
Do any of you have a land line phone?

I'm on the do not call list and it doesn't work at all anymore. I've been getting so many scam phone calls I stopped answering my phone unless I know who it is. I reported dozens of calls. I maxed out the number of blocked calls at 30 on the phone I own.

Thinking about trying to find some kind of call blocker.
Do you guys have the same set up?


  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I heard from someone at work that he gets the scam phone calls on his work phone. Cell that is.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I don't have a land line anymore, it isn't surprising the Do Not Call system isn't functional. I only answer calls myself that I recognise. My cell phone is the only phone I have, these days. If who ever calls that doesn't leave a message for me, screw em.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Yes. I'm one of the old farts that still has a land line even though I do have a smart phone. I do not give my cell phone number out to any businesses. Only people that I know well. I use caller ID and my answering machine on my land line. If I don't recognize the caller, I let the machine answer it. So far I have never gotten any spam on my smart phone.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    It's even worse when the scammers leave messages.

    This is the IRS, we are fi,I got a lawsuit against you and it is very important you call back this number blah blah, etc.

    Or this is irs agent smith, etc etc

    Or congratulations, you won a ford explorer or something else.

    Those are among those who left messages.

    My relative down the street has no computer or caller ID. Some guy has called about her puter or computer so many times she picks up, hears puter, and imnediAtely slams the phone down. My relative is 85 and struggles walking to the phone. That's like elder abuse scam phone calls.

    Our government has failed the nation big time with the do not call list.

    If they can't think of something that works, we need a new list that only rings if you accept the number or you white listed it already.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Yes, I have a land line for business. I need to go in the "do not call"
    Website and register your phone # again. It expires after a few years and you're required to do it again. Anyone who's done business with you in the last few years can still call your #, and of course they can sell it to another agency. This without you directly picking up the phone, answering when they call and explicitly tell them to take you off their call list.
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    We haven't had a land line for many years. It's almost a game now to see what new scams they come up with. I've had the IRS agent somebody calling from california, gets TONS of better interest rate credit cards, earned numerous free vacations, disney tickets, time shares, constantly get approved for a $250,000 business loan. The list goes on and on. Usually I just ignore them and I hardly ever say anything when I answer. I like to hear how their autodialer handles silence. Some will wait forever until they hear a sound prompt and some just pause for 4 or 5 seconds assuming you're going to say hello and they start their spiel.

    My favorite has to be the autodialer they have setup to say, "Hello this is xxx. Can you hear me ok?" Wait 2 or 3 seconds for the person to respond then, "Ok that's great......." It has to be one of the better setup scams out there and I bet they get a huge percentage of people actually thinking it's a real person. I have no idea what they're selling because When I hear that opening line I just hang up.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    This is the IRS calling, seaboardrr. You owe us 3.6 trillion dollars. Pay up or die !!! LOL
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Have any of you guys gotten a call from a real Nigerian prince ?
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I have no land line. Have not for years. I do screen my calls
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    I haven't used a landline phone since 2006.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I liked my land line, I held out for years as cells got better and better. When I told people I didn't want one, their jaws would drop. I don't jump on a new ship, just because it's new. I wait until it shows itself worthy of my time and money. Generations of cell phones later, I finally got one, it was crap. The signal dropped all the time, even when I was sitting in my house. I changed to ATT and WHAMMO, the thing worked all the time.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I am in contact with these asshole scammers on a pretty much daily basis. I belong to an international group that tracks these criminals down and deals out punishment. They are so damn dumb, they may be hackers, but they are so fucking obvious, it's hilarious.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I use a couple of cans attaced by string
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    "land line phone"

    No. This isn't 1990.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    No land line ever (other than at my mom's, when I lived there). 20 yrs of cell phone only.
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