Mandatory ID Scan added to club feature list

avatar for datinman
I was recently in Dallas and drove over to Buck Wild. They required a mandatory id scan, so I turned around and left. A quick search of the site shows several threads where the possible consequences of giving Destiny (or Destini, or Destaknee) your legal name, home address, DL number, and picture have already been discussed at length. I wouldn't allow my license to be scanned at Disney Land or Walmart, let alone a strip-club.

Having said this, @founder would it be possible to add Mandatory ID Scan to the features list the next time the site is updated? This information is to me more important than Mandatory Valet or Mandatory Coat Check. It can usually be ascertained by reading the reviews, but since this is a deal breaker to me why bother reading reviews for a club I will never visit.

I ask the forum, is this a useful addition or am I alone in my paranoia.


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I would fill out the suggest edit box for the club see if that works.
Given the concerns over identify theft and information breaches,yes, it's a perfectly reasonable request IMO.
It would be useful to know if a club is taking your information. Who knows, they could be pimping out your personal information like Zuckerberg.
Great idea. As that would greatly influence my decision to go or not. A mandatory coat check would never make me not go to a club.
I would agree that getting your ID scanned is terrible and we should all refuse. And I would love to see that listed on the club info page here on Tuscl as that would save some of us some hassle and put pressure on clubs to stop the practice. The problem with listing it on the club info is that some clubs are inconsistent about it so you would need a few categories on how to list it.

Bucks seems to be hit or miss as far as demanding an ID scan. The Fort Worth locations require it less and they both require it more if they are busier. The Men's club in Dallas requires it for night shift but again sometimes will let you buy if it is slow.

One thing I do want to point out is that I have seen clubs say they were not going to scan my ID but then take it any type in my DL number. This is just as bad as scanning, in fact worse as it is deceptive.
This is a good idea. It would be helpful to know in advance which clubs scan ID so as to avoid them.
I also think this addition to the club listings is a good idea. But I might also want to add more. Indicate if they sell alcohol, or if they allow BYOB, or if they do not allow alcohol at all.

Now clubs might not want to tell you this, or they might not be truthful, or the staff might not even know. But the owners might be considering the club a membership club instead of a retail business. If they can claim this it makes laws about sex and lewd conduct void. It also makes it harder for LE to enforce the law against prostitution.

The management's claim that it is a membership club might not hold up in court. But that they are planning this could be the reason for the id scans. The other reasons could be insurance and lowering their overhead, and then just an increase in safety.

For myself I understand and respect the fact that some do not want their id's scanned. But other than with an SO, I don't see any harm in it, and mostly I think it is to improve the quality of the visit.

I do think that adding such info to the club listings is a good idea. But just be aware that the management may not give you truthful info and staff may not even know. These places have lawyers, and they need this to decide what to do. But this does not mean that staff is ever briefed. In most of these places dancers and non-dancer staff are never really told the reasons for why things are the way they are.


Led Zeppelin, 1969 Danish TV…
Alcohol, BYOB, bottle service, and juice bar are already options in the feature section. I don't have a SO to worry about, but I HAVE met some pretty unsavory strippers over the years.
Well, if you feel the club is scanning id's for no good reason, or just for self serving reasons, then of course the practice is unacceptable. But if there are legitimate reasons for it, then I ask that you consider these.

Now about what you say, in most all places, you cannot sell alcohol without a license. If you have a license, you cannot allow BYOB. The two are completely incompatible.

Bottle service is just selling alcohol. Juice bars are no problem

If you have a retail strip club, then there are laws about public sex and lewd conduct which do apply. Lewd conduct is rarely enforced, and it would be hard to enforce. But public sex acts is enforced, especially if it is sex between a man and a women. This is one of the things which makes our clubs different from most of the rest of the industrialized world. A contact strip club is supposed to be an audience participation cabaret show.

Front room acts is what loosens everyone up and makes everything very GFE and very PSE.

The law against prostitution still applies in a membership club, but it is very hard for LE to gain the political mandate to expend the man hours necessary to enforce, when really all they are doing is busting a few sex workers, and likely having officers become extremely complicit. A membership club where prostitution is occurring, a victim less crime, is not really going to be seen as a threat to public morality, whereas a retail venue would be.

I've posted that Edgewater West Oakland is now gone. But they were not busted, the City just arranged to have the building demolished in a redevelopment program.

As far as unsavory strippers, well I would agree that the club should take those steps necessary to insure that your info is not accessible to staff, but will only be used if a court demands that they produce this membership list.

There are compromises and risks in all life's undertakings. I would only suggest accepting the id scans if it is seen as providing a better club experience. We should be able to have TJ HK Bar / Cascadas Hotel quality set ups.

We also need some strip club specialist attorneys here on TUSCL.

I think in doing these scans they are trying to minimize staff access to the info.

They could ask you to fill out a paper application form with the little boxed to print in.

Then anyone who could get into the file cabinet, could get the info.

With the scan, it is little more than a door man needing to see your id to verify your age.

With the scan, it goes into a computer, and few would ever have access to this. though I agree they should make their policies more clear. But they don't want to explain about the membership club.

Do you agree that safety is increased by the scans, and that it might make it easier for the girls to take care of you?

And then there are all these legal issues, which are better in a membership club.

I wholeheartedly agree! Founder: Please add this to a club’s feature list.

I’ve stopped going to one of my local clubs with a couple of favs (they moved from other clubs) because the clubs started electronically drivers licenses.

^^^ I appreciate your right to make your choice. But don't you feel that the scans make for a better club?

I care a lot more about ID scanning than coat check. So, yeah, this would be a great addition to the club listing.
Fantastic idea to make mandatory ID scans part of the profile. As many of you above, it is one of the most critical decision points for me on going to a club or not -- in a way that many of the other attributes currently listed for clubs are not, and are merely nice-to-haves (coat check doesn't factor into my decision).

Some of the clubs around here are no ID scan on dayshift, but ID scan on nightshift. System should accomodate that or we'll get contrary info from dayshifters and nightshifters

Agree, more info is better.

For myself, I would be more attracted to a club that uses ID scans, because I believe that it is probably for good reason and will make for a better club.

If I am shown to be wrong, so be it. But as of now, that is how I see it.

Probably the best was Club Sights, Newark NJ, membership only, no alcohol, Black.

I just noticed that Mandatory ID Scan has been added to the features function. Thank you @Founder.
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
"Alcohol, BYOB, bottle service, and juice bar are already options in the feature section. "

The SJCreep wouldn't know that, he's never written a review, or even been to a club.
avatar for Bavarian
7 years ago
I have not been there in a while. One more reason to stay away.
Thanks Founder! That’s very useful information to have!
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