Normal strippers?

avatar for larryfisherman
We hear all strippers are crazy or there is something not quite right with them, or that they had a abusive childhood, etc.

Have you personally ever known any “normal” strippers? For this thread you can define normal how you want.

By known I don’t mean hanging out with them a lot ITC (most of them are actors ITC). I mean actually knowing them and spending time with them OTC.


last comment
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
Not really. Some experiences linger.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Just one.
avatar for a21985
7 years ago
I honestly don't consider any of them normal. There were 2 I know of that were close. 1 was a nursing student at U of M. She was paying her way through college on her own. Super smart and fun with no family drama or overt personal issues, just knew she was hot as fuck, needed a lot of money and wanted something that would completely work around her busy school schedule. By the time I met her she was a few months away from graduating and planned on quitting as soon as she had a nursing job lined up. Sure enough she did quit dancing once she got an offer and I haven't seen her since.

Other one was a 20 year old dancer. Good kid with a solid head on her shoulders. She had a good upbringing, admitted her parents weren't happy with her decision but supported her anyways. A year or two back, her and her ex boyfriend were pulled over while he had just slightly over the limit of weed to be considered for distribution by a teensy little bjt, and she got charged too because he wouldn't cop to it being his. She was in community college and had found it damn near impossible to find a legit job because of her record and said she had resorted to dancing while she tried to get the weed thing expunged from her record at 21. I felt sorry for her. But she didn't feel sorry for herself. I lost touch with her, so I hooe she got everything worked out.

Every other stripper I've dealt with and kinda gotten to know besides those two, no matter how great, had some serious issues somewhere along the line.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
'Normal' is a moving target. So, there's that.

I think that some women go into the job normal(ish), but it's the job that skews their thinking and behavior. It's a bizarre, often toxic, and superficial workplace. It's not surprising that strip clubs are full of crazy people (including the PLs).
avatar for stripfighter
7 years ago
Hell, it's getting harder to find normal women. Period. Much less strippers.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
I've known a couple strippers who were normal. Both have quit stripping. One was my CF for a year, and I am still friends with her on Facebook.
avatar for Darkblue999
7 years ago
Yeah.I know several normal ones who just do stripping as regular job or part time jobs.They are not drug addicts or have abusive childhood.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
The gut question you have to ask yourself:

we here are a bunch of hardcore PLs, many of us 20-30 years older than the strippers. All of us are about getting the most value for our $, most of us are about getting ITC extras or OTC sex. The strippers we get to know well are, by definition, the kind of women who provide great value (usually including sex) to much older men, and often give those men a peek inside their lives. I'd bet most of us could go to a club and there are girls who don't provide great value, don't provide sex, and are very guarded about their personal lives, who 100% of tuscl members would immediately dismiss as having GPS and never interact with. Are any of those girls "normal"? I dunno, I don't interact with them.

Among the kind of girls I *do* interact with, as an ATFer I've gotten to see many of their lives up close, along with many of their stripper friends' lives, and most have a subset of the stereotypical afflictions (traumatic childhood, poor judgement, impulsiveness, poor decision making, self-destructive taste in men, low self esteem, a very shakey moral foundation, etc).
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Jumbo shrimp
Deafening silence
House Intelligence Committee
Virtual reality
Unbiased opinion
Only choice

Just kidding.

But it is difficult to maintain "normalcy" in that environment. A big part depends on the club they dance at. Most of us don't go to the clubs that are more conducive to allowing dancers to keep their work and private live from comingling.

avatar for lotsoffun201
7 years ago
I’ve been hanging out at clubs for 30 years and in all that time I’ve met ONE! She was older, worked dayshift at a top tier club. She only started to show her age when she approached 50! Married and then divorced, raised her daughter to be a fine young lady, hung up the heels at 50, met a nice man, got married and now shows and trains horses on their horse ranch. We still keep in touch on FB and she’s living a great life.

The rest, completely screwed up for the most part. I did once meet one who graduated to escorting in her 40’s but we lost touch. She was “sort of ok” but I assume gave up the escorting to concentrate on her real estate stuff.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
“I think some women go into the job normal(ish), but it’s the job that skews their thinking and behavior”

I definitely agree with that.

“it’s getting harder to find normal women. Period. Much less strippers.”

I agree with that as well.

I know only one who I consider normal. She’s in school, no rough childhood growing up, no family issues, wasn’t poor, not crazy etc. Her friend was stripping, and she told her how easy it was and that a lot of money could be made. The girl I know is very beautiful, she’ll strip for a week, make a lot of money, and then she won’t be back for a couple of months until she needs more money. She doesn’t blow her money.

The lack of normalcy in a stripper is one of the many reasons it’s not a good idea to date one.
avatar for K
7 years ago
Define normal. I know several that are normalish. They are in the minority. It is a good thing i find normal boring. That doesnt mean i welcome crazy
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Hell, *I* ain’t normal; who am I to be calling anyone else out?

I’ve met strippers who weren’t stereotypical strippers, and were still messed up, and I’ve met stereotypical strippers who were good people. That’s really all you care about.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
We know you’re not normal GMD, you have a 2 inch micro dong, possibly the smallest dick in the world lol. Just kidding.

@K- everyone’s definition of normal is different. For me for this thread it’s growing up normal, not crazy, no family issues, no rough childhood, no pimps, etc.
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
The DS was “normal,” at least until she got more experience as a stripper. She came from an unbroken loving home with two parents who are still married, and she had no history of abuse. She was just very independent, and very rebellious.

DS IIi was also pretty normal. She was a junior in college who turned to stripping to deal with massive college debt. She was very hesitant to become a prostitute and Did so only because I paid her so much money and was respectful to her.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
I’m normal, I have a business degree, 800 credit score, I have hobbies, I love to read, I don’t have any kids, I have never done drugs, I actually have never even had a beer lol, I’ll only have a lol champagne every now n then. Sabraman, YES.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
You're not a normal dancer in my opinion pinksugardoll. A normal dancer has a few issues, several tattoos, is struggling to pay the rent and seems to have boyfriend issues and other issues. Most guys want to meet a dancer who has it together, not on drugs, single, no kids, not covered all over with tattoos and piercings unless you like that.

I met a few dancers who had it together for a while.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
There are plenty of great dancers and some of them post here.

However, agree with @Ishmael that it's a toxic environment and it can mess up an otherwise stable people. It's a kind of PTSD applied to strip clubs.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ @fishsticks

"The lack of normalcy in a stripper is one of the many reasons it’s not a good idea to date one."

You are fucking brilliant. How did you ever come to that conclusion?

avatar for a21985
7 years ago
@pink - not ever having a beer is a big knock on your normalcy score
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
^^ haha yes.

Orion—The OP says, are there strippers who are normal?? I am normal. I think I can be a normal person and be abnormal as a stripper, right...?
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
A lot depends on one’s definition of normal. Plus strippers are interacting with us customers and we can be pretty fucked up in our own ways. In fact, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have some sort of issues.

Having said that, if I define “normal” as “someone I would consider for a relationship in real life”, I don’t really know of any strippers that would fit that definition. Of course, it’s not the norm to get to know any given lady well enough to make that kind of judgment so I’m only speaking about the strippers I’ve gotten to know fairly well. I’ve also met a number of them that I thought were “normal” for some time but that has always turned out to be temporary, in my experience. So I’m not saying that they aren’t out there and I’ve thought, for a while that I had met a few, but the issues and the baggage emerged quite clearly over time. It’s not necessarily drug use or a tough upbringing either. Sometimes it’s a matter of a lot of poor decisions, impulsiveness, difficulty prioritizing or a lack of contact with reality. Whether they come to stripping with these issues or develop them in a toxic environment, I don’t know. It’s probably a combination.

I also have gotten to know several escorts very well. In that realm, there is one who’s issues are not major and she is pretty self aware. There is one other that I’ve known for years and I think she is completely “normal”. But both these ladies are in their 40s.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Why be normal?
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
7 years ago
Normal strippers? I didn't think there were any strip clubs in Normal, Illinois. [rimshot]
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
None to very few dancers I have encountered seem normal and I consider my conversational skills to be strong
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
They are all Normal. I have come to the conclusion that it is Normal for all girls to be a little crazy.
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with being "abnormal." If you can strike a healthy balance between normal and abnormal, I think you have a pretty solid person
avatar for K
7 years ago
With that definition of normal, i know many. The strippers i know got where they are mostly through their own choices and not a horrible childhood
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
I’m going with a “no” for the most part. Like JS69 mentioned about one of his DSs, she “was” normal but he failed to mention her driving with a car full of drugs and being high.

It appears all the girls I have met that I have had interactions with - several start out normal, but eventually the club life sinks it’s teeth into them and they almost always end up not for the better.

Example - really cute girl working after she finished her undergrad contemplating going to grad school. Run into her a few years later and can tell she’s addicted to drugs. She didn’t do drugd before she started stripping. Several of these horrible stories have repeated themselves too many times affecting lots of brings young women.

avatar for lolruned
7 years ago

It is possible she had some predisposed traits and dancing only enabled those traits to take over. It's not like dancing --> you will be addicted to drugs. Just because you go to college doesn't make you "normal." There are many abnormal people in college
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
In my unscientific opinion I think it takes a particular type of person to be in the sex biz - IMO it's not the default for women to let strangers grope them. It seems many of them end up in stripping thru either life and/or financial hardships - IMO some of them may have also been party-girls in their teen-years and being attractive they learned they could get a lot from men including big-$$$.
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
Nope---and like it has been stated less directly above the longer they are in the business the less chance they have of being normal.
avatar for goldmongerATL
7 years ago
I would define normal as a stripper who treats it as a 9-5 type job and leaves that world behind when she leaves work. Does not let the job drag her down or get involved in the "3 D's" of drama, drugs and DJ's (as in dating or banging the DJ). I don't even have extras/no extras as a criteria.

Yes, that fact that they do what they do for a living limits them to a certain sector of the normal spectrum. But their are other weird jobs that take a certain type of person and the nature of the jobs limits how 'normal' they are compared to 'normal' people. Like circus clowns, butlers, undertakers and all those people in Vegas.

That said I have known more than a few I consider normal. I have even met a couple in the real world first and later found out they were strippers because as you get to know them they are open with what they do for a living.
avatar for goldmongerATL
7 years ago
And I cannot recall any mass murderers or mass shooters that turned out to be strippers. Just saying, LOL!
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago

I suppose anyone could be a normal person and abnormal stripper.
A stripper who doesn't drink seems a bit unusual to me. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that though.

I'm just a normal guy, lol. Nothing unusual going on with me. Actually in an ergonomics class, I found out I was at the 95th percentile in some of my body measurements. 5% of the population is more extreme than me.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Maybe i'm just seeing what i want to see, but i've seen more than a handful of strippers that seemed to be "normal". Most of them were genuinely students (not necessarily 4 year universities though). One was a triple major(!) but got out of the business after she graduated. Miss that girl. I almost never ask personal questions though, so i don't really know too well what their situations at home and outside of the club are like. One girl seemed pretty normal and had just started her first week. Somehow the conversation turned to her boyfriend (without my asking) and it turned out that her boyfriend just got sent to jail/prison for a while (robbery or something) and was probably going to be there longer than she was in the business. Yeah, so these girls probably got issues, but so does everyone. It's how they deal with them, i guess...
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’ve avoided getting to know the history of many strippers I’ve been with. I know normal is a very broad term. That being said, the two strippers who I’ve known personally, had relatively normal lives before they started stripping.

One stripper was an only child. Her upbringing was middle class. Her father was successful in real estate development. Her mother was a stay at home mom. Her main driver was fame. She wanted to be in the mainstream entertainment industry. She went out west to make it big, and it didn’t go as she expected. She came back east, and still wanted to be recognized. She started stripping - she had her tits done when she was out West - as she thought she could do music video work. She’s now in her late 40’s - still hopes to make it.

The other stripper grew up in a good family. One sibling. Her parents basically favored her brother. Her brother became successful - and had a family. She looked to dancing as a form of rebellion. She worked a normal 9-5 job days - and stripped certain nights. The two worlds were supposed to remain separate - until a monger type (me) who was also a coworker - stuffed some cash in her garter. It didn’t take long to discover a fragile person under the g-string and bra. She’s no longer dancing - but the dancing definitely changed her. She’s 50 now - and she looks ok. She’s totally self absorbed - and her appearance has been altered by many plastic surgeries. She tries to use her sex appeal now - but it’s sad - as she’s not what she once was.

Sorry for the lengthy post. My view is that dancing changed the girls - rather than the girls being broken before dancing.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
On a different note - did anyone read about PinkSugarDoll’s credit score of 800 - and get just a little aroused? I know - I’m hard! That’s impressive!
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
^^^^^ had relatively normal lives before they started stripping. ( they key word being before)

Cashman 1234 more than any other statement this proves one of the main points I try to make on here and it fits in 100% with what I have observed first hand as well.
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
Normal stripper = oxymoron
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ That's what I was alluding to in my earlier post.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
@Cashman- PinkSugarDoll’s tits in her avatar got me hard, not her credit score!
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Her tits got me hard too. But that credit score is very nice!
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
I worked really hard for it!!!! Thx. The boobs too, I had three jobs before I was a dancer so I could get my boobs. :)
avatar for mjx01
7 years ago
When I first started clubbing regularly, there seemed to be two distinct sets of dancers at my local club: the full time strippers and those moonlighting as strippers Fri and Sat night. For the most part, the moonlighters who appeared to have a 'regular' lives outside the club Sun thru Thurs seemed very normal to me. Many of my Favs during that time period were moonlighters. I would later to come to find out that most if not all of them actually had pretty f-ed up stuff going on in their lives. So, I lean heavily to "all nuts." Also, FWIW, after the economic collapse the moonlighters seemed to have disappeared, and it's only career strippers out there anymore.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
7 years ago
^^ last part is accurate, I’ve thought about that a lot actually.
avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
My problem with the concept of "normal" strippers is that they can be close to normal for most things, but the parts where they deviate from the norm are where they make themselves interesting. I always thought my old favorite Angel was mostly normal, but like she said once, most women her age who were ever strippers quit 20 years ago, if not more. Also, if there was a sex act that was out of bounds for her, I don't know what it is. She was just a freak, but you wouldn't know it in a normal setting.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I haven't been to a club on a Friday or Saturday night in a long time. I'm not a fan of that vibe. So I am not too familiar with the moonlighters that you refer to
avatar for HungryGiraffe
7 years ago
Lots of strippers are “normal”. The vast majority leave their stripper “jobs” each day and blend into society just fine. They tend to have an independent and open mindset, and are generally happier than miserable housewives stuck in shitty marriages. Think about the disfunction and psychosis that engenders.

I agree with comments about many strip clubs being a toxic environment for strippers, especially because of alcohol, drugs and exposure to abusive people - both male and female.

I like strippers because they tend to be pretty, open, non-judgemental, risk takers, and fun. They are entertainers. Like many entertainers their stage persona is different than their off-stage personality. No big deal.
avatar for Virgo62
7 years ago
They all have issues much like many women out there. I have dated 4 strippers. All of them were on the pole for a reason. I am still dating the last one. She’s a good person, but she’s had many dysfunctional things happen to her in her past. She’s in counseling now to work through it. Just know this, when you date a stripper, the fantasy is over and there’s a lot of heavy lifting psychologically on a man’s behalf. I must have issues as well to deal with the onslaught of daily/monthly mental issues.
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