
Another Stripperweb gem.....

Thursday, December 10, 2015 3:32 PM
Default Re: Is it hard to date? It's hard to date because I'm smarter than 90% of the guys I come in contact with, and because my personality itself is not conducive to the culture of dating nowadays. It has nothing to do with being a stripper. The only relevant factor there would be they're always afraid you're gonna make more money than them. Oh, and the fact that stripper-dom has granted me the ability to filter through their bullshit easily and made me not afraid to say "no" or "I don't want to do such and such" and guys my age are NOT used to an assertive woman.


  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Oh yeah, thank you Mikeya02! My life feels so much better now after seeing this gem. Lol!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Per TUSCL guidelines you are supposed to put a link to the thread – c'mon man; even Juice knows that!
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    PC got you there mike! Then again he is the SW bullshit connoisseur
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Mikeya02, just reading what you have posted, not going to SW and trying to find more, I have to say that I am 100.0% supportive of the position of the SW poster. I feel that she is very insightful about how being a stripper does and does not effect her dating life. And as far as being smarter than 90% of the guys she comes in contact with, I have long felt that this was true for many women and I've wondered how they were able to contend with it. I long ago noted that the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger ( closed no tragically ) had attracted the smartest dancers, and mostly because it was a talking job. I got along very well with many of their girls. Know where this SW poster is? I'd like to meet her. SJG
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Nina posted that, didn't she?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Who wants to be Nina's BF?
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Jeez, ok,ok! [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    [view link] Wow! I know that I'd like these girls and get along well with them. It could be at a talk oriented club like Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, or at an FS-ITC club like S.F. Market St. Cinema, or it could be just spending the night in my own bed. No matter, these girls impress me. The ones that do well in strip clubs have good people skills. Sorry, but compared to this SW thread, TUSCL is often degenerating into a circle jerk. SJG
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @san_jose_guy of course you like them. Both you and the SW girls live in lala land. You guys are relatable.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    So basically she doesn't want to fuck on the third date. Ive known plenty of women who struggled with that at 22 and just gave in by 25.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    @Estafador, what exactly is "lala land"? I like what I am reading in that thread. Those girls I would describe as "heads up". They understand the role they are serving in, and they understand the curious ways in which guys are effected by them. But this does not mean the girls are out of reach. Not at all. How is this "lala land"? SJG
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    The person that started this thread said he's on TUSCL too. Which one of you TUSCLers trolled the hell out of Stripperweb with that thread? Lol.
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Is it hard to date? It's hard to date because I'm smarter than 90% of the guys I come in contact with Sounds like John Smith DS lol
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    First of all, those of you who constantly mention me in threads need help. You could use a hug. Or a heavy drug. If I had a dick, you'd be constantly choking on it. Get over me. Secondly, those of you who consistently bash SW (as if the girls there even care), obviously are bitter for a reason. Especially since it seems that some of you sure spend a lot of time on the site to claim you can't stand it. Third, I'm not sure what is so wild about what she said that it needed to be posted and analyzed/criticized here... Seems like a normal response to a question to me.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    NinaBambina +3 I go along with the SW posters. I'm also glad we have here on TUSCL a woman who knows how to stand up for herself. Though I'm not a sexual submissive, I'm always looking to give out complementary DATY. SJG
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I like the girl who thinks married men are good for NSA sex.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    Looking at Stripperweb vs. TUSCL interests me because of the massive discrepancies in perception/perspective between dancers and customers. It's a strangely antagonistic relationship, which is ironic if only because the goal within the club is an interaction that is physically intimate. Ishmael
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Nina, she made blanket statements. laughable. Yes? No?
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    Can she count past 3 ? Lol....bitch
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    mikeya02, I'm not Nina, but the kinds of blanket statements made in that SW thread were just generalizations and people trying to talk about their experiences and how they see things. Nothing wrong with that. Women who dance in strip clubs are placed under a great deal of emotional stress. " Looking at Stripperweb vs. TUSCL interests me because of the massive discrepancies in perception/perspective between dancers and customers. It's a strangely antagonistic relationship, which is ironic if only because the goal within the club is an interaction that is physically intimate. " [view link].Ishmael +10 We should be reading SW and then joining and talking with their members and trying to understand. SJG
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Anyone with any experience with strippers now their forte is lying to make themselves feel better, or better yet rationalize the things they do. This stripperweb girl is known for her idealistic stripper life, and is nowhere near reality. And SJG if you're serious about strippers me smarter, we'll try not to mistake intuitive with an overall education. Strippers intuitively read men well, but in a small category of intelligence this does not constitute them as being smarter than 90% of men, as that stripper web girl indicates. If they truly were 90% smarter than the men who walk into the strip club, they wouldn't need to be a stripper. It's because of their lack of emotional intelligence which delegates them to a status of stripper. You would have to make over $100k annually for 2-3 decades as a stripper to justify economically why it is more sensible to become a stripper. 80% of strippers make way less than $100k for more than any period of time consistently, and a gap in their employment status renders them virtually unhireable for any good vanilla job. So this makes strippers smart SJG?
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I could post something similar how I think most people in society seem stupid but many are skilled in certain aspects. When it comes to social skills, women in general are skilled. When it comes to certain other skills, different people are more adept. For example some of the guys here seem to be skilled at a system. I actually get tired of hearing, oh, you must be smart when I tell dancers my job profession. I graduated from college an am working in my profession. She may have a lot better dating skills than me though. Most of the girls I met and went out with just wanted to have sex at first.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    Yeah ... I said that it interests me, but that's about it. Perhaps I could contribute there in the future, but I'm not really looking for another time sinkhole. Eventually, you have to actually go to a strip club and have fun rather than talk about it.
  • Aaron_hip
    9 years ago
    I disagree that strippers have better social skills or even read men well. I think many of us have had terrible/boring conversations with strippers. Also, many of us have money to spend but fail to get a dancer's attention, short of physically grabbing her to your table. But let me use myself as an example. I am SURE that it is possible I am a bore and/or dancers just don't find me attractive. Nevertheless, good conversationalists and people-readers can get through someone like that. So no, I don't believe strippers have those social skills. Some do, but many don't.
  • rickthelion
    9 years ago
    This woman clearly doesn't want to admit why she has a hard time dating male hairless apes. It is because she fucked a lion or tiger and has become a slut for BSLC or BSTC. You apes simply cannot satisfy her.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    juicebox69 - I am completely incapable of counting past 3. In other news, if my name isn't in your mouth, you have nothing to talk about.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Those Stripperweb bitches say typical strippers date losers, but the Stripperweb girls are different than the typical stripper. Lol. Those Stripperweb bitches need a dose of reality.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    It looks the user Nina on Stripperweb posted this thread on Stripperweb. Is that the same Nina that's on here? Nina, just stay over at Stripperweb. You're one of those Stripperweb girls that think your pussy is made out of gold.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    IMO; it's not that only guys have issues w/ dating strippers – it seems that pretty much all of society has issues w/ strippers and particularly what they do – civvy women can probably be even worse than most-guys when it come to judging strippers and what they do.
  • mroo
    9 years ago
    Smarter than 90%? How does that even matter in a relationship? She must be a real peach if she feels like she has to be dumber than anyone she dates. If she really is that smart, she should be used to dealing with idiots- it's a skill you'd pick up early in life by necessity.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Hell – even strippers talk-down/bad-about other strippers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... It's hard to date because I'm smarter than 90% of the guys I come in contact with …” Maybe she should start attending Mensa meetings so she can meet guys “at her level” :)
  • Phoenix133
    9 years ago
    Ok so first of not EVERY stripper is bright nor is EVERY customer. However, some strippers are rather intelligent and customers as well. I talked to a guy once who was working on trying to find a cure for cancer! (One of the cooler people I met as a stripper) we had great conversation about it, and psychology, and dragon Ball z. (It's how we started talking he had a goku shirt on he was shocked I recognized it.) I've had all kinds of conversations with people on all types of topics ( I like learning new things so though I might nor be an expert on something chances are I know more than your average joe) from, anime, books, games, cars, psychology, astrology, life, food, theories, hobbies, and so on. And as far as reading people I don't think it's so much a stripper thing as it is an individual thing. Also as far as a woman being smarter than a male (not particularly a stripper) I think it depends on your area and the group of people you talk to for example I have had to simplify my vocabulary a lot around people where I live more so than I thought needed at times. (I like to write, and am working on a trilogy so I like to use a variety of words.)
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Clackport shut the fuck up, you've started two threads about me ya lunatic. It's not rocket science that it's me, would there be another Nina with the same avatar? I'm not like you, I don't need to hide behind online aliases. There's only one of me, idiot. And you have the audacity to try to demand that I stay at SW. Let's see what you are going to do to make that happen. Bye, thanks for stoppin' by!
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    That's just Stoopid
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Nina why are you being so defensive, you are giving the nasty trolls (as opposed to the funny ones) exactly what they get off on.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    "Nina" did not write the moronic comment about being 90% smarter than most of the guys that go to a strip club. It was Selena, a well known entitled stripper in the Phienix area who claims she doesn't need to do extras to make money. Claims is the operative word. It's highly likely she does extras from what other patrons have told me. I agree with "Nina" that Clackport/Randy Anukam/Missionary could Probably stand to shut the fuck up, especially in one of his posts he states strippers like "aggressive" guys. Take note Randy Anukam, they like assertive guys which is a world of difference compared to aggressive. Aggressive behavior deals with thug like mentality.
  • Missionary
    9 years ago
    @likesdickmeat72-I'll be in Phoenix multiple times in 2016. I'd be interested to see if you would say that to my face. Lol tough guy. Nina Nina Nina, I'm not hiding behind anything, and I'm not just stopping by, I'll be here for awhile, I don't know if I can say the same for you. Follow 25's advice, just ignore the trolls (me). Last time you tried to go toe to toe with me I made you quit pretty quickly aka stomped you :) We wouldn't want that to happen again would we? I'll be in Detroit sometime in 2016, I'll hopefully see you then. Have a great day!
  • JuiceBox69
    9 years ago
    juicebox69 - I am completely incapable of counting past 3. In other news, if my name isn't in your mouth, you have nothing to talk about. Nina i love you boo
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Yeah Missionary, and try calling me "Nigger" or "bitch" to my face instead of doing it on your rap song. Your a very ignorant and weak individual. What exactly would you want to hear me say in from if your face anyway? It wasn't clear what has pushed your buttons, other than the fact you had to bail out on moving to Phoenix a year ago because you're too broke. Get a job besides being a customer service rep behind a phone, and u might get somewhere someday. That of course would require an education beyond your GED.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ Sorry you probably have a Bachelors degree, but make something more than what you got out of it. Best wishes in your travels and work ventures. Don't think you'll need luck, just more of your perseverance Ranukam.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Meat---> "Nina" did not write the moronic comment about being 90% smarter than most of the guys that go to a strip club. It was Selena, a well known entitled stripper in the Phienix area" Yep ... And to be fair, even Selena did not say "90% smarter than most fo the guys that go to a strip club", at least that I saw. She said, "I'm smarter than 90% of the guys I come in contact with". I actually think she's talking about guys OUTSIDE the strip club, since she's talking about guys she would date, and presumably, she wouldn't date strip club customers. In that context, I don't find it hard to believe her at all. Typical strippers (obviously, just a generality) are not not going to be coming into frequent contact with successful, smart, white collar men -- those men don't view strippers as dating material. The men she will come into contact with are lower-status men, as Selena herself admits, later in the thread: SelenaTheStripperOnSW--->"It is common that they get with those guys, I agree. On Sunday my club's manager was like "Wait, you're legit engaged? And he has a job? And his own vehicle? Holy shit" and then proceeded to tell me I was the only one who had a boyfriend that wasn't a piece of shit. The other girls he knows of are dating the aforementioned loser drug dealers who borrow the girl's car, don't pay rent, etc etc. Selena the s Anyway, for me, easy to believe a stripper with average smarts would be smarter than many of the dating-prospect men she comes into contact with. Depending on the club,that might be true of customers in her club, too. Here in silicon valley, there are times I look around a strip club and think that the smartest stripper there is still probably 20 IQ points lower than the dumbest customer. But there are other clubs with working class customers where that's definitely not the case.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Lmao Missionary/Clackport we never went toe to toe, because it wasn't even close. I won, which I always will, and you lost, which you ALWAYS will if you come for me. In fact I "stomped you" so hard you got so shaken up that you accidentally posted under the wrong alias after you tried SEVERAL times to put an end to the thread you started because you weren't getting results you wanted. But we can go toe to toe if you want to. Your call. You're pathetic and have no life, just various online aliases. Lmao. You're like something someone shits out before they flush it down the toilet... Worthless, filthy waste.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago
    In any engagement with trolls, there's no such thing as 'winning' ... for anyone. There's just time lost. They're talking about us in their thread, and we're talking about them in this thread. It's all become quite meta ([view link]).
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    It's not time lost if I'm enjoying it. They wanna mention me, I'm gonna show them what I'm working with. I will always be winning. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... I'm gonna show them what I'm working with ...” ALRIGHT !!! - she's finally gonna show us her tits !!!! Good job fellas.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Ya tu sabes
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ hmm
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Meat72, what you wrote is just completely wrong, "Strippers intuitively read men well, but in a small category of intelligence this does not constitute them as being smarter than 90% of men, as that stripper web girl indicates. If they truly were 90% smarter than the men who walk into the strip club, they wouldn't need to be a stripper. " Yes, women are usually quite good at reading men in an emotional or intuitive way. And women who do well in strip clubs and sex work are even more so. But to say that they are strippers because they are not smarter is just completely off base! Most high wage employment is in areas geared to men, and only to those men who seek it and are well prepared for it. And besides, for those who take to it, being a stripper is fun, and it allows for flexible schedules, time off, and travel. You can't portray strippers as those who have no other choices; not any more than that could be said about everybody; as most paid jobs are just total bullshit. The way I look at it this. If they weren't strippers, then just to get a decent wage they'd probably get channeled into FIRE ( Finance, Insurance, Real Estate ). So I look at the money handed to strippers as simply paying for them to be there, to keep them out of sensible shoes and FIRE, as that would be a complete waste of beautiful women and because FIRE is a completely parasitic portion of our economy. And then as far as being smarter than the customers, of course there is a range of strippers. But I'd say that their median is higher than the customer median, and by a good measure. And as for the one posting that she is smarter than 90% of the customers, from my experience at the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, a more talking oriented place, I'd say that about 1/2 of the girls are smarter than 90% of the customers, and then the other 1/2 of the girls are only smarter than 75% of the customers. And then, civilian dating is boring and time consumptive. For a girl who is highly sexualized, she isn't going to want to be riding around in car key and wallet dates. She'd rather be at a sex party. Well a strip club gives her that, plus money. Again, the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, and other clubs too. Girls will say, usually with exactly these words, "This is my social time." The meaning is that she wants to see me as soon as she gets off, and Off The Clock. She means that she doesn't need winning and dinning. On duty at the strip club is how she meets guys. It is her alternative to sitting home and talking to her cats. For some of them it is just a weekend job, as they have a more corporate job during the week. SJG [view link] ELP - Pictures At An Exhibition (full album) [view link]
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    The simple fact is as a stripper it is hard to find someone decent. It's not that all (or most)strippers are messed up, but rather that most guys see strippers that way. I found this out myself and found when i told men I was stripping they either thought I was a slut or was messed up or wanted to "save me". As for 90% of the men being dumber, yes 90% of the men in general I meet are dumber but the same can be said for anyone I meet. However, if one is truly looking for a relationship unless they are really dumb then it never bothered me. One thing I never understood while dancing and that was why so many have to have a man. I always told new dancers to live it up and not worry about dating for a while. The reason is because there are many messed up dancers who choose horrible guys. We see this often when a dancer has a worthless piece of shit boyfriend she is supporting and is afraid to leave because she'll be alone. Seen this so often and then when one leaves she repeats the pattern. The reason of course is the average man won't want a stripper in a serious relationship. They would be ashamed or can't handle her job (and most men can't). Btw strippers can be intelligent. I can't think of quite a few at SW who are. These are mostly older, retired dancers who invested and give financial advice. I have a genius IQ verified by Mensa but the reality is that people who are smart often scare people. Employers don't want to hire someone smarter than them unless it is to their benefit. Young smart women who haven't finished college yet don't have a lot of choices so to some dancing is a way to get to that point.
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