What kind of guys do hot strippers date?

avatar for Clackport
There is a perception that most strippers in a relationship have loser boyfriends (drug dealers, unemployed, in and out of jail...etc). People say normal guys with good jobs would be embarassed/ashamed to be and tell people they are in a relationship with a stripper. I understand that theory about strippers with fucked up lives. But what about a hot stripper in her twenties who doesn't have so many problems?

Think about it. The hot strippers make a lot of money, a lot of them in the 100,000 range. The hot strippers are the desire of every guy in the club. Their skills in the bed are incredible. What's so bad/ashaming of dating a stripper in this situation? Who's to say lawyers, doctors, pharmacists aren't in relationships with these kind of strippers.

What do you think?


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avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I know one dancer who met a lawyer, married and quit dancing. But that's an exce

But the stereotypes you mentioned certainly seems to be true. I've been going to my hone club for more than 20 years. So I know about the personal lives of many dancers. Nearly all the boyfriends are unemployed. Many do sell weed on the side. The few
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
...sometimes this site freezes for no reason

The few SO's that do work are guys they met that work in the club. Managers and DJs

Maybe this one club isn't representative of all clubs. But the loser bad boy stereotype is NOT a myth.
avatar for PlayInNiagara
13 years ago
I think you over estimate the $$$. A lot of strippers seem to have "agents" and other partners that get some of the cash. Just check the cars in the lot when it is slow or when shifts are changing. a lot of old cars seem to be dropping off the girls. I think it is a hard life any way you look at it and for a lot of the girls they have obligations (single mom's) and it is a matter of survival more than living like a rock star. I have seen girls latch on to a favorite customer and get married to them, but I wonder how it works out since the relationship was based on fantasy, how does it work out in reality? Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
There's a cable channel called VH1 where most of their programming examines the question 'What kind of guys do hot strippers date?' every night.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"What kind of guys do hot strippers date?"

Ones with $$$$? Maybe...In their shoes I would.

"There's a cable channel called VH1 where most of their programming examines the question 'What kind of guys do hot strippers date?' every night."

Never seen it. Every night Heh...?
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Strippers have agents like James Bond eh
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
They are in these relationships.

The lawyer I know who was banging a 25yo 10 stripper was divorced from the wife who stood by his side while he was climbing the ladder to success for 20 years. The stripper was fun for him for a while, but she wasn't the anchor that he needed in his life, and after a while it began to show and it hurt him professionally. Stripper was expensive....and she had some weird hip thing that made rollicking sex painful and she would complain. Maybe he was holding her up to the attributes in the OP.

I don't think anybody knew she was a stripper except me, because I used to get "OTC dances" from her before he bird-dogged me. Hot strippers are only as hot as you think they are in the confines of the club. I actually discovered a dancer who really was extraordinary in bed, and she treated me like a friend when we went out. She was a 7, and kinda plain looking.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
"But what about a hot stripper in her twenties who doesn't have so many problems?"

I don't think there are many such strippers. Girls become strippers because they have problems. The problems include being single mothers who get no child support from the father, having little education, lacking marketable skills, liking to drink and party, and hating the boredom of straight jobs. Stripper is the best job these girls can get, and they work all day with other strippers who drink and use drugs and make bad decisions. The men they meet are all losers--DJ's, bouncers, drug dealers, and strip club patrons. And few successful men want a girl friend or wife who makes her living by shaking her titties and grinding on strange men.

In my experience, strippers' boy friends, husbands and ex-husbands are unemployed or employed at unskilled jobs. They use drugs, drink too much, and get into trouble with the law. They cause the strippers more problems. I'm sure you can find some exceptions but not many.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I think I know. Guys who sleep around are the kind of guys dancers have for boyfriends. They get pregnant and then the boyfriend decides he doesn't want the commitment so he leaves when she almost always thinks he'll stay. Then the hot dancers become fatter and older and no longer hot anymore.

I knew someone who slept with a different girl each week. He even said he knew a few dancers if I wanted to hook up. I declined. He used to drive me up the wall sometimes and never did stop telling stories at work after we went out to various bars around town one night. He made me believe he thought things were going slow if he only picked up one girl a week to sleep with. He moved to California where he could get more action.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Many so called hot dancers don't really look so hot if you see them in more light. Might be hot body, not so hot face, nice tits and pussy but sagging ass. It becomes more obvious if you get more light. Now the true 10's have guys lining up. They probably end up with the mist aggressive male alpha types who are able to keep the competition away or threaten you if you invade his turf. Just a theory I have. If she gets pregnant though, then you stand a good chance of getting her after her boyfriend moves on. Just being sarcastic.
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
And then there's the less glamorous question: What kind of guys do not-so-hot dancers date?

(Upstanding guys with jobs who read to the kids every night???)
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Shortly after I first started visiting strip clubs, I ran into a situation where a hot dancer told me she was pregnant, her boyfriend left her, suddenly she was looking for a new boyfriend and I must have been near the top of her list since she was telling me all this personal info. I did not agree at that point.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"What kind of guys do not-so-hot dancers date?"

Hopefully average guys with decent jobs & few heavy issues.

"I actually discovered a dancer who really was extraordinary in bed, and she treated me like a friend when we went out. She was a 7, and kinda plain looking"

IMO they often feel the need to try harder (Including in Bed) because they can't compete on Great Looks with the 9's & 10's.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
When I told one of my friends he joked "hey you could have Instant Family". That did not sound appealing. I stopped visiting her outside the club thinking she did not feel attached because we never went that far. I always thought it was odd when she called me up and wanted to go see a movie on a weeknight and since she moved, she lived 2 hours away. I don't know what she was thinking. I had to go to work in the morning and she wanted me to drive for 4 hours plus see a movie? I guess if they were rocket scientists, they wouldn't be working in a strip club.
avatar for gsv
13 years ago
I do know for a fact that one beautiful girl at a club here in NY was previously dating a lawyer. So yes, some professionals do date strippers.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
We do need to quit calling them "loser" boyfriends.

Does sitting at home playing video games, smoking weed, then going out every night drinking, while your hot stripper girlfriend gives you cash then fucks you make you a loser? Heck, most of them don't even have to babysit the kids while she is at work.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Good point motorhead!!
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
I think jacklash has it exactly right. I've never met a stripper who told me about her steady, long-term relationship, well-adjusted & perfectly behaved children, and above-average 401(k). Not to say they don't exist, but I haven't met her.

These girls become strippers because it's a relatively easy way to make good money to support their habits (drugs, partying, loser boyfriends) or to support themselves and their kids. They don't really have any other skills to fall back on that would permit the kind of lifestyle they want. The trick is finding a way to stash away some money so they can "retire" before they're too old (whatever age that is). I've known a few who just marry the first rich lawyer, doctor, etc. they find so they can get out of the lifestyle.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Well I'm attractive, educated, could get another job if I felt like it, am not a single mother, and am a successful stripper. I do have a bit of a temper,though, and I have been known to throw remotes, tools, a dog crate( no dog), a toilet seat, and a piece of glass furniture at a man..oh and a mirror. However I am dating a professional man who is great and unbelievably secure about himself and the fact that I show my vagina for a living.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Stiletto, you're obviously more intelligent than the average stripper and you make good decisions about who you date. You will do well in life, but I worry about the dancers I know who don't have it together like you do.
avatar for canny
13 years ago
Stiletto, ditto to what jackslash just said. You're the exception.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Does sitting at home playing video games, smoking weed, then going out every night drinking, while your hot stripper girlfriend gives you cash then fucks you make you a loser?"

avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Calling me a loser guys is starting to hurt my feeling !
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Just as Stiletto is an exception, there is one of those "exceptions" at the club I referenced. There is a dancer, All American blonde. No tats. No piercings. Looks like a cheerleader. In fact she was a college cheerleader.

She is 31. Tries to date professionals. But she has been married 3 times already and all failed. Like Stiletto she has anger and control issues. I can't say whether the failed marriages are her fault or the guys can't handle her job but being divorced 3 times in about 8 years can't be normal.

avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I would say that just as some dancers are all fucked up its also true some are not !.......I would say the same for dating men ! Some just love peace of shit men (like yours truly) and some just love dating men with good names and big staxz of cash !......I used to be a pick up artist (ya good trainning to be a real peace of shit !) And it has helped me pull a few dancers for free otc.....but as a rule after I had a few bad apples I try not to date dancers !....their can be a lot ss shit all over the place and get way out of hand in a hart beat ! This is also way if I can I would rather get nasty itc then otc....but some times otc is all u got......hope that helps from your boy juice
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
I generally try to avoid talking about their relationships, because for the most part, it is depressing. Usually, they are unemployed, or drug dealers, or something society doesn't hold in high regard. The last time I went to my favorite club, I had the good fortune to run into one of my old favorites from 3 years ago, the girl with the infamous real name of Chastity. She quit dancing because he told her she had to quit. Of course, she went on to talk about her marriage, where she said he was basically unemployed the whole time. This included a brief period working for Wal-Mart, which is the employer of last resort, a period which ended in his termination because he was drunk. They eventually had a son, who has real biological problems (some genetic disease I never heard of), and he ran off. Of course, she would be better off getting her GED, but she is apparently too busy, or lazy, for that.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
FWIW, I think you're overstating the abilities of the really hot ones in bed. IME, the *really* hot ones are selling their looks, and depending on those to get them over. On average, I've had far more enthusiastic performances from the attractive girls than the smoking hot ones.
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
Thanks for the input. I think Stiletto really enforced the kind of stripper I'm talking about. I'm talking about the kind of the stripper that could get another job in society if she wanted to, but she doesn't want to because stripping makes her way more money than another job, or she's just bored with other jobs. I believe there's a lot of these girls out there. I think a lot of working guys are dating these kind of girls because there is not that much drama.
avatar for LiamGChang
8 years ago
Okay I can't read anymore if this. I work at Brass Rail in Toronto. I make top dollars but I am nothing like what everyone seems to be describing here. I have no tattoos, no piercings, a natural pretty innocent looking face and some big natural boobs. I used the money to pay off my student debt and launch my business. Now I only have about 5 months left of work, and am using this money for my future, stability as I get my business up and running, and rent fir the next year. I do NOT have a manager and most girls at my work don't either. Many use the money to get education and them go in that field of work.
My boyfriend is an amazing guy with strong leadership skills, extremely sweet, thoughtful, respectful, supportive and kind. He works as a foreman iron work worker because he loves it. He's done white collar jobs too but he just didn't enjoy them. He's extremely ambitious and people-oriented which I love. He doesn't like that I dance but understands that it's only temporary. He's thinking long term not short term.
I think you're idea of strippers will be highly influenced by the clubs you visit and the girls you pay attention to. But let me assure you there are all sorts of girls out there shaking their booty for dollars and dating some pretty great men!! I also had a friend who is a multi millionaire. He wanted to marry me but I didn't want to be a trophy wife.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^Fake news
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
There is a huge range in earnings for strippers.

Yes, it is possible for them to make six figures, even well into six figures, if they work 5 days a week for a full shift and constantly hustle dances. That represents a small portion of dancers and is difficult to do over a period of years. The job can wear them down.

This type of dancer has discipline and it's my guess that this carries over to their private life. No drugs and a planned family with a functional significant other.

Most dancers seem to prefer working enough hours to make a living. That means 2-4 days a week with 4 hour shifts and plenty of smoke breaks and reading their phones. That translates into $40,000 to $60,000 per year.

This is a less disciplined approach and lends itself to financial struggles and a disfunctional personal life.

Nothing scientific about this. Just an impression.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
Majority of strippers are looking for the easy way out, handouts if you will.

Very few have it together and think long term, and if they do then they're in the business short term before moving on.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
All different kinds, but I do see 2 that are common.

1. Guys that put them in their place and don't treat them like everyone else does. They sponge off their stripper girlfriends.

2. JS69 type. Rich and generous going through a midlife crisis and willing to pamper them when they have a few days away from type #1.
avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
I frequent black, hood clubs so stripper bfs come either from around the way, meaning their neighborhood.

Drug dealer, thug, pimp, bum types.
avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
I peeped that strippers tend to gravitate towards men that depend on them and that can control.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
Flagooner, I think you've nailed it, but there is a third category I've noticed, Mr. Mom. Wimpy looking guys who take care of the kids and provide taxi service for the stripper.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
I mostly agree with Flag, too. I know a number of top-shelf strippers who have scored one or even a string of wealthy men. These tend not to last all that long... eventually, the excitement and hotness get outweighed by the selfishness, deceit, unreliability, etc., and they part. Although maybe even that is a stretch -- I know of at least a couple of cases where SHE broke up with HIM. Which tends to make me think that the rich guys who date strippers are damaged themselves.

I know that it's fashionable to bash JS69, but will point out that the part I disagree that this can be characterized as a JS69 type. JS69 isn't a stripper boyfriend, he's a well-to-do PL who over-romanticized things a bit but other than that had a pretty great time being NOT a stripper boyfriend, he knows he was not dating the stripper, and at most he'd turned her into a faux-sugarbaby (I've done the same thing a number of times over the past few years, gotten into arrangement-like relationships with my fave strippers and it is awesome, if you don't overromanticize it). The guys we're talking about are well-to-do guys who are actually stripper boyfriends
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Subra you are right flag did nail it perfectly the thing I disagree with is I know a few fairly wealthy men myself and most of them are a bit like myself trending towards being alpha male types, and I can't imagine any alpha, being OK with sharing his GF with any of us PLs, just sayin.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
One other thing I do rib JS69 from time to time but I can tell you from meeting with him myself and a few private exchanges that we have had he is a good and decent guy and he has given me advice at one point that was very useful.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I hope I didn't give the impression that I dislike JS69. I don't know him at all.

I just like to bust chops and the discussion at hand may place him as the easiest to put in the cross hairs. I assume the guys posting on here generally have pretty thick skin and can appreciate a little teasing. If not, oops. :-)
avatar for JAprufrock
8 years ago
If I'm not mistaken, former Detroit Tigers Kirk Gibson and Dave Rozema married twin strippers that worked at a club called "The Booby Trap" long time ago. I think both are still married, so that apparently worked out. Unless this is an urban legend.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
"What kind of guys do hot strippers date?"

Unfortunately not me :(
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