
Comments by seaboardrr (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Voter ID?
    I just don't understand this whole argument at all. You need to register to vote which is free. Once you register you're told where your polling station is for you to go vote when the time comes. When you get to your place to vote you tell them your name, whip out your ID or license and they check it against a print out to make sure you are indeed registered to vote at that location. It is probably the easiest, quickest and most painless government sponsored activity anyone can possibly do.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    OT: for you normal sized members what does your normal eating patern look like ?
    For sweet tea; if you brew it yourself use splenda and add a bag or two of the celestial seasonings cinnamon or plantation mint. It tastes amazing. If you buy your tea at the store and are lucky enough to have Milo's sweet tea buy the kind with splenda in it. And no......I don't want to start an argument of how some people say splenda is bad for you. We just don't know. Maybe 20 years from now we'll have an answer but EVERYTHING has the potential to be bad for us. All we can do is try our best. juice, i shoot for 200 grams of protein a day and I usually hit 100 grams just for breakfast. I'm 6' 200lbs and according to every chart I'm obese which is a crock of shit. According to these decades old charts I should be 165lbs (which would qualify me for a free wife beater and barely there mustache). My goal is to ADD another 20lbs of muscle to my upper body so according to the chart I could probably qualify for a handicap placard and a scooter. 2 hours of cardio 5 days a week is insane. if you just want to lose weight you need to shoot for at least 30 minutes of cardio (elliptical or stair climber preferably) 3 to 4 days a week. If you don't have access to those or no gym membership yet then simply walk every day. If you lose too much too fast the elasticity in your skin won't be able to keep up and you'll end up with folds of skin you'll never get rid of without surgery.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    OT: for you normal sized members what does your normal eating patern look like ?
    Another alternative is the walmart brand Vitamin Enhanced Grape drink mix. it's one of the cheapest they sell by weight, no sugar, tastes good and it's the only grape that is clear so it doesn't turn your bottle purple. Make sure it says vitamin enhanced on the box. My huge downfalls are sushi and my hard root beer which has 39 grams of sugar per bottle. Just remember it's all about moderation.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    OT: for you normal sized members what does your normal eating patern look like ?
    Protein shake and protein bar (Pure Protein brand available at walmart or target) for breakfast and 10 boiled egg whites with a little cajun seasoning before lunch and you're already at 100 grams of protein. I go through one of those 5 dozen boxes of eggs a week. Drink water or if not something low sugar. I practically live off Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry-Mango juice. Publix puts it on BOGO at least once a month and I'll buy anywhere from 20-50 bottles every time they do. 64oz bottle for $1.40 and the entire bottle is just 40 calories and 5 grams of sugar. My second fave is the Cran-Lemonade
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    how to tell the black girls im not interested?
    Chessmaster, tie a sweater around your neck and wear boat shoes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    OT: for you normal sized members what does your normal eating patern look like ?
    Under 2K calories/day and I keep my carb and sugar intake as low as possible and my protein very high.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    IDK if the DR at our fave SC has an exit but I know exactly where the other 3 emergency exits are.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Lord Have Mercy
    Damn, that woman has mrs sea type curves. Mrs sea would be all over that.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Mrs sea always makes fun of me but I always sit where I can see the door no matter where we go and I'm always aware of the exits. I also keep an eye out for everyone around us. I just like being prepared for that one time something may go down. When we're at the SC I know where the exits are and I do scan the room every few minutes but not as much as everywhere else. Too many naked people to watch. The one thing I do obsessively at the SC's is that I am always aware of everyone within arms reach of us and I'm constantly aware of my pockets.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Survival in the strip club.
    i've never tipped the doorman or bouncers but figure if we ever get to going back once a month or so I might. Especially the doorman at our fave club. He remembers us and is extremely nice. They do a pat down and the first time I had to empty my pockets. I wear cargo pants and my pockets are full. Ever since then he just touches my pockets and has never made me empty them again. I really don't want to have to go around tipping everyone $20 and have always wondered if tipping these guys $10 is acceptable or if they'd think that was a joke?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OTC missteps?
    "What hotels use old fashioned keys and not key cards?" The kind that charge by the hour. She wanted to know if you were staying at a ritzy hotel to see how much she could gouge you for. The 2nd one was calling you to bail her out of jail or possibly for $300 so she could pay her rent the next day (with the promise of an AMAZING time in VIP next time you visit. But that's just the skeptic in me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The Camera's in the Club
    I would prefer to not have cameras watching my every move when getting a LD but I understand the need to cover themselves when it comes to safety and illegal activities. Besides, am I worried my wife will find out I'm at a SC?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Lap Dance Playlist
    They play music?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Men's 100 meter finals
    They also use USA, MSNBC, NBCSN, TNT and a couple others. our HD receiver has a couple extra HD channels as well. The problem though is all I can seem to find is frickin' soccer, water polo and field hockey oh and don't forget the equestrian. I could care less about watching a horse trot and do side steps. Soccer isn't bad and some of the basketball is ok. Indoor volleyball has been ok. Fencing did get a little bit of attention and there was a few minutes of shooting, archery and discus but it was just less than a minute here or there. If you aren't home during the day you don't get to see ANY of that stuff. I got to see some last Friday and throughout the weekend but if not I would've never known about any of it. They could at least give it a little mention during prime time instead of the sob story back stories.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Men's 100 meter finals
    Nope, i believe the west coast is a couple hours delayed from the east coast delay to make sure they get EVERYONE in prime time. NBC sucks it on olympic coverage. The reason you have the big ticket events live REALLY late at night in Rio is because NBC asked the organizers to schedule them that way for their ratings.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I'm A Stalker
    No need for a convoluted back story on how you found her. Just say you were clicking through friends of friends one night when you were bored and ran across her page and thought she was drop dead gorgeous. Keep it simple. End of story.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    OT: Car Talk and needing wisdom droped into my life on a choice i need to make t
    I need new tires for my Jeep so that's $1K but I wouldn't trade it because of that. That's just normal maintenance. Like some others have said go to the auto parts stores and have them hook their computers up to see what errors they come up with. That way you can decide what needs to be fixed and research online to see if it's something you feel comfortable doing and what it'll cost. If your looking for a good used car just get you an older hard top wrangler. Easy to work on and last forever and you can usually find them for around the $5K or lower range.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Got more tits in my face than my guy
    That SC sounds just like our fave we go to and you had the same kind of night mrs sea usually has every time we go. I love watching mrs sea make out with good looking stripper.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    It sure wouldn't be any of the beach volleyball players. I don't remember seeing a single one with any tits.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Latest New Tech. Options In Cars- Actual User Experiences
    minnow, yes I was of course skeptical as with most things so I did dry runs a couple times and my swim pouch and the life proof cases work as advertised. I have used them dozens of times without fail. Another thing about my swim trunks is that they're "high adventure" swim trunks. When I get out of the water they'll be dry in 5-10 minutes on a hot day. If it wasn't for my lifeguard patch sewn on them you'd think they were just a regular pair of shorts.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Have you ever been caught logging into TUSCL?
    Hell, mrs sea started us both down this road. Glad I don't have to worry about these kind of issues.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Latest New Tech. Options In Cars- Actual User Experiences
    My swim trunks have a waterproof pouch attached inside a cargo pocket that zips up. I can put my keys, DL, CC's and money in there and keep it all with me. Plus, when i used to have the life proof case on my iPhone all I had to do was take my boots off if I was going out in deep water. I like all the fancy features but I hate the fact that everything is controlled by computers now. I feel like a car should be a car and mechanical in nature. I'm trying to fix mrs sea's UVO radio where all of a sudden after putting in a new battery the speakers won't work. Everything I've found said it could be the radio, amp or the anti-theft system. What's worse is I've noticed UVO is powered by m$oft so no wonder it just crapped out out of the blue. She also has those little anti-theft key fobs with a key that flips out. Well guess what? The flip part is just glued on so of course her key came off the flipper part and I have to find the right one aftermarket because I refuse to pay $300 for one at the dealer. I've tried to gorilla glue that bitch back on and it can't handle the stress.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Do any of you have a land line phone?
    We haven't had a land line for many years. It's almost a game now to see what new scams they come up with. I've had the IRS agent somebody calling from california, gets TONS of better interest rate credit cards, earned numerous free vacations, disney tickets, time shares, constantly get approved for a $250,000 business loan. The list goes on and on. Usually I just ignore them and I hardly ever say anything when I answer. I like to hear how their autodialer handles silence. Some will wait forever until they hear a sound prompt and some just pause for 4 or 5 seconds assuming you're going to say hello and they start their spiel. My favorite has to be the autodialer they have setup to say, "Hello this is xxx. Can you hear me ok?" Wait 2 or 3 seconds for the person to respond then, "Ok that's great......." It has to be one of the better setup scams out there and I bet they get a huge percentage of people actually thinking it's a real person. I have no idea what they're selling because When I hear that opening line I just hang up.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    New LDK Milestone - Silent Headphone Party
    Am I lost or something? I'm on a SC forum, right? When I see LDK and party in the same title I can only assume one is at a SC. Now you're just sounding sad to me since you say you're married but "wanted/want newness" and go get your "dick rolled" (WTF is that??) without your wife. Everyone has their own thing I guess. I get excited doing things with my wife as a COUPLE.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancers that do drugs ?
    I was fucking this chica several years before I even met mrs sea. She was hot with a great body, long hair, big tits and loved to fuck which mrs sea will tell you is my favorite combination. One night it was her bday and I met her at her house after she got off work. She proceeded to tell me how when they closed down for the night one of the other girls convinced her to do a line of coke with her as some kind of bday gift. She'd never done it before and wanted to try it. She liked it but said she didn't think it was something she could see herself doing on a regular basis. I told her I couldn't hang out with ANYONE who thought casual hard drug use was acceptable. I told her it was wonderful to know her and I got up and walked out never to see her again. I'm fine with pot and hallucinogenics which I consider soft drugs. I haven't done them in many many years but love acid, x, shrooms and numerous others. I'm sure it's completely hypocritical but I have zero tolerance for hard drugs. If I found out a stripper we liked did hard drugs that would be the last time we had anything to do with her.