
Comments by Subraman (page 170)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Seeking arrangement down due to fosta!
    In completely unrelated news: chessmaster banned from SA for posting nothing but dick pics on his profile
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    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    It's possible that...
    -->"... not every single thing you notice in a strip club or online is linked to FOSTA." The above message sponsored by FOSTA.
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    6 years ago
    Why do some PL'S spend a crazy amount in the club when ORC can be had for the sa
    -->"I guess what I'm thinking is if you're going to come into the club and spend five or six hundred dollars on one girl on a regular basis and not be fucking or getting extras in the VIP which I believe is the case here I think that same amount of money can be spent better outside the club but to each his own and maybe meeting outside is not an option for this guy or he doesn't know it's an option" Butter, I think the key thing here is, you have no idea whether he is also meeting the girls outside or not... I don't believe it's terribly uncommon for guys spending that much to do that. For example, I have an acquaintance he regularly spends $1k-$2k in the club; he gets as much OTC as he can handle, but loves going to the club, too. (Basically, he's the guy I would be if I had waaaay deeper pockets! lol). So for me, what that boils down to is, you're asking that given that he *may* be getting all the OTC he wants, why he still bothers coming into the club. And, the answer may be that he, like me, loves being in the club, and if $XXX is easily affordable for him, why not indulge?
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    7 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    Mandatory ID Scan added to club feature list
    hizzah for Founder
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    7 years ago
    OTC Associate Taking Forever
    Strippers are usually late -- for OTC, and chronically in their personal life, too. It's all part of the equation.
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    7 years ago
    Anyone play the mystery card?
    To any lurkers reading this: Mtent is a troll persona of one of the tuscl regulars, who is seeing how dumb he can make a post and still get serious answers back. Nothing to see here, move along :)
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    7 years ago
    Why do some PL'S spend a crazy amount in the club when ORC can be had for the sa
    Yeah, obviously enough, different people like different things, and the idea of OTC definitely doesn't appeal to everyone. The flip side of the coin is, some people love being in the club. I totally sympathize with that -- for me, going to the SC is often a social event (I'm usually with my buddies), and I enjoy every second I'm there, even though it's a no-extras club. Although now that you mention it, there might be some guys wondering the same question about me: why is he spending money in the club when he can take these girls OTC? Well, I DO take them OTC, and I nevertheless still love going to the club... but no one has any idea that I see them OTC. What makes you think any of the guys you're talking about, aren't also seeing the girls OTC, and just happen to also love being in the strip club?
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    7 years ago
    Guaranteed way to make her think you're funny and cute
    Mtent is a retarded alter-ego one of the tuscl regulars made up SJG, although being long-winded and having an ... odd ... worldview, believes what he's saying Having Mtent's dopiness is worse
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper reveals ALL about kinky job: From how much she earns to her worst exper
    -->"The guys touch me complaint has gotten very very old. I want to read an interview with an honest extras girl, not another one of these generic no-touch bitches." Agree, I think many of these articles have that point of view from SW types that they know in advance they want to promote . Although I also wonder if this is self-fulfilling -- perhaps extras girls don't want to be interviewed about how many dicks they suck, whereas SW types are all too happy to be quoted in articles about how they don't like being touched. "When you remind guys they cannot touch you" lol On the other other hand, I also wonder whether the story would be any different, even if they DID find an extras girl to interview. Extras or no-extras, most strippers will have a line beyond which they expect to be asked permission (even if it's implicit). I mean, escorts and especially FBSM girls are pretty open about complaining about exactly the same thing -- guys who help themselves to whatever they want. Not "guys can't touch me" like these SW type girls, but there's still a door beyond which they want a more respectful interaction before they surrender the fruit therein
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    Clubs scanning ID and facebook
    -->"Weird that some tuscl users are so annoyed by ID scanning clubs but are OK w FB data mining." I'd say that's a complete strawman -- no one here is ok with FB data mining, as far as I can tell, in fact we've talked about it. They are, however, different threats and so are handled and discussed in different ways. Which makes the chastising tone a little silly. ID scanning: the lowest-quality industry I do business with, now has all of my ID's information about me -- the real me, my name, birthday, address, etc. You'll excuse me if I don't believe their crack team of cybersecurity experts exactly has the information secured. For people with a family to lose, that is already an obvious risk, and a big one. Exactly the kind of people who I worry about things like ID theft, now have a lot of the information needed to pull it off. Anyway, the risks are self-evident to anyone who is not trying to minimize them in order to make a point on the internet. Facebook: I've been discussing the risks here for years, and not remotely a surprise to me that the news just gets worse and worse as far as how intrusive they are. I do not use the Facebook app, and my facebook account is completely fake. Yes, Facebook and its erstwhile "partners" know that Subraman has only stripper friends, and they can send targeted advertising to my Facebook page or my fake email. These aren't huge security concerns for me. It IS a security concern that even through browser-based access, they could somehow map my fake account to the real me, even though the real me doesn't have a facebook account; a risk to be hugely concerned about. Possibly of more concern, to turn your misguided lecture around at you, is that companies like google seem to have way more information about me than facebook, and who knows what they do with it. Many of us here, at least have been super careful about what facebook knows about us, but I doubt we've been as anonymous with google. I feel there's a strong need for European style privacy protections
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can I take an 0 for 3 tonight?
    In any case, see if your local city is supported by Recharge, it is outstanding for this use case: rent high-end hotels at affordable rates by-the-hour
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    7 years ago
    Can I take an 0 for 3 tonight?
    As with stripper OTC -- you have to be very dumb to pay for the hotel room *before* she gets there. There's a huge chance a stripper won't show up, and as I've been saying all along, the flakiness level on SA is worse than OTC... at least until you finally find a responsible one
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    7 years ago
    Can I take an 0 for 3 tonight?
    My last 2 SB dates have cancelled the day-of -- one at least responded to my text about whether we were still on (we've rescheduled to tomorrow), the other just ghosted. I learned long ago that with SA, you need to text to confirm the night before, and then the day-of, and if she's silent for either, she won't be showing
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Club Reviews by Dancers
    I would like to think that reviews by strippers wouldn't have a big impact on me, since the club advice section at StripperWeb has proven to me that strippers and PLs look for different things in a club (duh, right? Of course we do), that work conditions are bad everywhere and it's more a matter of degree, and that some girls bring drama on themselves everywhere they go. Or, in other words, the smartest thing for a PL to do is probably just to focus on whether the club can give him the experience he wants, rather than investing himself in things that are 1. beyond his control, and 2. nearly universal. That said, I obviously sympathize with the girls far more than management or staff, so while the above is the attitude I hope I'd have, I'm not really sure whether some of the factors you mention would work themselves into my thinking. Of the factors you mention, being treated abusively by staff is likely the one that would impact me. Again, if I'm enjoying my experience at a club, I'm not sure it would change anything, but if I decided to head to a new club today, I'm sure abusive treatment by staff at Leave It To Beavers might sway me to try out Booby Bungalo instead. I will tell you that universally, size of fees and tipouts would NEVER get me to change my behavior one little bit (with one exception, which I'll describe). I am hardcore in my belief that that is between the stripper and the club, and if the fees aren't justified by the amount of money she makes at that club, she should look at switching clubs. Clubs with high fees usually can charge those fees because they bring in far more business for the girls. No, I do not EVER tip more because of her fees, I do not encourage her to find a new club because I know fuck-all about the tradeoffs (paying $50 less in fees at a club where she does $300 less a night is not a win of any sort for her), and I certainly don't stop going. The ONE change in behavior is that I'm more likely to offer OTC earlier and more often. It doesn't take much for the girl to figure out "At the club, the first 3 hours on shift all go straight back to the house, then the next two hours you're working for your first $300; go OTC with me, get wined and dined, all $300 goes straight to you, no payouts, no dealing with staff or customers". If she doesn't like the payouts, going OTC with me is how she can get some relief, otherwise it's all between her and the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Beating Deja Vu
    SF will be 100% DJV by the end of the year. The storied Mitchell Brothers is changing hands as we speak. Crazy Horse seems to be on its home stretch -- not sure yet whether the owner is simply selling out to developers (rumor had it he bought the building -- so millions if not tens of millions of dollars) or will sell to DJV, but the insider rumors are that they're milking it for the last little bit. Those two clubs are/were the last two non-DJV clubs in SF
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    7 years ago
    Anyone else cute? :)
    Whoever is behind the Mtent alias is doing more and more retarded posts, and must be absolutely shocked he still gets serious replies.
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    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Well the inevitable happened
    -->"So you came home and your pet iguana is missing and you’ve been crying ever since. Tough times." This is the worst-case scenario I was worried about. How GACA loved that iguana. They'd sit outside on the porch, sharing a plate of mealyworms, occasionally turning a different color to match the surrounding environment, and licking their own eyeballs. You will be missed, iguana!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Paying for time or dances?
    Ya, true. It removes the "am I paying her enough for her time" worry, but there's lots of other things to be obsessed or fleeced over too
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Paying for time or dances?
    Packed with tons of WISDOM. When I mis-typed "packed with tons of women", I am quite certain this was not a subconscious editorial comment on the actual weight of Papi's women.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Paying for time or dances?
    -->"You seem to be a bit too-overly concerned about what she thinks as if u were a love-sick puppy. YOU are the customer, you are there (and PAYING) for her to please you, not the other way around, IMO. Yes, one should be cordial/polite, and *fair* when it comes to compensating a dancer for her time, but seems like you're treating strippers as if they were the last women on earth." 3 sentences packed with tons of women. For myself, I do think respect and fairness are important things. But what I really obsess about is the experience I'm after, where I will or won't allow little compromises, and whether she's willing to give me the experience I want for the money I'm willing to pay. If you always start from that mindset, you'll jettison the women who don't provide what you're looking for, *before* you generate any kind of unhealthy attachment that leads to obsessing about whether you're meeting her needs. And, BTW, the supreme irony is that with many strippers, once she senses that you're obsessing about meeting her needs, she will interpret that as weakness and further manipulate you. As far as the experience I'm going for, I don't pay for her just to sit with me, as in, just give her cash for sitting at the table. I DO pay her in VIP dances, and obviously enough, the strippers who sit with me must think that the VIPs we do justify her spending a lot of time with me at the table. As Papi alluded to, I find drinks and especially food to be incredibly good motivators for her to spend loads of time with me. I also specifically ferret out the slowest shifts, to further motivate her to give me the experience I'm looking for. Also agree with Cashman that SA type "dates" take all this unhealthy obsessiveness over her needs out of the picture, and may be something to consider if you can't get over that. IME, SA dates are never pay-by-the-hour; instead, you agree on a per-date price, and however long the date goes, it goes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Normal strippers?
    The gut question you have to ask yourself: we here are a bunch of hardcore PLs, many of us 20-30 years older than the strippers. All of us are about getting the most value for our $, most of us are about getting ITC extras or OTC sex. The strippers we get to know well are, by definition, the kind of women who provide great value (usually including sex) to much older men, and often give those men a peek inside their lives. I'd bet most of us could go to a club and there are girls who don't provide great value, don't provide sex, and are very guarded about their personal lives, who 100% of tuscl members would immediately dismiss as having GPS and never interact with. Are any of those girls "normal"? I dunno, I don't interact with them. Among the kind of girls I *do* interact with, as an ATFer I've gotten to see many of their lives up close, along with many of their stripper friends' lives, and most have a subset of the stereotypical afflictions (traumatic childhood, poor judgement, impulsiveness, poor decision making, self-destructive taste in men, low self esteem, a very shakey moral foundation, etc).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Douche move - or just business ?
    Not a douche move to find a stripper you like better, and switch to her instead. Depending on how long "we talked for quite a while" is, it might be a douche move to not compensate the first stripper anything at all. She sits with you for 45 minutes thinking there's a VIP on the other end, and you don't dissuade her otherwise, my personal SC ethics is to toss her something. Alternatively, there have been plenty of times I've told a stripper "I'm not planning on getting dances with you, but if you hang out, I'll get drinks", which if she accepts, absolves me of any obligation
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    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Lenny Dykstra = Gone
    Oh sure, 25, pretend that the entire board isn't all juicebox aliases. We are Nigan, except we're juicebox
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    7 years ago
    Is it worth the money? Gay and married dancer
    -->"still spend money for dances on the bitch? " You're feeling angry and hurt about it, obviously. This is a good opportunity for some introspection, on what personal flaws you can work on here. If she were straight, she's still be pretending to love dancing for you; why be so hurt that she's pretending, but also gay? If a girl is my ATF, she obtained that lofty mantle (lol) by blowing me away every time, and if she's blowing me away every time, I don't care what sex she's fucking at home. Actually, maybe I do care -- if she's a lesbian, at least I know that when I shove my finger up her asshole to the third knuckle, I won't be getting a fingerful of cum inside there :)
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    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Lenny Dykstra = Gone
    All your trolls are belong to Juice