
Pool tables in strip clubs.

Atlanta suburb
Who goes to strip clubs to shoot pool? Why pay high prices for parking and entry to just shoot pool? There are a lot of other venues around with pool tables at much better prices including for drinks.

Is this just another way to look cool, like making it rain? I have seen a few dancers socialize with the players by shooting pool with them but they aren't making any money. I did see one dancer shooting while completely nude but that is the exception.

Follies had to remove their table to make more room for customers wanting lap dances, etc. That was an improvement.


  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I don’t get it either. And when I lose to a stripper at pool, to be fair she plays every night but still it’s a bad look.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Rose City Strip and Dream On Saloon out here in Portland both have pool tables. They get infrequent but still some use from my anecdotal observation. Out here in Portland most clubs are no different than bars with stages and strippers so there aren't high prices for parking and entry. A pool table ITC is no different than a video poker machine out here. They generate *some* business so they exist in some clubs.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    If they’re playing pool with a stripper, I get it. It’s a cheap way to get some one on one time. But if just playing with other guys, no I don’t get it. It’s like the guys who sit there watching sports on TV, or sit st the bar with their back to the stage. I guess they’re trying to show they’re too cool to actually look at the dancers even though they’re in a strip club.
    5 years ago
    Some people are conflicted about being at a SC and do weird things.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    I rarely see pool tables in strip clubs in North America.

    Pool tables are common in Asian strip clubs or in bars where B-girls congregate looking for boyfriends/tricks.

    Watching a scantily clad Asian vamp stretching to make a pool shot is lots of fun (especially when you’re already half drunk).
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Tootsies has a billiards room with a bunch of tables seems to be quite often used especially late afternoon and early evening.
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    I love the pool tables. It seems to help the girls get comfortable with me and it costs a dollar. I’m only a so-so player, and most of these girls seem to be pretty good, maybe from playing all the PLs, so that helps too.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    They seem to be pretty-popular in the small black-clubs I hit - they seem to almost-always be in use - the small black clubs I hit seem like popular hangout spots where most of the custies don't buy many dances and seem to prefer the social-aspect more (drinking-up; smoking up; even at times dancing to the music; etc) - there is no cover nor parking fee on dayshift (b/f 8pm); at night it's often a $20 cover but they still go and do their thing (hang-out and play pool, etc; but still don't buy dances).

    For me the pool-tables are an inconvenience b/c these clubs are small and the pool-tables take up room that could o/w be used for additional seating or dance-areas - in these small black-clubs dances are usually on the floor (table-side or barside) thus the pool-table takes up space which is already in short-supply in these small-clubs; and these dudes that don't buy any dances and just hang out also take up seats to where it makes it harder and/or more-uncomfortable for the guys getting dances.

    I don't mind if it's a big-club like Tootsies where there is plenty of room and a dedicated dance-area - in Tootsies' case the club has a sportsbar area separate from the main-room.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    One near me has one.

    One has to remember that there are more than a few folks who club with no intent to buy dances. Party groups that want to feel a little wild by going to a club but aren't actually looking to get wild. The table gives those folks something to do.

    Plus, yeah, it gets a few of the girls off their phones and interacting with the customers a little more.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    There is one local SC which brands itself as a sports bar/strip club, so it has a separated room with large TVs broadcasting local games as well as pool table.

    It not much of a strip club and not much of a sports bar.

    I only go there if my buddies want to go.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Who has fucked a dancer on the pool table, or even seen this done?

    I have not. But in one case, a girl DFKing guys, I thought someone might lift her up from the bar she was on, and transfer her to the pool table for fucking. But I was concerned about that creating a safety problem.

  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    It's been many years, but I used to shoot pool with a buddy once a week or so, and we'd often go to a strip club rather than a pool hall. Why?

    - If we're going to shoot pool, why not shoot pool somewhere you can also see naked wimminz? Actually, this is not a rhetorical question -- seriously, how can you guys not understand that doing almost anything with naked women around, is better than doing it without naked women around.

    Frankly, that's pretty much all the reason we needed, but to continue:

    - Shooting pool is both more flexible and cheaper than in a pool hall. We could shoot 3 games, then go sit at stage for a few songs, then shoot 2 games, etc. $1.25 a game vs $15 an hour at the pool hall, and if we wanted a break at the pool hall -- no hot chicks to look at.

    - In the clubs around here that have pool tables, none have any contact whatsoever. Shooting pool with a stripper, you'll get closer to her than almost anywhere else, plus with the serious lack of skills we all have, playing 2 games locks her down for 30 minutes lol...

    Anyway, you guys have the wrong perspective. If you start with the question "I want to shoot pool with my buddy, should I do it in a pool hall filled with ugly people, or an SC surrounded by hot chicks", it's easier to understand
  • bubba267
    5 years ago
    With all respect to Subra’s perspective...What Dr Evil said. It is a “look how cool I am” thing
  • goldmongerATL
    5 years ago
    Years ago I used to go to a club that had 2-3 tables. Seemed like the guys hanging out there were boyfriends or pimps. Would see girls giving these guys money, not the other way around.
  • Assmanjoe
    5 years ago
    I know of two clubs in my region that have pool tables. In both clubs the tables are used regularily, mostly by regulars who go all the time and already know the girls and are not high-roller types. Both clubs have no cover or any other charges and cheap beer. Some dancers play but not often. One club is pretty clean, the others basically a whorehouse. Both have an old-school, local vibe. Cant say ive ever played pool at a titty bar but i can see why you would if you go all the time to just hang and chit-chat and grab some ass and go home buzzed.
  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    Ive seen clubs eith a pool table. I can think of a few reasons it could be useful.

    -As was stated previously, some guys don't get dances.

    - it's a way to interact with a dancer.

    - Most times after a fruitful VIP trip and im spent, I leave immediately even if the evening is young. If a club had a pool table, I might play to engage some dancers until I'm fully recharged and ready for more fun. I really don't like sitting around knowing im not going to get dances bc Mr. Happy is in recovery.

    My two cents about it. But it doesn't enhance or take away from my experience.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    In the clubs I go to that have pool tables I rarely see dancers hanging out by the pool table - I assume it's bc it's kinda obvious those guys in those particular clubs are not there to spend $$$ on the dancers
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    I shoot pool at strip clubs if they have them. With dancers.
  • DandyDan
    5 years ago
    One of the clubs I used to visit had a pink pool table, as opposed to the standard green. At that club, it was generally a rule that you could only play one of the strippers in pool and they would be at least topless. I used to always play my old favorite Sunshine. It was a warmup for the main event. I also played my old favorite Nina, who would play naked. My old favorite Angel did it once, but she was awful at it.

    One of the other clubs I used to visit regularly had pool tables, but I think there, it was mostly something for guys to do to avoid paying attention to the strippers they didn't like. That club had 30 strippers a night, at least on weekends, and of the 30, 25 were not worth it, typically, so playing the pool tables is a way to avoid the problem dancers.
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    If the club is big enough I don't mind them. We used to shoot pool at the Masters in Myrtle Beach after a round of golf with a couple of the ladies; tipping them along the way to have "wardrobe malfunctions" or to play strip pool against each other. It was a fun distraction and something different.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I love to see a hot girl knock a stick and balls around
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I've played pool in strip clubs. Not too many have them though. It's a nice way to "recover" in between VIP sessions. :-)
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    I played once with a buddy at a DC club that had a separate pool room when I was a baby monger maybe 15 years ago. Definitely did it because I was a little uncomfortable in the club and I liked pool. Now? I ignore the tables when I see them but I am open minded enough that if a stripper wanted to play, I’d be up for it.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    I bring my pocket pool set to the club all the time.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    ^^ gonna sink the 8-ball in the corner pocket - er - booth.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ LOL my ATF DS has that shot down cold. Bank shot, of course.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    I thought the pool tables were for the drug dealers who come in, play a set, and deliver the stripper goodie bag on the DL.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Long time ago in an issue of Larry Flynt's Hustler Magazine I saw that the cover said, "Virtual Centerfold".

    So I looked, it was an animated centerfold, good computer animation. Started with a typical Go Go Bar dancer, playing pool. Then she was on the pool table, then taking off her clothes and giving you a nice pussy show.

    So I think fucking the girl on the pool table is a deeply embedded fantasy, even pulling a train on her.

    No one has ever seen such?

    Good movie, fiction about LA hostess dancing clubs. One girl gets fucked on the pool table, well almost.

    Bleak story about people leading bleak lives.

    And then of course, most famous, Cybill Shepard, small town in Texas

    this posting overdubbed in Spanish

  • loper
    5 years ago
    It's an awesome sight -- a lovely stripper bending over a pool table to make a shot.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ Agreed, that is what short dresses are for.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Any body fucked a girl on a pool table, anywhere, even their own home?

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Give it a rest.

    No one wants to provide the content for your jerk-off obsession just because your internet died.
  • ancientlurker
    5 years ago
    Something to do when there's an uggo on stage. Unless they have a Megatouch with Photo Hunt.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    The Midwest has a lot of little clubs that function as both local bar and titty club.
  • SmashingHoes
    5 years ago
    This is something that is a common occurrence in dive clubs that are located in the Philadelphia suburbs but it doesnt occur within any clubs that are located within the city of Philadelphia and the immediate areas.

    Another patron had already mentioned it, but most of the people who use the tables regularly are known to be very frugal with their money and the dancers are cognizant that they wont make money off them. These are patrons who merely come in to play pool, as it cheaper to play pool a strip club as compared to an actual pool hall.

    The pool table could also be leveraged as a way to break the monotony in constant tipping at clubs where there is a ruthless dollar parade. Two clubs in the suburbs come to mind where numerous patrons would utilize the pool tables for that specific utility. I've done this several times at various clubs.

    Finally, the pool table could serve as an icebreaker between a PL and a stripper in some instances. There has been instances where a stripper was watching/viewing our game and was interested in the details, so she asked us questions about the game in order to initiate the conversation. That's just my two cents.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"Another patron had already mentioned it, but most of the people who use the tables regularly are known to be very frugal with their money and the dancers are cognizant that they wont make money off them. These are patrons who merely come in to play pool, as it cheaper to play pool a strip club as compared to an actual pool hall."

    Yeah, it's been a little amusing seeing PLs get wrapped up in knots trying to explain something that's very simple to understand, because we're all such hardened PLs we can't empathize with non-PLs anymore🤣🤣 It's super simple, if you want to play pool with your buddy, you can do it with naked chicks around or not; oh, and if you do it with naked chicks around, it's cheaper. Sooo... naked chicks?

    Hell, even if you are a little on the PL side, if in addition to being a PL you also like to play pool, well, now you can combine two of your favorite things. Shoot some pool in between hanging with the girls, or better yet, have a stripper join you playing pool (at a no-touch dive SCs we used to go to, this is the most fun socializing you can have with a stripper)
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    It really is that simple. Even if I’m not good at it, playing pool with strippers is more fun than playing pool with other people and is cheaper too.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Dam skippy
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