Don't they know that wearing perfume is a "No no"? Can't go home to the wife sme

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avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I still remember when I came home from a business trip and my wife could smell the stripper that I did a VIP with the previous night. I took a shower that morning followed by a cross country plane flight, and still she could somehow smell my stripper. I told her that the woman on the plane next to me was wearing too much perfume.

Next time I'm going to marry a woman with big tits and a horrible sense of smell.
avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
I feel sorry for people who think chemical fragrance is a required element of sex appeal. I had a shirt that I couldn't get a stripper's perfume out of. No wife involved, but it smelled fucking nasty
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I love it when they wear lots of perfume.

avatar for WetWilly
8 years ago
We ought to start a thread on But I'm hoping they know this already.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Perfume enhances, but does not cover, her natural smells, and tastes. She can give you a sense of this, while still 12" away.


What happened in the early 1600s to explain the R+C furor? What was the manifestos, what did they say, who was behind them & what did they lead to?…
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i have no problem with strippers smell or glitter or lipstick... color me gleamimg in gold!
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
even the spray on tanning is gooooood!!!!
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i usually don't wear pricey clothes... nor white pants or shorts.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
and i am single. (expensively single...)
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
^^^^^^^ Justme62 has got it right.

If you don't want to get messy, stay away from women.


Ritman Library…
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago
as long as its not too much, i love when they wear perfume/body-spray. it stays on your clothes a few days later (maybe longer) and it reminds me of my CF a few days after i've seen her :-)
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
^^^^^ :) :)

It also give you a fore taste of what it is like to be inundated with her.

avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
I do have a t-shirt that reads " I smell like strippers". The question comes up as to whether that is a good or bad thing. :)
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
:) :)

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
How about making one which says, "I smell like strippers have been sitting on my face"?

I'm not there yet, but when I am out at Follies, I'll wear that.

avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
me too.
avatar for goosman
8 years ago
@shadowcat it's a bad thing when you're going home to an amateur detective
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
And especially is she has already hired me to be her process server.

If things don't work at home, there are Marriage Councilors, and their are Divorce Lawyers. These are the people who can help you solve your problem.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Actually, she would not need to hire me, I'd do it for free.

avatar for ButterMan
8 years ago
i totally disagree. A good smelling stripper is an aphrodisiac. If I find a stripper that I like that doesn't wear perfume I'll buy her some and if she doesn't at least wear it when i'm around she is cut. It's happened before.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I love them in perfume, it adds to their natural smells, and tastes.

avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i love it ALL!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
They make ligthly flavored and lightly scented water based condom safe and edible lube too. That helps, and it is very useful.

avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
I'm single so the only time perfume bothers me, is the rare times girls overdo it, especially with real perfumes. Most strippers tend to wear something cheap, like VS or B&B vanilla body sprays or whatever, or maybe they'll step up to Pink Sugar or something, but all of these things smell nice and fade mercifully fast. But I remember a stripper some years back who practically bathed in what was obviously high quality perfume, because the noxious cloud around her never faded, and if she so much as rubbed against me as she walked by, I smelled like floozy for many hours afterwards
avatar for Alter_Kocker96
8 years ago
Years ago I got a half dozen lappers from a stripper wearing some kind of lightly coconut-scented perfume. Pleasant, at first, but over time... nauseating.

I didn't have to worry about anyone at home becoming suspicious but once home the scent was still so strong I immediately included them in a load of wash. In the end it took *two* washings to get rid of the scent.

Next time at the club I asked this particular stripper about it. "No, not perfume" she said and explained it was some kind of body moisturizing lotion. Told her about how persistent the smell was and asked her not to use it with me. I echoed the concerns other voiced here. She seemed pretty clueless about the concerns and the persistence of the smell. ;-)

avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
Any strong perfume odor is a deal killer for me, as is any use of glitter. If it is being worn by a dancer who would otherwise be attractive to me, I will tell her outright that I won't carry those home with me.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Even though my better half is in on my clubbing, tolerates, and understands it, the smell of stripper-scent upon arriving home will immediately cause her to act irrationally and emotionally. So avoid that, after arriving home from clubbing, I immediately remove my clothes are soak them in a tub of Woolite in the utility room, then I take a shower, scrub like a hazmat spill, then crawl into bed with her.
avatar for Longball300
8 years ago
Luckily, mine goes to the clubs with me and knows I club solo and/or go with buds when I am on golf trips. She comes up from the basement with a "you've got glitter all over your shirt again" accompanied with an eye roll and a fake look of disgust..... I know on the inside she wishes she was there too.
avatar for xpando
8 years ago
I like some perfumes. Chanel No. 5 especially.
The rule should be no perfumes for day shift. Night shift, dancers call.
I have declined company in the past when I felt it was too strong, and told her why.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I do like to have girls sit on my face. So glitter and perfume are fine.

avatar for joc13
8 years ago
Anyone remember The Man Show solution to this?
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
^^^ was it, go pump gasoline then deliberately spill some on your pants?? Am I close? ;p
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 years ago
Deliberately spill gasoline all over yourself, yes, I saw some of that episode of "The Man Show." I think it was probably the only episode I watched any part of. And no, they didn't think that up, it's a VERY old suggestion from even before the Tiki-Bar era on the West Coast (which was, IIRC, started promptly after the Second World War, when the servicemen returned from the Pacific theater with the new tastes and styles). If I can find it, I'll share the link, but I doubt I can find it. It was on an old Pin-Ups web-site, something with Bettie Page and all the rest, info about what the prostitution scene was like in major cities before, during, and after WWII, especially on the West Coast and in Hawaii. Thousands of young inexperienced new sailors moving through port every day, the government with an interest in keeping them healthy and happy, the infrastructures of the cities being overwhelmed by sudden influx of new industry and population, then just as rapidly being depleted of that influx at the end of the War, etc. etc.. It was an interesting over-view, and it had some commentary on the growth, blossoming, and death of "burlesque" in its various forms, too. And then what got transplanted from the coastal areas where Navy locations were, inland to (first) Las Vegas, then Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, before becoming generalized United States urban phenomenons. Hence, the website claims, the rather large population of high-mileage strip-clubs in Indiana, of all places, because (among a variety of other reasons) it was a train-nexus where the overnights returned young men from the California coast back to any of the shorter trips to other urban centers nearby. I recall a lot of concepts from this website but I ain't got fuck-all idea of where it was or what the URL is, sorry ... I'll try to Google it up ...
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 years ago
As to the actual topic at hand, there is this one rather cheap standard perfume that a LOT of my all-time-almost-favorites have worn. It's kind of floral, kind of vanilla-ish, and I bet it's actually not a perfume as much as a clothes-deodorizer or similar spray you can get in bulk cheap form at, for instance, convenience stores and gas stations. I don't know the brand, but it STICKS for a long time. Especially in those spots where she has been warm and clingy, her body on your clothing with a little perspiration or heat. The crook of my shirt's elbow; anywhere near my crotch on my shirt tail (if tucked in) and on my pants; and (oddly, but it makes sense if you figure it out) the insides of my pants shins (her knees, thighs, or hips are almost always passing right across that location on me, and she won't be likely to have clothing on most of her legs ever).

I'm single, I don't have to avoid funny smells. I think I like them. I know they "bring me back" kind of like the vapor of a particular alcoholic drink can yank me out of one mind-set and dump me right in the middle of a reverie and cause me to smile about some other time and place. Or to retch.
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