
Men prefer 20 year old women.

Too much of a good thing is never enough
Anyone surprised by this? What does is say about men vs women?

Men, regardless of their age, prefer 20-23 year old women. This preference still applies when a man turns 50, and 60, etc.

In contrast, women, as they age, prefer men who are closer to their age.

see: https://jezebel.com/mens-favorite-ages-a…

Does anyone recall a quote of this nature-- who said it? "When I was 20, I preferred to date 19 year old women. Now that I'm 60, I have realized what good taste I had when I was 20."


  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    Clearly, I do not fit this youth obsessive stereotype. As a man in my mid 60s, I simply do not find 20 year old women to be the most attractive. I lust for the 25 to 27 year old who knows what she is doing!!!!!!!!!
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I must be an outlier. I don't mind hot 20 year old dancers, but women in their mid 30's and 40's are incredibly sexy to me. As I've aged, I've found women who age nicely to be irresistible.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Most straight women I know prefer younger men and actively pursue them. Don't know where you're getting your information from but it's not universally correct.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I'm pretty shallow and can be happy with women 18-40 as long as they are attractive and like sex. However most of my current favorites seem to land in the 22-24 range. Maybe just because of what is available to me.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    If by "prefer" you mean to look at, fuck yes. As a dedicated significant other -- well, fuck to the no. But man, a 20 year old has lost all vestiges of a childlike look, blossomed into womanhood, radiates that youthful je ne sais qua of energy-happiness-optimism, still has 100% of youthful advantages (fast metabolism, wrinkle-free and often cellulite-free skin) without any signs of aging showing up yet.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I have always preferred or found all women 18-40 attractive regardless of my own age. As I get older (40+ now) I find women my age just as attractive as any younger age. My preference tend to move with my age but still lags it by ~10 yrs. Nowadays I look at an attractive 20 yr old and I tend to imagine how much hotter she would be at 35.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    That's bc the women on there are looking for the possibility of finding their husband, and the men are hoping some extremely desperate sex deprived 20 year old wants to fuck them. Even if they are also looking for their soul mate, they don't want to miss out on those free spirited 20 year olds, who are just dying for some fat old guy loving.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Bj, I'm glad you understand me so well.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Depends on whether you're looking for a life-partner or a paid fling -- or if you're living a second-adolescence (like @Smith) there's no real distinction.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    I prefer them in their 20s although i'm also fine with fit ladies in their 20s. Fit is the key for me.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    that was supposed to be "i'm also fine with fit ladies in their 40s"
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    You could also have an article that women all want men with money and education, while men don't care. It's all in ppls intentions on there.
  • Electronman
    7 years ago
    Lowpaw-- click on the link. It takes you to an article that summarizes data from personal ads on OK Cupid, a dating web site. When men set search criteria for a "date" they tend to select the 20-24 year age range for their dates, regardless of the man's age. Using the same data base, women search for men who are closer to the age of the woman. I couldn't figure out how to copy the graphic data displays from this article and into this discussion thread but check out the figures that are entitled "a man's age and the age of women who look best to him" and contrast it to the similar graph for "a woman's age....."

    Of course, there are lots of exceptions to any general conclusion and who knows whether the posters on OK Cupid (and other dating web sites) are honest about their age? Actually we probably know the answer to that rhetorical question-- we lie, about age and other things.
  • jaredlucas
    7 years ago
    25 to 29 is the sweet spot for me. Still young, lean, sexual and in need of mentoring and $$. its a Recipe for fun.

    If she is in to FFM threesomes and leans towards being BI sexual she goes to the top of the list .
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    @Electronmen - All I can tell you is what I have experienced in real life. I know plenty of 20 - 50yo straight women and they all seem to want boy toys. Maybe the demographic of women who use online dating sites aren't financially self sufficient and are looking strictly for $$$. The women I know are financially sound and don't use dating sites, preferring to meet men other ways. I suspect that's at least part of it. As women become less reliant on men for their financial needs, they too can pick & choose who they want to date, and believe me a financially secure woman of 50 isn't gonna be looking for a man her own age.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "As women become less reliant on men for their financial needs, they too can pick & choose who they want..."
    I made exactly the same point in a different thread in another context. However my gut instinct is that men's preference for <21 yr-old-girls is baked into our DNA from 5-million years of human evolution. And evolutionary biology has women programmed to prefer tall and physically strong men, regardless if they are 52 or 22. I think the OK-CUpid study has captured something that goes beyond cultural norms and feminism.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    I don't know what the fuck happened to my post??
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    I made exactly the same point in a different thread in another context. However my gut instinct is that men's preference for girls <21 is baked into our DNA from 5-million yrs of human evolution. And evolutionary biology has women programmed to prefer strong tall men regardless of whether they are 52 or 22. I think the OK-Cupid study captures something that goes beyond cultural norms.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Something about less-than sign screwing up my post. I give up
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @PoolyD I agree. The older I get the less I want to actually engage the young ones. I will admire them for their beauty and sexiness, but I actually won't want a dance from them.

    The other day I went back to a club that I used to be a PL regular at and a 21 year old sexy hottie approached me and it was clear in our convo that we had huge generation gaps going on and it was like I was talking to my young nieces, a big turn off for me, so we just chatted and I enjoyed her company for a few minutes and she moved on because she knew I wasn't biting. She was cute too with a hot little body. If she were 10 years older or I 10 years younger, I would have at least had one dance with her.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Men are hard-wired to prefer women under 21 because they're at that peak of fertility. Men mature later, and they're better able to help raise children as they get older. The OK-Cupid study is capturing something programmed into our DNA from 5-million years of evolutionary biology.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I think it was Subra that came the closest to stating my opinion.

    Strictly for eye candy: 20-25
    For sex: 25-40
    To spend time with: 30-50
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Random member, then why don't the girls in their early twenties make the most money at the sc? It's not just their lame lapdamces, bc then they'd at least continually sell one. I think men "think" they prefer women in their early twenties, but don't actually know how old a lot of women are just by looking at them. Girls in their early twenties don't even have the figure type men prefer, according to the ideal measurements. I think men really prefer women in their late twenties and early thirties, who have stayed in shape. Sadly, the average women in America is fat by the time she's 25, but if all things were equal, I think men would have a different connotation of women at that age rage. Think Barbie vs skipper.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    Men like 20-year old women.

    Brilliant! In other news, water is wet, fire is hot, dachshunds are cute, and ice cream is ace! ;)
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago

    I didn't mean to say anything offensive. I'm simply stating that if you are talking only about sheer animal attraction, men prefer young women and women prefer tall men. I think it's the result of evolution, not cultural norms. OTOH, many men go into strip clubs because they need some kind of emotional attachment -- and the older dancers are way better at that.

    I would never consider someone under 40 for an SO or something serious.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I wasn't offended. I just don't think it's even true by sheer animal attraction. I juat wonder why the young girls seem to do so badly at work. The most popular girls seem to be late twenties to mid thirties. I'm thinking the girls in their later twenties have the best looks. I just think our perception of what girls that age look like has changed bc everyone is so fat.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    It can't be just the connection and stuff, but if you really think guys at the strip clib arw pickyier ab having a connection than guys dating, okay.
  • Electronman
    7 years ago
    Lowpaw. Point well taken. Economically (and emotionally?) secure women may have very different motivations on a dating site than women who are economically vulnerable. Of course, men's motivation is often transparent on a dating web site--- to get laid (OK that's overstated but it illustrates the importance of motivation for going on a dating web site). That's the challenge with studies that draw broad generalities--- there are always exceptions to the "average."

    4got2wipe: Read the commentary. There is much more nuance than your otherwise "brilliant" synopsis.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    While I do like to look at women 20-25, and even have sex with those girls, for a CF with whom I will spend time with I prefer women over 30 that are still fit. My current CF fits this exactly. She is beautiful but has intelligence, charm, and wit. She can hold her own in conversation on any topic. I enjoy those parts of her as much as I enjoy her body and her sexuality. Eighteen to twenty five year old have not matured enough to spend real time in their company outside of the benefits of their body. With my CF, we can go to dinner, and drinks and have a great time then retire to my room and enjoy time there as well. I find this a win win
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... Something about less-than sign screwing up my post ..."

    I thought that may have gotten fixed w/ the latest update Founder did to the interface - yeah in the past the TUSCL text processor did not process the "less than sign" correctly and would truncate/cutoff everything after it - others have explained the "less than sign" is a special escape character in web-stuff and apparently TUSCL did/does not process it properly.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Why wait til they reach 20? stuff sags even less at 18.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    It seems that traditionally many/most men preffered young women - but it's by far not universal or even close IMO - if we've learned anything on this board is how wide a range of women men prefer.

    Even as a young-boy I was more attracted to MILFs (30s - early-40s) - I've always liked curvy/well-endowed/voluptuous women even as a kid and it seems often times "older women" (30+) tend fo fill-out in a way I like (not a fat cow, but bigger fuller breasts, wider/rounder hips; bigger fuller butts - all things I've always preferred and always been much-more attracted to) - I like women that look like women - most early-20s "women" still look like girls to me; not children, but more girlish than womanish and I prefer the womanish look - I can admire a young hard-body but it's a well filled-out "older" woman that really gets my juices flowing and find more irresistible - I also love femininity and def def much more enjoy the way "older" women carry themselves - for me the age I've enjoyed the most is mid-30s - in my particular case BY FAR the best fucks I've had have been w/ women in their mid-30s - they def know what they are doing (w/ exceptions of course) and def IME know better how to please a man *and* more willing to please a man (again w/ exceptions).
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    Most of my long term faves have been late 30s through middle 40s, including my ATF who was 46 when she hung 'em up. My current fav is only 27, but she shares a smoking sexuality with the older women. Like them, she can hold her own in any conversation. All of them have been devoid of stripper shit.

    I love sexy women who are more than half my age, AND OLDER THAN MY DAUGHTERS! lol.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I'm not comfortable with early 20's girls. If they look young, I stay away from them. If they tell me they are in the age range, I will most likely pass. I have been fooled by a couple girls who looked older then they were, but for the most part I prefer women late 20's and older. My current fave is in her late 30's.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    The article talked about looks. Of course early 20s (and arguably even younger for the John Smith crowd) would be the peak of looks. Or basically, that's as young as you can get without looking like jailbait. That's nothing new. The average age of Playmates of the month when they first pose: 22.4 years old. The average age of Playmates of the year is 23.5 (but remember the Playmate of the year is usually crowned in the middle of the following year so it's pretty close to a calendar year older than the average age). I couldn't find comprehensive data on Penthouse pets but the more recent ones are older (being mostly established porn stars), but still in their 20s.

    By the time a girl gets in her mid 20s (so 24-25-26), her breasts usually start dropping (even if so slightly) if not earlier. They'll drop sooner if she's been wearing bras all the time (according to a 2013 French study). Then they'll plateau or very gradually decline for 10 years or so regardless of having children. The hands age quicker than the rest of the body as well, particularly with the veins and knuckles and the skin just get looser. The eyes start to develop bags and crows feet. The pores also seem larger and deeper than when she was the fresh faced girl next door in her early 20s or younger. Makeup becomes much more important; they are much less likely to pull off the natural look. Of course some girls hit the genetic lottery or just take very good care of themselves and look youthful into their 30s or even 40s.

    As long as a girl doesn't really let herself go or get her body ravaged by drugs or self-harming, which is a big qualifier, or have kids, which can often drastically change a woman's body, if she's a near 10 at age 20 (which usually indicates great genes), she'll still be close to a ten at age 30. The little changes from aging 10 years isn't going to drop her rating much. But the girls that are 7s and 8s and have less natural gifts to work with, the drop after 10 years is probably bigger and much more noticeable. Or put another way, going from a 10 to a 9, the girl is still going to be very hot. Going from a 7 to a 5, she moves from above average to the lower side of average (5.5 being the median between 1-10). She'll almost certainly get work done and wear more makeup if she's depends on her looks for a living.

    As for why 20 year olds don't do as well at strip clubs? Nothing to do with looks. Experience is probably the biggest reason. It takes thousands of repetitions and fine tuning to gain expertise at a skill. Some people might be naturals or gifted, others may be over achievers, but it's hard to get around years of practice and experience. Many of these girls don't give good dances, aren't as comfortable in their skin, haven't developed their social skills or flirtation and role playing as much and aren't as desperate or serious as the older dancers. They don't know how to close deals, or properly offer extras (if they even offer them). They probably don't handle rejection as well (even the youngest hottest strippers get rejected) and less likely to hustle or move on to any and every customer or they might even just wait for the customer. They're also easier to take advantage of in terms of remuneration.

    They might be in school still (if they're under 23, that is quite likely as most of the young girls haven't completely dropped out or given up on school yet) and for some of the girls, this might be their first real job or first well paying job, so they might consider a few hundred a night a huge amount of money compared to no money or depending on their parents or the minimum or near minimum wage job they're qualified for and be quite satisfied with that. They likely don't have mortgages to pay, children to feed and support. Their biggest bill might be their car payment or tuition/student loans.

    So if looks were all that mattered, then yes, early 20s is where it's at. Of course IRL and even the strip clubs, looks aren't everything.
  • Electronman
    7 years ago
    DirkDiggler: Nice analysis!
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I dunno. I always preferred 24 year olds, even when I was a teen myself. And I'm talking about their bodies so it's not just their minds argument nor relationship suitability.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I prefer them 22-25.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Not too picky about age.....anything from 18 to 40 is cool with me
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