I’m not giving you my shitter"
Locka think the shitter is a penthouse
CrazyJoe destroyed a shitter so bad we had to get a backhoe and tear up the parking g lot to fix it. Keep up the good work Joe, I am getting rich!
Bumping this thread because it’s amusing seeing some individuals arguing one point a couple of years ago having a different opinion more recently in the other thread.
Yes I know, Icey just likes stirring the pot LOL
My position is the same. Iys up to her to decide what customer she spends her time with and I still oppose dumbasses who get butt hurt when she's with other customers.
I agree with Icee
I’ve done it in numerous times but I always tell them to go out and work the floor. They don’t need to spend all night with me. Every time they refused. In most cases dancers prefer to work with a known commodity
^ you were literally saying dancers who choose to spend any significant amount of time with customers (other than you) were being coerced 🤣 different than the recent thread muddy made
as long as he doesn't shit in the locka it's all cool
Wow Iceefag say's his position is the same read the last post just above than scroll down to the posts made in 2019 and tell us his position is still the same, LOL unless the position that idiot was referring to was stirring the pot, that's all that asshole is here for.
@icees here it is in black and white:
April 9, 2019 You're still ignoring the fact that it isn't about the time she spends with someone but about him....Its not about the dancer, its about the customer locking her down.A dancer accepting said money and treatment doesn't make it ethical. It just means she needed the money bad enough, hence the coercive measure and power play in question."
18 Minutes Ago "My position is the same. Iys up to her to decide what customer she spends her time with and I still oppose dumbasses who get butt hurt when she's with other customers."
In 2019 she was being locked down and coerced.
20 min ago she's free to sit with whomever she wants.
And icee still won't admit to being wrong on this.
Fun fact: She's a narcissist. She'll never admit to being wrong even when it's in her face in black and white.
nice! nice! nice!
Anyway, idk why this is a question. If a customer pays for it, of course he should be able to "lock down" a dancer for the night (consenually). If another guy wants her time he should've paid for it. He didn't, someone else did. There are champagne room clubs where a guy could buy a dancer's whole shift if he is willing to pay for it.
My position is still the same: crazyjoe is a whale of a shitter.
@nicespice you just caught icee in a troll's paradox. She's obsessed with arguing with a TUSCL PL and so she failed to recognize her own contradiction. Her obsession to argue clouded her critical thinking.
In this thread the TUSCL PL is doing the lockdown so she's going to argue that the stripper is being coerced and she'll stand by that argument until the proverbial cows come home.
In Muddy's thread the PL is waiting on a stripper being locked down, so she's going to argue that the stripper has every right to do that, she's NOT being coerced, and Muddy is just being butt hurt.
A troll's paradox for sure. And you left her stewing in the juices of the pots she stirred. Seriously, well played. This bump made my day.
Somehow I'm not bothered by this particular resurrection of a zombie thread. The power of nicespice's icon cleavage seems limitless.
Dancers should decide how much time they do or don't spend with any particular customer. Dancers should have the right to generally do whatever tf then want, as long as they stay away from customers and other dancers when they're asked to stay away. It's in everyone's best interests to keep things as unpimpy as possible. This will help convince local governments that strip clubs aren't necessary a blight on the community. More clubs will allowed to open, more competition will improve things for both PLs and dancers. More hot twenty-somethings will put down the Mickey D's spatula and strip.
Personally I think the dancer I am interested in should spend all her time with me. Even if I am not a whale I am very special and a really nice guy. It is her responsibility to make her money either before or after and give me her undivided attention on my random visits.
Nice spice I was referencing customers who get angry if she doesn't spend time with them and will use money as leverage to manipulate her. In which case it is coercive.
You're a clown Iceefag
"I was referencing customers who get angry if she doesn't spend time with them and will use money as leverage to manipulate her. In which case it is coercive."
^^^ LMFAO so says the "guy" that said, and I quote:
"Iys up to her to decide what customer she spends her time with"
LMFAO I called it. Your narcissism makes you double down on your flawed logic. You still fail to see it. 🤭🤡
It's what you said in both threads, dumbass.
@icee you clearly have comprehension issues here, so let me help you.
Let's start with the meaning of coerce:
to persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats
Please take a minute to read this carefully. Read it more than once.
Now, let's look at what you said in the other thread:
"Iys up to her to decide what customer she spends her time with"
In that thread you can see that there is clearly no coercion going on. The stripper is deciding who to spend her time with. She's not being force against her will. And even if either customer is angry about it, it really doesn't matter. As you stated, it's still up to her.
Furthermore, if the angry customer agrees to pay her more than anyone else and she then chooses to spend time with him, she's still NOT being coerced. She's simply choosing to spend time with an angry customer with more money to offer here. Nobody is forcing her to do anything in this scenario as well. She's still WILLINGLY doing what she wants.
Understand now?
I think you might have issues with the definition of coercion so I hope this helps.
Your welcome. 🤭🤡
Another EvaSparkling classic lmao!!!! Man this is an unnecessary rant respectfully. It’s like you said “groups of girls,” so one girl should being locked down should not ruin your night. I’ve met some who would rather just stick with one PL because they not in the mood to deal with multiple guys even if it’s cost them. The girl I usually see… she’ll kick it with me long after I’ve told her I’ve spent all my cash and told her to make your money but… she just doesn’t wanna let go lol. No need to frown upon it hommie. It’s plenty for everyone.
"Should PLs be allowed..."
Still not your call.
"April 7, 2019 Free market man. If you don’t like it break up the whale and dancer mid song."
^^^ @Muddy maybe you should have done this in your recent thread where you waited 3 hours. 😂😂😂
I saw a woman on another website make an argument one time that older men should be with women the same age as them. She was against any form of commercial sex, which would include strip clubs, which enable older men and younger women to spend time together. To her way of thinking, people should be with a member of the opposite sex who is within a few years of them.
This is not an uncommon belief among older women and the political support for restrictions or bans on strip clubs often come from this group. Some younger guys are much like these older women. They want to restrict the ability of younger women to spend time with rich older men because they want to reduce the ability of rich older men to act as potential competition. They don't call for the government to step in and become involved so you can't really say they are anti-libertarian. They do sometimes want club management to step in. I've never heard of a club that puts time restrictions on girls spending time with a particular customer so club managers and the strippers have decided that is the best way to maximize both club income and stripper income.
You can (and we have) debate this endlessly. The reality is that no guy is going to stop hanging out with a dancer because of a sense of fairness and obligation to other guys in the club. I know that if I'm having fun chatting with a dancer for an extended period, I'm not suddenly going to flashback on various threads here and feel badly about enjoying myself.
Customers all want something a little different from their time in a club. And there are dancers who will accommodate those differences to get paid. If a dancer you like is with another guy and you don't have the patience to wait, then pick another dancer or go home.
"Free market man. If you don’t like it break up the whale and dancer mid song."
^^^^ hell yeah! Muddy got dis rite! Show dem who da boss iz
When I go to a club I like spending the entire time with one or a few girls at once.
^^^ @icee just don't stay too long, lest any of them start feeling coerced into spending time with you instead of someone else. It's possible, no? (Lulz)
Amazing how little people here respect private enterprise. Its the dancer's call and no one else's business.
Slaveboss. If you're at a club whatever you give her is for a tip or dances or her time. She's working it's not free money.
If you're worried that you'll pay her and she won't fuck you for it. That's your problem. Go hire a hooker.
Sometimes dancers are just lazy.
Sure, she could work the room and make more. But maybe her bills are paid that month, or whatever, she has to show up as scheduled and just wants to get through the night and go home.
That "regular" it the most comfortable place to hang without getting in trouble for spending too much time in the dressing room (cause that's a thing at some clubs).
Or, you're just too damned ugly.
Whatever, get over it.
She's probably just going to lay there with her head turned away and eyes closed wishing she was somewhere else even if she does put out.
Slaveboss give anyone how much money you want. It doesn't matter and if uts free no strings or expectations attached
"Sometimes dancers are just lazy.
Sure, she could work the room and make more. But maybe her bills are paid that month, or whatever,"
This can be explained by other than laziness -- like most of the behavior guys ascribe stripper laziness or stupidity to, it sometimes is based on smart business decisions. I've known plenty of girls who, if they know their whale is coming in an hour or whatever, will just chill. It's not lazy, it's smart. Asking for dances can involve getting disrespected, turned down, fighting off fingers from their various holes... all for $20 or $40 more? Smart move for the stripper to be at 100% flirtiness and energy for the customer who really counts, her high value regular. It is a perfectly rational tradeoff for her to pass up a potential $40 in order to be at her peak to delight the customer who comes in weekly and spends a grand.
The only time I've seen lazy dancers is girls who would go to work just to get high on everything from shrooms to whatever freebies they could get off dealers. Then when they're zombies and realize they didn't make anything they'll fuck a trick in vip towards the end of their shift.