
So what is the time of day sweet spot?

From a thread posted last week there was an article claiming 5 to 8 pm is the strip club sweet spot for value. I agree if your goals are just to drink and see tits that's a good window for most clubs. But bang for the buck?

Locally mileage is better during day shift, before 5 pm. No bouncer, just a doorman, bartender and manager. You can get extras during a $100 VIP that would never happen at night.

I'd say 1 pm is the sweet spot most days. Dancers often trickle in, and the best girls often don't need to be there at open unless they expect a regular whale.



  • hotdog0007
    7 years ago
    2-4 in the afternoon for the best selection of dancers, ergo the best choice for extras
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    at my favorite club the 'sweet spot' is between 10am til 4am...
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    11:01 a.m.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    This is club-dependent. At some clubs, it's common for no dancers to be there from 5-8pm, at others, 5-8pm is equivalent to 8pm-2am. Some clubs don't open until 6 or 7pm. At some clubs, it's dead until 1:30am.

    In general terms, the sweet spot is when a dancer you like and have a good rapport with is present.

    Otherwise, off times can be better because of understanding that less trouble is likely to occur, there may be less customer competition and they could be running lower-priced specials on slower times/days. Really, the only way to know is to try different times/days at a club and to ask dancers you're interested in what time they usually come in.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    5-8 sucks. That is usually a between shifts time. Day shift bailing and night shift not in yet. 1 -2 hours after the club opens works best for me for extras in VIP. Not too crowded yet and dancers are mostly still fresh.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Miami clubs close at 5 am thus they usually have 3 dancer shifts (day, mid, eve).

    I prefer dayshift b/c it feels more like a straight-up strip club vs a nightclub/party-club - but often times in the black clubs I hit there will be more damcers late-afternoon I assume from day and mid shift overlap (or dancers deciding to just come in later or hide in the DR till there are more after-work custies 4pm+).

    Also, the black clubs I hit many ebonies have told me they don't like working nightshift b/c "it gets too ghetto" and the young guys at night don't wanna spend, thus the dayshifts IMO at these black clubs I hit often has better and actually more dancers (particularly late afternoons) - thus my sweetspot is 5 to 8 pm but I try to get their a bit earlier if I can since these small clubs don't have a a lot of seating
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Miami clubs dayshift ends at 8 pm
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > 5-8 sucks. That is usually a between shifts time

    On the other hand, I have gone in at 5:30pm when a CF texted me that she was trying out the day shift. The poor bastards on fixed incomes had mostly left, and she was obviously pleased that a RICH STUD had come in to cover the rest of what she needed for rent.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Around here, daytime is always the best value, by far. There will be two mini-rushes during daytime -- a 12-1ish lunch rush, and after 5 post-work rush. I usually show up right when the club opens at 11:30, see if I can get my pick of the strippers before many other customers show up for lunch, then hang out until 4 or 5, leaving when guys start pouring in after work.

    The other time vaguely worth thinking about is 7-10, the beginning of nightshift. Like many guys point out, the downside is that the really hot girls never show up before 10, so you've mostly got the nightshift B team, plus if you're very lucky, a few A teamers. On top of that, you have nightshift prices for booze: at LEAST double the prices of dayshift. But if you do find a girl, this is a pretty fun part of nightshift, the girls usually have a lazier hustle more reminiscent of dayshift. I occasionally go on a nightshift and end up with a nightshift CF, and once I've met her that first time, from them on I always arrange for her to come in at 7pm and hang out with me for a few hours for dayshift rates
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I commented on the article that the OP is referencing also stating that the 5-8 pm slot was generally one of the worst times to go to a club and not a sweet spot. Yes these times are club and dancer dependent, but almost every club that i go to, this is the time that the better day shift girls (the ones that have regulars and easier times getting dances) are already finishing up and ready to leave as well as the time the night shift "dogs" are trying to get to the club early to avoid paying higher fees to dance. The bad bitches that come in much later don't care about the fees as much as their GPS time. Unless you spend 6-8 hours or more in a club, i don't see why you would come in that early, but not earlier. The girls that you end up seeing around that time are probably the ones that you don't want bothering you for dances. The stages are usually pretty empty too (dancers and customers). When a dancer does get on stage, she wants to get off as soon as possible as she is just wasting her time on an empty stage, so that usually means the DJ will cut the song short which means bad value for dances. Again, i don't know who wrote that article. It sounded so generic and off at points, it could have been written by a SW stripper. You know, the ones that never do extras but are still making huge amounts of money talking or whatever.

    Anyway, sweet spot? You have to decide if you're a dayshift or nightshift guy. Dayshift is best pretty early but not too early (all the girls haven't come in yet) and nightshift better pretty late but not too late (the last hour or two are usually the busiest hours in terms of getting dances which doesn't favor the PL not to mention the best girls already made their money and are ready to leave). But IME, there is no true sweet spot and it varies by the day (and club/girl).
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > The bad bitches that come in much later don't care about the fees as much as their GPS time.

    I have seen that, too. It was surprising to see a club at 9pm being drag-ass and returning at 11pm after grabbing dinner to an 11.5 dancing on-stage.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I find the mid afternoon - possibly between 1-5pm
    a good time. It’s after the lunch crowd - before the happy hour - and it is more relaxed. The day dancers can be very sexy - but the quality may not be the cream of the crop (like certain night shifts). Since it’s slower and more relaxed - you can relax too - enjoy a bit of conversation with the dancers and bartenders - and not feel that you need to buy dances now (because a specific dancer is available).

    I’ve had good luck at a few 5-7 shifts - but that’s not the norm. It’s a transitional time - and the stage can be busy - with dancers from the day and evening shifts there. But it can be a challenge to get dances - as the day dancers are ready to cash out - and the night dancers are still getting started.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Mid afternoon. Perhaps 1 to 2 hours before the shift ends. When you're talking to a dancer, ask her how the shifts are scheduled at the club (this is a good topic for that persistent dancer who won't take the hint that you're not interested).

    At one local club they schedule three shorter shifts on Sunday (because it's not a popular day). From about 5 to 8pm, the 2nd and 3rd shift overlaps and there's a lot of dancers on the floor during a normally dead period of time.

    Finding out these quirky things helps a lot.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    It very much depends on the club & to some extent the area. In the Miami clubs they tend to have 3 shifts, so as Papi mentioned that mid shift around 4-7 can be pretty good with new girls coming in at a time when there aren't a lot of customers. A little further north in Pompano the clubs close at 2am so they have 2 shifts. That 5-8 window generally sucks as the early girls are worn out and the late girls aren't in yet. Even within an area it can be different. One club I'm thinking of in Pompano its usually 2-6 that works out, as they've got a steep fee for coming in after 3 and leaving before 8. Another one up the street is empty until 6, but picks up around 7. Again, because they've got a big fee starting at 8.

    It also depends on your preferences. I like to get a girl when she's just starting rather than at the end of her shift. I also tend to like to hang out and have a few drinks, linger a bit. So, I go when its not too busy. If I make arrangements with the stripper in advance, they're often quite appreciative.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    my favored LA clubs tend to be slow between 5 to 8 pm. so then the sweet spot... i guess is from noon to 5. and then again 9pm to 1am. honestly i haven't really figured it out yet as it is sooo dependent on the individual girl that happens to be there and appeals to me. then i find her sweet spot.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    In the AAMP biz, its the dinner hour, the phones stop ringing. So probably the same for strip clubs. Certainly locally, the shift change is the time to be there is you want OTC, especially a dinner date style of OTC.

    But, the day shift girls, though older, they are not the ones most likely to oblige you. They usually are on day shift because they want regular hours.

    As one told me, "I'm done with Slut Mode".

    Its more the night shift girls who expect OTC and will go out of their way to set it up as the closing time approaches.


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