Club Reviews by Dancers

avatar for AmeliaSmith
I was reading through StripperWeb, looking through the "Reviews by Dancers" section and wondered why more dancers don't post reviews of their club. It would be great for me to have these because it let's me know what to expect if I wanted to audition for a club. Do y'all ever take into consideration a dancers opinion on how she was treated at the club or do you think there would be bias in her review ?
If your ATF worked at a club where multiple girls posted reviews of how they were treated badly by staff and she encountered high fees and tip outs , would you tip her more often, encourage her to find a new club, or stop going all together ?


last comment
In the beginning I might have done any of what you suggested, tip more, make suggestions, etc. But I've finally come to the conclusion there's just no helping these girls.

I lay out what I want and what I'm offering. Whether she accepts, and how/where she decides to make her money is up to her.
I agree with houjack. You can't advise a dancer on anything, especially about how to do her job.
I agree with houjack in that I don’t think that offering advice to strippers is a good idea or worthwhile, unless they request it. In fact, even when they’ve asked my opinion, they typically ignore it anyway. Therefore, I wouldn’t make suggestions.

As to your first question about whether I take into consideration a lady’s opinion of how she was treated in a club, the answer is yes. Strippers sometimes talk about clubs they’ve previously worked in, good and bad. I’ve found a lot of consistency in what I’ve heard and it is probably the one thing they say that I don’t think is likely stripper shit. Further, when I’ve heard of clubs the girls didn’t like, they are usually clubs I don’t much care for either, often for the same reasons strippers mentioned.
You are all independent contractors. You have control over your schedule and where you choose to work. Most high fee/high tipout clubs are also the clubs where dancers can make most money. That's why they are the way they are.

When I lived in southern California, I went to Spearmint Rhino and the Hawaii Theater (both in the City of Industry) all the time. Great dancers, full contact lap dances. For a dancer to bring home, say, $1,000, she had to gross over $2,000 to do so after the fees and tipouts. But the better dancers cleared that and more regularly. Not many clubs gave the opportunity to net that much in a 6 hour work day. At the end of the day, if your goal is to make money, then go to where the money is available. And it's not my job as a PL to tell you otherwise, nor is it my job to pay your fees for you.

FYI, the reason more dancers don't post reviews of their clubs on SW is twofold. First, there aren't many actual dancers left on SW. Second, if they're at a good money-making club, they no longer wish to share that info with their "sisters." Just brings in more competition.

I think you're going to find that most customers are pretty self centered about what they want from a strip club. I wouldn't expect a solidarity movement from a bunch of horny guys.

If I did find out that a club was treating its dancers badly, it would make me wary that the club is filled with the sort of problem dancers that can't find work anyplace else.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
I enjoy friendly clubs. Those are clubs where management, dancers, and customers treat each other with respect. Reviews by dancers can help me find those clubs.
If management treats dancers poorly, it is my experience that dancers treat customers poorly.
I think many sex workers tend to be short term thinkers, as a result they focus on day to day, in the sex industry as a whole there just isn’t a lot of longevity, as a result just look at how much cash passes through the hands of individual sex workers with the same results occurring regularly ie; inability to pay rent or phone bills on time, cars being repossessed, and the like.
Offering advice is a fools errand, and as a result many of these girls belong to that group that fall behind as they get older and the looks start to fade.
There are always exceptions, but this is just my general observation, and it explains why you really won’t find what information you are really looking for, just my opinion but it’s based on my observations of over 40 years.
avatar for Pox
7 years ago
I really dislike saying this but.....I have just reached the point that I do not believe more than 5% of what comes out a SC employees mouth anymore. This is especially true if it is a complaint about the work environment. I am so in tune to the "hustle" side of things that to believe anything is foolish.
This does not mean that there is a lack of basic respect and politeness from all involved. I am just very aware that the job is designed to make money by any means available. If that means tugging at the heart strings it will be attempted. If that means trying to flatter that will be attempted. I am just super aware that a 46 yr old, 260lb, bald spot guy does not create the level of interest that he does for reasons other than money in a SC.
Because of all of that a Dancer comment or review of her Club is meaningless.....even if she is being 100% honest.
I would like to think that reviews by strippers wouldn't have a big impact on me, since the club advice section at StripperWeb has proven to me that strippers and PLs look for different things in a club (duh, right? Of course we do), that work conditions are bad everywhere and it's more a matter of degree, and that some girls bring drama on themselves everywhere they go. Or, in other words, the smartest thing for a PL to do is probably just to focus on whether the club can give him the experience he wants, rather than investing himself in things that are 1. beyond his control, and 2. nearly universal.

That said, I obviously sympathize with the girls far more than management or staff, so while the above is the attitude I hope I'd have, I'm not really sure whether some of the factors you mention would work themselves into my thinking. Of the factors you mention, being treated abusively by staff is likely the one that would impact me. Again, if I'm enjoying my experience at a club, I'm not sure it would change anything, but if I decided to head to a new club today, I'm sure abusive treatment by staff at Leave It To Beavers might sway me to try out Booby Bungalo instead.

I will tell you that universally, size of fees and tipouts would NEVER get me to change my behavior one little bit (with one exception, which I'll describe). I am hardcore in my belief that that is between the stripper and the club, and if the fees aren't justified by the amount of money she makes at that club, she should look at switching clubs. Clubs with high fees usually can charge those fees because they bring in far more business for the girls. No, I do not EVER tip more because of her fees, I do not encourage her to find a new club because I know fuck-all about the tradeoffs (paying $50 less in fees at a club where she does $300 less a night is not a win of any sort for her), and I certainly don't stop going. The ONE change in behavior is that I'm more likely to offer OTC earlier and more often. It doesn't take much for the girl to figure out "At the club, the first 3 hours on shift all go straight back to the house, then the next two hours you're working for your first $300; go OTC with me, get wined and dined, all $300 goes straight to you, no payouts, no dealing with staff or customers". If she doesn't like the payouts, going OTC with me is how she can get some relief, otherwise it's all between her and the club.

avatar for Pox
7 years ago
I should add that I don't really put much weight on a Customer review either. Everyone has their own perspective and priority that dictates their experience. The only thing I have ever found to be helpful is to look for patterns in people words. Eventually the bias comes out for the guys or the Hustle comes out for the gals.
Amelia if the club treated her wrong I would just make the case its a better reason to meet OTC. But I do take notes on club tipouts and I do provide that intel if requested.
You should note if the tip outs seem high, yet the girls keep working there there must be a reason. Otherwise the clubs with the highest tip outs would be empty and the cheaper clubs would be packed.
@twentyfive - over 40 years? That’s a lot of bullying
I’m not sure if the high tip outs and fees would make a difference to me. It sucks to get squeezed. But customers who declare their income get squeezed hard by the state, federal govt, etc. It’s not like strip clubs run Tax Season freebies -

I’m not trying to be a dick, but I’m not going to hand over more money - as I’m guessing seasoned dancers know what the fees are (before deciding to work at a club).
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
I don't read or care about stripperweb but I've often seen dancers review clubs here, usually as an alias and they're usually useless self promoting shill reviews.
The strip club is a sex-biz so it's kinda seedy in general - when one partakes in it one will be exposed to the good and the bad, as a dancer or a custy.

As Subraman mentioned, IMO/IME what dancers and custies consider a good club often differs if not polar-opposites (e.g. a custy may love a club b/c of high-mileage and extras and a dancer absolutely hate it for those very same reasons) as Pox mentioned a dancer's review usually doesn't tell me much about whether I will enjoy the club as a custy.

Most of us hardcore SCers go sorta b/c we have to, sorta to get our fix, and we often spend a small-fortune and often have to deal with ROBs or bitchy dancers and deal with overpriced drinks and expensive VIP fees, but we still go - a custy also has to out up with shit on his end but we still go, i.e. unlikely custies would boycott a club they have fun at b/c the dancers are not treated right.

I think dancer reviews are interesting b/c most of us custies are probably oblivious to what dancers have to go thru to dance - in the end strip clubs are expensive and many of us spend a lot of $$$ to also have to worry if the dancers are making enough - a custy IMO is responsible for fair payment to dancers, not spend more than they already do to cover their fees or help them out even more.
In a small dive I hit, dances are $10 but the club takes $3 from the dancer for each dance - I usually take this into account when a dancer dances for me and will often cover the $3 the club takes of every dance and tip above that if she put work into her dances.

What are the specific issues you have encountered with the club that you're not happy with?
If a fave of mine mentioned crappy treatment I might offer to meet her at another club or possibly OTC.
I would like to think I would care, but probably not, I’m selfish. I mainly care about my enjoyment.
The proper place for dancers to review clubs is on the pink site. I laughed when I read dancer reviews on SW! A few mentioned that the management seemed sleazy! Wtf - it’s a strip club.
imho a dancer should ba welcome to post a valid honest review.
dang. BE. not ba. i have absolutely no good excuse for that error. not even fat fingers.
We have had dancers review clubs they work at from time to time problem is they usually either shill for the club or they do a ring and run after they have a problem, but there have been a few legitimate reviews over my years here and the legit ones offer an interesting perspective.
I don't think you're going to find a lot of "helpful" reviews on SW for many of the reasons already stated. The main one being that strippers aren't really interested in helping other strippers (potential competition) when it comes to making money or getting customers. They're more interested in trying to "help" strippers get away with doing less (mileage, extras, etc) as that doesn't really hurt the other girls' bottom lines but might actually "hurt" the girl asking, while possibly making the other girls' jobs easier or more pleasant for them. That is there might be more potential customers available because they reject the girl that wants to do less and advised to do so while possibly lowering overall expectations in that club as more frustrated girls "listen" to the SW "advice" (fairly unlikely, unless almost all the girls act this way, in which case club business might plummet anyway and because most dancers probably don't care about SW anymore) or leave the business.

I can usually tell when "management" is treating their girls badly by how quick the turnover of a certain club is. It will often be because of high and strict fees and/or penalties as well as the managers always trying to fuck the girls (literally and figuratively). Or because the management are just bad at their job and the club is slow (which isn't always related to management). I have seen busier clubs (with high earning potential) with high turnover and slower clubs (although still decent earning potential) that keep the girls much longer (once they last the first several weeks/months). And i've seen the slow clubs with or without the high earning potential that also have bad management or unfavorable local ordinances and they are on their deathbed as they can't get customers or girls. Some girls are willing to stay longer at a dancer's club (often a slower club, not so surprisingly) hoping that things will get batter even if they don't make as much money as with a customer's club. I've rarely seen a club that really caters to both, but in the end, the girl still has to be able to make good money (the club is busy or charges almost nothing in fees or is extras friendly or VHM/UHM or there are no competing clubs or they offer more than the other clubs, however little it might be, etc) to stay.

Your last question seems to be truly hypothetical as i've never encountered this IRL. I've never seen numerous reviews by dancers of a certain club, let alone comprehensive, helpful reviews (to customers or dancers). What i have done is occasionally pick the brains of dancers that work at the clubs i frequent to see how they like it there compared to any other clubs they've worked at. Then they usually complain about rules or fees or slow business or "difficult" customers and what have you. It doesn't have a noticeable effect on my tipping. I always tip based on the service provided, and that is if i tip. I often don't just as much as i do (talking about dances). What i have noticed is that at some clubs, a few really, the girls seem to really appreciate tips more (and often practically grovel for them) as they make so little without them. I don't really go to such clubs anymore as they've often either changed management/ownership or are no longer and they often aren't good clubs or keep girls i'm interested in. Very unlikely that i would develop anything close to an ATF at such a club. If i were to see a potential ATF, i would hint about my favorite clubs where i go much more often spending much more money.
avatar for AmeliaSmith
7 years ago
I'm not mistreated @papi. I was just curious to know a customer's POV on them and how y'all would possibly respond to one on this website.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
7 years ago
StripperWeb, to me, is a bunch of closed minded girls bragging about their earnings (which are usually false or made up numbers to soothe their egos). Anyone who posts about Detroit is immediately shot down with closed minded, shitty comments about Detroit sucking (literally and figuratively).
I feel the reviews here are more credible. And other dancers are always going to bitch about something at any club.
I write my reviews here including pros and cons. Under both accounts lol (lost the email address password for my other one).
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
7 years ago
Also, StripperWeb is just an ego shit show in general with everyone trying to one up each other. There's no "togetherness" or community feeling there.
*Creates a thread asking about a common hustle issue*
Like every girl on there: "ZOMG WHY DIDN'T YOU SEARCH FOR THIS ISSUE BEFORE CREATING A NEW FUCKING POST!!!" While nobody offers any assistance whatsoever.
I woud be curious to read it if it was about a favorite club of mine. and to hear the view from another angle. But that is what it would most likely be. What a stripper finds appealing in a club is probably not what I like.
Custies do indirectly get affected if a club is mistreating or being too strict with the dancers in that the dancers don't wanna be there nor happy to be there - I've seen clubs where the norm seems to be for dancers to be moody and that makes me assume it's ownership/management not doing right/fair by them for most dancers to act that way (it starts at the top) - in contrast in other clubs (e.g. Follies, etc) most of the girls seem to be in good-spirits and in a party-vibe
My only experience is girls wanting to spend time with me OTC and take a night off from the club LOL. (especially slow nights). I only had to part with 300-500 or so and most of the time was spent relaxing....eating dinner, or chilling. Yes sex was involved, but I'm nearly 50 and that really isn't very long. I've taken out several girls in the past on their birthdays as well....The only thing I got talked into inside the club a couple times was buying rounds of drinks for the girls...They were expected to sell x number of drinks or pay a fine, so a couple times I bought atf and her friend co-worker drinks...later I found out what the fine was ($24) I think it was and I told them shit, I'll pay the fine....the drinks are $10 a piece there.
I am certain that when the dancers are happy to come to work, I get better experiences. When the opposite is true I get worse experiences. So any honest review, by dancer or customer, is very helpful to identify such situations.

BTW, I think the same principles apply to just about every situation where service levels can vary.
avatar for Digitech
7 years ago
I thinm dancers dont post club reviees on TUSCL for two reasons. First, StripperWeb is more 'their' website and TUSCL is kind of a boys club. So most dancer oriented discussipm takes place there, for better or worse.

Second, a certain club ad reporting TUSCL member loves to bash on dancer reviews. Any time a stripper posts a review of a club, he's all over it telling her to get lost, etc. He also had a bit of a fan club for some reason so sometimes they echo him. When a girl who just registered sees that response, she probably won't come back.
avatar for Digitech
7 years ago
Man, I should stop posting from my phone. So many typos.
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