
Avengers Endgame

avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.

When my son was very small, he wanted to go see the comic book movies. My wife didn't want to take him, so I took it as an opportunity to spend some time with my son. So I have seen virtually ever Marvel and DC Comics movie. Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Ironman, Thor, etc, etc, etc. And even now that he is a little older and can take himself, it is still kind of a thing that he and I go see these together. He's not really into sports, so this gives us something to talk about. Those of you have have children will admit that when they become teenagers, they mostly don't want to spend time with their parents.

Well opening this weekend is the 4th Avengers movie. Endgame. The first three movies in the Avengers series grossed worldwide well over $1 billion each. Infinity Wars did over $2 billion. So Endgame is expected to be one of the biggest blockbusters of all time. I know I'll be there this weekend.

Are you going to see it ? Warning, the movie is over 3 hours long.


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

With my kids, it was sports, and my dad was a great sports fan, he and I shared many sports events together so I just kind of followed in the tradition or precedent that he set, many times all three generations my dad, me and my kids went to baseball, basketball, and football games, actually one of my own fondest early memories of my grandfather who died in 1959 was going to Dodger game at Evers field as a small child.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^Ebetts field, ducking autocorrect

avatar for IHearVoices
5 yrs ago

Have my ticket for Thursday. With all the hype surrounding the movie, I think it has a chance of catching Titanic and/or Avatar at the box office.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Yep. I'm in.

avatar for grand1511
5 yrs ago

My local theater is screening it round the clock all opening weekend

avatar for jackslash
5 yrs ago

Should I be a good father and take my kids to a strip club?

avatar for ime
5 yrs ago

Might see it when its streaming

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Never really been into comic books nor movies about them - I also stopped going to movie theaters a dozen+ years ago (saw it as a waste of time/$$$ especially with so many cappy movies) - in general I don't sit around watching movies these days.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

I prefer movies with a good plot, or a good comedy - today's heavy-CGI movies and over-the-top action scenes don't grab my interest

avatar for Cristobal
5 yrs ago

Oh yeah, my nephews are huge comic book movie fans so we are going Friday night.

avatar for Bavarian
5 yrs ago

Not my cup of tea. Never been into comics.

avatar for s275ironman
5 yrs ago

Got my ticket to an early showing Thursday night.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 yrs ago

Nope. Too much CGI

avatar for GeneraI
5 yrs ago

you couldn't pay me to be near a movie theater opening weekend. I'll see it sometime next week after work.

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

I’ll watch it, but definitely not during opening weekend. I don’t like dealing with crowds if I don’t have to.
“I prefer movies with a good plot, or a good comedy - today's heavy-CGI movies and over-the-top action scenes don't grab my interest”

In that case I’ll recommend the Dark Knight trilogy, aka Batman when it was directed by Christopher Nolan. And I’ll also recommend Captain America: Civil War. IMO those movies took the step further to be thought provoking in addition to having action. :)

avatar for IHearVoices
5 yrs ago

^ She's not lying. Those movies are - or at least should be - at the top of any post-2000 superhero movie list. The Dark Knight in particular leans more into history and game theory than one would expect from that subgenre of film.

avatar for JamesSD
5 yrs ago

I'll watch it. Definitely not this weekend.

avatar for FTS
5 yrs ago

Just bought a ticket for Friday. I chose 6pm showing, otherwise I wouldn’t get out of the theater until 1:30am.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

I'm going to definitely watch it. I collected a few Avengers comics back in the day. I wanted to be Vision.

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

I'm travelling this weekend, but I have my IMAX tickets for Monday. Normally, I would avoid opening week for movies, but I do not want to have this spoiled.

I still think Civil War was better than Infinity War, but Endgame is getting rave reviews.

Then, I'm thinking of quitting the MCU. Disney fucked up Star Wars royally. Episodes 7 & 8 were both absolute garbage with no understanding of the Star Wars canon. Disney wants to put all of the characters on their new streaming service, and I don't want to purchase more streaming subscriptions. Plus, their new centerpiece, Brie Larson, is an absolute cunt. She has no charisma, is overly political, and seems genuinely repulsive to the rest of the cast. Watch the interviews - Renner, Hemsworth, and Cheadle have the most hilariously uncomfortable interviews with her. Even Disney CEO Bob Iger was pissed at how much Marvel Studios paid into her stock. Then, there is the way that Disney blackmailed their US employees to train their foreign replacement to do their own jobs for pennies on the dollar or risk getting no severance and benefits at their inevitable termination.

But, for now, I am so psyched for Monday.

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

@NiceSpice - you forgot to include Captain America: Winter Soldier as a move which mixed heavy themes, political intrigue, and comic book action. There is a real question of just how patriotic our unelected leaders are, at what cost security should be pursued, and how far your should follow loyalty and old friendships.

The Russo brothers are some of the most talented filmmakers of this generation. I just hope one of them doesn't wake up and decide to go post-op tranny.

avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

Gammanu, I did not know that Disney owned Marvel. No wonder their stock has done well lately. I totally agree with you on Brie Larson. Cute girl, but not a fan.

avatar for IHearVoices
5 yrs ago

@gammanu95 - this might not be the time to quit the MCU, or at the very least you might want to come back around 2022. With Disney's acquisition of Fox, the X-Men will likely return home in a few years. It'll be interesting to see if/how they are introduced to the MCU. I do think the post-Endgame MCU will be a bit of a dropoff, although how much obviously depends on who meets or continues their ultimate demise in Endgame...but that X-Men arrival is going to bring the excitement back.

Also, I agree with you on Civil War. It's my favorite MCU film.

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

@gammanu95 Good point on Winter Soldier as well.

Haven’t watched it in years. I’ll have to get back to it soon.

avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

Estimates are in for the first weekend. The movie is expected to reach $350 million in Gross. And that is just in the US. Worldwide box office is a tad over $1.2 Billion. It's already #18 on the list of all time box office receipts after 3 days of showings. I think it's possible that it will surpass Avatar.

Have you seen it yet ? What did you think ?

avatar for s275ironman
5 yrs ago

I saw the movie Thursday night, and it was 3 hours well spent. If you’ve liked all or most of the movies up to this point, I can say with complete confidence you will absolutely love Endgame.

avatar for IHearVoices
5 yrs ago

My opinion is more favorable after seeing it this morning than after first seeing it Thursday. Don't get me wrong: I thought it was very good Thursday. Certain moments just hit harder today. It actually felt more like today was my first time seeing it and Thursday was the second time.

avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

Now that is a real fan to watch a 3 hour movie twice !!!

avatar for IHearVoices
5 yrs ago

Had a couple movie ticket coupons due to expire May 1. Thankfully, there's a movie coming out Thursday (The Intruder) that I was able to use the second coupon for: otherwise I'd have seen Endgame a third time. Oddly enough, I could see The Intruder twice and still catch the ending of Endgame since its runtime is only 1:24.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

I saw it Saturday afternoon. I liked Age of Ultron and Infinity War better but still a good movie. It got too sappy and nostalgic for my tastes and not enough action.

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