Going back and forth with Daddillac reminded me of a recent incident that made me curious about what it must be like for a husband/BF to get sloppy seconds when his SO comes home from the strip club.
I was at a club recently where a beautiful girl was sitting on the lap of a young good looking guy who was very clearly her SO. She was with him for an hour plus, until another girl went to her and told her that I was interested. After a little back and forth, we worked out a very reasonable number for a BJ finish. The problem, however, was that her BJ was decent but was not good enough to finish the job. After a bit of coaxing from me and a significantly higher offer, since she was initially reluctant to do the full monty, we came to an agreement and the job was completed. When I was leaving the club as it was closing, he was waiting outside in his car, no doubt waiting to take her home.
The reality is that most of our favorites have SOs. It always made me wonder how these girls handle these situations. I am sure that she cleaned the heck out of herself before she went outside to meet him, but I wonder if that always works completely.
Anyway, just random musings on my part, but it can't be fun for a guy who has a girl working in a club to suspect that he isn't the only one who has been in there that night.
@Jim: Why post here if not to enjoy the re-living of SC adventures? Did I take a wrong turn and accidentally end up on the discussion board for the Philadelphia Philharmonic Orchestra? 😉
No Tick, I just logged on the past couple days and notice a lot of non-humility coming from your handle. Just simple observations. Now back to the philharmonic session as the break is over. My guilt is getting the best of me logging on instead of focusing on the music with my children in tow.
When I went to extras clubs, the reverse was always in the back of my mind: did she fuck and/or suck her SO before she came in? I've heard and read strippers say that this isn't all that uncommon. Maybe partly the SO psychologically giving himself an out -- "all these other guys get my sloppy seconds". For those guys who like going down on strippers -- and according to strippers there are a lot of such guys, even if tuscl guys don't do it -- it kinda makes you think! Even being the first guy of the shift with a stripper, you could be getting sloppy seconds. Just one of the hazards of the sex biz
Wife and I have been swingers for 25 years so none of the shit complained of here matters to me at all. Luckily I am immune to all bad things in life so I can live how I please; repercussion free.
This is funny: I JUST had this conversation with one of my CF’s. She tells me when her and her SO have sex before she comes in. I told her that her used panties are probably worth some good money to PLs at the club. She should ziploc bag them up and make some side money. I guess it’s a pretty regular thing for her to get filled up before work.
On the other hand I asked her if she’s willing to consider the reverse and bring home a gift for him. Actually she said he’s considering it.
SO's aren't the only ones banging strippers before their shift starts. There's plenty of times a girl has come hung with me for the day or weekend or whatever, then stayed over and had sex again in the morning before going to work.
I'm not sure how the guys dating her feel, but I know the trouble some girls go through to lie about it. Talked to one who brought home the little check-out sheets they use, they show time in, time out, # of dances, # of each duration CR, etc. She would draw up a fake one showing no CR's every day and pay the DJ an extra $10 to sign it for her.
If you don't want sloppy seconds from the stripper's boyfriend, hit the club hard next week and you'll have no worries. Madden 20 releases on Tuesday, so that will keep the strippers' boyfriends occupied for a few weeks.
I think a good # of stripper BFs may actually be in the dark if she gives extras - or he may have no choice to believe she doesn't since he can't prove it.
About a year ago I had someone PM me about a SoFlo mixed-club and about a specific dancer - I thought it was like other PMs I've gotten asking for club info - we replied back and forth 2 or 3 times as he asked more questions about the club and also that dancer and then it became kinda obvious to me that he may be the stripper's S.O. so I just asked him if that was the case and he said yes.
Extras happens in almost-all SoFlo clubs including the one he was asking about but I didn't know the girl he was asking about.
rick my friend, any stripper boyfriend should feel honored to get a little residual rick semen on his wick. Stripper boyfriends aren’t like you and me. We deserve a first shot for the day because we’re ricks; stripper boyfriends are bottom feeders.
===> "I thought it was like other PMs I've gotten asking for club info - we replied back and forth 2 or 3 times as he asked more questions about the club and also that dancer and then it became kinda obvious to me that he may be the stripper's S.O."
What's really fun is when an SO gets his hands on her phone and pretends to be her. I rarely respond to stripper texts anyway, but I'm sure that someone is.
last comment@shadow: LOL. Very good point.
On the other hand I asked her if she’s willing to consider the reverse and bring home a gift for him. Actually she said he’s considering it.
I'm not sure how the guys dating her feel, but I know the trouble some girls go through to lie about it. Talked to one who brought home the little check-out sheets they use, they show time in, time out, # of dances, # of each duration CR, etc. She would draw up a fake one showing no CR's every day and pay the DJ an extra $10 to sign it for her.
About a year ago I had someone PM me about a SoFlo mixed-club and about a specific dancer - I thought it was like other PMs I've gotten asking for club info - we replied back and forth 2 or 3 times as he asked more questions about the club and also that dancer and then it became kinda obvious to me that he may be the stripper's S.O. so I just asked him if that was the case and he said yes.
Extras happens in almost-all SoFlo clubs including the one he was asking about but I didn't know the girl he was asking about.
Real talk
What's really fun is when an SO gets his hands on her phone and pretends to be her. I rarely respond to stripper texts anyway, but I'm sure that someone is.