
Comments by Subraman (page 196)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Drug of choice in strip clubs?
    I think the big three are weed, coke, molly, in that order. A little more underground, things like xanax and vicodin get thrown around (which I don't understand, those things just make me go to sleep and wake up with a hangover). I'm certain meth and heroin are around as well, but always hope there's not much of it...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Slapping her ass.
    I'm not sure how many strippers I've taken to the VIP in the past 5 years, whose asses I DIDN'T slap, but I think I might be able to count them on one hand :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Do dancers get off from
    Yes. It's been scientifically proven that most women can't have vaginal orgasms, and in many cases, gluteus syncopation (as it's known in the literature) is the only way for her to orgasm.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Perfect ass/great ass?
    Perfect ass will: - Be on a woman who is otherwise slim or athletic -- slim waist, slim but shapely hips and thighs - Be relatively small (versus the phat asses favored above) - With an upside-down heart shape, WITH some projection. - With flawless skin, and no hint of dimpling - And a high degree of perkiness -- the bottom curves should look like they're somewhat defying gravity, Under a tight skirt, in a fast walk with heels, each cheek will bounce in turn, but very quickly snap back into position - At the top of the buttocks, will be a dimple on either side of her spine at the very top of the buttocks. Yes, this is required. - Speaking of her spine, for an ass to look amazing, her lower spine should be concave (women with little lumbar curves often have flat-looking asses), and as her spine curves back out towards her hip, her ass projection (discussed above) deliciously continues the curve.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What are your clubbing "accomplishments" for this year and goals for next year?
    If I were to grade this year, it was probably my worst year since 2008-2009. A perfect storm of: - At my favorite club, this year has been one of the weakest years, stripper quality wise, that I can remember. If this one factor was different, it might have changed my entire year, but as it is, it was slim pickins for me, and so it made it easy to transition to: - I spent a bit more of my time and $ on SA than on SCs - I spent a LOT of time with my ATATF... our relationship has gone to, well, I'm not sure what it is, exactly. Not totally FWB, but not really like an arrangement, either. Maybe "a very expensive sort-of friendship with benefits". - I held back a bit on spending on the sex industry overall, for personal reasons So, no real SC based accomplishments this year. Goal for next year: Find a stripper I'd consider at LEAST a CF, if not an ATF, by April
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Can't get emotional when they choose others, but can you feel good when they cho
    If you're a variety guy who is just as happy playing the field, I get that more
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Can't get emotional when they choose others, but can you feel good when they cho
    orange: the other way to look at this -- and, in fact, the way I personally look at it is -- did you get the experience you wanted at the strip club? If waiting for 1.75 hours getting ignored by one fave and forgotten by the other, but you're proud of yourself because you can prove you're an evolved post-modern man and not butthurt, is the experience you're after -- hey, perfect. I have a buddy who hits on the waitress -- I don't understand him, just like I don't understand you, but if you're both getting the experiences you want, who am I to say you're going wrong. Okay, I'm being a little snarky but you get the point -- in the end, you're getting an experience you're happy with, or not. You think you're being recognized and treated for the value you bring as a customer, or not. If you were my SC wingman, I'd be congratulating you on not getting histrionic or butthurt, but I'd also be asking you if instead of getting recognized for the value you bring as a regular, you're making it easy to step all over you, and trying to justify that with all kinds of questionable explanations...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Another newb lap dance etiquette question...
    ^^^ correction, "I don't see only upsides and no downsides" should be "I see only upsides and no downsides"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Another newb lap dance etiquette question...
    -->"I usually just go for it and move in just slow-enough to give her a chance to move my hand or mouth if she's not interested - other SCers believe it's best to just ask and that's probably the best way to go." With a stripper who you don't know, and don't know her limits, I personally seek consent before touching her genitals, even in a high contact club. I am usually in Papi's latter group -- I just ask, I don't see only upsides and no downsides, and it does not "ruin the mood" for me if she says no. But, the fact is, as long as you move your hand slowly enough, she knows exactly what you're doing, so I think that counts as seeking consent. Here's one of my favorites that I've only written about once or twice here: sometimes I'll just put my hand in hers and whisper to her, "put my hand wherever you want it" or something similarly corny. If she's ok with you touching her pussy, she'll pretty much always put it there; similarly, if she's not, she'll keep away from her pussy, so that gets you your implicit denial without "killing the mood". One of my minor victories was with a stripper who had steadfastly refused to let me touch her pussy (low touch club, so this wasn't super uncommon)... I did the "put my hand where you want it" routine, and after a little tour of her hips and ass, she put it right on her pussy. I'm convinced -- or maybe just blithely fooling myself -- that the fact that SHE was in control of the touching, is what got her to lower her limits. So, who knows, maybe if the girl is on the fence, giving her relatively more control of the action is more likely to get you what you want
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Recreational Viagra ???
    I've played around with these. For me, they all have the downside of making it way harder to cum. Viagra gives me headaches, stuffiness, and general unpleasantry. I get few to any unpleasant side effects w/ Cialis (besides the fact that it's harder to cum). It also has the advantage of the effects lasting several days. It also sometimes gives me a bit of teenager-itis, in that, just sitting around even thinking about sex, I get a semi. For that reason, I don't use this stuff very often, since it's more recreational than medical. I think anyone buying online, especially from foreign sources, is fucking insane if not downright foolish, but some of you guys bareback and DATY prostitutes too, so perhaps my risk/reward meter is calibrated differently. My doctor always gives me samples, which usually last until the next time I see him. Otherwise, I get a 6 pack of 20mg pills, which if I recall the copay is something like $60, and then I split them. So I end up with 12 10mg doses, which given how rarely I use them, can last a year
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Holiday OTC Hunting Season
    I think you're drastically over-thinking things if you're trying to calculate whether Dec 20th will be better or worse than Dec 27th will be better or worse than Jan 4th. This is one long dead time. At least in my area, in decades of SCing, I can't really tell a difference in stripper motivation; this is all a time when strippers are highly motivated and PLs are scarce.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Christmas and Dancers
    I've never noticed any difference. The 4 weeks leading up to Christmas, and the 2 weeks after, always seem 1. dead as far as customers, 2. SC full of strippers who are highly motivated. No real difference between Dec 20th and Dec 27th, same vibe, same buyer's market.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Can't get emotional when they choose others, but can you feel good when they cho
    magic: the fun thing here is to play the opposite scenarios. For example, my first thought was, "the entire thing was a clever fabrication on her part, to obligate you to spend more, and to create some false bonding of you to her. She invented the 3 guys waiting, and of course her explanation -- from which you can infer that you are her higher priority -- is pretty flattering". I think girls do things like this all the time. Or, the guy(s) waiting is really just some rando who wants to throw a $20 at her; of course she's sticking with you. On the other hand, we can also take this at face value: there really were 3 guys waiting, but you're a regular of hers so she doesn't want to burn you, plus, she knows those guys will wait anyway. The lesson I personally take away from this: validation that I am not the sort of PL who waits, since being easy this way just encourages the stripper to take her time to get to me. Exactly the lesson that Papi hoped I wouldn't learn :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    A little update for Christmas
    -->"If Doces300 is an attention seeking troll, then on Friday he'll probably be back with a story like this: So I met my civie at a local hotel for some fun, but unbeknownst to me my wife followed me there. So just as I was about to consummate the affair, she burst in the door with a meat cleaver and hacked off my manhood. So now I've started a GoFundMe site so that I can get my dick re-attached. Please give. Every little bit helps." Agree. Well, the GoFundMe would be a bold twist, but beyond that, if you just go back and read all the posts in order, it feels 100% like a pre-written story, with new chapters released every few days. I have a feeling we haven't reached the crescendo yet.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Christmas eve or Christmas day/night SCimg
    I've never SCed on Christmas, but Christmas Eve doesn't hold any particular meaning to me. Five or so years back, I had an ATF who was pretty desperate for money, so we met during the day on Christmas Eve, it was good...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Fleshlight: is it worth it?
    -->"I just accidentally a bitcoin" The whole thing?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Can't get emotional when they choose others, but can you feel good when they cho
    two-five: okay, tune in sometime in late 2018 when I'll make my next mistake :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Fleshlight: is it worth it?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Fleshlight: is it worth it?
    I just accidentally a fleshlight. Is this bad?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Newb question about lap dance guidance
    I'm on the side of "it's your money -- however you want to play it is fine". That said, I think if you choose 10, specific detailed breakdown, you'll just end up disappointed and irritated most of the time, which is exactly the opposite of why you're going to the SC and getting dances. For me personally, what works best is somewhere around 5 or 6, positive-reinforcement-oriented guidance. "I freaking loved it last time when you rubbed your ear against my elbow!" That gets her doing more of the things that she already does, that I love. Sometimes, I make specific requests, "You know what drives me insane? if you slide your shoulder up and down my nose. I know, so sexy, right?". In summary, mostly positive reinforcement with strategic specific requests where required.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Can't get emotional when they choose others, but can you feel good when they cho
    Ha, that guy in SF, sounds like a standup guy. #1 choice to party with :) Agree with taxi_driver... if you just dig it a bit that she's coming over to you, there' no harm, and no reason for anyone to go into conniptions over it. Nearly anyone here who is CF/ATFing instead of a pure variety guy gets some enjoyment out of that type of behavior, that's often part of why they CF/ATF. That said, it's always good to do an honest gut check here... harmless little bit of enjoyment, or do you feel like you're the prince who just scored the belle of the ball?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The numbers game
    Is this even a question? What hot stripper WOULDN'T love dick pics???
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    But not too old!
    Meaningful Relationships
    It sounds like you're happy. I think the general reaction you're seeing is because you're using idealized, romanticized words to describe this, and the fact is, that's a blinking yellow caution sign. That's not a criticism, I've been guilty of doing this myself, and I'm guessing you're getting the reaction you are because many others recognize the signs (e.g., "dealt a shit hand" rather than "she's deeply emotionally damaged, but right now I'm not seeing that manifest itself ... and I realize that that's a caution sign for me.").
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The numbers game
    If it's in the middle of your trip, it's to develop some faux excitement and loyalty -- many guys will *not* go spend their money on other girls, once they're all excited that this stripper has given them her number. In fact, if anything, they'll stick with her and spend more than they planned. Brilliant sales tactic that works like a charm for everyone but PLs. If it's at the end of the night, then it's either: - You're fucking up and not sending a business-oriented text. She doesn't want to sext with you, she wants you to contact her to find out when she's in the club, so you will come back and spend more on her. If she thinks you're a "needy" texter who is confused and wants to text-flirt, she won't respond. - Combine the above with the fact that, very often, she has no idea who you are when you text her the next day (or week) -- she's not only given her number to a zillion customers, she's also given it to a zillion guys she's met out partying, she's posted it on her instagram so a thousand people she doesn't know have it, etc. So, combine the fact that she wants you to be all about business, with the fact that she has no fucking idea who it is that's texting her... she's doubly motivated not to respond. When a stripper gives me her # and I KNOW I want to see her again ASAP, I send her a text after I leave "this is Subraman, the one who did 7 VIPs and smells like a Bangalore packer and mover after 3 days without showering, thanks for the great time!" so she has an initial text in her phone to remind her who I am. Next text will be, "Are you either working Wednesday, or can you add on? I'll be there at noon!". I think all that at least helps jog their memory. Once we've got that connection, and set up our next appointment, I bring out my piece de resistance: dick pics! The gift that keeps on giving