
Comments by Subraman (page 194)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Top or bottom - Bouncer Edition
    Luckily, ppwh had that link handy right in his history.
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    7 years ago
    Top or bottom - Bouncer Edition
    Bottomless, but no jeweled butt plugs allowed. Okay okay, jeweled butt plugs ok.
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Top or bottom
    ^^^ sorry, I should have put a trigger warning on that video, for all you chubby chasers (sorry, "thick" woman lovers)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Top or bottom
    -->"Bottomless pictures are harder to find. Anyone have a link to some?" WTF? Not a Harold and Kumar fan? Here ya go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc2vE8n07_s
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Thank You Founder
    -->"On this board, a thread goes down to list no matter how popular it is. This means that the spam threads clog up the forum and make it harder for everyone else to see the quality threads." DC, I hear you; this is very inconvenient. So, I hacked into the forum code, and added a couple of radio buttons at the top of the main page. If you click on Last Comment, the board will function like all the other boards, where the latest comment will jump a thread back to the top, rather than just aging it. I also kept a Date Posted button, for use by those with IQs under 78, and retrograde ejaculators. Also, I join the group in offering a big thanks to Founder on the board cleanup.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Top or bottom
    Bottomless, all day every day, son! lol, I felt like a tool just typing that :) Anyway, I remember back watching Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, and I ***loved*** the bottomless party. Shortly after, a stripper I was OTC with was walking around the hotel room with her top on but not her bottoms ... sproing-oing-oing! It isn't just that I enjoy looking at stripper ass and pussy ... it's that, to channel ppwh in a prior thread, with her top covered, she somehow seems extra naked with her bottoms off. It's just this unexpected look -- usually if a woman has one thing off, it's her top -- that I dig
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is the real reason we like for girls to shave down there?
    BTW, regarding "what is the real reason" ... naked pussy is not a timeless style, nor is there any reason to think it will last forever, it's definitely a matter of social taste and statement. For example, back when the style was transitioning from full bush, there was a pretty good period where the majority of guys preferred tight trim, arrowhead or landing strip over bare naked pussy. If I remember right, the explanation was "totally nude makes her look too much like a little girl". We've gotten over that mental speedbump, but the point here is: just like tastes in clothes change, there's no reason to think taste in pussy hirsute-ness won't change. This isn't an innate preference, it's a learned one
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you sneak alcohol at LA s nude strip clubs
    I'm not doubting any of you from LA, maybe things are just more lax in SF (get it? More LAX in SF?)... but, if I were to do the vodka-in-a-water-bottle trick, given that it's the exact same water bottle I just bought at the bar, how would anyone know if I wanted to keep it down-low?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Presenting yourself as rich vs poor
    PaulDrake-->"Reading through the forum it seems like a lot of you guys tend to dress up a bit when heading to the club." Ish-->"Really? I don't get that impression at all. " Agree with Ish, this is just making up things to start a thread. There's been some sparse discussion of wearing a suit, and an infinite amount of ballbusting about it, but dressing up to act rich is not a theme here. For myself, I basically dress in a way makes me feel good about myself, partly because this is a fun hobby and I'm supposed to enjoy it, and partly because as I get older, I have to live up to my lifelong motto of "the day I stop caring about how I look around attractive women, is the day I should check out completely" (I vowed this when I was in my 30s, seeing how many older guys had given up trying to look nice at all). I dress pretty much exactly how I dress when my buddies and I are going to a nice bar(s) in the city: close-fitting shirt, dark jeans, cool shoes. Does not make me come off as richer OR poorer than I am
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you sneak alcohol at LA s nude strip clubs
    I don't know anything about the particular clubs in your area, but in my area, pretty easy to sneak alcohol into the nude no-alcohol clubs. I sneak in a small bottle of vodka, buy a bottle of water there, go into bathroom, make the obvious exchange of vodka-into-water-bottle. Stripper would sit next to me and we'd both drink from it. No one ever said anything, although frankly I believe management knew what was going on and didn't care
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is the age of dancer you prefer
    My "practical" preference -- that is, the age of the girls I actually end up CFing, despite any theories I might have otherwise -- is 21-30. 21: Because drinking with the girls is part of the experience I enjoy. I have no problem "relating" with 18-20 year olds, my stripper conversation topics (drinking, partying, sex, gossip about strip clubs) works just as well for any age :) I sometimes end up with 18-20 year olds, when they can get away with drinking with me (some girls evidently just have the right arrangements with the manager and bartender). 30: Because 30-year-olds still have that full bloom of feminine beauty, while being more mature and relatable (but be careful -- more wily, too). In real life, I am still incredibly attracted to women into the mid-40s, but older strippers seem to often age worse than civilians, and if they don't age physically, they became more hardened and jaded as time goes on. So again, while I definitely could see myself with a 35-year-old stripper in theory, it just hasn't happened. To GoVikings question, you don't really know, and I don't really ask their age, so I'm mostly going on what they tell me, and/or whether or not they can drink. With my CFs/ATFs, I tend to know an awful lot about them so I know how old they are, other than that, there's no real assurance
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Shifting attention to waitresses
    Waitress = chump's game
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is the real reason we like for girls to shave down there?
    Yep, all my formative years were spent with untrimmed bush. Never a fan, either, because who needs hair in their teeth, etc? So even trimmed was a huge bonus back then. I think ppwh's observation that it makes a woman look "more naked" is brilliant, and whole-heartedly agree. I will tell you it works both ways -- sometime back my ATATF talked me into completely shaving bald down there, and I felt so absolutely completely naked, it really had a palpable psychological effect. Also couldn't believe how much bigger it made my cock look. But, overall I hated it (I got tons of irritation, maybe ingrown hairs?) in the days after I shaved, then it itched like fuck for at least a week as it grew back, so now it's a bird's nest down there again
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Attraction to a customer
    -->"It seems like most dancers value their free time as much as money. Very few dancers work 8 hour shifts for 5 days a week. There are certain expenses to be covered, or a target revenue for the shift. After that amount is met, they quit working for the day, or the week. Anyway, that’s my impression." mark, I think it's a bit more complex than that. There is DEFINITELY the aspect you're describing -- the short-sighted "I have enough money to pay my rent, no need to work until next week" factor. But IME in most girls, in most cases there's also the factor that the business is hard and the girls need to recover: physically (from lots of physical work and especially from all the drinking and maybe drugs) and emotionally (for obvious reasons). From the girls I've gotten to know well, I'm convinced that those two factors play off each other; in many cases, the girls would work again, if they felt up to it. From the other side, I've only known of a few strippers who work 5 days a week -- in 100% of those cases, the insider info was that they were pimped.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Breaking in a new dancer
    I like getting dances from newbies also. They are often so-so, and whether or not it helps to stay and try to teach them depends on whether I sense they have potential but just need some technique and practice, whether they're so hot and/or so permissive as to touching that I can find ways to entertain myself while they come up to speed, etc. Sometimes it's a waste of time, sometimes I'm glad I stuck it out
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    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    "The road to hell ..."
    This has so long ago entered the theater of the absurd that, despite it not being aligned with gawker's persona here, I've wondered whether it's fiction (the way I believe Doces3000's tale here is fiction). If it's not fiction, if I may project a bit, I'd say it's very cathartic to write about these kinds of things (or as RM says, free group therapy), and I'd guess that's the primary motivation. I don't think gawker's tale needs to serve as a warning to others, while many of us do dumb things when it comes to strippers, this is the SC equivalent of taking a bath just a few feet upriver from the falls ( http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-yosemite-safety-fatalities-20130604-story.html ) -- it takes a rare and special level of poor judgement to get here, that nearly no one needs to be warned about (or maybe my faith in common sense is too high :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    When there is one or two customers
    -->"I pray that those two customers don’t leave before I do, I don’t want to be the only customer in the place, very awkward!" I'm incredibly comfortable being the only customer in the club, and if I have a stripper, love the attention... and love when 2 or 3 of her friends hang out, also, since there's nothing else to do. Now, it DOES such if I'm the only customer in the house, and there are no girls I'm interested in tipping on stage, drinking with, getting dances from; that isn't a fun scene, and I'll move on to the next club if nothing interesting shows up
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Just give me what ever you think it was worth"
    It can be an absolutely brilliant sales tool, if she's profiled you right as: the type who would negotiate a hard bargain if given the chance, but who wants to make sure it ends up win-win. I'd bet strippers who are profiling their customers right, in buyer's markets, may well be ending up with bigger tips! I've only gotten this a handful of times (if that) in my SC career
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Don't Give Out My Number
    Zillions of strippers have my number. I almost never "give it out", strippers only rarely initiate contact. But any time I like a stripper, I take her number so I can get her schedule and set up an appointment with her next time, and the moment I text her -- well, now, she has my number, too. goldmonger, my two thoughts are: 1. You are absolutely correct that it's a massive breach of trust. 2. Nevertheless, I think it's silly to be irritated or surprised by it... we all realize these are strippers, right? While it's a breach of trust, it's painfully naive (and that's the absolutely nicest words I could think of) to be surprised, and stripper-level poor judgement to give her your real number anyway
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    When there is one or two customers
    Must ... follow ... founder's ... wishes ... lol ... DB, I'm tempted to say that if what you have on you is the price of 1 or 2 drinks and that's it, maybe going to the sports bar is a better option? Although maybe I'm misreading you, since you mention dances... In any case, the other thing to mention is that, in every alcohol club I go to, there's a set of regulars who are known for buying girls drinks and nothing else. Once that's established, the girls accept it -- but the guys a regulars, buy a lot of drinks, and at least by 2nd-hand reputation through the dancers, are nice guys who make interesting conversation (yes, despite the belief of many here on the group, that matters, especially if the girls aren't getting paid beyond drinks, they don't want to tolerate a total creeper or insanely boring guy or a douche)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    When there is one or two customers
    In the spirit of Founder's new wishes: Since I target slow times, it's pretty common for me to be one of only a few customers, or even the only customer, well-outnumbered by strippers. There's no general rule as to how the strippers will respond, there are lots of variables, from the "stripper culture" at a particular club, to the individual stripper herself. But the good news is, YOU can move the bar one way or the other. If the girls have seen you before and know you spend money, it's more likely you'll get lots of sit-and-talk even in a higher-hustle club. If you are not a known regular but give out clear vibes that you're interested and willing to spend, it's more likely you'll get lots of sit-and-talk. Among the things going on here, even with few customers, is that the girls have to decide between competing for that one customer, or just writing off that time and using it to socialize and gather her energy for when it's more lucrative -- sitting and talking with someone they don't know or like, and not getting paid for it does take some emotional toll on the girls that can impact them later, it is not "free", so some types of girls will choose simply not to engage (or engage with a cursory "wannadance" and go away). Your actions, that very clearly show you're there to spend, can move her over to "worth the investment" and get you very significant talk time for very little money... but there needs to be money
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancer Turnover
    Really interesting question! In my fave club, up until a year ago, among girls who stayed in the business, the reason they disappeared from dayshift at my favorite club: 1. they moved on to nightshift, 2. they moved on to the small handful of clubs where they could make more money, 3. they moved elsewhere in the sex business (escorts or FBSM). That, of course, doesn't take into account the many girls who were fired or quit -- some of whom, I'm sure, also stayed in the business, and moved on to another club. For the past year, the clubs here have been very slow, slower than I've seen in all my years clubbing, and I know there's been girls who just plain left the business due (why put up with stripping if you can't make much money at it), and a huge number scattered anywhere they could make more money -- which sometimes meant going to a club that's technically lower in the hierarchy, just so they could get onto nightshift.