
Comments by Subraman (page 223)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    A good time to go to the strip club or just a disaster waiting to happen?
    Agree with the generic advice that rebounding in the strip club is a bad idea. But, Estafador is no generic strip clubber, he's a seasoned PL (and has grown to be perhaps the angriest PL on tuscl, quite a feat! Which may make him even less vulnerable), plus this seems like a pretty mild rebound. The general theory I operate on: am I treating the club like weed, which I feel can be used without being abused and can smooth out life's mild bumps, or am I treating it like heroin, where it's covering over deep issues and makes those issues far worse? If you're feeling vulnerable and "Need" the club, time to stay away. If you're looking for a mild pick-me-up to turn your mood around a bit (in this case, get you back from sad to angry), have at it
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you DATY with strippers?
    -->"Do you go down on strippers? Why? You are the one paying. So why should you do something to please her? Does Daty actually do Anything for you?" I love DATY, when I'm insanely attracted to the woman and she drives me crazy sexually. That applies to both civilians and strippers: It doesn't matter that I'm the one paying (for dinner and a movie, or for the hotel room and her fee), I love it, I enjoy it ... if she drives me crazy enough. And since I don't tend to OTC with strippers until they're my CF -- in which case, she I AM insanely attracted to her and she DOES drive me crazy sexually -- I totally want to DATY my OTCs/CFs/ATFs. Nevertheless, I DO NOT. For me, it's strictly about disease risk -- and there IS a risk that varies from medium-to-high risk of transmission (e.g., herpes, HPV) to low (HIV). So it's verboten. Over the years I've had a small number of exceptions, but as a general rule, it's not something I do with strippers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "My legs are shaking" she says
    I, for one, am not going to stand idly by while some PL brags about taking advantage of a girl who, according to very convincing testimony above, may have parkinsons or be the victim of a brain injury.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you pay a stripper for nude photos of her?
    I'm guessing this is a tact that appeals to: 1. The once-a-year-guys-night-out rubes, who fall in alcohol-fueled lust and are willing to pay for a souvenir of sorts. He won't be back in a strip club for another year, so he gets a reminder of his one night of glory away from his wife, every time he looks at this pic 2. The RIL who wants to prove his love and devotion to her I can't imagine your run-of-the-mill PL being remotely interested in this, for about a zillion reasons. Perhaps first and foremost, we all already know that stripper pics come for free -- the power dynamic is completely reversed, we're regulars, if a girl wants to keep our regular money flow, she better find ways to hook us and get us back into the club, and free pics are one of the methods. For PLs, stripper pics are free, period. And if they weren't free, well, we all already know about internet porn, and since we'll be back in the club next week anyway, no need for a photo souvenir
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Nervous Gas in the club
    PL.22, stand by for new orders. Your next bogey is the DJ. Repeat: you are clear to buzz the tower. You are our only hope.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Whales/regulars locking down dancers at cheap dives.
    -->" Especially if they aren't spending money" As repeated above already: you know precisely jack shit about whether anyone is spending money or not ... I can't believe experienced PLs still think they "know" who is spending what. You would pretty much never see me exchanging money with my CF, who I tend to lock up for many hours. On the other hand, UGK and chess are right, in that, sometimes the stripper has merely profiled the customer as a high-$ target, and leaves with nothing. That definitely happens. But you as an onlooking, jealous PL have no idea which situation it is: well-compensated stripper getting paid surreptitiously, or stripper taking calculated risk and possibly getting nothing. I do sympathize with you variety guys, has to be frustrating
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Nervous Gas in the club
    PL.22, new coordinates 142.33x42.11 on my mark. You are clear to cropdust lapdance row.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Nervous Gas in the club
    PL.22, this is tower. You are clear to cropdust the aisle full of tables to the stage left. Repeat, clear to cropdust. Stay frosty, PL.22.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    It appears strippers do fall in love with customers' (wallets)
    I saw that post, I figured 100% chance it was a troll. But she got some decent advice, and a surprising story from SwanPrincess, so there ya go. Obviously enough -- and I've said this before -- just like PLs often confuse their lust (and their gratitude to her for being the object of that lust) for love, the girls often confuse their gratitude for stronger feelings. I've told this story before, there was a stripper here I became very good friends with, and when she retired, we actually got closer -- we used to go to happy hour every few weeks to catch up. Well, over the first few months I knew she'd bounced everyone to do with strip clubbing out of her life -- stopped communication with her stripper bffs, etc -- and kept in contact with only a very few number of her very favorite customers. A few months after all, all the favorite customers were gone too, and she said, "you know, when they're in the club and being so generous, I thought I really liked them as people; now that they're not paying me, I see I was just confusing my gratitude for liking them." She and I stayed friends another year, until she got engaged, and then she dropped me, too (understandably)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    DFKing strippers: rip your tongue out with pliers
    I do enjoy getting my tongue sucked on, but in my entire life have never had it sucked so hard that I "screamed and pushed her off", even drunk crazy girls. You've had it done twice at a strip club? Are you sure your tongue isn't just a bit of a pussy? Maybe there's an exercise you can do to build up some muscle strength to resist tensile movements? Please take video of you doing the exercise, and link here
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Moment of weakness
    C'mon, you guys know the therapy that keeps on healing: dick pic. It'll make you feel better, and it'll ruin her day
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What would you do part 2?
    #2 without a doubt. If that fails: dick pic. Bitches love dick pics.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why does old dudes hooking up with smoking hot young women agitate everyone?
    1. ANYONE hooking up with smoking hot young chicks irritates other guys. Rich young rappers coming in and hogging all the hot chicks generates howls of derision -- it's just that that doesn't happen often (at least in the clubs most of us go to), so it doesn't grate as much. old guys are hogging smoking hot young strippers all the time. Groups of guys -- any guys -- bogarting too many of the hot strippers irritates me 2. The Desirability Inversion of "rich&old >> young&handsome" is a shocking affront to a young man's still-developing sense of self-worth and his delicate sensibilities 3. GACA's spring/winter psychology is believable, too. We all know hot young chick plus rich old fuck = shameless golddigger + delusional codger, and express disapproval in real life; can't just turn off that reaction in the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Old White Dudes
    I should also say, it's ABOUT FUCKING TIME that old white dudes finally got some of the recognition they deserve in this country.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Old White Dudes
    I would respond to this outrageous defamation about old white guys, but Matlock is on, and then I have to head to the gym and stand in the lockerroom naked.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    6 old white guys took over Follies today.
    Had I known you guys were all going to the club today, I would have bought stock in Viagra yesterday :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Indian Dudes
    I don't see the trend, in fact if anything, Indians are in much lower proportion in the clubs to the general population (although I live in silicon valley, so there's a very high Indian population). Although I laughed at busta_nut's comment
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Definition of Extras
    -->"^ what if you don't cum?" If you don't cum because you just couldn't get off that day, that's one thing. If she just takes your dick out, plays with it a bit, but cumming was never the intention -- that's barely different than a little stick shifting. I'll go back to my standard I used with twenty-five: If you asked your buddy to recommend a strip club that has extras, and he recommended a place and get FIV, or she plays with your dick a bit but doesn't let you cum -- do you basically think he's an idiot who did not understand the question, or do you think, "well sure, her playing with my dick for 20 seconds is an extra! Thanks bro!". Most assuredly, 95% of the guys here would be saying the former... stick shifting and FIV can happen decently often at even no-extras clubs, the only exception being the clubs where the dancer is 3 feet away and a bouncer is making sure you don't touch. By the standards some guys in this thread are using, the strictly-no-extras light contact clubs I go to are extras clubs, because sometimes I can score some FIV, stickshifting happens, sometimes a girl will play with your dick a little. Those are not extras clubs, IMO, and it's not what PLs mean when they talk about extras
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT does anyone care about Mayweather vs McGregor?
    I'm with rane: a joke of a moneygrab. Mayweather by absolute domination.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Definition of Extras
    -->" maybe inserting a finger or more in her vagina would also be considered extra." two five: coming at this from another perspective, under the theory that "a word's meaning is its use". You are in SF and you ask me to recommend an extras club. I recommend Condor Club. You go there, spend a bunch, and the most you get is FIV. You come back to me and say, "dude, WTF! That wasn't an extras club." I say, " Bro, I thought you said you got FIV? That's an extra! It's an extras club." You: - Agree, that by your own definition, FIV is an extras, and since FIV is readily available there, by definition that's an extras club. - Tell me some choice metaphors about my matrimonial lineage and/or the spatial proximity of my cranium and rectum
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Definition of Extras
    On SW, they consider anything that isn't part of a "standard" lapdance an extra -- which can mean as little as stickshifting or tweaking her nipple. I've always thought of it with a more narrow definition ... if I cum because of direct skin-to-skin contact between my dick and her (hand/vag/mouth/foot/tits)(I'm not into foot jobs or russian, but those are both extras in my book), that's an extra. LDK, cumming through OTP stick shifting, DATY, FIV, none of those are extras. I would absolutely consider ITP HJ an extra, if by "ITP HJ" you mean your dick is still in your pants, she reaches her hand in and jerks you off in there. Def an extra in my book.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Want to meet OTC but ATF has a criminal BF
    Jordan nee latest Juice alias, hard to tell just from a single post whether: 1. You're being a scared, paranoid, yellow-bellied scaredy-cat, whose fears are running away with him. 2. You're listening to your own finely-tuned intuition. The fact is, not listening to your inner voice can be a big mistake, especially if that inner voice has picked up on little things that are raising warning flags, that you're not listing here. And you cannot reason this one out -- every few months there's an article in the paper about a stripper whose boyfriend rolled or killed an OTC customer, there's no "why would he do that? I"m paying his bills" here, these thugs use a completely different logic system. On the other hand, I would guess a huge % of the strippers we all OTC with have boyfriends who have been in trouble with the law, so if you're not actually noticing anything, and just panicking on principle ... well, none of us would be doing much OTCing if we all did that. There are definitely common-sense procedures you can follow to keep you relatively safer. Maybe you're not cut out for this? No shame in that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Totally NSFW Snapchat accounts
    Thanks, bookmarked the sub (surprised how many meh pics there are though) and added a few girls on snapchat. We'll see if it pays off enough that I don't drop them again