
Comments by former_stripper (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Clean-Living Dancers
    There are a few I worked with and me. I never did drugs (except for a joint rarely and not for many years), never smoked, rarely drink, and eat a lot of vegetables. My family life was very middle class, I don't have daddy issues, and none of the stereotypes. The few like me tended to be dancing as a way to something like a career or college not as a lifestyle. The funny thing is I was a runner in high school and a few of my teammates also became strippers.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I would attend this guy's church
    He's one ugly dude. Actually none of them are all that. I wonder what her dad thought of that, when I was around that age my dad would tell all these old ugly men to leave me alone or he'd kill them. Then again never into much older men, yuck.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Sluts vs good girls.
    A good girl can be a slut but a slut is a slut. However a good girl may fear being labeled a slut so she stays completely good as in prudish.
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    9 years ago
    That would be chatting.
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    9 years ago
    I don't know if Nina is telling the truth or not but I will state you can make money as a clean dancer in a dirty club. This either means you are better looking than the other women who dance there or that the clean dancer has customers who like her and have money. Happens all the time. I do question some of the dancers on SW because some of them are extremely ugly and fat. These women who claim to make a lot being clean or either lying about their money or whether they are clean. In fact I'm not saying names but I was hatting recently to a former poster at SW and she was telling me she dances (or did)with another dancer who incidentally is a moderator at SW. This mod does suck dick but claims to be clean. I've seen a photo of this person and she's one ugly dancer.
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    9 years ago
    New Jersey
    Army To Lower Divorce Rates By Training Soldiers Not To Marry Strippers
    This is funny so many ways.
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    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    OT: Many killed in French terrorist attacks
    TheeOSU I'm going to share that on Facebook because so true.
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    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    ISIS flag
    ISIS is goat fuckers and Obama is a pansy Muslim.
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    9 years ago
    The pussification of America.....
    Reminds me of grade school. I came in like fourth place and no ribbon and I was crying. My parents told me to deal with it and if I wanted to win next year I had to work harder. I did and next year got first. In school if I wanted a better grade I worked hard and got an A. Way too many sissies now in society. Politically correct people are morons and if ignored will hopefully go away.
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    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    OT: Many killed in French terrorist attacks
    Sinclair, best post ever. That's exactly what is happening, these people started immigrating to France (and other European countries)and were welcomed with open arms. They were given welfare and chose not to assimilate, work or even learn the language. In addition they started getting power to push their agenda of Sharia law. There have been many stories of European women raped by these cretins. Then they did this along with all the other attacks in the world, like at the Boston Marathon. Meanwhile those who are truly in danger from them aren't being accepted like Syrian Christians or Kurds. Instead Obama wants more Muslims because he is one. This attacking will happen here again and if it happens while Obama is still president he will make excuses. That is while he brings over more. The group playing was Eagles of Death Metal (who by the way aren't death metal, they are an offshoot of Queens Of The Stone Age). They were allegedly playing their new cover Save A Prayer (originally done by Duran Duran who was asked to make an appearance as they were in Paris too)and both groups are donating proceeds to the terrorist attacks.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancer from wealthy family??
    My parents weren't wealthy but were middle class to upper middle class. I didn't actually have to dance but didn't want to depend on them to help me with college. My parents both had good jobs and lived in a nice area growing up.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New Club Coming to Chicago - SW Suburbs
    Doubt it'll be good, most of these clubs stink. Many years ago I danced at Jimmy's but now that club is a hell hole. Never danced at the others (auditioned at Club O but turned down the job)but most of these clubs are dirty, but not dirty in a way many of you would like. Talking dirty as a dancer that hasn't bathed or shaved in months.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    If a young woman cut off your penis...
    I'm just surprised she found a new husband.
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    9 years ago
    Why I respect prostitution
    That sounds fascinating Lopaw and I bet it would be a great book. I would guess that being an escort they would be more open to people they wouldn't date due to money but it seems to me a female customer would be better on many levels, including the fact that it's not as easy to get diseases (I read this somewhere)and of course no chance of pregnancy.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OT: How Is Shit Like This Even Possible?
    Cook County is so liberal that many Democrats vote against the liberal Democrats, no kidding.
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    9 years ago
    Why I respect prostitution
    I look at prostitution on many wavelengths but one of them is the women are offering something the men want, why not take advantage? In that respect both get what they want. In dating, often one person (usually women but sometimes men)go "why didn't he call". Now if both agree that's what they want they aren't hurting each other. I find the early wild west prostitution rather interesting because back then many women did it so they didn't have to get married or did it until marriage. Many of them found husbands who started out as customers. These prostitutes were actually feminists (though not many would call themselves that) because they were charging for something they'd have to give free, though if you get technically if they married they were giving sex in turn for support. Maybe Lopaw can talk about her experiences with this from a female customer. Does it change the dynamic if the customer is female? After all, traditionally women were supported by men, not women even if they were gay (and many married women years ago were gay, one of my neighbors from childhood left her husband for a woman).
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    9 years ago
    TV commercials pushing some boundaries
    How about last year's Kmart commercial where they said "I shipped my pants". Not offensive but sounded different. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xwUuSM06xQ Or the other commercial with the sexy men playing jingle bells in their pants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3rHibpKMxc
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    9 years ago
    Why I respect prostitution
    No Nemesisk, I probably wouldn't. It's just not my thing. Then again if I was desperate you never know because desperation often means things you wouldn't normally do.
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    9 years ago
    She has a college degree but chose to be a stripper for fun.
    I worked with a few who claimed for fun and they were idiots. While you should enjoy doing it, if it's not making money then not for her.
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    9 years ago
    Why I respect prostitution
    san_jose_guy, it's not that women don't want to support themselves but rather that employers don't often give women the choice. Many end up quitting the workforce because of that. Others quit because of pressure.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Why I respect prostitution
    Nina, I was never conservative in things like this (I don't disapprove of gay marriage either, which some thought I was). I'm Libertarian, not conservative in a Republican way. In fact I once mentioned to an escort (the one who was banned but kept coming back)that to me an escort is smarter than a girl who sleeps with a guy who she thinks will call and never does.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Why I respect prostitution
    Lopaw, I realized after I wrote it that it's not just male customer/female worker but every kind of combination. I actually did know an escort who was lesbian and only had female customers. Others aren't gay or even bi but will play with women. I really respect people who do extras/prostitute more than I do people (especially women)who sleep with someone then wonder why they didn't call.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    TV commercials pushing some boundaries
    I don't pay attention to commercials but I mostly watch the classic stations and the Simpsons so I don't see those commercials. The classic stations mostly have commercials with life insurance, funerals, hovercraft, that stair thing and diapers.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Why I respect prostitution
    Who the hell is Juice?