
Comments by Subraman (page 222)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    "You Have Beautiful Eyes"
    Yessiree, beautiful eyes, or love your smile lol
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    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Dives or higher quality clubs?
    Both the Vegas-style all-style-no-substance high end clubs, and the scummy-club-with-unattractive-girls dives hold no interest to me. I generally strongly prefer mid-range to high-end clubs, especially if OTC is the goal, and I'm willing to sacrifice some ITC mileage for more better-quality girls.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper seniority has its perks
    I've met a few girls like this, but the particular one in the story about catching me outside the club and barhopping with me, that girl is in my top 3 ATATF list. We actually got even closer after she retired, became FWB, and we're still in touch today, years after she moved across the country
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    7 years ago
    Stripper seniority has its perks
    Abso-fucking-lutely ... if you can get a girl who has *both* seniority *and* a non-jaded customer-centric attitude, that is the pot of gold. Some of those girls do whatever they want. I've had a girl grab me as I was walking towards the club, drag me around the local bars, and then when I pointed out "it's 10:00, isn't that the latest you're allowed to check in", she just shrugged and said "I've been there a long time, I check in whenever I want". And what those girls do in the VIP rooms and private rooms, it's like there's barely any rules
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Extremely Phat Women
    IME when you see a average size guy with a huge woman, she was NOT huge when he married her. Obviously enough, once you fall in love with her, there's a good chance your brain will try to keep you in love with her, even as she gains weight past where you would have been interested in the first place. I think anyone can get hit with this, but obviously enough, it happens most with guys who like super curvy "phat" women. That's what we skinny bitch lovers call "meat bombs". A girl who is super curvy but firm and tight and fit and 22, is going to be her own planet at 40, in most cases
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Menu up front
    Didn't read the review, but agree with some of the comments above. When some girls do their menu recitation, particularly without being prompted, it can come off as incredibly dispassionate, impersonal, and mechanical ... and as often as not, her delivery will be exactly the same way. Context is everything, I can imagine plenty of ways a stripper can tell me her menu without me asking, in ways that not only are not turn-offs, but are outright turn-ons. But most of the time, that's not the way it is
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    7 years ago
    Clubbing but Married/Committed
    -->"The same things that kept me coming when I was single kept me coming when I wasn't single. Tits, Ass and Pussy." It's a beautiful thing when the very first response nails it :) :) All the other responses nailed it too... from the "exotic, naughty" enticement of strippers, to the fact that the wife is not necessarily "easy pussy", to just the general allure of strange. I will say that when I was younger, in my 20s, I SCed almost exclusively when I had a girlfriend -- if I didn't have free pussy if not a relationship, I had no interest in being in an SC, I spent all my carousing time with my buddies in clubs and bars. Once I had a girlfriend, there didn't seem to be much to gain by going to a club without her, so that's when I'd SC. The allure here was obviously strange. These days, of course, I'm not getting 22-year-olds to have sex with me outside of the sex industry, so whether I'm dating or not, the SC remains alluring
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    The low-circulating hot-bitches
    -->"If i see a hot girl continually walking solo i usually avoid because it seems like she's just seeking a VIP. If i approach and ask about dances, even if she agrees, how much effort will she put in lappers?" Jus, I agree that this usually gives me bad vibes, and I have had some bad experiences with these girls -- they look like they have GPS, and then it turns out they DO have GPS. But, I will tell you, some of my most memorable experiences were with these kinds of girls, in fact two off the top of my head covered up their shyness with this entitled aloofness that would put the most entitled stripperweb girl to shame, and man am I ever glad I at least gave them a chance. And there's something about finding that diamond in the rough who everyone else was avoiding, that makes it doubly fun. I would say without a doubt -- if she's super hot, doesn't hurt to give her a chance. If you don't like her once you start talking to her, give her a few bucks and send her on her way.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    The low-circulating hot-bitches
    I don't think the "corner cases" apply here (and where they do apply -- a girl sitting for hours at a table with a guy, seemingly not getting paid -- I don't think they're corner cases at all, but the norm). I do think you geniuses have gotten all the right answers. Of the girls I've known who do this, the most common explanations seem to be: 1. Shy new girl ... or sometimes, shy not-so-new girl ... sometimes using aloofness to cover the shyness 2. Girl who is hot enough that normally she is the one who gets approached, and for whatever reason, she'd prefer that route to pro-actively seeking out the highest-$ customers. Sometimes these girls are some of the most awesome in the club, sometimes they're horrible, you have to go to the club often enough to know which is which. 3. Girl who doesn't feel her best because she's gotten turned down a bunch of times and is sulking, or is physically ill, or just got into a fight with her boyfriend and is bumming, so she's phoning it in while having a mental pity party ... she'll be going home in an hour.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Blue Jeans
    While I realize the dancers don't like jeans, I like wearing them, so that's what I wear. But, I tend to not be interested in lap dances, in the "get on my dick and wiggle around" sense... A little of that is nice, but I prefer she spend a lot of time in positions where she can grab my dick and I can grab her pussy or ass, so she isn't spending much time grinding hard on me, much of the time
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Club manager ever beg you to be a bouncer ?
    Strip club manager wants Mr_Kay to bounce ... on his dick
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My first Indian stripper
    #1: I've had a stripper from Sri Lanka ... absolutely incredibly beautiful.... #2: relevant to the "do you ever ask the stripper" thread, obviously we don't KNOW why she didn't let you at first, but then allowed you after you asked nicely, but to the point of that thread: I've had that kind of thing happen enough that I do think there's a possibility that asking sometimes buys you more than the "just move my hands slowly" approach
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripping must be paying well now.
    shadowcat having a "get off my lawn" moment :) 'course, indymovieman thinks mobile phone companies still do 2 year contracts, so it might be catching :) :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How much leeway ...
    It's easy for me to be pretty mellow about this, because 1. I tend to go to low hustle shifts, 2. I'm not a variety guy. As a result, there's fewer girls coming over to me, they take it better when I dismiss them, and I don't have a fear of missing out on another girl so there's no self-induced pressure to get rid of her. As a result, it's all about context: if I'm feeling less friendly or know she is 100% not my type, I'll get rid of her quickly, but if I'm in a good mood and it's a slow day and I don't have an appointment set up with someone else, I'm perfectly happy telling her "I'm not buying dances but I'll buy you a shot if you hang out for a few minutes" -- there's little downside to me in being on good terms with everyone, sometimes on a slow day she turns out to be fun company for a little while, while I wait to spot someone more interesting
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripping must be paying well now.
    All the newest bestest phones cost around there. The $800 is amortized over 24 months, so not quite as bad as you think, just $33/month, if you're the type to think in terms of payments
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you plan your trips or is it spur of the moment to go?
    Plan... too far for me to do it spontaneously (hour plus each way, and it's not all that easy to spontaneously disappear for 4+ hours). When my buddy and I used to do the local clubs, it was sometimes spontaneous.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Ever ask a dancer for permission to touch her?
    If what you're asking is: **before** the dance, do I ever ask the stripper for a list of her rules or ask her if she'll let me do X, the answer is: no, never. If what you're asking is: **during** the dance, do I ever ask the stripper if I can do X, the answer is: yes, sometimes. I do sometimes do the same thing as the guys above: go by feel and just move slowly enough that she can tell what I'm doing so she has time to move my hand away or slide out of range if she's uncomfortable. The thing is, IME, there's absolutely no downside to just asking her "can I touch your nipples?". If she would have let you do it if you'd just slid your hand over, she'll say yes anyway -- you're never hosing yourself. If she was NOT going to let you do it anyway, she'll say no anyway -- you're not causing the "no" to happen by asking verbally. And if she is on the fence, there's a chance that the respect and trust elicited by asking, will get her to the "yes" side (okay, that part is subject to debate). My big aha moment here was with a stripper who'd never let me touch her pussy, who relented when I politely asked; I still believe it was the verbal request itself that moved the line for me. That's for "vanilla sexual" touching. I DEFINITELY seek verbal permission for bdsm-y type activities (spanking, pussy spanking, hair pulling, choking) and always start off light and verbally seek feedback on intensity, until we get to know each other
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What kind of guys do hot strippers date?
    I mostly agree with Flag, too. I know a number of top-shelf strippers who have scored one or even a string of wealthy men. These tend not to last all that long... eventually, the excitement and hotness get outweighed by the selfishness, deceit, unreliability, etc., and they part. Although maybe even that is a stretch -- I know of at least a couple of cases where SHE broke up with HIM. Which tends to make me think that the rich guys who date strippers are damaged themselves. I know that it's fashionable to bash JS69, but will point out that the part I disagree that this can be characterized as a JS69 type. JS69 isn't a stripper boyfriend, he's a well-to-do PL who over-romanticized things a bit but other than that had a pretty great time being NOT a stripper boyfriend, he knows he was not dating the stripper, and at most he'd turned her into a faux-sugarbaby (I've done the same thing a number of times over the past few years, gotten into arrangement-like relationships with my fave strippers and it is awesome, if you don't overromanticize it). The guys we're talking about are well-to-do guys who are actually stripper boyfriends
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    do you usually roll solo or with buddy or buddies to the club?
    -->"If I had a friends that were PL like me I'd totally go with them though." That's what I claim most of us would do. Totally understand why guys choose NOT to club with non-PL friends, though. Not trying to convince anyone of anything, but the reasons I like SCing with fellow PLs: - Someone to talk to on the way up, swap SC stories, etc. - When we get there (and on the way home), someone to walk with to the club. Shocking, but it turns out, not all SCs are in great areas :) - I do enjoy some socializing and catching up with my buddies. Especially those first 15 minutes when I'm not in full blown perv mode - Party atmosphere at the table. Each of us has a girl. On slow shifts -- which is when we try to go in any case -- sometimes there's two girls for every guy, the girls just flock to the one table where multiple guys are spending, even if most of the girls will only be getting drinks and not dances. I LOVE the party atmosphere. We all talk together as a table to tell sex stories, talk shit, do shots... - ... but then, since we're all pervs, we'll basically ignore each other and each just talk to our girls - ... then it's shot time and we're all talking shit together again. Did I say I love this? - If we want a girl at the club, we'll send one of "our" girls to go fetch her. We are rarely faced with the "I want to get Bambi's attention but she's ignoring me or with other guys, what do I do?" issue that so often comes up on this forum. Whatever Bambi is doing, we send one of our girls to get her, no having to ask a bouncer to get her, no having to catch her at the stage, no having to leave our seats. - Interested in whether Porsche gives good dances? Well, my buddy is sitting with Porsche and he just took her for a dance -- get the g2 before I blow $100 on her - Someone to talk to on the ride home, talk shit, compare stories, see who got what from whom. And, contrary to some guys here who "know" every stripper gives up the exact same thing to every customer for the same amount, but who also club solo, and so have no actual factual basis for this belief other than faith, I'll tell you it's a fact (after clubbing with a small group of good friends for decades) that sometimes, different guys get different things. Always fun to see who got what from whom for how much All in all, for me: 1. I love the party atmosphere and hanging with my buddies 2. But those buddies have to be PLs, or willing to play along at the club
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    do you usually roll solo or with buddy or buddies to the club?
    --> " i've been wanting to go check out some other places but just feel weird going solo" Probably natural, but just do it a bit and that'll go completely away, and you'll feel silly for depriving yourself of so much fun over such misplaced guilt or self-consciousness. Once I walk into the club, single or with my buddies, I'm energized and happy. There is one situation where I feel weird walking to the club. There's a club that's right next door to a theater that, at night, often features concerts that appeal to young people. Judging by the look of the youthful crowds waiting in line down the sidewalk that's sometimes a hundred yards long crowd waiting to get in, the bands featured are very hip. Probably the Jonas Brothers or One Direction or whoever is popular with hip with-it millennials these days. Anyway, I do feel selfconscious with hundreds of young eyeballs on me as I'm walking down the sidewalk parallel to their line, obviously at least 5-10 years to old to be seen at this concert. I've developed a technique to hide my intentions: I walk down the sidewalk looking very relaxed, eyes straight ahead but NEVER a glance towards the strip club I'm approaching. As I reach the club, I actually look like I'm going to pass the club. Then, I make a military-precision left turn, take 3 steps to the door, and then I'm inside, safe from prying eyes and in the bosoms of those busty beauties.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Don't they know that wearing perfume is a "No no"? Can't go home to the wife sme
    I'm single so the only time perfume bothers me, is the rare times girls overdo it, especially with real perfumes. Most strippers tend to wear something cheap, like VS or B&B vanilla body sprays or whatever, or maybe they'll step up to Pink Sugar or something, but all of these things smell nice and fade mercifully fast. But I remember a stripper some years back who practically bathed in what was obviously high quality perfume, because the noxious cloud around her never faded, and if she so much as rubbed against me as she walked by, I smelled like floozy for many hours afterwards
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    do you usually roll solo or with buddy or buddies to the club?
    sjg: Not only was I not solo, but some of my buddies bring bullet vibes too. We use them in the VIP, so always alone back there anyway. ppwh: shoot me a few hundred in cash and a dick pic, and you're in! The two rules: https://www.tuscl.net/?page=post&id=49689
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    do you usually roll solo or with buddy or buddies to the club?
    Buddies, every time I can. 100x better than alone, IF (and that's a big if) your buddies are PLs also. I am guessing all the guys screaming "solo" above have regular guy friends, and going to the SC with regular guys blows, as does the big group boys-night-out type trips. But I'd bet most guys would chose group trips if they had PL friends, which I've been lucky enough to have for many years. We do bring new guys into the group occasionally, and by definition those guys start off as regular guys, but we break them down and build them back up into PLs pretty quickly (starting with my "two rules" :) As long as your buddies know how to act in the club, and are after the same thing you are, there's just too many benefits to mention
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many would...
    I don't have any ethical qualms with stripping, nor do I think sex workers in general deserve to be marginalized. That said, I'd be dead set against a loved one becoming a stripper -- for more reasons than I'd like to list here, the final result is that too often strippers do undergo some level of trauma, are often emotionally delayed, and are changed for the worse by the experience. Not all of them, but so many that I can't imagine wanting a loved one to go through it. In fact, when an FBSM girl who I adore wanted to switch to stripping, I put on the full court press to get her to change her mind -- I think FBSM girls, even giving HJs, are just a zillion times happier and better adjusted and in a position to progress their lives, than strippers (again, not putting strippers down as people, but the environment and emotional impact is different). And that accounts the nearly-one-way transitions of strippers become FBSM girls, but almost never the reverse.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers in street clothes
    Love love love seeing the girls in street clothes. Like many of us, I'm fascinated with the transformation. It's the sometimes miraculous body transformation that really impresses me. I mean, I understand the magic formula of skillfully applied makeup + poor lighting, so I'm never surprised that she can go into the back with a 7 face and come out with a 9 face. But the body transformation can be amazing -- she walks in looking dumpy or shapeless, and comes with her body looking amazing, and this time we can't point the finger at makeup. Many girls tell me they specifically pick out clothes that make them look unimpressive so as not to attract attention during the walk from the car to the club, and obviously enough know how to play up their assets and hide their flaws with the tiny bit of clothes they do wear ITC