
Comments by Subraman (page 75)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Saying "no" is not rude.
    While I totally understand being a bit more accommodating in a new (to you) club where you don't quite know the norms or any of the girls. But I think this notion that, if you don't start saying no or tipping girls you're not interested in, they're going to fuck up your whole trip, is a hobgoblin that lives just in your mind. Or rather, something you're inventing to justify your actions, which are based on insecurity. Which, BTW, is a perfectly reasonable explanation -- if you get nervous in new clubs and appeasing the hustlers helps calm you, then own it as such, and I get it. But no, I absolutely do not buy that turning down some hustlers will impact your experience one bit. If anything, now everyone in the club knows you're a mark, not the way to navigate your way to the best experience in a new club. I do strongly agree in being polite and respectful, even in your "no thank yous", unless she keeps pushing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Ever decline to tip a dancer? Was I wrong?
    -->"Lesson to dancers: don't ask for a tip. Even if I give you one, there will not be a next time." The thing is, a huge number of guys -- basically most guys who aren't PLs, I gather -- will tip just because she asks, according to the girls. If you're not a strip club regular, it just feels rude to say no. One thing the SW girls say that actually did make sense to me: always ask for tips from random customers, the party crowd, the business crowd -- they can be flirted or intimidated into tipping, and through the night the tips add up. Never ask for tips from regulars, they say no, and then they never dance with you again, so you're risking a long term revenue stream for $10 once. That advice always made sense to me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Hotel access
    I used to use Recharge, which was the best possible deal for OTCs and SB dates, but since they went to more like an airbnb model, I've switch to dayuse and hotelsbyday. These things are lifesavers; in an area where it's not easy to get decent hotels under $300 -- and that's for 4pm-11am -- I can get a nice hotel from noon to 6pm for like $120. Sometimes there's even night slots that are like 3pm-9pm. Great deal if youre not staying the night
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Ever decline to tip a dancer? Was I wrong?
    -->"Thanks all. The exchange bothered me because I don’t want to be a dick to the dancers, and I would have been ok with giving her up to $5 for being friendly. But demanding $20 turned me off to her and all tipping for her. " If she'd spent a few minutes with me, being charming and touchy and answering questions, I would have given her $5. But she gets the willy wonka treatment once she asks for $20 ("You get NOTHING! GOOD DAY sir!") -->"I once had a dancer at another club sit and try to get me to do a LD and I declined and she said can you tip me a dollar for my time? I was a little put off by her wanting me to tip her when she chose to sit with me, but I’m not going to argue over a dollar and I just tipped her. " I don't tip in this situation either. That said, if she sits down uninvited, and is not all hustle but is actually flirty and fun, I'll either chase her away after a couple of songs, no tip. Or, if I'm enjoying her (even though I know I won't be doing dances with her), I might just sit and hang with her, in which case I'll tip her some for her time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    First time setting up OTC. Need advice...
    Even with a girl who you have consistent OTC with, it can be a crapshoot as to whether she'll show up to any particular OTC. With a girl who tells you "maybe", doesn't bother replying to your initial text, and can't speak English? If your birthday weekend is important to you, make other plans, and pursue your stripper on other days that aren't so important to you.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Ever decline to tip a dancer? Was I wrong?
    Fuck her
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Political correctness in the strip club
    You know the difference between a black stripper and a white stripper? If a black stripper asks you if her ass looks big, you say YES
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Where Dem Hoez at
    my goons are on the loose
    -->"toychaser and SCPandit were supposed to be working for me and have gone rouge." Rouge? I'd say they're more of a vermillion
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Where to meet other local SC goers?
    -->"Anyways @OP I think it depends on the club environment you’re in. But know there are trade offs. I personally enjoy large groups because I like angling the table to egg guys on to buy each other dances and I go for a quicker sales for lots of dances in volume and enjoy the convenient concentration for lap hopping. " Yah, I think most groups of guys are the "it's our one trip to the strip club this year wooooo!" guys. I imagine that'st the kind who I'd imagine love to buy into a Buy Your Buddy A Lapdance Challenge. I agree with most others here, I do not find it particularly fun to SC with those kinds of groups; or rather, when I get invited to things like that (most recently, a bachelor party), I basically consider it a "drinking with my buddies, and there's strippers around" night, versus a "real" SC trip. It's SCing with close buddies who are either also PLs, or PLs-in-training 🤣, that I enjoy, and blows away solo SCing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Where to meet other local SC goers?
    -->"I hope it’s not rude to pry. And feel free to ignore if so...but are you Indian? " I come from a long line of movers and shifters Just kidding. If I were any whiter, I'd turn blue
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Where to meet other local SC goers?
    -->"Topic was how to meet fellow mongers without it being weird, not tell us more about how you like to club solo. Just sayin'." Hard to resist telling someone they're trying to have fun wrong :) I usually can't resist telling people how much more awesome SCing with friends is, as long as the friends are PLs, so it goes both ways. Unfortunately, there's no good answers. Make some friends here on tuscl (although they'll be more like acquaintances), become a regular and become acquaintances with the bar furniture PLs, or (best option but hardest) make friends IRL who love SCing. Regarding that last one, maybe the one thing to note is, chances are any friends you make IRL won't be a PL -- your buddies just need to be open to going to the SC with you, and then have such a good time they start their PL journey
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Naming Names
    I think it's fine to ask a reviewer for names, in private. I think it's fine for a reviewer to decline to give names, even in private -- no way I'd ever share names with anyone I don't know well through the forum, at minimum. Don't be a little bitch if the reviewer declines to give names, even in private.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Where to meet other local SC goers?
    I've never done it, but notice that there are regulars who sit at the bar, basically they're club furniture who mostly just buy the girls drinks, who all seem to end up knowing each other. I SC with my buddies and think it's 10x better than solo, for the reasons you cite plus many more. But if your buddies aren't into it, you gotta go make more buddies maybe :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    -->"Crazy Horse in SF was such a cool club to go to. I would say coolest vibe of a strip club I ever been too. Really like a movie theater from the 70’s/80’s. I didn’t think the dancers were all that great though and pricing was steep. " There was a time from the 90s until about 5 years ago, when the girls had just as cool of a vibe as the club. It was a pretty fun place to go. Never had the super hot lineups like Gold Club or Mitchell Brothers, but still hot enough, and the girls were friendly and great.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Widest age gap - OTC
    Well, now I don't feel quite so bad about my paltry 28 years. I do not have any theoretical max on the gap -- in theory as I get older, my max gap will be my age minus 21 (since I like drinking with them), with occasional exceptions for standout 18-20s. But, I do also find that as I get older, I'm having less and less interest in hanging with anyone under 21, and am enjoy mid-20s more
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Do we have a term for a dancer that hangs out in the dressing room all night?
    Eh, she probably knows she has her whale coming later, so no need to bother to deal with rando PLs. Otherwise, as nicespice points out, the option of "make a fuckton of $ on the pole and don't bother with dances" model really isn't an option anymore Nightshift or dayshift muddy?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    First Date ideas to secure OTC and transition to SB Arrangement. (Asking for a f
    -->"As a general rule, my experience is that strippers do not convert well to SB's, even when they claim that is what they are looking for. For those dancers I've pursued as possible SB's they almost all ended up looking for OTC for 1-2 hours and nothing more. They may agree to dinner dates or shopping at first. But that will fade as soon as you start providing cash for p4p sessions. " Not arguing, just giving a different experience -- I've basically treated every ATF I've ever had exactly like an SB, and the experience has been uniformly amazing, with me definitely getting even more for my money. Never once experienced anything like 1-2 hour OTC (in fact, even with casual OTCs, I've never had a 1 hour OTC, and would never agree to it), backing out on dinner dates, .etc. Before I paint too rosy a picture, I will say that any stripper habits she's displaying in the club, will continue. She's a manipulative hustler to get you into the club, and get you into VIP? She's be a manipulative hustler as your SB. She's flakey and coming in, and/or always late? Expect exactly the same. She'll only do 1-hour OTCs with you? I have no idea why anyone would OTC with any stripper who does this in the first place, but sure, I can believe that as your SB the dates might be short. My experience is: the whole reason she's my ATF (and eventually I treat her like an SB) in the first place is because she's awesome. The sex is amazing, she does long unrushed OTCs with me, she might have minor flakiness but mostly can make it where she needs to go, she's responsive to texts setting up appointments. She'll be just as awesome in SB mode. Your goal is just not to foolishly try to SB a stripper who is not treating you all that great.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    OT: Movies and gun guys.
    Public service message: don't drink and post lol
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Clubbing with regulars
    I behave completely differently if it's SC rookies in a "boys night out woooo!" atmosphere.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Clubbing with regulars
    I've shared this many times, I often SC with friends. It varies over time, but usually somewhere around 50% of the time, I'm in a group. Over the decades, there's been a small core group, and then we sometimes invite others, who might join us for a few years then drop out, etc. The really key thing is that we're all PLs; even the new guys get a little lecture on how to behave (I wrote an article about it). -->"For example, if your friend likes a dancer named Candy and she does extras, would you tell him? If your friend had a CF and you get more mileage than your friend, would you tell him? Is there a line?" I've discussed at length the huge advantage of SCing with a group of other PLs, especially if there's a very high level of trust and friendship . Sharing info is one of the big advantages. Fuck yes, if Candy does extras, I tell my bro. Fuck yes, we compare mileage, that's part of the fun. There's no "line" per se. But whether or not I tell my buddy that his CF gave me more mileage is a personal call; if I think it will bum him out I won't.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Cash Apps - How do you feel about them ?
    -->"I once had a dancer subpoena my penis" How the fuck??? She walk up to court and say, "Your honor, I demand a micro-subpoena!"
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pool tables in strip clubs.
    -->"Another patron had already mentioned it, but most of the people who use the tables regularly are known to be very frugal with their money and the dancers are cognizant that they wont make money off them. These are patrons who merely come in to play pool, as it cheaper to play pool a strip club as compared to an actual pool hall." Yeah, it's been a little amusing seeing PLs get wrapped up in knots trying to explain something that's very simple to understand, because we're all such hardened PLs we can't empathize with non-PLs anymore🤣🤣 It's super simple, if you want to play pool with your buddy, you can do it with naked chicks around or not; oh, and if you do it with naked chicks around, it's cheaper. Sooo... naked chicks? Hell, even if you are a little on the PL side, if in addition to being a PL you also like to play pool, well, now you can combine two of your favorite things. Shoot some pool in between hanging with the girls, or better yet, have a stripper join you playing pool (at a no-touch dive SCs we used to go to, this is the most fun socializing you can have with a stripper)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Cash Apps - How do you feel about them ?
    -->"If it's on your phone and linked to your bank account, then it's not anonymous, not really." Ish, I guess it's a matter of who you need anonymity for. As a practical matter, with CashApp you're anonymous to your SB/stripper. Although ironically, I typically don't move to CashApp until I know her well enough that I don't care about anonymity anyway, she knows my full name, etc., and vice versa, by the time we get to using CashApp. Be that as it may, if you use CashApp, the only way she'll figure out it's you is maybe through a subpoena. But if you're engaged in the kind of stuff with her that could get you subpoena'ed, you have other problems. From the government, yeah, they can get a subpoena. Under what conditions would they go through all that? If I were still married, I suppose I might be paranoid enough that I'd avoid CashApp. For the rest of us, it's convenient and lower risk than many other things we do with our strippers
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Cash Apps - How do you feel about them ?
    -->"Are there any that you can remain anonymous when sending money" CashApp
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Cash Apps - How do you feel about them ?
    I use Venmo and CashApp extensively with SBs and ATFs. Works great, perfectly safe. With CashApp, you can use a handle to stay anonymous. But for the most part, we don't use electronic transfers unless we already have at least basic trust -- although it's HER, and not me, for whom trust is more important, since there are ways to pull back the money under certain circumstances. For that reason, I've never heard of an SB preferring CashApp over cash. I'm not sure what risks you guys are imagining. I guess I get it if you have a spouse and don't want to risk having a written record. Otherwise, it's not something I worry about.