Which do you prefer

Extras not included, which would you rather have:
A girl who will come sit in your lap and chat you up for a while before pushing dances
A girl who hustles. Will introduce herself quickly and immediately push for dances?
For me, i could go either way. On the one hand, the conversation is nice and then you possibly get a CF. On the other if i go for the hustler, i don't eventually get stupid and start blurring lines in my head
last commentThe girl who sits in my lap and talks to me for sure.
Front Room Makeout Session, then back room FS, then take her home with you and continue to see her regularly.
The first one. Whether I get dances or not depends on whether or not I at least like her.
i’ve done it all different ways. Sometimes immediately to a lap dance or VIP and sometimes visiting with the girl in lite conversation with maybe a drink.
i’ve had success (and also disappointments) either way. overall I’ve had a lot of good times.
I prefer when she sits and talks but I've had good times when they hustle.
The hustle girls I usually accept dances from generally are the hottest ones there, so I figure if I don't accept I might not get another chance.
Neither. The high hustle girls are a non-starter, not even in consideration. But even a girl who plops down on my lap for a few minutes doesn't cut it. We're going to be drinking together a while before we start doing VIPs: socializing at the table required. In time, of course, comes the lockdown :)
the hotter the girl... the faster i need to act. an opportunity with a ten is relatively rare.
I NEVER get danced with a girl who does not spend T Least 39 minutes talking with me. If they are ditsy without the ability to hold an intelligent conversation, then I am not interested.
39? Where the hell did you come up with thar number
How about the girl sits next to me in the booth, exploring the regions in between my legs, while carrying on a conversation. And occasionally nibbling on my ear and kissing my neck. Do that for about 30 minutes before we head to the VIP room so we can consummate the relationship.
If extras aren't included i am not going to be there
the first one easily
Forget about sitting in my lap and chatting.
I prefer the brazen slut who will pretend to be transfixed by my incoherent, senile babbling WHILE she gives me a blow job.
I'm torn...specifically by the mention of the sitting in the lap thing by dancer #1. I usually would prefer a slower paced girl, but I feel that is even more brazen as girl #2 getting her hustle on. If I haven't decided whether I like you yet, making yourself right at home is a huge turn off for me.
Because of that, I'll say girl #2. If I like her appearance wise, I'll just fend off her immediate dance requests, and try to persuade her to play the game at my pace by asking her to sit a chat a bit. If she doesn't want to let me set the pace, she's not the dancer for me anyways.
@ kingcripple. I got that 39 number from my fucking fingers that do their own thing after 8 glasses of vodka infused whine. 39 = 30 in my world. Lol.
My absolute favorite is a girl who sits in my lap immediately, then grabs junior as she asks me if I will buy her a shot.
If I've gotten dances from her and we've built a rapport, the former. Otherwise, the latter.
#1. Hardly go for 2. Though did so relatively recently. I was pressed for time and wanted to try someone new for a dance or 2. Plus I liked her opener "want to go for a dance so I can show you my tight little pussy?". Older but cute spinner type with a very pretty face. It was an ok dance but not great. As much as I really enjoy having a beautiful naked woman draped all over me, rapport and chemistry and flirting even if BS is part of the experience that I enjoy.
Neither, if I want a girl I approach her.
Usually option A. I sometimes have visits when I'm specifically in the mood for option B, though.
@sshrfrsky but did she show you that tight little pussy?
I'm not a fan of the "wanna dance?" hustlers.
I'd prefer to talk for awhile, get an idea of what they're like before I decide if they're worth any more of my time or money.
Choice 1
Not a fan of wanna dance.
The approach I prefer is for her to sit in my lap and smother me with kisses.
If she’s a drive-by ‘wanna dance’ girl I want her to be in front of me when she asks. I do not care for a girl to come up behind me (where I don’t see her at first) and ask ‘wanna dance‘.
She can sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that pops up
I don't need a really strong personal connection to have a good time....but I need something. The woman who comes up and asks for a dance without much talk comes across as a robot to me and that's not attractive at all. I like dancers who look like they're actually having a good time while working. Those who are laughing and giggling about mistakes on the stage or like to have some light hearted talk are way preferable to the jaded moody dancers or the Vanna Dance girls.
I'll take a goofy girl over the best looking ten that seems to have a stick up her ass.