
Comments by Subraman (page 76)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pool tables in strip clubs.
    It's been many years, but I used to shoot pool with a buddy once a week or so, and we'd often go to a strip club rather than a pool hall. Why? - If we're going to shoot pool, why not shoot pool somewhere you can also see naked wimminz? Actually, this is not a rhetorical question -- seriously, how can you guys not understand that doing almost anything with naked women around, is better than doing it without naked women around. Frankly, that's pretty much all the reason we needed, but to continue: - Shooting pool is both more flexible and cheaper than in a pool hall. We could shoot 3 games, then go sit at stage for a few songs, then shoot 2 games, etc. $1.25 a game vs $15 an hour at the pool hall, and if we wanted a break at the pool hall -- no hot chicks to look at. - In the clubs around here that have pool tables, none have any contact whatsoever. Shooting pool with a stripper, you'll get closer to her than almost anywhere else, plus with the serious lack of skills we all have, playing 2 games locks her down for 30 minutes lol... Anyway, you guys have the wrong perspective. If you start with the question "I want to shoot pool with my buddy, should I do it in a pool hall filled with ugly people, or an SC surrounded by hot chicks", it's easier to understand
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    5 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Glock or night at my favorite club?
    What's the decision, goosman?
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    5 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Glock or night at my favorite club?
    -->"Don’t drop the Sig." I just googled this, very interesting. It sounds like there's a new trigger group that prevents the drop discharge issue. So I imagine this is not an issue anymore? I'm a huge fan of the Glock. Among the things I like about it, is that it's simple enough that I can 'smith it myself (and not hard to find books and classes to learn how to do it -- I took a one-day class with a gunsmith). I've changed the trigger, magazine release, etc., until I had the gun I wanted. Nice to be able to tweak things the way I wanted. It's also been unspeakably, rock-solid reliable. The trigger obviously doesn't hold a candle to a good 1911, or even my Sig P226, but for some use cases, I definitely prefer the Glock trigger to an SAO or the 226's DA/SA. Is the P320's trigger, being striker-fired, more like the Glock's hybrid trigger (although smoother and crisper, from what the reviews say)?
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    5 years ago
    Minneapolis ordinance to protect adult entertainment workers moves forward
    -->"2. "keep a log of bodily fluid “spills.”" WTF??? " Staff will need to write a 300-page novel just on the inside of LapDanceKing's pants alone
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    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    If you had a very defining feature / behavior that anyone lurking on this board
    -->"I think if a lot of dancers or staff at the clubs I’ve worked at read this board, then it would be easy to connect the dots. " On the old local boards I used to frequent, the girls were sometimes able to identify PLs. But, that board had lots and lots of detailed TRs, right in the open forum, so it was a bit easier. I remember one specific incident where there was a particularly vulgar misogynist PL who would say the most vile things about the girls. Apparently the girls got so fed up, they got together as a group, read through all his posts, connected all the dots and IDed him ... and ran him out of the club. He freaked over it, apologized a thousand times over, etc. I think it would be harder here, given how little detail is mentioned here on the group, and the reviews are full of details on where the bar is and how much drinks cost... but if the SF scene wasn't so horrific and such high turnover right now, a stripper who had a LOT of free time and had been around for a year or so could probably go through all my old posts, put together all the little pieces perhaps
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    It's the most wonderful time of the year...
    All of that is good for you amateurs. We pros know it's all about the glue sticks
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    5 years ago
    Camel toe or cleavage what’s your favorite?
    I'm not much of a tit guy, so predictably, cleavage is ... well, I'm still a guy, I like it. But cameltoe is hot
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    5 years ago
    Should I go see her
    It's a troll. Shut 'er down
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    5 years ago
    Choosing a dancer vs Letting a dancer choose me
    I mostly pick the dancer. But sometimes a stripper sits down at the table and turns out to be great; so once in a while, they do pick me. Vast majority of the time, it's the opposite though. That said, mostly I just sit at the table, make at most make some eye contact, and wait for the stripper I want to come by. So from her perspective, maybe she thinks she's picked me. If she doesn't come by at all, after a while I'll go catch her on stage
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    5 years ago
    Counting your cash at the strip club...
    100% with Papi on not showing any of my cash at the SC, ever, due to the company. But beyond safety issues, being a bit anal retentive, I: - Put together the amount for a single VIP ($120), and fold it in half. I'll put 3 of those folded bundles in my wallet. When I want to do a VIP, I can reach into my front pocket, into my wallet, and pull out one folded wad of $120 without looking or taking my wallet out. - All the rest of my $20s, for drinks and food, just get folded in half and go outside my wallet in my front pocket. I reach in, pull out what I need. - I'll usually have a wad of $1s in my jacket pocket or whatever... I rarely go up to the stage to tip, so often I don't touch it
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    You pick my October Monger Trip
    For me, slam dunk for Houston. That said, I love travelling with SBs and do it as often as I can convince one to go with me. Especially if you've at least spent a night with her and know you're compatible for 24-hours... my only hesitation of any kind is if you haven't ever spent much time all at once with her. Whereas I personally am not interested in TJ based on the descriptions -- although I suppose I might change my mind if I actually went and saw wonderland in person.
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    5 years ago
    Next Move ?
    JB: but you were her "safe space", no? Even a Portuguese-speaking Brazilian -- hell, ESPECIALLY a Brazilian! -- will understand the universal language of groping and flirting
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    5 years ago
    Next Move ?
    -->"I would say the only people getting laid for free by strippers are guys she met outside of the club. " Definitely not true. Lots of PLs have stories about this. I met one of my very best ATFs a couple of months before she retired from stripping, although I had no idea she was that close at the time, and we transitioned to FWB just before she quit the club, and stayed that way for over a year until she moved out of state.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Next Move ?
    -->"Some PLs think that they screw up their chances of dating a stripper if they get dances from her and become a customer." This is just an empty statement, repeated by rote, mostly by people who have never managed to date a stripper. Every single stripper I managed to FWB, I was her customer -- and in fact regular -- first. Nearly every story I have heard from **credible** PLs who have FWB'ed or dated strippers, tell that exact same story. And when you think about, it's pretty unlikely a 45+ year old is going to get closer enough to a 21-year-old stripper any other way. IMO, the "don't become her customer" fiction is propogated by: - PUAs who need to sell erudite-sounding theories to the complete morons who buy into their theories on women - PLs who have never dated a stripper, and need an excuse for themselves as to why it hasn't happened But show me a 45+ year old PL who has dated or FWBed a stripper, and I'll show you a guy who, 95% of the time, was her customer first.
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    5 years ago
    Next Move ?
    -->"As has already been mentioned, you are already in the friend zone. If she wanted more, she would have told you by now or dropped hints and given up because you haven't responded to those hints. " Agree. And I'll go a step further: every time I've managed to FWB a stripper, there was a point where it was very clear that SHE was pursuing ME. This is a common story -- if she wants you to be her booty call, FWB, or boyfriend, she will pursue you, most likely. -->"I don't know why the friend zone is dreaded by so many men. Women make good friends. Most people could use another friend or two. Friends often help friends get laid." Absolutely! And a hot friend is a whole 'nother level of wingman. As per the Seinfeld episode, instant credibility among other hot chicks. That said, if you are going to choose to have a female friend, you should CHOOSE it. Not be a little bitch and have that choice imposed upon you, by a chick who you really want to fuck rather than to be your friend.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    Now I know how strippers feel
    My chuckle for the day, "Now I know how strippers feel". And no one even questions it -- we all know a zillion strippers who go around with broken phones LOL Like rick suggested, there are little shops that repair phone screens for reasonable prices. Yelp will have reviews.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Next Move ?
    -->" I have two concerns: entering the dreaded "friend" zone and never escaping and pushing too hard,too fast and being put in the category of every other guy that's trying to get in her pants and six months of goodwill is gone." I don't understand the "friend zone" concern at all, or the "six months of goodwill". Actually, I only understand this concern if you value being her friend so much, that you'd prefer to be her friend even if it means never having sex with her, than not have her at all. Otherwise, there's NO risk here to you. Propose seeing her OTC; if she refuses and hates you for it, so what, you were never going to have sex with her anyway, so sayonara, and at least those ridiculous 6 months wasted aren't going to stretch out to 7 months; or you get to have sex with her (yay!). If anything, you should be kicking yourself for voluntarily friend-zoning yourself for 6 months. Now, the one thing worth thinking about is not "should I ask her OTC?" but "how?". I don't know the answer because I don't understand your relationship. If I like a stripper so much that I'd hang out with her for 6 months without having sex, that would indicate I like her a whole lot; I might come in with an arrangement proposition rather than one-time OTC proposition, I suppose.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I'm always at the edge of my seat when an Asian girl turns around and does the big reveal. No matter how good she looks from the front, if she's got that flat lumber curve that goes into a flat ass, like 80% of them do, I'm not attracted. This one looked like she had an ass that had some shape, although it was hard to tell. I am ashamed to admit, the biggest turn-off was her voice. Holy shit, very unflattering
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    5 years ago
    I don't think there's anyone who didn't say it's a fair deal, for an overnight. Every single person agreed -- you're agreeing with the rest of us in the thread, if you describe it as "a fair deal". Nofuglies said "steal of a bargain". To the extent I hedge at all, it's that I think it's a mistake to negotiate overnights with strippers. Not just overnights -- to negotiate for time at all. My experience with strippers is that if you negotiate for an OTC for (say) $350, no time period specified, there's a good chance she'll hang out for hours. If you get drunk together, there's a good chance she'll crash in the room with you. Or, perhaps, another way to say it: even in one of the most expensive areas in the country, I've done overnights with strippers for under $500 -- because I didn't negotiate an overnight. I negotiated an OTC, we got drunk, and she stayed in the room. I've done this a LOT. THAT is why I think it's fair, but not a steal of a bargain. Yes, if I approached OTC like negotiating with escorts, and negotiated to pay for an overnight right from the beginning, $500 for a hot stripper is a steal of a bargain. But the whole point for me is, I don't ever approach OTC negotiation that way. It's just a complete difference in mindset on how to approach OTCs and overnights
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Asking if Favorite Dancer Will be Working Your Club Certain Nights When You Will
    However you ask, the club will lie, so it doesn't matter. If you have a favorite, there's no excuse for not getting her number and asking her youself
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    5 years ago
    K, gotcha, I might have over-worded it a bit. "would confuse the situation" feels like something she can (and probably will) latch onto to see what he means, challenge it, assure him she won't be confused, etc. A simple "no" is a bit too terse, at least for me; my typical response is "I'm not comfortable sending money in advance of our meetings, but would be happy to see you again ASAP" or something to that effect
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    5 years ago
    AGree. No passive aggressive excuse necessary. You can couch it in warmer terms to soften the blow, but it has to be "no" with no manufactured excuse.
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    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Sloppy Seconds for the Stripper BF
    When I went to extras clubs, the reverse was always in the back of my mind: did she fuck and/or suck her SO before she came in? I've heard and read strippers say that this isn't all that uncommon. Maybe partly the SO psychologically giving himself an out -- "all these other guys get my sloppy seconds". For those guys who like going down on strippers -- and according to strippers there are a lot of such guys, even if tuscl guys don't do it -- it kinda makes you think! Even being the first guy of the shift with a stripper, you could be getting sloppy seconds. Just one of the hazards of the sex biz
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    5 years ago
    Is RickDugan DC's father?
    What's DC's latest nick?
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    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Men that DON’T like strip clubs
    I should also say that I know guys who don't like strip clubs, but that's because they go to escorts or AMPs... they just don't see why you'd pay so much, for 10 minutes of sex in a curtained off room. I get that also -- at least they're finding some outlet for their naked women activities