
Dancers that do drugs ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

Kinda inspired by rockstar666's recent thread about his ATF wanting him to score some mushrooms for her.

I've never done any illegal drugs in my life - never really had the desire nor much of a curiosity for it and actually scared of illegal drugs.

Now that I'm older (40s) I'm a bit more open-minded about some things and willing to at least entertain the idea that drugs can perhaps have some worthwhile benefits for some w/o it necessarily ruining their lives (e.g. Marijuana; etc) - I still don't really have much of a desire nor that strong a curiosity for it though.

Anyway - my dislike for illegal drugs means I'm usually turned-off by dancers that use drugs regularly - nowadays I'm a little more lenient w.r.t. dancers that smoke Marijuana b/c it seems to be pretty main-stream kinda like smoking cigarettes thus I kinda accept it (though I don't like cigarette smokers either but tolerate it ITC if I like the dancer) - but anyway if a dancer tells me of how she is into drugs that is often a turn-off for me although I won't turn her down for ITC action - but still it does turn me off.

How do drug-using dancers affect you:

a) turn-off

b) no effect

c) turn-on

As I mentioned it's a), turnoff, for me although it's not a deal-breaker ITC.


  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Turn on, tune in, drop out.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ fuck you Jackie - this was a serious question

    Just kidding -I just wanted to throw-in a "fuck you Jackie"
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Papi, I have the same thoughts and attitude on this topic as you do. Pretty much across the board.

    And I'll throw one in there too: Fuck you Jackie...
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Drugs are all about escape, instead of about learning to feel your feelings.

    Street drugs, alcohol, and psychiatric medications effect a person, even when they are out of their blood stream, because they have effected how their consciousness had developed.

    Psychiatric medications should not be FDA approved, they should be relegated to the same category as street drugs, either to be outlawed or to be decriminalized but regulated.

    Drugs, alcohol, psychiatric medications, motivationalism and self improvement, and Born Again Christianity all kind of go together.

  • ime
    8 years ago
    Sjg stop being so stupid, strip clubs are just as much if not more of an escape, fuck off trolltard.

    Depends on what drugs they do if its not hsrd drugs they are usually fine.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    No effect. Maybe even closer to turn on. Unless she's drugged out of her mind and unable to function.
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    Women who are addicted will do whatever it takes to earn drug money. I have no qualms about taking advantage of their dire straits.
  • bubba267
    8 years ago
    A) turn off. I know many I interact with are probably self medicating in some form or fashion but I don't like it.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    Weed isn't a drug, it's a plant.

    Dancers doing actual drugs is a turn-off for me. Weed or mushrooms not at all.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I'm with b) as long as it is weed. Id prefer no drug use, but as you said it's pretty much the norm.

    No tattoos and does weed, she's okay with me. No tattoos and does no drugs, she's great with me.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    b Unless they are falling down, blown away, I could care less. SJG, LSD expands the mind, it has had little to none long term effect on me. I was a hippie way back when and tried many hallucegins (sp) I survived and I enjoyed the places I traveled to. Ever hear of Mescalito???? We met him on a Class 3 river twice one day. Mescalito helps us.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    With the exception of marijuana, it is a turnoff for me.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    b) no effect

    Pretty much would have been visiting with a dancer for a while before the topic of drug use would come up. By that point I would pretty much know if I like them or not. In other words, if a dancer was doing hard drugs (i.e. not weed doesn't count) then I'm guessing I would have been turned off by their personality before the topic came up.

    That said, have met a few dancers who to me were really cool, only to find out they smoke weed daily. I'm a little surprised at first, but weed isn't much of a big deal.

    I'm similar to Papi in that I've never done illegal drugs before - even weed. Have had a couple of dancers genuinely perk up when I've mentioned this and say we should do it together sometime. I've just kind of laughed and the topic eventually changes, but a part of me might be semi-open to it. My roadblocks at the moment are: A) I'm still working on my first OTC B) Don't think I would want to be doing drugs with this person in my hotel room and can't imagine hanging with a dancer anywhere else at this time in my OTC exploits.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    As a follow-up, yeah, if I knew a dancer was doing hard drugs I would be turned off.

    I'm confused now what my answer is. :-)
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    I was fucking this chica several years before I even met mrs sea. She was hot with a great body, long hair, big tits and loved to fuck which mrs sea will tell you is my favorite combination. One night it was her bday and I met her at her house after she got off work. She proceeded to tell me how when they closed down for the night one of the other girls convinced her to do a line of coke with her as some kind of bday gift. She'd never done it before and wanted to try it. She liked it but said she didn't think it was something she could see herself doing on a regular basis. I told her I couldn't hang out with ANYONE who thought casual hard drug use was acceptable. I told her it was wonderful to know her and I got up and walked out never to see her again.

    I'm fine with pot and hallucinogenics which I consider soft drugs. I haven't done them in many many years but love acid, x, shrooms and numerous others. I'm sure it's completely hypocritical but I have zero tolerance for hard drugs. If I found out a stripper we liked did hard drugs that would be the last time we had anything to do with her.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    Nina Bambina would you please STAND UP!
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Gawker on ignore
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Mikey on Ignore for putting gawker on Ignore
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    For me, it's no effect.

    only thing that really bothers me is a dancer who reeks of cig smoke.....but that obviously doesn't qualify for this topic....but I wanted to mention it anyway

    Like Chulo.....I've never done any illegal drugs either....not even weed
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Love stoner chicks.

    Anything else is a turnoff.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I'm 74 now and tried weed a couple of times back when I was in my 20's. It did nothing for me but I went to a lot of parties where I was the only one not smoking it. During the last 20 years of my career, I was subject to alcohol and drug testing and I was tested many times. I have been retired since 2009 and have no desire to take up weed now. But if you believe in second hand smoke then I must be getting high at my favorite club. I am used to the girls smoking pot and it doesn't bother me. Cigar smokers stink up the place.

    I've only known a couple of dancers that were into harder drugs and as long as they were maintaining themselves it doesn't bother me ITC. I have lost my favorite OTC girl to heroin.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I'd prefer they didn't do drugs, but things like weed in particular, and even molly don't have an effect on me.

    If I find out she's doing heroin or meth, I'm immediately gone, all interest completely lost, boner completely deflated.
  • tusclfix
    8 years ago
    I had a dancer that I knew pass away doing drugs - may she rest in peace. I don't want to make it a bigger deal than it is but it did affect me somewhat. I think about it more than I should, or maybe not enough, I don't know - that's part of the problem. So nowadays, if I know they're doing hard drugs (not like just weed), I stay away.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I could get fired if I got exposed to second hand smoke if I was drug tested. I stay away from anyone I know using drugs. I had some suite mates in college one year who used drugs and they were pretty messed up staring at the wall one evening. I got exposed to second hand pot smoke at a rock concert one time. I'm less concerned about personal safety and more concerned with losing my job or losing my car if I had a drug user in my car if I got pulled over and they had drugs or drug stuff on them. So in effect, I don't want to be around anyone else who is using illegal drugs because it could cost me big time. I didn't have a job while in college so I didn't care if I had some suite mates one year using drugs as long as I wasn't affected. They were not using them in the suite. They just came back from somewhere under the influence, I thought at least.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    An extra note, when I went to High School, they did some drug education talking about illegal drugs. They told me they create the feel good high by causing a huge release of endorphins. Stuff your body natural produces to make you feel better. Your body can give you a runners high if you do aerobic exercise for an hour like bicycling for example and it feels pretty good. I experienced that many times. That is natural and lasted for hours for me.

    Illegal Drugs unnaturally cause a bug release of endorphins and mess you up. Especially the hard drugs. You can never feel as good as your first really big high from your first dose because the drugs reduce your bodies ability to release endorphins. That's why drug users get messed up trying to get another high and another and can't ever get back to where they started. They could try to up the dosage but then they risk their life. Many die. Meth users age decades in only a few years. Hard core drug use is bad if you want to live and retire one day. If you want to throw your life away, waste your body away, possibly do crime to steal money to afford the drugs some drug pusher keeps raising the price on you because you're hooked and need another fix, then that's what wrong with society and you're hurting everyone you know and everyone you stole from. It's best to not get started. Unfortunately, I doubt they teach this in school anymore.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Turn off - but I have to say, it's extremely rare to find a stripper under the age of 30 that does not regularly smoke marijuana (or do something else, including Rx drugs) these days.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Drugs = not brilliant

    There are two levels to this. I am down on excessive alcohol use but it isn't a deal-breaker. But given that drugs are illegal I just don't want to deal with them. If a particular drug were legalized (or decriminalized) I'd probably shift to my attitude toward alcohol, where I don't like it but feel it is every individual's choice.

    But as is, I'll just say "not brilliant!" :(
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Shouldn't the title of this thread that reads "Dancers that do drugs" be changed to simply "Dancers"?
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Dancers we have known that die. Sad, sad, turn of events. I lost my brother due to his drug addictions and alcohol dependency. I've been lucky. I gave up pot as an everyday event, due to the discovery of a tumor on one of my tonsils. I agree with those that are subject to on the job testing. I've had to avoid pot when I applied for a number of jobs. I passed and worked for a while for one of the major phone companies until the division was eliminated. I can't and won't stop dancers from doing drugs, it is their life. Cie la vie.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    IIRC, Nina currently is prescribed benzos for anxiety and has taken SSRIs in the past. In addition, she engages in recreational drug use.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"Shouldn't the title of this thread that reads "Dancers that do drugs" be changed to simply "Dancers"?"

    LOL definitely yes.

    for me, as I said, the dividing line is things like meth and heroin -- instant boner-killing cause for dismissal. Pot, who cares? I figure close to 100% of the girls do that
  • flagooner
    8 years ago


    You said that weed and shrooms don't bother you because they are plants.

    Do you feel the same way about cocaine (coca) and heroine (poppy)?
  • K
    8 years ago
    I don't need the headaches of them getting caught. I've had people stash stuff under my seat when they thought we were getting pulled over. I've lost a few friends to drugs. either through death or just watching them waste their lives. The pain they cause to their loved ones is enough to make me want nothing to do with them.

    WRT OTC, What dancers do on their time is their own business. If I am paying for their time it is my business and I do not tolerate drugs. I do not search their bags but if I know they are addicted to serious stuff I avoid them. If I know they have it on them I tell them to get rid of it before we get together. if they bring it up, i tell them my concerns and let them decide if it is worth losing a good customer.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "it's extremely rare to find a stripper under the age of 30 that does not regularly smoke marijuana (or do something else, including Rx drugs) these days."

    This probably is true for a large segment of the population, and maybe even for the entire population. But it is going to depend on just how you relate to people, and what sorts of people you are attracted to.

    Usually alcohol, drugs, and tobacco go together. Often Born Again Christianity and psychiatric medications go with these too. It was certainly this for the Pentecostal Daughter Molester whom I helped put into San Quentin, and for the members of his church.

    San Francisco does have a large number of politically conscious young white dancers. Huge improvement over the more red neck types of white dancers we have here in south bay. We get some of the San Francisco girls too. Often what they want is to shift to a softer core environment. "Because I don't like working in a brothel." "Adults can consent to that, but that is not a good way to run a strip club."

    Maybe not zero experience with marijuana, but present long term abstinence from that and everything else is quite common.

    Dancers put up with lots of stuff from strip club customers, but this does not mean that the girls really think like their customers do.

    It does not take very long talking with a girl, or just watching how she conducts herself with other people to get an idea how she is wired up.


    Thelonious Monk live 1966
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Weed is a massive turn on. I take vapes that the girls can smoke itc. Or on otc dates a stripper who gets high with me before sex is awesome. I don't mind if they do other drugs except that I don't participate, and I stay away from strippers who do heroin.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "Weed is a massiv turn on"

    So now that we know what turns you on, we can make sure that you are supplied with that, as clearly the women are secondary.

  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    Turn off
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    SJG, in context my reference to weed was to getting high with a stripper. The woman is primary but the weed enhances her charms exponentially.

    For the trolls that last word means "a lot."
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Turn off, though I can ignore weed and Xanax (common dancer coping mechanisms, even though I don't fully condone it, I understand her POV).
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "woman is primary but the weed enhances her charms exponentially"

    Other's on TUSCL with lots of marijuana experience insist that it does not contribute anything. The appearance that it is like what Steve229 said, "makes you horny", or what mikeya02 said, "boner you can hang two wet towels on", is illusory.

    Probably what it does do is help you relax. And the inability to relax is probably due to ongoing pains over real life situations.

    So we need to learn to handle the problematic situations in our lives. Marijuana does not help with this.

    And then we need to learn how to be in the present moment, and how to engage with and properly appreciate the beautiful women we might be with. Very hard to even imagine anyway that marijuana would help with this. And experienced TUSCL former marijuana users confirm this.


    The Rolling Stones - Hand of Fate
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    @flagooner, nay on the cocaine/heroin. Those are plant-derived, but not plants. I would drink some of that coca soda they have in Ecuador, though, since it is from the whole plant rather than processed. Poppyseed muffins are cool with me, too. ;)
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    oops, it was actually Bolivia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca_Colla
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