
Comments by Subraman (page 210)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Massage in the SC, yes or no
    Ya, I couldn't help myself, I was recounting the many stripper web rants I've seen on this. And it brought me back to the first few times I read SW, and was so perplexed ... "they seem to be real strippers, but the way they describe how they behave and how strip clubs work is completely out of touch with reality". I'm surprised there's not even a gadfly or two pointing that out, but the place is so aggressively moderated for un-approved opinions that I suppose anyone who played that role is gone.
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    7 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    Tips for attached day time SC hounds
    I advise exactly the opposite of rules 1-3. And vodka soda is literally the drink of the most basic of basic bitches. Order some whiskey, Cupcake. That said, for many years -- while I was dating seriously, and then married -- I followed a system similar to yours. I had a gym membership, and went often, so there was always a reason for a gym bag full of clothes in my trunk, always a reason for me coming home smelling like soap. On SC days, I'd leave the house, change out of work clothes and into my SC clothes (which were in my gym bag, under my gym clothes), go to the SC, on the way home stop by the gym to shower, change back into work clothes, go home. I always thought any married guy who wasn't doing that level of due diligence subconsciously wanted to get caught.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Massage in the SC, yes or no
    BTW, the StripperWeb girls practically start a riot every time this topic is discussed. HOW DARE YOU "CUSTIES" try to touch them without paying??!!?!?! You are getting off on massaging them and it is definitely an honor for you and YOU SHOULD BE PAYING LAPDANCE PRICES, $20/song + tip, that's what touching costs! How dare you try to get away with touching without paying?! *** This ends our StripperWeb moment :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Massage in the SC, yes or no
    LOL anyway, as I was saying, giving dancers massages isn't my thing, but I get it from the perspective of 1. it may relax her and you might get some benefits back, 2. some guys get a thrill from massaging her, no shame in, if touching a beautiful sexy 20-year-old's shoulders and back gives you a woody, and you can indulge for free, go for it.
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    7 years ago
    Massage in the SC, yes or no
    OMG don't touch her feet man!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Massage in the SC, yes or no
    So, yes, I think this makes you a next-level PL, and it's not something I understand, nor am I interested in it at all (receiving massages, yes, but giving?). But so what? If YOU enjoy it, and it's achieving for you what you want out of a SC trip, what does it matter what I think? And if you sometimes get some YMMV rewards like extra time or mileage or whatever, you get the last laugh. I think many of us do things we enjoy at the club, that work for us but not everyone ... I always like to buy the stripper lunch, I think the payback is HUGE, and plus I just like eating and drinking with the floozies. Could not give a fuck less who thinks that might make me a next-level PL; hell, I'm actively pursuing my next PL merit badge :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Where do you guys OTC?
    My home is easily #1. That said, I can count on one hand the number of strippers who have been to my home -- and still have fingers left over. I need to seriously know and trust her before I bring her to where my family lives (obviously, my kids are off with their mom during my OTC time). But some of the most amazing times can be had with a home as home base ... including the fact that, 100% of the time, the stripper ends up staying the night. Hotel is next. The problem with hotels in this area is that most add $200/night, and that's to mucking fuch, especially if we'll only be using it for an hour. Luckily, the Recharge app operates in SF now, so I can rent a high-end hotel for an hour for $50. Hot tubs are a distant third. By far the most convenient, but even the really nice clean ones I use have a bit of a psychological ick factor, a layout that doesn't allow for a lot of flexibility as far as fun sexual adventure, etc
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tips on starting conversations with strippers interested in
    I'm not entirely sure what the question being asked is. I *think* it's "how do you approach a stripper", and I agree with all the advice above, it scarcely needs much thought, she's there to sell something, and nearly any opening line that isn't awkward or disrespectful will be embraced by her. Some people seem to be answering a different question: "what do you say to her for the next 30 minutes, so neither of you get bored out of your minds", which is an entirely different topic. Despite not being a great conversationalist in general, I seem to be blessed -- or cursed -- with the ability to hold a vaguely interesting conversation with a 20-year-old stripper as long as we're both buzzed; plus I have some topics in reserve that are a hit 100% of the time, and I whip them out when conversation comes to a halt (that, or just order another shot -- another conversation igniter)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Any interest in seeing her ITC after OTC?
    Absofuckinglutely. I LOVE going to the strip club ... while the payoff (OTC) is awesome, the journey is just as awesome. Always happy to spend time with her in the club; maybe not as often, but sure. Plus, I usually SC with a buddy or three, and regardless of whatever OTC action I'm getting, I still like hanging out with my buddies at the SC
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Her voice
    Voices are kind of a bonus... they play no role at all in me selecting a girl, or deciding that I like talking to her. But, once I DO like her, her voice can totally turn me on. When I'm a little buzzed, a sexy voice can drive me crazy. While I like many different types of voices, many strippers seem to have a white trash rasp (like Miley Cyrus, say), and I love that in my stripper, it's alternately sexy and trashy, and I love both
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Pussy, or vag, or whatever. What do you call it?
    "The Pink". Convenient, because then I get to use rhyming words to refer to my other local feature, "the stink". I plan to insert 2 and 1, respectively.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Pussy, or vag, or whatever. What do you call it?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    what do you think of her routine?
    Seems like a fine beginner routine, I don't like some of the moves, but that's just me. I was amused by "Slap your ass. Guys like that." (okay, I couldn't tell exactly what she said, but that's what it sounded like). Strippers don't realize that one of the most common questions by PLs about stagework is "why do they slap their own asses?" It seems clear the reaction of most of us to that is, we just don't get it -- why would slapping her own ass turn us on?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My stance on conversation has changed
    I love talking to the girls, and find it's not particularly difficult to have a great fun conversation even with a 20-year-old stripper. And I'm not even a particularly good conversationalist, but after several decades of SCing, I have some fun never-fail topics that tend to get even the shy or awkward girls laughing and being active in the conversation. Not always, of course, there's girls who stymie even me, but I can have a great conversation with most of the girls
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Is stripping/lap-dancing a skill ?
    -->"Do you think the avg experienced stripper is at a different level sexually than the avg civvie chick, or more of it being individual to the woman?" This is a different question than what I thought you would ask. To the question I thought you would ask: yes, lap dancing is a skill, and yes, an average stripper will be 100x better at it than an average civilian. I don't think sexual skill is related to this though. I'd guess at extras clubs, the girls DO get better at sex, and are better than an average civilian. But I don't think no-extras girls are particularly better than civilians just because the strippers know how to do lapdances. I think if there's any increase in sexual skill among non-extras strippers, it's strictly a factor of things like confidence, lack of inhibitions, impulsiveness, wildness, etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    My own 10 questions
    You are an active participant at stripperweb, and also know the consensus tuscl view of that place. To what extent do you think it's fair? To what extent is it unfair?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Do you PLs have your own limits?
    I have some limits. I am also a believer that (most) rules are meant to be broken -- you need to have the flexibility and wisdom to recognize when it's the right situation to do so. My limits, every one of which I've broken at some time or other, even if only once: - No unprotected contact with her body fluids, other than maybe light kissing. Alas, that means no BBBJ or BBDATY or BBFS - She can't come to my house - She doesn't get to know my real name - I don't do drugs with them, or let them do drugs around me
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Over the counter ED meds.
    Okay, I did a little research for you on consumer labs: Of the 11 supplements CL tested, 7 were not approved on safety (e.g., lead contamination) or ingredients (that is, labelled ingredients were not present) grounds. This is among the worst I've seen, and among other independent testing, even worse results have been obtained (e.g., yohimbine supplement tests http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dta.1849/abstract ) Anyway, it's a pretty horrible area of the supplement industry, very little evidence that it works, lots of evidence that many of these supplements are contaminated or have other problems, and also there are risks even for "clean" supplements... in short, this is the "just give me $500 to go to the champagne room, I'll make sure you have a good time" of supplementation. I'm sure you'll make a wise choice :) lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Men prefer 20 year old women.
    If by "prefer" you mean to look at, fuck yes. As a dedicated significant other -- well, fuck to the no. But man, a 20 year old has lost all vestiges of a childlike look, blossomed into womanhood, radiates that youthful je ne sais qua of energy-happiness-optimism, still has 100% of youthful advantages (fast metabolism, wrinkle-free and often cellulite-free skin) without any signs of aging showing up yet.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Over the counter ED meds.
    shadow, while I have not tried any of them, in general this entire area of the supplement industry does not have a good track record. Keep in mind, in general supplements are not regulated by the FDA, which is why independent testing labs such as ConsumerLabs are very commonly finding supplements contaminated with heavy metals, toxins, and yes, often elements of prescription drugs (often at dangerous levels). Some areas of the supplement industry tend to attract shadier operators than others, and ED supplements are among the worst. As far as horny goatweed, if you are the skeptical scientific type, you'd say there hasn't been enough research to be convincing, but there's an indication it has a mild effect based on research so far. On the other hand, these supplements rarely come without risks. In this case, don't take it without consulting your doctor if you have heart disease, a hormone-sensitive cancer, or are on medications that treat high blood pressure, that thin your blood, for heart disease, for thyroid disease, or any medications that cause irregular heartbeat as a side effect. I would not play in this area of supplementation at all, but if I did, I'd: 1. only try a supplement that's been tested by an independent testing organization like Consumer Labs, 2. Do some research on the company and its safety track record, 3. avoid any of the signs that the supplement may illegally contain possibly harmful levels of medications (e.g., if it works in under 60 minutes, rather than providing a slower long-term boost, it almost certainly has an ED medication in it)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Are strippers considered to be Pimped ?
    25, No, I don't consider strippers to be pimped, at least in the common understanding of the word. You can play word games about how strippers aren't treated well as independent contractors, how they have to pay to go on stage, how they "support" the club, but these are characteristics of other types of jobs, and the only reason to interpret this as being "pimped" is if you're purposely trying to insult them, IMO. Even under CA's insane legal definition where the security/driver who drives an escort to an appointment might count as a pimp, or an escort's live-in boyfriend where she pays the rent also might count as a pimp, strip clubs aren't considered pimps. There are a shockingly high number of strippers who are ACTUALLY pimped, that is forced to work by their pimp and have to turn over all money at the end of the day, but that's different...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    shai: I think the distinction you made is huge -- they're practically opposites. Rainman is trying to get the attention and impress the other customers, as much as the girls. JS is trying to get the attention of one single girl without getting anyone else's attention.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    conspicuous consumption at the strip club isn't my thing in general, but I think my reaction to this would depend 100% on context: - She's going along playfully as seems to be enjoying herself? *spoing-oing-oing*! I love playful and even theatrical domination play - It feels like he's using his cash, and the fact that she might be dependent on it on a slow night, to humiliate her? Not something I like seeing. I've seen videos of guys getting obvious desperate crack fiends to do all kinds of incredibly humiliating things for small amounts of cash. I thinks you have to be a real piece of shit to engage in that
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you be a dirty rat?
    Followup: performer Cayenne has definitely developed feelings for this investigator, has texted this investigator details about how she misses this investigator, also transmitting photographs of both her buttocks and pubic areas, including vaginal and anal areas ($20 technology fee, charged to city).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you be a dirty rat?
    Strip Club Investigation, Day 1: At approximately 1900 hours, this investigator entered the Eager Beaver -- an subtle allusion, this investigator suspects, to the female performers' vaginas, and their relatively welcoming state to those who enter this establishment. This investigator paid an entrance fee ($20, charged to city), and was summarily approached by a "waitress", with whom I placed an order of Dr Pepper, and was informed that that particular libation was unavailable. This investigator subsequently ordered a Coca Cola ($8, charged to city). This investigator was subsequently approached by performer Cayenne (white, DD, very large child-bearing hips, suspect not her real name), who inquired as to this investigator's knowledge of the club, and proceeded to sit on this investigator's lap. This investigator's penis became partially erect, a clear violation of city ordinance. Performer "Cayenne" then invited this investigator to the lap dance area, in a way that connoted that performer Cayenne had developed a bit of a crush on this investigator. Upon reaching the lapdance room, performer Cayenne sat on this investigator and wiggled around, in such a way that this investigator's penis became fully erect; shortly thereafter, this investigator had an orgasm in his pants. This investigator paid performer Cayenne the required fee for the lapdance ($20, charged to city), a reasonable tip ($200, charged to city). This investigator spent one hour in the club ($300/hour fee, charged to city), and had incidental charges ($30 drycleaning, charged to city). This investigator plans to continue the investigation tomorrow, after obtaining equipment required to perform a more thorough investigation ($80 Viagra, charged to city).