High School girls dancing

I was in a club last March and noticed 3 new youngish girls dancing. I asked one of the regular girls about the new girls and she said that they had all recently turned 18 and started dancing there on a dare to each other and for cash. The manager was letting them dance Friday and Saturday nights to leave and 12 to make their 1:00 AM be home curfew. The rest of the girls were PO'ed because of the "special treatment" but could do nothing. because at least one of them was fucking manager/DJ. He was also their pot supplier and had talked them into dancing. I was in the club recently and one was still dancing. All their parents found out after about a month and two sets of parents made the girls quit then restricted them severely because they wanted to still live at home.
The third girl moved in with the middle aged manager/DJ, (as soon as High school ended (graduation) so her parents could legally throw her out with nothing but her clothes they did so, they even took her phone since they were paying for it). So she now dances and screws full time for a living.
She was already looking worse for wear in 8 months!


  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    "She was already looking worse for wear in 8 months!"

    That is so hard to believe! :)
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I have met one dancer who was a senior in high school at the time. She would go to school, then come strip for a few hours, then leave the club by 8.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    I did once see a dancer that it was her 18th birthday and first time dancing. My barmaid friend called and told me she was coming in. Anyway, she did her first set in just a run of the mill white bikini. She was clumsy and a robotic clumsy as well.

    Well, her second set starts and she is dancing away when a bright red spot appears on her white bikini bottom. My barmaid friend noticed at the same time I did as she was at the bar by me. She calls the girl over and talks to her. She starts crying and runs off the stage. We didn't even see her leave. There is a back entrance. She was never seen back at the club.
  • grand1511
    7 years ago
    Once got a dance from a very young-looking woman who told me she was 18 and the daughter of a preacher. Might have been SS but it really put the lead in my pencil.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    One of the clubs near here will have at least 6-10 dancers under 20 every weekend night.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Awe :( poor girl. Stripping gives girls so much rope to hang themselves. We had a couple high school girls last summer, but one of them was related to an established dancer, and she really watched over her and the other girl.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Clubber, too bad they weren't younger. txtittyfag likes them young. He's the Pedo here. LMAO
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I've never seen anyone blatantly that young in clubs. I'm sure drug pushing managers have a way with them there.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Weekend night shift at Oasis in Atlanta is probably 50% "yellow wristbands" (under 21 strippers). Goldmonger reported some HS seniors that were recruited by a stripper who also works as a substitute teacher at their school.

    Oasis doesn't require a permit, so it's easy for dancers to get started there, and MGMT seems to put the hot under 21s on night shift right away (really pissed off a 30yr old dancer I knew who it took over a year to be allowed to work night shift). It's low mileage on the floor, and there's no institutional expectation of extras in VIP, so the baby strippers can take it slow.

    Or, they can be like the one goldmonger found who was eager to have sex in VIP on like her 3rd day.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    18 is a wonderfully rebellious age.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i'm all for it.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    I've never seen anything like this in NJ, downstate NY, or eastern PA. This must be something that happens in flyover country. I'm all for it, too, by the way. I may have met one or two 18-19 year old dancers in my entire life, but they definitely didn't come into the club as part of a class field-trip or whatever. It seems very rare around these parts
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    Like joc13 said, Oasis seems to always have 18 year olds. Some will at least tell you they are still in high school. I met one that was still a Junior, but 18 1/2. Oasis is a perfect place for the shy ones because it is mostly stage and air dancing. But, fun can happen in VIP. They run 50/50 shy good girls and nymphos wanting to do VIP.

    Most, but not all are from 40+ miles away so as to not run into people from home.

    As for VIP, when you mention what "really" can go on, some get super nervous (tend not to see them back), some are afraid it is against the rules, and some are already doing as many VIP's as they can.

    I have had several use the "I'm doing it for free, might as well get paid for it" rationale. Had one ask a waitress "Am I allowed to have sex with him in VIP?" The waitress whispered in her ear. I asked what she said, and she warned her not to talk about it out loud like that and that the house mom had condoms. Had another tell me that she loved sex in the club because unlike high school boys, older men last more than 30 seconds.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I don't engage the dancers in convo too-much, so hardly ever know a dancer's age - I think at times I've had a dancer tell me she's 19 but never one that told me she was 18 and still in high-school - I like the thicker women/dancers and this often means older dancers that I tend to get with but of course there can be some thick voluptuous 18 y/o's especially in the black clubs I normally hit.

    Back in the day (pre 9/11) it seemed easier for dancers as young as 16 to dance since back then it was much easier to get a fake-ID.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    There were two that I was aware of. One was a very pretty, shapely blonde who was only there for about six weeks before being bounced for a combo of drug use and missed shifts because of drug use.

    The other was still in her last few months of high school. My ATF told me she had asked for the upcoming Saturday night so she could go to her prom....
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Had dances from an 18yr old back at the old Crazy Horse Saloon. Her cousin was coach, I was her first table dance.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    @LFM "I have met one dancer who was a senior in high school at the time. She would go to school, then come strip for a few hours, then leave the club by 8."

    It was his older sister.
  • AnonymousJim
    7 years ago
    Been to a number of clubs where dancers under 21 have to wear a wristband of a certain color to show they can't drink.

    Think I remember talking to one dancer at such a club who said she had just graduated high school and was dancing for college money.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    TT, downright depressing story. I can't even imagine the life that girl must have gone through, to end up moving out at 18, moving in with a middle-aged strip club DJ. Imagine, that's the better option than living with her parents
  • emptystacks
    7 years ago
    Skibum, you should share the club name.

    The under 21 dancers are the best looking but mostly the least skilled. when you find a good one, she's a catch
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    The 18ish dancers I've met have not been very much fun. They still act a little creeped out by talking to geriatric. Plus, they're usually making so much bank they put in little effort at giving a good time. Young and firm but usually not worth the hassle.

    I can't imagine what it is like for a fine eighteen year old to walk into a club. It must feel like being washed away in a turbulent river of drugs, drinking, and easy money. Probably few get out without making it a career.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    A very young dancer told me this story. She became friends with a girl whose father ran a strip club. Once she turned 18, after school and especially on the weekends they would head to the club because he would let them drink alcohol and also give them money to go clubbing. After high school she started working at the club as a waitress, then decided to become a dancer. Once she became a dancer her friend's father repeatedly tried to get her to do dances for him. She was very blunt about how disappointed she was and how creepy she thought he was since he had known her since she was a little girl.
  • rl27
    7 years ago
    There are quite a few veteran dancers who have mentioned starting out when they were 16 or 17, but the only one who I ever met who was in high school at the time was back in the mid 90's in a no contact full nude juice bar.

    She was pretty, with a nice body and a good attitude. Don't recall the reason that she gave for deciding to dance. She danced about an hours drive away from where she lived, so she wouldn't run into anyone she know. The club played her up as a naughty school girl, but she didn't pull it off well. She mentioned being on the drill squad in her marching band, and did do a decent baton act, which is the main reason I vaguely still remember her.

    She worked Friday and Saturday only during school and four days a week after she graduated. Danced for about 8 months total then went to college. Came back during summer break year for a few more months then I never saw her again.
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