
Survival in the strip club.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016 5:51 PM
While in the club, it pays to be on your game. Back when we had the Detroit meetup, I stopped in The Flight Club, before, to reconnoiter a few times and met jackslash there once. The following visit when I stopped in at shift change, I ran into the doorman who's been there forever. We renewed acquaintances and talked about amenities and procedures. I pointed out a very, very drunk PL, and he thanked me. I was a bartender for many years. I know the type. The night of the meetup as I walked in, I tipped him. He looked at me like WTF. I said you have always taken good care of me, and that's the purpose of tipping. He enlightened me on some of the dancers there that night, and it was a good way to save time and money getting the experiences we look for. What do you guys and gals do with the good employees there?


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Some TUSCLers in the past have commented about getting chummy w/ the staff & it paying off - I don't interact much if at all w/ the staff, or even the dancers other than getting dances from them, thus I don't bother to tip just to tip, although I can see it having advantages
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I say hello and maybe have a brief conversation.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    I do tip the staff. Part of it might because I go to Las Vegas, where there is a big tipping culture, and I'm flying in so every time I go it sort feels like I'm on vacation. I tip the door guy, and the bathroom attendant, both $20 each, and usually one other bouncer. I won't go into all the details, but I believe it has paid off.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    I once tipped every girl in the club
  • ime
    8 years ago
    I don't worry about survival when i bring my Desert Eagle .50
  • ime
    8 years ago
    But really just figure out who to tip and do it early that way you get better service and don't have to grease anyone.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    Yes, the key is to do it early, like ime says. That way you benefit from it all night... and into future visits if you continue to go there.
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    i've never tipped the doorman or bouncers but figure if we ever get to going back once a month or so I might. Especially the doorman at our fave club. He remembers us and is extremely nice. They do a pat down and the first time I had to empty my pockets. I wear cargo pants and my pockets are full. Ever since then he just touches my pockets and has never made me empty them again. I really don't want to have to go around tipping everyone $20 and have always wondered if tipping these guys $10 is acceptable or if they'd think that was a joke?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I'm close to several waitresses and barmaids, but I've never used them as a source of info because they won't know the newbies and I already know the veterans. I get my best intel from my regular dancers. They're not catty (or they wouldn't be my regulars) but they've had good tidbits for me from time to time.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    If I had a regular club, and consistent day/time I visited, I would be more likely to tip as pointed out in the OP. As it is I tip the waitresses and dancers only.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I just tip a buck or two to the customary cast of characters (cover-charge girl, waitress/bartender, bathroom attendant, and the occasional stage dancer)
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I feel bad for violating The System, but I never grease bouncers except in the rare situations where 1) they provide some service of actual value like getting a dancer for me from the dressing room, or 2) it's a "mandatory" part of the vip to tip him. Otherwise I have never been to a club where I saw any need or purpose in tipping a bouncer.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Get in with the managers. They make like $40K salary and don't expect nor want tips from the PLs and they will fetch dancers from the DR. That's my experience. Better than tipping $5-10 for the waitress to get a dancer, IMO. More reliable too. All you have to do it talk to them once and while and let them see you spend. That's about it.
  • two4fun1225
    8 years ago
    I always tool my bartenders waitresses and bouncers. Bouncers at the door since they usually let us in free and treat us like vips. Whoever in in vip collecting money's gets a tip and it's usually the manager because he let's us pick our room instead of telling us what room we must get. The waitresses because i want them to come back and the bartender only if i go to the bar because then they make better drinks for us.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    "I always tool my bartenders waitresses and bouncers." Maybe it's the weed but that sounds like something that SJGay would do.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I can't say I've really used any employee to my advantage. Some bathroom trolls have been cool or talk to much. Doorman or bouncer gives me less of a pat down since I'm a regular. The waitress and bartender s know my drinks. MY most inside details lr tips have came from repeat dancers. ie. This, that about the club or she's a whore, nasty bitch.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I'll tell you a true story before I say what I do. TRUE STORY: I was at a no-extras alcohol club. During VIP dances, the bouncer is responsible for both counting dances, and ensuring touching is minimal. They typically come by multiple times through a 3-song VIP dance. Today, the bouncer was Rob, a huge, hulking, unfriendly presence; somehow, even in a dark strip club, it seems like he casts a shadow when he approaches your table. Anyway, I had just finished a VIP dance -- the place was empty, so my CF and I had the VIP room to ourselves -- and I'm going back to my table, and my buddies are all looking at me. Me: What's up? Buddy: Rob came by, and asked me if Subra was in the VIP. I told him you were, and he said, "thanks, I just needed to know. I don't want to bother him." Me: He said "I don't want to bother him"??? Buddy: Word for word. So okay, here's what I do: - In clubs where I'm a regular, and in particular in clubs where touching is limited, I'm friendly with the bouncer. Smile, "cool handshake" and shoulder bump hello, shoot the shit about sports, buy him a shot or two, invite him over to hang out at my table when it's slow and he looks bored. If he comes through on something bigtime for me, I might tip him, but tipping isn't the main thing here. None of this is forced in any way, he's a guy I see often, why not? The story above about Rob illustrates why I think it's foolish in the extreme not to treat the bouncer like a person, in a club where you're a regular, especially if it's not an anything-goes club. In fact, while Rob is a giant terrifying presence to most customers, I have literally not seen him while I've been in the VIP room for well over a year -- he just plain leaves the room to me and lets me do whatever I want, which I why I get away with the things I described in the Kink thread, even in SF's incredibly low-touch alcohol clubs. Maybe as short-sighted as being too cheap the buy the stripper a drink -- a very little bit of effort (hell, it's not even "effort", just treating him like a regular guy) pays enormous dividends. And I'm all about minimal effort for huge gain.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    what's a "good" employee?
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Well, they are paid to be friendly and hospitable, Tiburon. Some go beyond the simple requirements of their job. The doorman I mentioned, I've known him for years. He's a big dude, but he's very professional. We've talked over the years, and I enjoy the man. He's what I'd consider to be a good employee.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I always tip the bartenders extra as they are a good chat source about the dancers. I always tip the guy running the CR at my regular club for many reasons, but here are a few: I get 17-20 minutes, not 15; last CR we were so loud that he commented "nothing better than the sound of groin meeting ass"; I get the most secluded room available; and the head bouncer has caught me smoking weed with my ATF a few times and just said hello.
  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    Never tipped any of the bouncers. I always tip the bartenders and the waitresses, if the service is good. Have never had any problems, but I usually go to the clubs in the afternoon or early evening.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I'm with you cowboy. I haven't tipped the bouncers and the dancers tell me "I'm not sure what good it will do." For me, I can get the results like subraman, except I feed the dancers and let the dancers control (and reward) then bouncers, which they do. I more of a feed the dancers because the dancers feed the club sort of PL. But I realize not all clubs are set up like mine (particularly the North East) or perhaps my approach is not always the efficient nor the most economical.
  • Longball300
    8 years ago
    Tip the bartenders and waitresses, the dude who seats me and escorts me to the VIP, the bathroom attendant for when I will need a clean up..... and I usually do need a clean up, and here's the other one I believe in, tip the Valet a few bucks on the way in..... so he will take care of your car, keep it near the door and be quick about fetching it when you are leaving.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I agree, the Valet should be tipped also. I rarely use Valet, I'll park on the street if I think the area is safe, but in the Detroit city clubs, definitely use Valet. One guy a couple of years ago atTthe Penthouse Club wandered too far into the neighborhood surrounding, got mugged and killed. RIP, dude.
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