
Is it worth the money? Gay and married dancer

Friday, April 6, 2018 10:33 AM
If you find out by another dancer that one of your cfs or atf is gay and married would you still spend money for dances on the bitch? Is it worth it? Came across that experience and I stopped entirely.


  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    I would, and I have with a former CF. It's all fantasy anyway. I enjoyed them then, and I still do on occasion.
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    Yeah obviously I would coz I'd get a fucking hell of a dance. Here's a news flash to the OP - she don't love you and gay or straight she ain't attracted to you anyway so as long as she can sell it who the fuck cares who "the bitch" sleeps with in her private life.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Why not? Unless your goal is to find a meaning, deep relationship with a dancer, in which case I recommend stop going to clubs altogether.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    I dont see where it makes any difference
  • Kingp10
    6 years ago
    I am
  • Kingp10
    6 years ago
    At the end of the day sexual fantasy is priority. I probably stopped cause I got tired of her same routine. There wasn't anything different with what she was doing anytime I got a dance. Besides chicago clubs are on the decline.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    “would you still spend money for dances on the bitch?” Why are you asking us? You’ve already made up your mind.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Maybe you can convert her to the right team, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    If I liked the dances and whatever else she provided, then I'd keep spending money. If not, then I'd stop. "I probably stopped cause I got tired of her same routine. There wasn't anything different with what she was doing anytime I got a dance." That's a good reason to stop.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Three way!
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    dancer being a Les would not cause me to stop getting dances. Not getting what I want out of it would be the factor. I’ve had a few say they’re les. I suspect each time the unsolicited reveal was to either try to be a turn on
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    ..try to be a turn on mentally or to discourage and anticipated OTC request
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    There are guys here that have said (in the past) that their ATF is in a girl/girl relationship but the girl would still have sex / do extras with the PL. if that’s the case then I’d stick around.
  • K
    6 years ago
    Two former favorites of mine are in a commited lesbian relationship with each other. They still are. I had great times with each of them individually. We still get together from time to time. Their lesbian relationship never impacted the dances or service i received .
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Yes, if she brought her "wife" along.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"still spend money for dances on the bitch? " You're feeling angry and hurt about it, obviously. This is a good opportunity for some introspection, on what personal flaws you can work on here. If she were straight, she's still be pretending to love dancing for you; why be so hurt that she's pretending, but also gay? If a girl is my ATF, she obtained that lofty mantle (lol) by blowing me away every time, and if she's blowing me away every time, I don't care what sex she's fucking at home. Actually, maybe I do care -- if she's a lesbian, at least I know that when I shove my finger up her asshole to the third knuckle, I won't be getting a fingerful of cum inside there :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Like many a young and/or inexperienced SCer, you're getting things confused - you're not "dating" these girls, it's BUSINESS - as long as they provide a good-experience that is all that matters - they don't like us anyway whether they are straight or gay; it's about the $$$. But - when I was a less-experienced SCer, married or lesbian strippers would be a turnoff and I didn't even like strippers talking about their BF - these days most of what they say goes-in one-ear and out-the-other - strip-clubs are about services-rendered and fair-payment for those services; it's not a E-Harmony.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... If she were straight, she's still be pretending to love dancing for you; why be so hurt that she's pretending, but also gay ..." ^ LOL - pretty-much - no substantial expansion needed :)
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    Subra + Papi = Voice of Reason
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I agree with DeclinetoState. Ignoring the fact that she’s in a committed relationship with another girl - your comment about her dances not being fresh and enjoyable would be a good reason to move on.
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