Asking if Favorite Dancer Will be Working Your Club Certain Nights When You Will

avatar for ProfoundLee
I had plans, flights / hotel reservations to be in Vegas for 5 days in 2 weeks. I asked strip club using Twitter, if a favorite dancer will be working at their club during this period. Was this politically correct ? Would calling the club have been better ? You guys know. Please let me know. Thanks.


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avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
However you ask, the club will lie, so it doesn't matter. If you have a favorite, there's no excuse for not getting her number and asking her youself
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Lmao as if the club has any clue!
avatar for boomer79
6 years ago
Some dancers are inconsistent about when they show up. I doubt the club would know. If she’s a regular favorite she’ll probably give you her number for that purpose A lot of people think exchanging numbers is for OTC but it’s actually more common for it to be used for this type of thing or for girls to get their regulars into the club.
avatar for Ferdinx
6 years ago
Agree with boomer. Dancers will change their schedules on a whim, and the club won't have any idea even if they would tell you.

Digits from the dancer, and you find out directly. Otherwise, it's a crap shoot.
avatar for AnonymousJim
6 years ago
I've seen clubs take just about every approach to this.

Some will say they can't tell you whether a dancer is there or not for safety reasons.

Some will post the dancers' names who will be there that night on social media.

Some will say, "Oh yeah, of course she's here!" whether she is or not to just get you to come out.

Some clubs, as outlined above, actually have no clue.

And some will actually give you an honest answer.

Depends on the club.
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
Vegas clubs generally don't give out that info and they usually don't know either. You should contact exchange information with the dancer instead. The chances of seeing a girl you know twice is pretty damn low at some of the bigger clubs.

If you go to a club long enough and keep asking for a specific girl, the bouncers might be able to help you out if she's working on a night you come in (this happened to me after going to a club weekly for 5 months straight).
avatar for ProfoundLee
6 years ago
Thanks all for answers with logic behind them.
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