
Comments by Subraman (page 195)

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    7 years ago
    Getting refunds on cover charges
    I am totally 100% with you. But I also know that 1. Most SC employees aren't exactly empowered, even the day manager might have his hands tied by the owner or general manager, and 2. this is one of the things that seems to be relatively on lockdown at many clubs, I suppose under the notion that many folks ask for refunds, in their eyes unjustifiably. None of that is a defense of what really is a horrendously stupid business policy, but one that is to be expected of a business that fundamentally views its customers as suckers to be fleeced. Just noticing that I've seen these kinds of exchanges at other clubs, and I'm not sure I've ever seen any club give back an entry fee.
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    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Powerful Feeling
    -->"She was very polite and apologetic about it and she had only been sitting with me for a few minutes, so it was not a big deal to me. She said they had planned ahead to meet that day" As a PL who values the sanctity of the appointment, and who values strippers who value appointments, for me it would be pretty reasonable if I met a stripper randomly, but who had to leave because she had a pre-set appointment with a regular. In fact, I almost look at it as a good sign that she keeps her appointments, it's like the stripper version of "he's nice to his mother", that's the kind of stripper I want. I would prefer if she tells me up front, "my regular is coming in at 5 but I can hang out until then"; it's incredibly rare that strippers give such advance warnings (for a variety of reasons), but no worries in any case. She should, of course, be apologetic, explain herself, say all kinds of lies to make me feel good ("I'd way rather be sitting with you, but I HAVE to go; I'll make it up to you!"), and perhaps give me an opportunity for one last dance, but all good beyond that. -->"I don't like waiting for her when we have planned ahead, but I understand its all part of the business. She often comes over and tells me she'll be over in 10 minutes, but of course its always more like 30 minutes!" Some PLs here get irritated about this, but I don't share this view. If we have an appointment at 4, I expect her to be free at 4. Yes, it's all part of the business -- and the business decision I expect her to make is "make sure I'm free for my 4:00 appointment with my regular". I'm a valuable customer, at least in my own mind, and if she can't furnish the experience I'm paying for, no hard feelings, but if there's another stripper in the club I'm interested in, that's who I'll be sitting with the entire rest of my trip (I normally pick one stripper and stay with her my entire trip, she gets all my $). 10 minute wait, no problem, but I'm not waiting 30+ minutes for my appointment. Tick tock and all that, 30 minutes in I'll have a different stripper, and she might be candidate for my new CF.
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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Drunk Posting
    Still no dick pics? Exactly how drunk are you guys? I get 4 beers in me, I'm sending out dick pics
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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Drunk Posting
    Subscribing to this thread for dick pics
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sending video attachments to text messages.
    Jesus, man, just get Snapchat, it's absurdly simple to use, and I guarantee she already knows how to send videos this way. The poor girl wants to send you naked videos, make it a little easier on her (and yourself -- snapchat is a must-have perv tool) Downside is that she can't send the actual file, you just get to watch the video once (plus one replay) and then it's gone... unless you get a good screenscraper app, then you can just keep it
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    7 years ago
    So what is the time of day sweet spot?
    Around here, daytime is always the best value, by far. There will be two mini-rushes during daytime -- a 12-1ish lunch rush, and after 5 post-work rush. I usually show up right when the club opens at 11:30, see if I can get my pick of the strippers before many other customers show up for lunch, then hang out until 4 or 5, leaving when guys start pouring in after work. The other time vaguely worth thinking about is 7-10, the beginning of nightshift. Like many guys point out, the downside is that the really hot girls never show up before 10, so you've mostly got the nightshift B team, plus if you're very lucky, a few A teamers. On top of that, you have nightshift prices for booze: at LEAST double the prices of dayshift. But if you do find a girl, this is a pretty fun part of nightshift, the girls usually have a lazier hustle more reminiscent of dayshift. I occasionally go on a nightshift and end up with a nightshift CF, and once I've met her that first time, from them on I always arrange for her to come in at 7pm and hang out with me for a few hours for dayshift rates
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    -->"Dancers well know many custies often like to play the field and know there's competition in the club, but many manipulate custies making them think they'll get jealous when in fact it's just about the $$$" Papi shooting a bullseye on the correct. It's hard to blame the girls. Many times, the girls will just use rhetoric that they CAN claim is just joking and flirty, but they know can manipulate weak customers. If she saw you talking to another stripper, "Oh, you're cheating on me!"; it's part joke, but she knows very well that there's some false-teaming that can go on in his head, if he WANTS to believe that she cares for him beyond being a customer, well, now she's used words that are usually only applied to couples.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    tristanJ-->"This is a very good point, agree. Indeed, to try to go in to the club and get dances with another dancer in front of the CF's face in order to spite her would be a totally insane and totally counterproductive thing to do!" right. But it's all about motivation, IMO. If you go there and get dances with other strippers in order to make her "jealous" or teach her a lesson or whatever, that's a problem. If you've decided that you have fallen out of lust with her and want a new CF, damn straight you should go when you want and get dances with whoever you want... if it's not about petty "make her jealous", but you've decided to move on, then that's different. Although I really think in this case her transgression was pretty slight -- she cancelled with a few hours notice, with an apologetically written text -- so for me this would not be a big deal. If she had a long history of doing this, I might think otherwise. -->"Even to go in on a night when CF is not there and get dances with another dancer could in general be tricky, " That's where you lost all of us here :) Of course you can go when she isn't there and get a dance with whoever you want. If you feel like you might get in trouble, that's your inner bitch speaking (it's okay, we all have one). If the girls think you're weak, they'll manipulate you with these ownership games; if you just stay above-board and act like you're doing nothing wrong (which you are NOT), without any hiding or passive-aggressive behavior, you'll find it's all just accepted. This doesn't only go for when she's not in the club; if my now-fired CF is in the club and I'm there to see someone else, I greet her warmly, tell her "great to see you! I'm here to Porsche today, but I hope you have a great day!" and move on, drama-free
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York City
    Can it be too Cold outside for going out to a Strip Club?
    In all seriousness, for the most part my general M.O. of "go to the club when as few other PLs are there as possible" holds. While there's definitely a point where the risks aren't worth it, I did live in your area all through college, and 15 degrees didn't hold us back from doing ... well, anything. If it meant fewer PLs at the club, that's perf. Around here, heavy rains get the same effect: waaay fewer PLs at the club, and also fewer dances but the girls who make it in are highly motivated
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York City
    Can it be too Cold outside for going out to a Strip Club?
    15 degrees? You mean, like, in Celsius? Because ain't no way human life can be sustained in 15 fahrenheit. Here in CA it dipped into the 50s yesterday and I busted out my parka. But I'm pretty much a bad-ass, so definitely could have hacked a trip to the strip club
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Is it ok if a dancer talks about your dick as a coke can ?
    Stripper: Ha ha ha ha! It's like a little lipstick case! Juice: Music's too loud, what did you just say? Can of coke? Stripper: Ha ha ha! Juice: Can of coke! Awesome!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Advice for waitress dances?
    My true advice is: bitch, get over the fucking waitress and this juvenile "I can't get her so I want her" thing! Just teasing, of course, you can want whoever you want, but with only rare exceptions, it's self-defeating ridiculousness (especially the faux-pride in "getting" the "unobtainable" waitress) when better experiences can be had anywhere. But if that's how you're wired, that's how you're wired. In general, nearly every instance I know of guys getting dances with the waitress end in some level of disappointment -- and worse yet, high $$$ disappointment. There are exceptions, I've read (right here on tuscl, I think) of the rare unicorn awesome waitress experience. But for the most part, expect to pay a lot for a disappointing dance, plus expect some probability that she'll lead you on and tell you that you can do a dance later, during which time you will obviously well over-tip her, and then at the last minute "my manager says I can't, they changed the rule"... happened to a buddy of mine, she played him good. All of THAT aside, different clubs have different rules as far as taking the waitress in the back, so you'll have to find out at the club. In every club I've been in that allows this, it works like this: 1. The waitress gets a premium on the dance price 2. There MUST be a regular stripper in the back, too, which means you're also paying for that regular stripper, unless you have a wingman who will pay for the stripper and you'll do your dances together 3. It's completely at the waitress's discretion as to whether she accepts the dance. So while "flirting" might have connotations that are a bit too romantic, in some clubs it will pay to be personable, charming, and unthreatening, so she'll be more likely to say yes
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    Ha ha, the asshole/little-bitch rule is applicable all over the place, evidently :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    Some good advice above. Flakiness & passive aggressiveness are a guarantee with strippers. If you're not willing to accept some of this, then you're better off going with a more reliable professional (e.g., an escort) or trying to find a responsible college girl type on SA -- I agree with others that this is a stripper issue, not a millennial issue. That said, some guys seem to use this to let the strippers absolutely shit on them and disrespect them. You'll have to decide for yourself where the line is for you. I do NOT excuse any behavior, no matter how outrageous; but I do expect there will be flakiness and lack of communication at times. When it gets to the point that it's more trouble, and leaves me more irritated, than the sex with her is worth, that's the signal to move on
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    ppwh-->"Also, I have found that when dealing with young women, planning more than 18 hours in advance can have a pretty high failure rate until you have been interacting with them for a few months. As far as I can tell, anything more than 18 hours ahead feels like more of an obligation instead of going with the flow." Absolutely, positively agree. It's a pretty common view among strippers. Of course, the problem here is: many of us have families and jobs, and other obligations that make it difficult to be very spontaneous. -->"The other part is having a chill attitude around her. I disagree with those who recommended passive aggressive ways of getting back at her. " Agree a thousand percent on this. In fact, if you feel like getting back at her seems like a great idea -- go to the club, make her jealous by being with another girl, say -- that's a fantastic reason to re-examine your mental health and whether this is for you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    -->"Aren't hemorrhoids extremely sensitive? How was she dancing?" I'm guessing (hoping) it wasn't an active roid flag is describing, but the skin tag left over from a previous one, which is not sensitive at all.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So I kind of got screwed ...but in a good way
    Looks like this was a huge win, other than a small live-and-learn moment that's bugging you more than it should :) In general, I approach this kind of thing one of two ways (doesn't have to be a friend, it could be any number of things that weren't planned, like her staying overnight): - I ask her explicitly (in this case: "I'd love for your friend to play, but what are the expectations as far as tip? I can't double it" or whatever) - I don't ask her anything and play along... and realize there's a risk that at the end, there will be a bit of an awkward negotiation, although with me holding all the cards since services will have been rendered. Though I also realize that, since I do NOT want her feeling badly or ripped off, *if* this is a CF who I value, I may end up just having to pay more than I'd wanted -- my feeling is, I'll just man up and deal with whatever the situation demands, part of the gamble of not negotiating up front. You already realize your mistake ... it's a crazy rookie mistake to not do either of the two things above, and just assume you're going to get a 2nd girl for free. You wouldn't have had to change your actions at all, but just your mindset to my 2nd option above, and the whole thing would have been 100% win for you. Your problem with the situation is 100% all in your head, the surprise, which is something that probably should not happen at this point in a PLs career :) BTW, with a proven ATF, I very often take the 2nd option ... just let it play out, and deal.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Standing dance after lap dances
    Love standing up. Years ago, Mitchell Bros used to have cabana dances, where the cabanas were basically like being inside a phone booth. You were standing up, the girl could never be a few inches away from you. HJ was awesome since you were basically looking her in the eye and the rest of her body was right there; BJ was do-able, there was enough room for her to get on her knees; FS was possible with some gymnastics. No matter what, you were getting hard and cumming standing up. Loved it!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weird Club Hangups
    I have to admit, I don't have the slightest idea what your first entry means. Google was no help. I kinda of resonate with your second one. It's not a matter of calling me "honey", there's just a certain vibe that comes across, where the stripper is completely jaded and mechanical, and just throwing in words that feign affection. It's like she she has no idea how to fake the connection and is wearing "honey" like a person suit to make her seem like more of an actual human being. It's more an attitude than any particular word, but I could see how "honey" would often be a tip-off. I haven't seen girls with granny underwear, but maybe you're using that term to mean high-waisted lingerie? I hate those too. In fact, that's one of those things that I think the vast majority of men dislike, and many women are either completely unaware of that, or they're wearing it for other women since women love it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Under age girls on SA
    Anytime there's any question, I have to see her ID. "You can cover your birthday month & day, driver's license number, and address, I just need to see your birthday year and picture on the license. I'll do the same if you'd like, since obviously I'm so young-looking I might be underage, too".
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Are Rainbow Trout gay?
    Why? What'd you hear?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Slapping her ass.
    ^^^ But what if she's been bad? Like, really bad?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    High School girls dancing
    TT, downright depressing story. I can't even imagine the life that girl must have gone through, to end up moving out at 18, moving in with a middle-aged strip club DJ. Imagine, that's the better option than living with her parents
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Perfect ass/great ass?
    A couple more things: - A bad ass will have a thin line for an ass crack -- she's too soft and flabby, and her ass cheeks are just sagging against each other. Nice asses have a bigger ass crack that convex curve away smartly and perkily from each other - Asshole matters. Within a few shades of the surrounding skin is top-shelf. Unattractive when it's 10 shades darker, or alternatively, bright red (ala many redheads, bright red ring surrounded by pale white skin)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Stuck on 7
    I'm a level 7. I figured we were being awarded 1 point for each half inch of dick, and the math seemed to work out I actually have 3 articles, but only 12 reviews, so maybe I need to push that up? I don't write reviews because I keep going to the same 2 clubs over and over, and it feels like cheating to write reviews of the same 2 clubs ad nauseum, but if people think that that's valuable, I'd be happy to write a review each trip.