
Comments by former_stripper (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Never be too nice of a guy!
    Well, strip clubs are a place where generally speaking there is a mutual giving. The guy gives money and the dancer provides a service for that money. Now when this doesn't happen then there are many issues. The problem though is many guys often expect more than they are entitled, like expecting her to show more even though he's not paying or expecting her to chat for free. Likewise I would say dancers do this when they take the money and don't provide what he paid for.
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    9 years ago
    Never be too nice of a guy!
    As someone who has rejected many "nice guys" let me tell you a secret and that is "nice guys" usually aren't. Nice guys (in my experience)have been guys who are unattractive and jerks who think they are nice guys. They think if they wine and dine you then you'll fall in love. When this doesn't happen they get angry. They think they can get any woman to fall in love, even if she is way out of his league. They think it's attractive to be clingy or borderline stalking. I like truly nice guys, who treat me with respect (and me to them), and don't use me. However these guys don't go around saying they are nice guys, they just are. They are also not delusional, clingy or the various other traits that very few women like. This doesn't mean I date assholes. I don't, There is a wide range of guys between assholes and so called nice guys. Dysfunctional women date truly asshole men.
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    9 years ago
    OT: Race and NFL
    I suppose one would have to look at who got hired and where they came from. For instance are they former players or students with degrees in sports management? By that same token there have never been female coaches because partly there have never been female players in the NFL. Many things are based on race but many other things are based on other reasons.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Snipped? Honest About It? Other Variations?
    I don't know if there is a standard with organizations like the AMA. I think it's an individual decision and that the doctors who don't do it because of a variety of reasons. For example, like you mentioned that there is more of a thought that women all want babies while men may not as much. That of course is sexist because many men want kids and many women don't, though in general most at least consider it. Here's another article I found about a woman fighting to be sterilized: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2175482/Married-womans-year-struggle-convince-doctors-allow-surgical-sterilization.html. Also too, there is a stigma because many years ago many people who were considered lesser (basically poor or minorities or mentally challenged were sterilized against their will). Here's something I find fascinating: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/women-high-iqs-moms-study-article-1.1421592. There are many articles like this online and the gist of it is that the higher IQ women aren't having as many babies. There are of course many reasons for this, such as more intelligent women often don't find mates or that they aren't interested in having babies. The downside of course is that dumber women are having more kids. This goes back to the question about sterilization in the past and whether it was always such a bad idea to sterilize some women people.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Snipped? Honest About It? Other Variations?
    Actually here is one article though I found a few online: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2014-05-13/health/ct-met-sterilization-denied-20140513_1_tubal-ligation-sterilization-young-women This is very common because of the misconceptions (real or imagined). I have met a few childfree men and most are not looking for anything serious. Compare this to childless men who may have wanted kids but either didn't care either way or did but never met anyone and gave up. But no I haven't met many sterilized men unless they have had kids (mostly relatives). William Holden already had kids and doctors don't usually have a problem with snipping parents.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Motorhead NOOOOOOOOO! :-(
    Very sad. Very talented.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Snipped? Honest About It? Other Variations?
    Unfortunately though it is hard to find a doctor to do it if one is childless and younger because of the whole "you'll change your mind mentality". I say this because when I was about 32 I considered having a tubal ligation because I was not really interested in having children. They refused because they figured I'd change my mind. The doctor did tell me they don't like to do these surgeries unless one is sure and they can feel it. For a few years I did consider having kids but then realized I probably wasn't going to (or at least bio kids)but still didn't have it done. I probably would not consider a guy who had it done, not because of not having kids but my experience shows me that guys who are childfree and are sterilized usually don't want anything serious either. Not always but usually.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    People I never tip at a SC
    Weird never worked at a club like that. Usually the doorman took the money and at many clubs got a slice of that. I've seen that at non strip clubs though like Starbucks and various other places. I've even seen it at stores.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do cover charges piss you off?
    Cover charges usually served a purpose and that is to keep out the trash. There are many lookie loos who only go to ogle women but feel entitled to doing so. On the other hand, I was going to audition at this club and everyone had to pay a cover charge, including those auditioning. That I felt was wrong so I didn't audition. Most clubs I've worked at didn't charge female customers because they assumed they were there with a man.
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    9 years ago
    Sounds like more ammo for Trump???
    If I recall, both Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul have addressed the worker issue. However, Paul has no chance of being the nominee for the GOP and Sanders probably won't get the Dem nomination. The others though don't care and there is the problem. In fact I got a call one time from the Democratic party asking me to donate and I mentioned this point. The woman said "oh, these are jobs Americans can't fill". I told her that's a lie, that almost every job that is supposedly a need for foreign workers isn't. I couldn't mention how many unemployed engineers, IT professionals, scientists, accountants etc I have known. I mean I met a some sort of biochemical scientist with a Ph.D unemployed for years and have seen ridiculous salaries offered for scientist jobs (there are two huge science labs not far from me).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Another SW thread w.r.t. gifts
    I see both points. I teach now (among other jobs)and for Christmas I get gifts from children I teach. Usually I get simple things like holiday decorations, candles, gift certificates etc that can always be nice and useful. One year I got a lot of candy which I shared with my family because I tend to gain weight. These are all relatively inexpensive (probably $20 or less)and it makes me feel appreciated. On the other hand, I have had the interesting problem where actual boyfriends (as in no connection to any clubs etc)didn't get me anything but other guys did and spent a lot. I've had guys buy me expensive jewelry dozen red roses etc and they weren't boyfriends. Most were just friends. I don't remember any customer buying me much but I did get more money around the holidays which is always appreciated. I always say though that it's important to spend at least one Christmas with someone before marriage to see how they feel. I ended up dumping every boyfriend who didn't buy me anything. Not because I am greedy but if they loved me they'd want to spoil me (and I spoiled them). I just remembered something a bit funny but many years ago around Christmas this woman was at a club selling things like roses, stuffed animals, etc for guys to buy the dancers. I did have one regular buy me a red rose, which was nice but then he offered to buy me a stuffed animal. Nice, except I already had those she was selling (they were those holiday bears that are sold every year in stores, I used to buy them). They were probably animals she had and felt she could get rid of them.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Way OT: What's going to happen to the USA if Trump becomes our next President.
    People think Trump is serious but he's not. He's a joke and doing it for a reason, like to make the Republicans look bad.Maybe someone is paying him off or he just wants attention, who knows. The Republicans instead will nominate one of the kooks in the party instead of the sane people and they will lose to Hillary. No. I don't like it either and Bill Clinton did a lot of bad things to the economy like NAFTA (full disclosure: I worked on his re-election campaign)but the Clintons still have lots of supporters. If you don't believe me, go and ask people who are black or women or many other groups. Trump in his joke is turning many groups away from Republicans. Me personally I will likely vote Libertarian as I dislike almost everyone running and the ones I do like don't stand a chance (and there are people on both sides I like but none will get noms).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I give to certain charities and these in general are ones I support. I am a big supporter of anything involving childhood cancer and gave money and volunteered for St Jude's, and Leukemia Society (my 13 year old cousin died of this). I've given to various other diseases like MS, diabetes and epilepsy. My biggest charities that are most important to me are animal shelters. I give to several and am working on a fundraiser for one involving a friend who owns a pet store (he does not sell animals just food and supplies). I used to do those adopt a family for Christmas but found most of the families were leeches and the same ones came back year after year wanting freebies (usually with more children). I also do fundraisers for military families. I do not support the United Way or most of the big charities since most are scams to some extent (CEO's make too much in so many non profits). Basically if it's your fault I won't give but if it's not I will. OP what charities are you asked to give to/ most of the time for me it's either St Jude or an animal organization and since those are important to me I always give. I got a call awhile back asking me to donate to some charity for illegals and I swore at them and hung up.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Sounds like more ammo for Trump???
    If anyone is serious about the foreign worker problem and discusses it rationally they have my vote no matter the political party. On one hand you have illegals taking jobs from the low skilled workers. One the opposite you have the visa workers taking jobs from the educated workers who spent time or money investing in a career only to lose it. I have seen both problems upfront. I have seen restaurants hire illegals for kitchen help only so they could pay slave wages. I have seen employers bypass someone with the experience to bring in workers from overseas. I don't know the stats but almost everyone I've known who has a high level of education has had a problem getting hired. I have lost jobs to foreign workers, and in one odd case was actually offered a much lower level job than the one I applied for (which went to a foreign worker).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another Stripperweb gem.....
    The simple fact is as a stripper it is hard to find someone decent. It's not that all (or most)strippers are messed up, but rather that most guys see strippers that way. I found this out myself and found when i told men I was stripping they either thought I was a slut or was messed up or wanted to "save me". As for 90% of the men being dumber, yes 90% of the men in general I meet are dumber but the same can be said for anyone I meet. However, if one is truly looking for a relationship unless they are really dumb then it never bothered me. One thing I never understood while dancing and that was why so many have to have a man. I always told new dancers to live it up and not worry about dating for a while. The reason is because there are many messed up dancers who choose horrible guys. We see this often when a dancer has a worthless piece of shit boyfriend she is supporting and is afraid to leave because she'll be alone. Seen this so often and then when one leaves she repeats the pattern. The reason of course is the average man won't want a stripper in a serious relationship. They would be ashamed or can't handle her job (and most men can't). Btw strippers can be intelligent. I can't think of quite a few at SW who are. These are mostly older, retired dancers who invested and give financial advice. I have a genius IQ verified by Mensa but the reality is that people who are smart often scare people. Employers don't want to hire someone smarter than them unless it is to their benefit. Young smart women who haven't finished college yet don't have a lot of choices so to some dancing is a way to get to that point.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Anal sex question
    Ask but she may turn it down. I have no interest in it and likely wouldn't do it unless he was a monogamous partner, he really wanted it and used a condom (germs are easily spread from anal material).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What female would you like to see on the $10 bill?
    Knowing the way things are going it'll be Caitlyn Jenner.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Are there any of these girls that you would have liked to see in Playboy?
    Agreed, the only actual STAR is Shirley Jones and I believe she posed not long ago. She's still attractive for her age but when she was younger she was beautiful. The rest are not stars or talented and most aren't even that attractive.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Rock and Roll HOF 2016 inductees....
    The HOF has become a joke. Deep purple is FINALLY getting in but it took too long, just like it did with Black Sabbath. The HOF claims to be for music but yet there are many progressive, alternative and heavy metal/hard rock artists not in. The odd thing is most of the biggest acts of these subgenres aren't in yet people not rock and roll are going in.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Snipped? Honest About It? Other Variations?
    Generally doctors won't consider someone having it done until they had kids. Not always but usually. That's why I rarely come across men who have been snipped and are childfree, except a few older guys. I guess these doctors figured if the guy didn't have kids by a certain time he won't. However even these guys are rare. I think it has to do with lawsuits and such. I had an exboyfriend who was childfree and wanted it done so hopefully had it done by now.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    SW dancers and gits for their regs
    Most of the SW posters are liars. In dancer only sections certain ones would admit they do extras. They just don't want the male posters to know that. Considering that some of them post photos and let's just say many are at the bottom of the evolution chain where they wouldn't be appealing to most guys unless they offered more. More could be easy to talk to, or a certain physical feature or they are good at sucking dick. Either that or they are lying about what they made. Anyway, I never bought a regular a gift nor would I expect anything in return. I had a few give me things but not like I've seen others get. I once danced with a dancer who had a customer who bought lots of Christmas gifts for her 3 year old daughter. I'm just not big on spending money on someone I'm not close to in real life who don't provide a service (like hairdresser, masseuses, etc). I don't even give gifts to most of my family or any close friends. I used to but it got tiresome.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    "Primarily" for the dancers here: If a patron buys dances from you but refuses y
    Never a fan of having a customer buy me a drink. I once worked in a club where we were supposed to push this more than dances and I hated it. I don't drink, plus I can make more money with dances in a shorter amount of time with little conversation.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A few facts about ‘Exotic Dancing’ you likely didn’t know (20 Photos)
    I haven't met many strippers in all my years of dancing who came from middle class homes. I did (my parents are still married)but I was one of those truly stripping for college (and later to pursue certain careers). Actually, I did know a few stripping for college but the vast majority were from low income families and usually had a kid with a baby daddy not a husband. Most get in it because of the money and when they realize they have to work for that money most quit.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Long term relationships
    Most strippers I worked with either had long relationships with loser men or they bounced around or weren't dating at all. Most of those who seemed to be in good relationships ended up finding someone else almost always.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: the most-messaged woman on OkCupid
    Her face looks too perfect, like a model. A pretty face can trump a thick body.