
Comments by Subraman (page 211)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dayshift - Where do you find the time and why bother?
    skibum, you poor bastard. I can't believe you wasted your time there. Instead you could have been in a packed club, hot chicks with GPS could have come up, talked to you for all of a single song, and then walked if you didn't buy a dance right then; and if you did buy a dance and gotten a bit touchy, there's a good chance you would have gotten the wonderful experience of speaking with a bouncer. SMH
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    7 years ago
    Dayshift - Where do you find the time and why bother?
    Agree, very often the hottest night shift girls come in late, after 10 or 11, when the club heats up and the real money is to be made (although as LurkerX points out, some municipalities are different). Those rare times I do have a nightshift CF, very often I've met them late at night, but once we connect, I ask her to come in at 7pm when night shifts starts. At that time, as pointed out by chessmaster, the nightshift crowd isn't there yet. So she comes in at 7pm just for me, I get three pseudo-dayshift-slow hours with her until 10pm, and then I book. Still not as good as a real dayshift, because nightshift bouncers are nightshift bouncers, and the place is always more buttoned down at night, but talking a nightshift girl into coming in at the beginning of the shift is at least tolerable for me
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    7 years ago
    Dayshift - Where do you find the time and why bother?
    ^^^ tuscl is like a multi-layered bestowal, each of myriad layers a revelation of strip club dark secrets
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    7 years ago
    Dayshift - Where do you find the time and why bother?
    Lurker: I guess it depends on the market ... that seems to be a hugely busy time at nightshifts here. Last time I was at a club at 2am it was standing room only (really!)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    You walk into the club and this is the line up for the night
    -->"I'd walk out and go to another club. Not my type." I'll race you to the door, last one out buys the drinks at the next club with actual hot chicks. Although this hardly seems fair since you're probably stoned already, and meanwhile I'm way spry
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    7 years ago
    Dayshift - Where do you find the time and why bother?
    -->"Or am I missing something completely?" Missing a lot, completely :) Of course, it depends on what you value. Nightshift: For a party atmosphere, more girls in the lineup (usually), and a higher percentage of higher girls. Along with all that, you typically get a higher customer-to-dancer ratio, higher hustle, less mileage or time for the money, and a bouncer staff that will usually be relatively more strict. Dayshift: Fewer patrons means it's a buyer's rather than a seller's market, which means the same amount of money buys you far more time or mileage (to put this in perspective: I usually hang out drinking with a hot dayshift girl for an HOUR before we do our first VIP dance), far lower hustle, bouncers that are often less strict. You do often have a lower percentage of hot girls, but that doesn't mean there aren't any, just fewer ... but if you do find a hot girl, you can hang out with her as long as you want, whereas a nightshift girl will be relieving you of your money as quickly as possible and then moving on. You can probably tell from the above, that I think nightshift sucks, it's a low-value sausagefest, I don't care if there's relatively more hot girls if the value is so much lower. All I need on dayshift is one hot girl, she'll hang out with me as long as I want, I pay far less $ for more mileage and more leniency from the bouncers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Lifespan of PL-CF "relationship"
    My longest ATF relationship was about 12 years, but we were out of touch many of those years. Continuous, my longest ITC ATF relationship was probably 3-4 years; my ATATF is 5 years and still going, but most of that time she's been a civilian I do, most assuredly, expect that the longer we are ATF/FR (favored regular), the more benefits will show themselves -- more mileage and/or time in the club, non-sexual OTC contact such as dinner before her shift and of course OTC itself. If this isn't happening, I would have moved on
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Take my money please!
    Hard pass. Caricature booty, plastered-down hair giving a ghetto look to an otherwise cute face
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    I think touchups are always needed, eventually ... but based on my expertise that I developed watching a reality tv show about tattoos, I believe high-quality inks and more importantly, high-quality expert technique, greatly forestalls that
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Same boat: hate tattoos, enjoy Ink Master. I don't seek it out, but if there's nothing really good on, it's perfectly serviceable fun fare
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    7 years ago
    Customer Rating
    I've heard the girls rate us by dick size. Unfortunately, most of tuscl is a 3 or lower
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many stripper fights have you seen
    ^^^ Can you believe that little princess was single?
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    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Since the tattoo discussion how about piercings?
    -->"I hate cheek and lower back piercings bc they often look a little irritated, and not healed. I can't help but think that they are gaping holes in their skin. They don't even look that bad, but the thought bothers me." Lower back piercings are one of those that are tolerable for me, in that I don't get a visceral reaction of disgust the moment I see them. I nevertheless hate them because I think back dimples are one of the sexiest areas on a woman, I love seeing them and I love touching them, and piercings completely blow all that. A woman lucky enough to be fit enough to have back dimples, shouldn't be fucking it up. I remember asking my ATF one time, early on, whether she had backdimples. She looked at me with a surprised look, and said in an almost insulted voice, "Of course I do... I'm a hot chick!" lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Interesting Cologne Reaction
    rh: the good news is, there are colognes that literally cost a 10th as much that get the same reaction. If all you're looking for is female compliments, there's no reason to be spending anywhere close to that much; you spend that kind of $ for other reasons (IMO)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Any of you guys ever have a stripper offer you a massage in the club?
    There is a girl (unattractive to me) at a club I go to, where her hustle is to sit down next to you and start massaging you. She gets my hand, forearm, shoulder, neck (it's theater-style seating, so she's right next to me). She is so good at it, that my eyes practically roll back in my head. After a couple of minutes, she offers to continue this in the back. I've always refused -- like I said, I don't find her attractive -- but I've already decided that next time she does her schtick, I'm going to offer her $20 to just sit there for however long she thinks is fair, and massage me. It is really outsanding, with the only downside is that it takes me out of horny old goat mode, into jelly mode.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many stripper fights have you seen
    I don't frequent dive clubs, but have seen a few at the dive clubs, including one bench-clearing brawl (each girl evidently had lots of other girls on her side, backing her up) that took the huge bouncers at least a minute or two to clear
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Since the tattoo discussion how about piercings?
    My view on piercings is pretty close to my view on tattoos: Like tattoos, piercings never make a girl more attractive, only less. Most piercings won't rule her out, but she'll just have to be relatively more desirable (more attractive, fun, or high mileage) to get my attention & $, than if she didn't have any piercings. Also like tattoos, there ARE a few piercings that automatically rule her out. With tattoos, any tattoo that's gang or pimp related and she's off my interest list, and it's very rare that a girl with tats on the front or sides of her neck will ever get my interest. With piercings, it's mostly facial piercings that I have trouble with: I can deal with regular ear piercings and ear cartilage, and will accept a monroe or a nostril piercing under severe protest, but the following facial piercings make me slightly nauseated and I can barely look at a girl with these, so I'll automatically pass (If she's truly spectacular, I'll ask her if she'll take them out for me, but understand if she won't, and then it's back to passing): - septum (my #1 hated piercing) - eyebrow and anti-eyebrow piercing - labret - anywhere on cheek other than monroe - anywhere else on nose (medusa, bridge) - lip
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Interesting Cologne Reaction
    You know, as I wrote in minnow's thread, of course any time a stripper compliments your cologne, you should consider it hustle ... just like your eyes aren't really that nice, you don't really make her pussy wet, you're not really all that different from all the other customers,and she doesn't really want to see you cum. On the other hand, I've found that while strippers may compliment any colognes, colognes that get the "grab me and pull me towards them and snuffle my chest", "OMG what are you wearing" reactions from strippers, are exactly the same colognes that get the most enthusiastic reactions from civilians. Which implies that perhaps, while strippers may drop you a tepid compliment no matter what you're wearing, given that Tobacco Vanille tends to engender this type of reaction in civilians, no reason to think your stripper was faking it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Comments/Trusts Ratio
    ^^^ Won't you feel foolish when juice's next troll, DoctorGenius, a microbiologist who has a weakness for tattoo'ed harlots, comes on here to run intellectual rings around us
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Comments/Trusts Ratio
    Juice: your new troll persona is a hit! I think you've perfected "her"! Fuck, did I not send that by PM?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tats - I just don't get it - why?
    ^^^ I have had some pretty hot girls from SA who were tat-less. Which makes sense to me, with the increased percentage of more highly educated women, you also get far more women who don't have tats. Of course, there is a huge mix of women on SA, from college girls to working escorts, so you can find anything.
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    7 years ago
    Tats - I just don't get it - why?
    Well, if any tats were a deal breaker for me, I could barely go SCing ... other than the highest high-end clubs (which are often all-flash vegas-like affairs), very few strippers on any particular shift are completely tat-less. The only tats that tend to be automatic deal-breakers for me are gang- or pimp-associated tats. Too much of a turn-off to look past. Beyond that, tats just make a girl look less attractive to me. The more tats she has, the more she has to make up for it in other ways. By the time she's got something truly atrocious like a full sleeve or tats along the front or sides of her neck, she better be a 9.5 with an amazing personality and awesome mileage, or else I"m happy to let ime have her :). But every one of my top 5 ATFs has had at least a few small tats ... there's just so few girls who don't
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tats - I just don't get it - why?
    B-Ho-->"Subraman said: "Tats immediately give to me an impression of low class and poor judgement... ." Well, that's exactly what I'm looking for when I go to a club. Low class and poor judgement." I have to admit that it sometimes has that effect on me, too. While I'd always prefer no tats, sometimes just the right tat drives me wild, exactly because of the trashy/sexy/poor-judgement connotation. There's this one stripper with amazing legs, who has a tat down each hamstring. Aside from highlighting and drawing attention to her amazing legs and ass, my monkey brain just wants to grab her and fuck the hell out of her. Damn monkey brain.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: NFL Players Kneeling During Anthem
    This is the predictable outcome of Trump's statements. I find myself asking the same question as Ish above: how can a guy who has built a business into billions of dollars, be such a retard? It's as if the man has no idea how people act and react at all ... this was mostly a non-story that a few people grumbled about, until Trump worked his magic. For myself, I think the general sentiment behind all this is a fine one and worthy of national conversation, but I don't think the national anthem at the football game is the place to have it. The irony of millionaire over-entitled man-children who as a group are over-represented among wife abusers, using this time to make a statement that comes off as disrespect to the only country that would enable such people, isn't lost on us.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tats - I just don't get it - why?
    While I think millennials are more accepting of both tats and piercings than x'ers and boomers, I would also say it is absolutely NOT THE CASE that in the specific case of strippers, this is entirely generational or even primarily generational. It has **always** been the case that strippers were more likely to have tats than their customers (and, indeed, the rest of society), and it's always been the case that customers complained about it. The fact is, tats have always been an aesthetic that the poor and disenfranchised favorited, especially as a mark of rebellion or empowerment, and people who were wealthier and more educated eschewed. That's the main reason strippers have always had tats (they've always come from less-educated poorer backgrounds, and more often in need of an empowerment statement given the rest of their lives), and is still the main reason strippers have tats, and will continue to be the main reason strippers are more likely to have tats even after the current fad passes and overprivileged kids stop getting them. The difference w/ gen-y is that tats have become more acceptable among the more educated and privileged; it remains to be seen whether this is a fad that will blow over, or if tats have crossed over. Tats immediately give to me an impression of low class and poor judgement, but obviously enough, that's becoming less and less true. Anyway, to re-iterate: the acceptance of tattoos among the middle class and above is definitely generational. But there's nothing remotely generational about strippers and tats -- they come from a background that's always had tats.