Which do you prefer

Extras not included, which would you rather have:
A girl who will come sit in your lap and chat you up for a while before pushing dances
A girl who hustles. Will introduce herself quickly and immediately push for dances?
For me, i could go either way. On the one hand, the conversation is nice and then you possibly get a CF. On the other if i go for the hustler, i don't eventually get stupid and start blurring lines in my head
A girl who will come sit in your lap and chat you up for a while before pushing dances
A girl who hustles. Will introduce herself quickly and immediately push for dances?
For me, i could go either way. On the one hand, the conversation is nice and then you possibly get a CF. On the other if i go for the hustler, i don't eventually get stupid and start blurring lines in my head
last commentSJG
i’ve had success (and also disappointments) either way. overall I’ve had a lot of good times.
The hustle girls I usually accept dances from generally are the hottest ones there, so I figure if I don't accept I might not get another chance.
I prefer the brazen slut who will pretend to be transfixed by my incoherent, senile babbling WHILE she gives me a blow job.
Because of that, I'll say girl #2. If I like her appearance wise, I'll just fend off her immediate dance requests, and try to persuade her to play the game at my pace by asking her to sit a chat a bit. If she doesn't want to let me set the pace, she's not the dancer for me anyways.
I'd prefer to talk for awhile, get an idea of what they're like before I decide if they're worth any more of my time or money.
Not a fan of wanna dance.
If she’s a drive-by ‘wanna dance’ girl I want her to be in front of me when she asks. I do not care for a girl to come up behind me (where I don’t see her at first) and ask ‘wanna dance‘.
I'll take a goofy girl over the best looking ten that seems to have a stick up her ass.