
Counting your cash at the strip club...

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

A few weeks ago ldk82 made a discussion about flashing $100 to a dancer to get a dance or more from her. Now i've never actually done that, the whole show a girl some money and and then say something like there's more of that where that came from if she wants some. In fact since i only bring cash to a club and i try to bring at least as much as i might spend and not run out and use the rip off of an ATM or that funny money that some clubs sell when you use credit, i usually have a decent sized wad of cash in my pockets and wallet. Which occasionally needs to get reorganized or counted. That and sometimes in the middle of a visit, i wonder how many dances i have left or even a possible room if a particular girl interests me.

So i'll usually surreptitiously count my larger bills in my wallet, usually under the table counting the number of twenties and then doing the math in my head and keeping track of any larger bills (usually not that many). The singles (in a separate pocket) i don't bother counting them, unless there's only a few left at which point i might get some more. Now the 5s and 10s i also have in a separate stash/pocket or sometimes with the singles, as my wallet doesn't have enough room to comfortably fit all the bills. I usually use this for drinks and tips or to make change/get singles and sometimes i have to use this stash for dances (sometimes the one and done's) or VIPs when i'm burning through my larger bills. This stash (maybe around $100 if that) i'll just openly count and organize rather nonchalantly. Anyway, long story shorter, it's usually when i'm fiddling with this stash, that a usually thirstier girl that i usually have no interest in dancing with will feel free to come up to me and ask for company. So some 5s and 10s got a girl's interest or led her to believe i might be a dance buying PL? Thought that was interesting. Maybe i've been doing it wrong and playing with the wrong stash, but i'd rather not advertise how much money i've brought to the SC.


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Avatar for JAprufrock

I once heard that you never count your money when you're sittin' at the table, that there'll be time enough for countin' when the pussy eatin's done.

Avatar for SanchoRG

Same I keep that shit secret. Gives me a much stronger negotiation position

Avatar for JohnBuford

I do think it's important to do an " inventory" every hour or so. I'll count my money in the Men's room, but "flashing" isn't a bad idea.

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

Maybe the girls that have been doing this a while have picked up on certain PL behaviors. That is if she sees a PL counting (or really just organizing) money, than he is probably considering getting a dance in the near future as opposed to the the PLs that don't do dances. I just think it's presumptive to think that it's going to be her, but she might as well try. I also think there are girls that really do this as it seems to be more than just a coincidence that they approach at this exact moment and it's not as if i'm constantly doing this either, literally two or three times at most during a several hour visit. It's almost as if taking cash out of your pockets brings the vultures out...

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I know how much cash I have when I walk through the door, and I keep track of what I'm spending as I spend.

That said, if I need to check my cash reserves, I'll do it in the men's room in a stall. I also don't want other customers to know how much cash I have, because that could also lead to problems / drama.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

IMO SCs are often seedy places often with seedy people, especially in dives IMO - I avoid showing my $$$ bc:

  • there are def thieve/pickpocket dancers and they are often good at what they do - one of these type dancers seeing you have a big-wad and where you put it could cause you issues
  • thieve/pickpocket custies could also try and lift your wad although this seems much less common than dancers doing it

  • I don't want to attract unwanted attention including from fuglies (I prefer to keep a low-profile in clubs vs standing out too much)

I try to have my $$$ sorted b/f I hit the club - if for w/e reason I don't when entering the club then I head to the restroom and hit a stall - I may have to count my $$$ once or twice during a visit, if so I'll usually do it b/w my legs.

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

^ Definitely agree with all of those points, even if i do try to avoid the seedier places. Am always mindful of where my wad/wallet is at all times, and and now a bit more defensive of personal items, like phone, in the presence of dancers. Especially if they seem a bit hood or drug-addicted...

Avatar for Subraman

100% with Papi on not showing any of my cash at the SC, ever, due to the company. But beyond safety issues, being a bit anal retentive, I:

  • Put together the amount for a single VIP ($120), and fold it in half. I'll put 3 of those folded bundles in my wallet. When I want to do a VIP, I can reach into my front pocket, into my wallet, and pull out one folded wad of $120 without looking or taking my wallet out.

  • All the rest of my $20s, for drinks and food, just get folded in half and go outside my wallet in my front pocket. I reach in, pull out what I need.

  • I'll usually have a wad of $1s in my jacket pocket or whatever... I rarely go up to the stage to tip, so often I don't touch it

Avatar for datinman

I end up in a fair amount of dive clubs. I would be more worried about a low life patron following out to the parking lot when I left than problems with the dancers, but I still won't flash my cash in a club.
I usually separate my money in a couple of places, so if I run out of the first stack I know I am down to $200 or whatever. If I've planned ahead, I will usually get 2 or 3 $100 bills beyond what I want to spend and fold them up between cards in my wallet. If I'm having a great night that becomes my ATM.
In the really dive clubs, (think deep Washington Park), I never have more than about $250 on me.

Avatar for Huntsman

I also know what I came with and keep track of what I’ve spent and stick to it. And I don’t flash money around for the same reasons others have stated.

I also suspect that Subraman earned more merit badges than me in Boy Scouts. He’s way more organized than I am.

Avatar for TippingDollars

Only money in my hands are one dollars bills. All big bills stay in the wallet.

Avatar for rickdugan

There was a time when I would flash cash strategically when I was trying to accomplish something.

Then one day several years ago I was pick pocketed by a dancer. I had flashed my cash to her, not intentionally, when I paid her for LDs earlier in the evening. Later she came to find me and gave me a big ol' bear hug and relieved me of my wad. She was buck naked and I was tipsy, both which threw my off my normal guard. For the life of me I don't know where she put it, but I can guess. From that point on I never flashed cash in a club again.

Avatar for rickdugan

Now I keep 20s in one pocket and all the smaller bills in another. I reach in and peel a 20 off when I need it and tip with the bills from the smaller pocket. When I am accumulating a large wad in the tip pocket, I may pull that out and use some of it to pay for the next round, but I never pull out the 20s wad.

Avatar for IHearVoices

When I need to count, I wait until no dancers around. If dancers are around, I just go in the bathroom and count - usually in a stall. Flashing in front of dancers seems to be full of downside, much of which has been discussed above.

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