
Comments by Subraman (page 209)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Another discussion about kissing
    BHF: I have to admit it's pretty easy for me to follow my "don't kiss extras strippers", since I rarely go to extras clubs, and the one extras club I do go to is a mostly-HJ-only club. So it's pretty rare I have to have any kind of internal struggle around "she probably gave 4 guys BBBJCIMWS before me ... but she's sooo pretty and now she wants to french kiss me". I can probably honestly say I haven't kissed an extras stripper in 10 years. Meanwhile, I LK girls in the no-extras clubs I've been going to for the past 10 years, and occasionally DFK when given the rare opportunity. I like being able to kiss my incredibly gorgeous no-extras strippers, but I'd likely trade no-guilt kissing for a BJ and temptation :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Sideline app is no longer free
    Line2 is almost as expensive as Sideline. I had it for a while and it worked fine, but for my purposes, the free options (or at least cheap options) work fine. Jabberwock: Sudo doesn't seem to be on android officially yet, alas. I think you're talking about TextMe Up, not Text Me ... it's TextMe Up that lets you purchase additional lines, from what I can tell Text Me does not have that feature...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone been to a Vegas Strip Club?
    -->"And the ATM machine is the same deal. You'll have to pay a fee of like, $30 to take out $300." I could swear that last time I was at Rhino it was a straight 15% -- or $45 charge to take out $300. I vaguely remember that being the credit card charge, too. It kind of makes me sad and angry that they can get away with that -- there are clearly people just paying it, instead of saying "Fuck you". Although, if this is their big strip club trip for their once-a-decade Vegas trip that they've been planning for 6 months, I guess they're gonna just go along
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Stripper Web
    To be fair, I've read some interesting takes in hustle hut, interesting approaches, etc. Genuinely good stuff that would work on me ... but an awful lot that wouldn't (although again, those girls have a different target customer than me)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Stripper Web
    SirL: just speaking for myself, I don't read SW to understand the mentality or better my PL game... the consensus reality and groupthink that is rigidly enforced there does not resemble any strip clubs or actual strippers I interact with, and I've been going to strip clubs longer than many of those girls have been alive. For me, it's far more like disastrous reality TV -- maybe the same sort of pleasure people get watching Real Housewives or whatever. Of course none it if is really real, but there's a low-brow entertainment value, on top of "I can't believe she said that", on top of how fun it is to poke fun at it, on top of .... well, you get the idea. For intellectual curiosity and insights, I'd love to read a stripper forum that wasn't constructed in a make-believe world. Maybe that EDN place is like that, who knows, although I imagine that topics like extras will always be verboten
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone been to a Vegas Strip Club?
    I tend to have hardcore-PL's disdain of Vegas clubs -- exactly the opposite of the experience I'm looking for, incredibly high hustle, incredibly low value, next-level "treat every customer like the sucker he is" at every turn (they charge 15% -- %, not dollars -- on ATM witdhrawals, and expect that kind of rip-offery everywhere you turn). Truly horrible. I'd give two exceptions to that: - The outside-Vegas clubs, like Palomino, are supposed to be far more of a PL-style club. I haven't been, but I think that means you lose a lot of the Vegas glitz that's getting you excited in the first place, alas. - With the right attitude, the all-flash Vegas clubs *can* be fun. Bring all the cash you need -- no credit cards or ATM is more important in Vegas than anywhere else. Try to get there before 11pm when the crowds start rolling in, as well as the next-level hustlers. Plan to enjoy incredible eye candy, tipping at the stage, and just expect the girls not to spend a huge amount of time with you unless you're doing dances and buying drinks pretty consistent -- it goes far more for Vegas than anywhere else, if you're planning to spend a lot, you can have a great time. If you have a "grab a few of my buddies, drink and spend more than we wanted to for less than we thought we'd get, but it's all good because VEGAS WOOOOOO" type attitude, you have a much better chance of enjoying your time at these clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Sideline app is no longer free
    I have 3 more days before I have to ditch Sideline .... any updates from Jimmy or anyone else, on Telos, TextMe, TextNow. Which are you using, why do you like it, etc?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What exactly is SS or "Stripper Shit"?
    ^^^ Corvus's definition needs to be in the glossary LOL
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In the VIP getting an Oral Exam
    What is a true PL supposed to do???
    I have to tell you, I've been handling this all with transparency the past few years, and my life is much better for it. I would have done exactly what you did, "yes, I'm at the club right now" (I guarantee her frenemies know you're her regular, and would have enjoyed the schadenfreude of telling her you were there without her, if you hadn't copped to it yourself. You did nothing wrong, there's no reason to lie.). In your place, after she texted the invitation to go to her place, I might have deviated from policy and been merely mostly-honest ("Thank you so much! I can't wait to see you! But I have to take off in a few, promise me I can take a raincheck on your invitation and see you this week, please please" kind of thing).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What exactly is SS or "Stripper Shit"?
    In my anal retentive way, I dislike and don't use the term "stripper shit". For me, it sounds like a term a bitter and hurt person would use, because they're so hurt that the stripper is hustling instead of really loving them. Hustle is a perfectly usable term in most cases SS is used, and it doesn't have that connotation of butt-hurtness to me. I realize I'm in a minority of one and won't even try to change anyone's mind on this one, I'll learn from my loss on you guys adopting SW-agenda terms like "dirty girls" and not even try to assault the hallowed halls of stripper shit :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Another discussion about kissing
    In extras clubs, I tend not to kiss the stripper. In no-extras clubs, I'll kiss the stripper. To flag's point, I love talking to the strippers, and in no-extras clubs, having had her flirt me into near-ecstasy and semi-chub beforehand makes the kissing even better
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Stripper Web
    INteresting! I had read some about TOO, and about the rift that formed EDN, but way the SW girls talked about it, those EDN strippers were nasty horrible people anyway. 29 out of 30, beginner's luck, man :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Stripper Web
    -->"Is it possible both sites represent a small subset of customers and dancers? The customers here might be more savvy at getting extras and otc from dancers" My guess is that this site represents a small subset of customers who get OTC ... but I don't think that's the case with extras. In known extras clubs, everyone's getting extras, even the PLs-in-training and, hell, even the twice-a-year-boys-night-out guys, from what I can tell. I just don't think guys are walking into Follies (based on what I've heard Follies is like) and end up confused about what's available. It was exactly the same situation in the extras clubs I used to go to. OTC is another topic entirely. -->"and the dancers over there might be a subset of the (non extras) dancers in a club?" It isn't just the extras thing that so anomalous over there ... it's the universal "I won't socialize for more than a song, then I move on", "I don't allow any touching of the good parts", "He wants to take me to dinner? He pays $300, same as if he took me to the VIP for an hour", "He wants to massage me? He pays me $20/song" "He wants to ask me about my tattoo? I charge him $5 for the answer" ... there is a never-ending list of incongruities between what SW girls say they do, and how most strippers actually behave ... whether or not they do extras is the tip of the iceberg.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Building up horniness level
    -->"You get off with your pants on from a lap dance, but you are worried about your impending horndog level?" I find this point fairly brilliant
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Stripper Web
    25: Keep in mind, if a stripper acts the way she claims to act on SW, chance are she either throws you a "clever" version of a wannadance line pretty quickly, or sits for one song max before popping the question and moving on. If you're like me, those types of girls barely even register on your radar. "You look like you need a dance, hunny!" "No thanks". Done. I know there's girls like that, especially on busy nightshifts, I just avoid shifts where those girls are concentrated, and quickly dismiss girls who behave that way on my beloved slow dayshifts; hence my strip-club-within-a-strip-club metaphor ... maybe our particular species just naturally pass through each other like muons through a planet.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Building up horniness level
    A few days of abstention, and some pre-date porn, has been the winning formula for me. I would definitely NOT go to a strip club beforehand: at a place like Follies I'd just be frustrated at not being able to indulge, and at any other place, I do not need to see and touch stripper-beautiful 20-year-olds before I go on a date with a 45-year-old.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Stripper Web
    RM: I've answered this many times: I fucking love it. And I love rolling my eyes at it, and insulting it here in a tone that connotes superiority. It's fun... and perhaps indicative of the fact that I might have too much time on my hands :) I also used to watch Dance Moms with my daughter, despite the fact that Abby really irritates me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    Can you have a Favorite who's strictly ITC with no extras??
    In thinking about it, I would re-word my answer to: She's not going to be my go-to, make special trips just to see her at the club, girl. But there's any number of girls whose company I enjoy, as drinking buddies, or just because they're hot and sexy, or whatever: she just won't be my ATF or my primary target, once I'm certain everything else is off the table
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Stripper Web
    -->"LMAO this discussion makes me want to LDK with a custie hating SW 10 unbeknownst to her. No tip too!" If living well is the best revenge, then I can't imagine living weller than that :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Stripper Web
    ^^^ I think there's also another question: to what extent is the "SW side of the coin" expressing any type of reality? Chili Palmer posted an epic screed in SW a couple of years ago, where he claimed something along the lines of, "the forum is full of liars and posers, I've met 25 SW girls, all of whom do extras, and all of whom pretend on SW that they don't." Whether you like Chili or not, I find that incredibly believable. I believe most guys on tuscl are getting extras; I also believe many SW girls are giving extras and just pretending they're not because that's what's expected and tolerated on SW. Yes of fucking course we pose and exaggerate here, too, but come on -- the guys here are scoring extras, it's not a difficult thing to do. I do believe that, for the minority of girls on SW who actually behave at the club the way they claim they behave on SW, those are just girls we tuscl guys never interact with, other than to immediately dismiss them, so I know for myself I just have no idea how many of them there are, they're like a separate strip club inside the strip club
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Stripper Web
    -->"how many get OTC FS " The one thing I do suspect is that OTC FS (versus drinks and dinners) is being enjoyed by fewer customers than reading tuscl would have you think. Not because it's so hard to score, necessarily, but a surprising number of guys just don't pursue it, don't realize it's even a thing, or only pursue it jokingly. I suspect this because I've been on other strip club forums -- and remember, to be on an SC forum, a guy is already likely a PL and regular SC goer -- where many guys express surprise and ask questions when the topic of OTC comes up. It makes me wonder if it's a smaller % of regulars who pursue OTC than you'd think from reading tuscl, where it's gotta be 95% or more of us who do it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Las Vegas
    Stripper Web
    There is no way the delicately-constructed group delusion of strip clubs and strippers that they've created there, survives anything but a very tiny standard deviation from the group behavior. So it's either incredibly zealous moderation at any hint of going off the storyline, or the house of cards falls. Some of the oldtimers tell stories of when SW was more inclusive, and as a result, had differing views and was more reflective of what actually happens in strip clubs, but I can't see a hint of that
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    Can you have a Favorite who's strictly ITC with no extras??
    For the most part, eventually I want extras or OTC or else: 1. I'm moving on, 2. I'll keep her around as a fluffer for my main girl, or pleasant company when my main girl isn't there. That said, I have gotten girls OTC who resisted at first. But I don't play "the long game", if by that you mean, see her 10 more times hoping to change her mind. But I do find that an investment of a few more trips (make her comfortable with you and trust you), sometimes combined with lowered requirements, can get her to change her mind. Once I pop the question about OTC, if she says no and I think she means it, I move on as above; but many times I'm not so sure so if I already enjoy her company, I don't mind trying to change her mind a few more times.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Massage in the SC, yes or no
    Yes, girls definitely like it. But you are a braver man than me if you'll touch a stripper's feet :) Even the perfect princesses on stripperweb gross out about their own feet
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    Tips for attached day time SC hounds
    Ya, as long as you have the gym membership, waddle your chubby ass into the gym now and then and actually work out :) More seriously, I always figured that breaking patterns drew attention . Luckily, I go to the gym a few times a week anyway, so coming home smelling like soap post-workout, or having a gym bag in my trunk, is never something remarkable.