
Glock or night at my favorite club?

avatar for goosman
On A Booty Hunt

Help me decide how to blow this cash. For context I already have a pistol (not a glock), and I haven't been able to do much clubbing lately.


last comment
avatar for Rfmaninblack
5 yrs ago

Glock. Years of enjoyment vs one night

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

Glock. The most SURE PIECE you can buy for the money.

avatar for Clubber
5 yrs ago

A handgun, but don't particularly like Glocks.

avatar for codemonkey
5 yrs ago

Have to a agree. If it's an either / or situation, definitely the firearm.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago


avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

"Years of enjoyment vs one night"

Really? Do you sleep with your guns at night or form some sort of emotional bond?

I've never owned a firearm and probably never will. I went out to a shooting range a long time ago with my boss because, well, I had to. I've read statistics showing that owning a gun actually makes you less safe.

...I choose a night with some hot college girl.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

I’d look at the Smith & Wesson or the Kelvin, not a fan of big heavy Glock

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

RandomMember said "I've read statistics showing that owning a gun actually makes you less safe. 

...I choose a night with some hot college girl."

I think that depends on the college girl...

avatar for grand1511
5 yrs ago

Which one makes you cum harder?

avatar for doctorevil
5 yrs ago

I’m not a big fan of Glocks, but if those are the only choices, Glock. But consider a Sig P320. Same class of weapon, but more modern. Beat Glock in the Army’s modular handgun competition. Looks cooler too (in my opinion).

avatar for Harderlap
5 yrs ago

Don’t drop the Sig.

avatar for whodey
5 yrs ago

"Really? Do you sleep with your guns at night or form some sort of emotional bond?"

Yes, do you have a problem with that?

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

-->"Don’t drop the Sig."

I just googled this, very interesting. It sounds like there's a new trigger group that prevents the drop discharge issue. So I imagine this is not an issue anymore?

I'm a huge fan of the Glock. Among the things I like about it, is that it's simple enough that I can 'smith it myself (and not hard to find books and classes to learn how to do it -- I took a one-day class with a gunsmith). I've changed the trigger, magazine release, etc., until I had the gun I wanted. Nice to be able to tweak things the way I wanted. It's also been unspeakably, rock-solid reliable.

The trigger obviously doesn't hold a candle to a good 1911, or even my Sig P226, but for some use cases, I definitely prefer the Glock trigger to an SAO or the 226's DA/SA. Is the P320's trigger, being striker-fired, more like the Glock's hybrid trigger (although smoother and crisper, from what the reviews say)?

avatar for minnow
5 yrs ago

If you have to ask strangers on the internet whether or not to buy a gun, then maybe you have no business owning the gun. Otoh, props for coming up with a creative way to get people to post about their favorite gun.

avatar for Jascoi
5 yrs ago

do the girl.

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

@Whodey: "Yes, do you have a problem with that?"

I'll try to give an honest answer.

If you really think owning a gun provides protection for you and your family, then by all means get yourself a gun. However, the statistics show that homes with guns are less safe. I'm too lazy to Google one of a multitude of articles exploring that topic. Maybe if I lived in a dangerous urban setting -- instead of the quite suburbs -- I would have a different opinion. The cops around here are preoccupied with giving parking tickets since there is no violent crime.

Yes, I think there's something wrong, on an emotional and psychological level, with guys who fetishize firearms -- and to a large extent that's what this thread is about. But worship of guns, sexist/misogynist attitudes toward woman, interest 1100 HP cars, right-wing politics, birtherism, climate-denial, all seem to go with the strip-club scene. That's probably why I gravitate toward the sugaring scene.

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

What's the decision, goosman?

avatar for PutaTester
5 yrs ago

The argument that the house is less safe doesn't hold for the OP, because he already owns one firearm. Unless there is a study that indicates that safety is reduced by the number of firearms in the household. I am aware of studies that show that a gun in the home is a danger to residents and know some people personally who have suffered such tragedy. However, almost every incident would have been avoided if the gun owner had locked up the firearm when not in use.

Get the Glock. Something that hasn't been mentioned is that the laws are dynamic. Seems the SCs are more liberal and the gun laws are getting more strict. If you don't get it now, soon you might not be able to do so. Of course the same thing can be said of the girl (;-0).

FYI, I own a Glock and find it to be reliable and fun to shoot. (For self defense, I have a Kimber .45 and a 12 gauge at the ready.) Of note, a woman just a few blocks from me recently popped a guy trying to break into her house with her .38 revolver. After she warned him off, he climbed on her roof and tried to get access through the second floor when she shot him. He survived. Where I live, at night there are a total of three sworn officers on duty for the entire county. Constant complaints that they spend all their time just going from call to call. They don't bother answering calls about property crimes. If she had not been armed, it might have been a different story.

The up side is that there is an indoor firing range near me. The downside is that I live in California. And before you label me a gun nut or Turnip supporter, I do believe that the registration laws need to be tightened and national red flag laws passed. I am on the fence about an assault weapons ban. I was against it, but clearly there are too many nuts with too much firepower.

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

An interesting statistic regarding safety in the home. 100 percent of folks who had a banana sitting on their kitchen table back in 1865 are dead today. Those damn bananas are fucking lethal. Statistics are bullshit without proper Context. One can use statistics to prove or disprove whatever their agenda may be.

I like all guns. I sleep with two of them. They certainly are not as fun as the two hot chicks I slept with a while back, but I do feel much safer with my Glock and my Ruger Revolver.

I don’t shoot Kimbers because I am so use to my Glock triggers and my 357 revolver 8 lb trigger press. Last time I shot a Kimber, i unintentionally popped off 3 rounds as if it were a fully automatic weapon due to the excellent trigger the Kimber had. My control of the recoil sucked. Trigger was Too good for my taste, but it sure was sweet!

avatar for Piggie
5 yrs ago

Buy another AR.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

I like guns and I own several, but I'm far from a collector. They are fun, but I regard them as tools.

avatar for Cristobal
5 yrs ago

Since you aleady have a gun and haven't been clubbing lately, I would go to a club.

For me, firing my bullet at a stripper is better than firing at the gun range.

avatar for jackslash
5 yrs ago

Glock. If you have a Glock you can get pussy without going to the club.

avatar for goosman
5 yrs ago

Interesting responses from you all thanks. A little more context, I'm not a "gun guy" I just want a glock then I don't see myself wanting any more pistols. And I do prefer surgically enhanced Venezolanas far more to any gun. However, I'm probably able to get a good deal on the pistol now, but I'll still probably have to wait for the night out at my club.

3hrs in a club with titties & ass smashed in my face or a gun which will last almost forever. It's a pretty easy decision until one realizes how much I like thick ass south American chicks.

avatar for gawker
5 yrs ago

I have never owned a gun nor had much interest. About a year ago I had had a good night with a stripper who I had known casually for a couple of years. She wasn’t the best looking chick at the club, but held her own. In VIP she got me off and we still had 15 minutes left.
She asked what I was up to the next day and I had no plans and she asked if I’d take her to a gun range. Bottom line we both took a 45 minute basic safety course and then each had 50 rounds at the range with Glocks ( I think). The instructor had us start at 10 yards, then 15 or 20 depending on how you did at 10. I enjoyed it and did fairly well ( learned how and why so many people are bad shots at relatively close range) and I can’t imagine how that gets multiplied when you have a load of Adrenalin coursing through you. My “date” loved it! She said it made her feel so hot and can we go somewhere and fuck?
I have no idea if that’s common or not.

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

^^^ and there ya go .... two BANGS for the buck!

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