
You pick my October Monger Trip

Anywhere there are Titties.
I've got some free time in early October so I'm going to take a short trip. I am debating between two options. I thought I would put the two options out there so you can tell me which you would go on.

Option 1 - I have this honey of a sugar baby that wants to visit Houston. I lived there for 15 years and she is considering moving there. She is a young, 22 year old that wants to move to a big city. I could go see a football game. See friends. This little SB is a real doll. About 5-2, 110 lbs, natural c-cups, fine ass that you just want to grab hold of everytime she walks by. Oh, did I say she is Bi-curious ? And for some reason, she really likes hanging around me. She's tons of fun, but I don't have anything in common with this girl other than the sex. But for 3 days, would I care ?

Option 2 - "TIJUANA" Hong Kong is calling me. Haven't been there in several months and I'm having withdrawal pains. I could have sex with 8-12 different beautiful Latinas in 3 days. My only limit would be how many times can I get it up in those 3 days.

I have a ton of frequent flyer miles and vouchers so the travel cost isn't much. Actually looking at the two options, the total cost would be very close to the same amount. Do I want to have lots of sex with one girl for 3 days OR do I want to have an orgy for 3 days ?

Which option would you pick ? Why ? Is there some factor I am not considering here ?


  • K
    5 years ago
    TJ will always be there for you. That 22 year old won't.
  • TxVegas
    5 years ago
    I would vote Houston with the SB.
  • K
    5 years ago
    More reasons to pick Houston.

    You owe it to her future self. In ten or twenty years she will be going from store to store of the galleria dragging her kids along. She will go to the ladies room and think, that's the stall Warrior bent me over in.

    your friends won't be impressed by you going to TJ. They will be if you show up to the party with her.

    if she does move there and you go back to see friends, you have her there as well.
  • ime
    5 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I was originally going with option 1 till you said you had nothing in common but sex - 3 days with someone you have nothing in common with for me is no fun and can turn into a PITA (it's not as if ur gonna be fucking 12 to 14 hours a day - based on this in-depth analysis I would choose option 2
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    Frankfurt for an FKK experience!
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Papi - I wouldn't say nothing in common. We've had 4 dates so far and get along great. But she is 22 and I am.. well..... older.

    ATAC - FKK is a different version of TJ. The airline I have points on doesn't go to Europe.

    ttf - I might go to Denver to meet Random during Ski season, but not in the Fall. Another time.

    K - Some very valid points sir. You got me thinking.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Option 1 seems like the surer thing but then again you're putting all your eggs in one basket - if you feel you would have a good-time I'd choose option 1
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    I can see option 1 not working out and then you're left with blue balls but at the same point, this might be your only chance at option 1. TJ will always be there until you're ready to make your pilgrimage.
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    5'2" 110lbs Option 1 !!!!!!!!
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Liwet - You actually bring up my biggest concern with Opt 1. I've taken 2 trips with strippers. One was overnight and we got along great. The other was a 2 night trip where we got along for a night, then didn't get along the second night. But sugar babies are wired different than strippers. This SB really wants to go.

    nofug - She is adorable. Rate her an 8.5-9. Cute face, tits, flat stomach, bubble butt.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    "I might go to Denver to meet Random during Ski season, but not in the Fall. "

    you're always welcome here @Warrior and we can double date to climate-denier conference or Klan rally -- something of interest to you.

    ...although you'll find that my SB is more attractive.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    No one has a crystal-ball to know exactly how It will turn-out; not the end of the world if it doesn't go great, it's not as if it's his last mongering opportunity for the rest of his life.

    But, one sometimes doesn't see a person's true-colors till they've been with them a good-while and the shitty-side starts to come out - but one can only go with what they know and a bit of their gut-feeling and it can turn out great, meh, or bad, but it's worth the try.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    Yeah, to be honest I would think twice about spending three days together in a hotel with someone three-decades younger that you hardly know.
  • anthony6613
    5 years ago
    Houston. Let us know how it works out.
  • Array
    5 years ago
    I lived in Houston for 15 years and would choose Option 1 with or without the SB. There’s lots of willing girls in Houston, just not as cheap or as in your face as in TJ.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago

    I vote for Option 1; and would recommend make it into a short weekend type of GFE.

    Turn yourself into an mature sophisticated gentleman of a boyfriend, that is attractive, funny, (make her laugh a lot), be kind, and ideally make her orgasm as many times as she is able. Think Edward (Richard Gere) in Pretty Woman. And don’t worry about any age difference.

    Do this an DO anything else that will make the two of you be happy together, go to dinner to a nice restaurant, a play or a movie, or ice skating at the Galleria in Huston, (they had ice skating there, when I went there many years ago)

    The idea is to give her the experience of a lifetime, it doesn’t cost too much to give a 22 year old girl a Cinderella experience, like in the movie.

    Remember two of the best things in life are laughing and orgasms, make sure you two do both of them a lot during the three days you would be together and end up walking away wanting more.

    TJ is great, but is not going any were, but GFE relationships are more rare and dohave more to offer in my opinion.

    Please let us know what happens.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I can't chose for you. I have been to whore houses all over western Mexico and burned out on them years ago. My buddy and I took on 11 girls from 9PM until 6AM once in the Acapulco zona roja. He got the last one, a 50 cent BJ while we waited for a taxi.

    On the other hand spending 3 days with a stripper 50 years younger than me sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Plus it sounds like a poor ROI if she is looking to move.

    Being a retired air line employee, I still have pass privileges to damn near anywhere. I'm just tired after 46 years of flying. I'd rather stay at home and go to Follies twice a week.
  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    I vote for Houston.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Go Houston it’s not like there is not plenty else to do there anyway.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    For me, slam dunk for Houston. That said, I love travelling with SBs and do it as often as I can convince one to go with me. Especially if you've at least spent a night with her and know you're compatible for 24-hours... my only hesitation of any kind is if you haven't ever spent much time all at once with her.

    Whereas I personally am not interested in TJ based on the descriptions -- although I suppose I might change my mind if I actually went and saw wonderland in person.
  • K
    5 years ago

    the choice is between

    a once in a lifetime opportunity that also let's you visit a fun city, see old friends and make them jealous, enjoy a wide variety of pleasures, catch a football game and and create unique memories for her and yourself.


    do something you have done several times already and will do again several times.

    There are risks. All the best adventures have risk. From what you've posted I think it is safe to assume the worst that happens is the two of you get on each others' nerves after a day or two. By then you'll have already had a good time. You go your way, she goes her way for the remainder of the trip. You will have some great stories and you will know the two of you can't do more than an over night. The best that happens is you have a weekend that you talk about for years to come.

    if that isn't enough to convince, you consider us. Which of these options leads to better follow up posts for us to read? Your TJ visit will read like every other TJ visit. the Houston trip may be uneventful but it has the potential for amazing stories.
  • 623
    5 years ago
    This is simply a choice between unknown with some risk (Houston) vs known with some certainty (TJ, since you’ve been before).

    None of us has anywhere near the knowledge of the two options in your eyes to make a decision for you, as requested.

    Why not do both? Put her on a plane home and get on a different one to San Diego, it’s only a couple hours.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    @Warrior wrote: "TIJUANA" Hong Kong is calling me. Haven't been there in several months and I'm having withdrawal pains. I could have sex with 8-12 different beautiful Latinas in 3 days"
    Do you ever bother to get tested @Warrior? Condoms are 30% to 50% effective in preventing herpes, for example. It's not that I really give a shit about your health. In the sugaring world you're trying to protect the health of a young girl, who's not a sex worker, and who might have to live with the stigma for her entire life. And there are plenty stories on the Reddit forum from girls getting HSV from their partners.

    Full-panel STD testing is $188 and includes the antibody tests for HSV-1 and HSV-2.

  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Oh Random. How sweet! You are worried about my health. To put you at ease, yes I recently had a complete physical with all kinds of blood work and urinalysis, etc. Complete bill of health. Thank you for asking.

    But STD's are a consideration in this. When I first joined Seeking, I was fooling around a lot. Now, I have narrowed things down to two different girls. This girl is one of those. I am pretty comfortable with her.

    As far as TJ goes. I do not partake in street girls. And I do not partake in any girls outside of Hong Kong. I might go into the other clubs, but do not Arriba with any of them. The girls in Hong Kong are regularly tested as required by the club to work there. So I feel the risk is lower there. But to your point, STDs are something to consider. I would NOT do any of the Hong Kong girls bare back. Probably let them give me a BJ bare, but no raw fucking.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    It's good that you got tested and maybe you're not a Neanderthal, after all.

    You weren't very specific about what testing you had done and they may not test for HSV-1, HSV-2 unless you ask for it. For example, Planned Parenthood doesn't test for either unless you have symptoms.

    Most of these STDs have complicated incubation periods and I wouldn't be going to Mexican brothels at all while you're sugaring. Everyone has their own risk tolerance. Besides the fact you might get gunned down by some nutcase white nationalist if you go near the border.

    Condoms don't prevent herpes and passing herpes to a girl via DATY is getting more common. Here's a thread where SBs are talking about getting herpes *despite* always using condoms:


    If you're a 50-ish guy dating a 22-yr-old, I think it's incumbent on you to make things safe.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    A long time ago my ATF and I had a long talk about STI’s before going bare back. Given her history of promiscuity I was surprised at her being clean, but on her doctor’s report there was no test for Herpes. I asked her about herpes and she said, “Sure I’ve got it. Doesn’t everyone?”
    I know I got it from a two night duck fest with an escort in Nashville. It was the hottest (temperature), sweatiest, sloppy sex I can remember. Condoms just kept breaking and sliding off to the point we both said, “fuck it”.
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    Good discussion, but everyone seems to have missed the critical opportunity that makes Option 1 the clear winner.

    Having taken SB's with me on trips from 2 to 30 days, I can agree that it's up to you to add in non-sex experiences to the trip that will make her feel like a princess. It's not expensive and she will return the attention many times over in the bedroom. But the real opportunity here is that she is bi-curious. That's the key to this opportunity.

    While you are out with her at bar's, clubs or whatever, challenge her to explore her attraction to other women. Give her some incentive (extra allowance, maybe a spa day, etc.?) to meet and greet someone she wants to bring back to the hotel room to please her and Daddy. Let her choose the women, and let her propose and close the deal. Give her a safe space to explore her nascent sexual appetite and then you reap the rewards of a threesome with your SB and a civvie you probably would never get on your own.

    Even if she doesn't find a hookup, she will remember and appreciate that you helped her realize her (and your) fantasy.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    My natural reaction was TJ (it is practically my second home).

    But on second thought, I compared what would I do:

    3 days with CFBG (or SFBG) or 3 days in TJ?

    It was a difficult choice but I would pick three days with CFBG (option 1) because of the rarity of the event, too many things could happen over the next few months, I may not have that opportunity again.
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