
Comments by Subraman

  • article comment
    2 months ago
    Your First Strip Club Visit: How to Interact with Dancers Without Being Creepy
    "Touching is typically not allowed unless explicitly stated by the club's rules" Lol! First time at a strip club, Tetwilling?
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    2 months ago
    Using tinder or dating apps for sugaring arrangements
    There are people who use regular dating apps for sugar, but as you just discovered, if you are overt about it, you will be banned off the platform. What you have to do is set your age range to sugar range, and then make oblique references. They might be very cringey, "Looking for a relationship that's sweet as sugar!", or maybe you'll figure out a better way to do it. A 23 year old who gets favorited by a 50 year old, will not even bother checking his profile unless she's open to sugar, and the sugar reference will give her the green light. That said, I tried this on Tinder for a while and was not successful in finding an SB there. But this is the approach that doesn't get you banned, and that the people who are successful as SDs there have done.
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    4 months ago
    Bill Burr - ya or nay?
    Thumbs up on BB, he's been one of the funniest comedians for a while
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    8 months ago
    New York
    Got the phone number, what to do?
    I join those who feel that given that you paid an enormous amount of money for little time and even less mileage, there might be a bar set here that you can't recover from. But we don't know that for sure until you try. You might invite her to meet me OTC (you had "great chemistry" after all!), a great dinner, drinks, and a nice hotel room. If I were you I would make the first offer -- e.g., if you feel $500 (or $700, or $1000, or whatever) is fair for that, get your number out there first. If she says no or invites you back to the club, you can either consider whether the $1000/30m deal is really something you want to continue doing; if it is, great, if not, move on.
  • article comment
    10 months ago
    A Guide to Inquiring About Extras in a Gentleman's Club
    I agree this was AI generated.
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    10 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Vote for your favorite type of female asses.
    Interesting. I'd go 1, 3, 5. It was a little tougher than it should be because many of the cheeks are drawn more square (straight line across the bottom), which isn't a great shape, and most don't judge butts by hip-to-waist ratio alone. I would easily re-order those if one or the other had a heart-shaped rather than square-shaped ass
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    10 months ago
    DFW, Texas
    OTC Conversion Rate
    "Being choosy about who you ask and being a known quantity in the non-extras clubs are likely key parts of that result though" That's true to an extent, it's less common for me to develop CFs who I patronize almost exclusively in extras clubs, whereas in non-extras clubs I'm a serial CFer. I'm a known quantity both in the club and to the particular stripper as well
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    10 months ago
    Greatest tuscl quotes of all time
    I believe you. I thought i was saying it back when I was on Nightshift before I hit tuscl. Or maybe misremembering, who knows. In any case, I'd also like to take credit for inventing saying "maybe later", wearing sweatpants to the club, and locking down strippers. 🤣🤣
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    10 months ago
    DFW, Texas
    OTC Conversion Rate
    Out of curiosity, are you guys pulling your OTC out of extras or non-extras clubs? I've always had more luck pulling girls out of NON-extras clubs -- but that's at least partially because I'm not interested in an escort-like OTC session (i.e., meet at the hotel for exactly an hour), and it seems like many girls at extras clubs either don't do OTC at all or else price it and time it like an escort service. From non-extras clubs, typically I see a girl a few times before asking, and that definitely increases the chances of yes, IME. I'm also willing to back off from FS to BJ etc, and that too seems to get more yes's (and we tend to end up w/ FS anyway). I have had CFs where I regularly take them for drinks or lunch before or dinner after their shift, but I have never paid for that, it seems to be a side bonus of being a good regular.
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    10 months ago
    Greatest tuscl quotes of all time
    "The first quote that came to mind right now, when JohnSmith referred to the sjcreep as a 'gravy drinker'. " Not that I'm an influencer-type attention whore, but everyone (including JohnSmith) got the gravy thing when I accused SJW of being like this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMYikTGwC30 That video turned out to be a hit :) "I forget the exact phrasing, but 25's line about "I don't understand how a grown man can allow himself to be intimidated by a girl in her underwear" has to be up there too." 25 can correct me if I'm wrong, but that too was my original line. Either we both came up with it separately or he adopted it up after I'd written it
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    a year ago
    DFW, Texas
    Definition of Nude
    If I were the pedantic type -- and in fact I am 100% the pedantic type -- I'd be pointing out (or agreeing with those who point out) that fishnets with bigger holes are basically nude. If you can see and access her pussy, it's a nude dance. Big-square fishnets, which is what I usually see in the club, I'd assume counts as nude. I find fishnets with big holes incredibly sexy and in the past have asked strippers to leave them on during extras!! 100% agree that there's room for misunderstanding here. But I'd assume I were getting a nude dance, or ask her about it if I were dissatisfied with the size of the holes
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    a year ago
    Where Did All the Regulars Go
    This area has been progressively destroying the SCs in general, first the corporatization by Deja Vu (which is now complete, 100% of clubs in SF are owned by DJV), then the employee law that had a big negative impact on the local clubs. Then the pandemic happened, and coming out of that, there are no more dayshifts at any strip club!! I blame this, too, partially on deja vu -- if they didn't have a monopoly, I'm sure at least one independent club would open dayshift and soak in all the dayshift money. As a result, for several years now more and more of my "lewd and lascivious fund" has been going towards SBs instead of the strip club, and now spending on the two isn't even close anymore. I'd go back to balancing the two if even one decent dayshift opened up, but it looks like that's unlikely to happen, and I only make occasional nightshifts, which means they tend to be one-offs rather than developing CFs, OTC, etc
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    a year ago
    Clubs will Get New Talent Soon
    You guys are making sense. Although now I'm wondering if this line of reasoning DOES apply to sugar babies, maybe we'll see a big influx on Seeking. Many of those girls are college educated and in debt
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    a year ago
    Best Chain Coffee
    I'm strictly a 3rd wave coffee hipster shop guy. If I walk by you and see you drinking that establishment coffee I'll be laughing my skinny jeans and infinity scarf off
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Tech pathetic
    I like when they put a little heart next to their name 🤣
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    a year ago
    Clubs where the bar regs are friends
    At my fave club, there were a small group of regulars that were always at the bar. I don't know if they were friends, exactly, but they clearly knew each other and were friendly, and sometimes they'd interact, have a laugh, etc. Every once in a while I'd be sitting at the bar and the stripper who was with me would introduce me to the regular next to us (all the girls knew these guys obviously), and we'd talk some shit for a while before I pulled the stripper over to a table. I don't know that I want to be *friends* friends with those guys, but I never saw a downside to having someone to joke with a bit when we were up at the bar
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    a year ago
    Rhode Island
    Navigating Strip Clubs ... Things that Work for Me
    "I'm with ya on pretty much all of it, aside from that first paragraph. And I'm not opposed to that approach, it just seems overkill to me. I feel more comfortable with my wallet in my pocket than in my car." Yeah, just a personal preference thing. Like you, I feel more comfortable with my wallet on me. Not without reason -- cars are broken into very often in SF, the car is not safe, even in the attended garages I favor. Beyond that, I don't have trouble controlling myself, in decades of doing this, even drinking, I've never gone to the ATM and blown some ridiculous amount I later regretted. Someone who might be tempted todo that, should definitely leave their cards home. The other thing is that I want to be able to take advantage of any other fun opportunities. I might my next ATF and want to do a few more dances than I brought cash for? I have a surprise opportunity to take her to dinner or for an OTC tonight? I'm with my buddies and we want to head off into little Italy and have some dinner? There's an earthquake or other power outage and it's not possible to get into the garage, and now I have no credit cards or anything? (yes, unlikely but not impossible). Get hit by a car crossing the street and need my insurance card? I've never lost my wallet in the club, feel it's safer on me, and for all the reasons above, I always bring it.
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    a year ago
    Are message parlors good?
    I've read about AMPs for years, and have one buddy who goes to one all the time. Nothing about the experience appeals to me, so I haven't been, but if it sounds fun to you that's great. What I have done is FBSM (full body sensual massage). Might not be called that in your city. It's a massage and handjob, but the girls are typically independent or in women-run groups, at least in SF. A number of them are CMTs, compete by really making the experience seem spa-ish, do things like kink or showering together or other things to stand out. Typically much more expensive than AMPs. Pretty fun experience if you're just looking for a rub n tug ... in many AMPs it's FS for very cheap, which FBSM providers tend not to offer
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    a year ago
    Greatest TV show opening theme song
    "Hawaii 5-0" And yes motherfuckers, you sing along
  • article comment
    a year ago
    Unique Strip Club Enviornments
    @sfrsox: jennifer is legendary! One of my faves too
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    a year ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Does Having A Wingman In Club Visits Enhance One's Enjoyment? Some Case Studies
    You've hit some of the cases that make SCing with buddies my choice as often as possible. In my case, since they're actually all buddies, there's also other benefits, like people to talk to on the hour drive up, being safer in sketchy areas of the city when there's 5 of us, and having someone to talk to on the drove home (especially comparing notes as to who got what from whom, always interesting to see who get YMMV treatment from a stripper who was average to the rest of us). But beyond that, I do love the dynamic at the table and feel there's definite advantages as far as getting your choice of strippers. I agree, first of all, that if there's one girl sitting with 2 or 3 guys, that makes the other girls pour over to fill out the seats. Also, here's a VERY common thing: I have a stripper, and my buddy knows he wants Porsche but she's not available (she's in the back, she's with other guys, etc). We tell my stripper, and she just goes and gets Porsche. As long as there's even one girl at the table, it's incredibly easy for all the rest of us to have her pull in the other girls we want. In fact, that last time I went with buddies, the girl I wanted was sitting with other guys the whole time. I told the stripper who was sitting with my buddy, she goes "Oh she's new and doesn't realize those guys are a waste of time, they don't buy dances", then she gets up and whispers in the other girl's ear, and 2 minutes later I have the girl I want. The entire game of "the stripper I want is in the back or with other guys or I can't get her attention" is a non-issue. Your shadowcat story shows the other side, the benefits of a newbie (to that club) being with a regular of who has the club wired in. The new guys who come to the club with us get a completely different experience than they've ever had at the strip club. An example: back in the old days, Crazy Horse let the stripper take a 30-45 minute break each shift. I took my buddy to the club, and at one point in the night one of the girls comes by "want to take me to Farmer Browns?" (the bar many of the girls went to). So I grab my buddy and he and I walk with her to the bar, where there's other strippers, and he and I are drinking and carrying on with a bunch of strippers at this cool little bar for 30 minutes (yes, on our dime). Then we walk the girls back to the club and he gets FS with one of the girls we were partying with. On the way home he can't stop talking about it -- "you do this all the time? the girls ask you to go drinking at that bar and then you have sex with them?" Well yes, **if** you're a regular and one of the guys who the girls trust to take out. Maybe not exceptional for a tuscl PL, but for a muggle, getting invited by a stripper out of the club and hanging out was something he didn't even realize was possible. Definitely makes the extras more fun afterwards too
  • article comment
    a year ago
    My Personal Club Strategy
    Good article! I'd point out that a lot of the advice is just universal good advice (e.g., don't dress like a bum). And some of it is personal preference for you, but may not apply to someone who simply prefers a different experience. As an example, I violate your "don't drink" rule. In fact, I just don't violate it: one of the experiences I'm going for is to drink shots and carry on with a gorgeous young woman in her underwear. As long as she doesn't get too drunk, I think it's always a better experience, not a worse one. More objective, as long as the club doesn't have outrageously priced "dancer drinks", buying the stripper a drink is one of the best deals in the club. Once we decide to get a drink, we wait around 10 minutes for the waitress to come, order the drinks, wait 10 minutes for the waitress to come back, and then in most clubs it's customary for the stripper to sit with you while she's drinking. That amount of time is a pretty good deal, $15 to have a progressively-more-buzzed stripper sit with you. You know what's an even better deal? Buy her lunch. We wait 10 minutes for the waitress to come by to give us a menu, spend some time figuring out what we'll order, wait 10 minutes for the waitress to return, wait 20 minutes for the food to come out, 20 minutes to eat, then digest and do another shot of bottom shelf tequila for another 20 minutes. I don't know what that all adds up to because I've run out of fingers and toes, but I think it's over an hour, for the cost of a $20 chicken club. Best deal in the club hands down, the only one better than buying her a drink... IMO. Obviously, in recognition for all that time, you have to do enough dances to make all the time she spent worth it, so you're talking multiple VIPs, but I was planning on doing those VIPs anyway.
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    a year ago
    In the recorded history of the mankind, has the door vulture ever worked out?
    Door vulture working out is the exception that proves the rule. And the problem is the really successful door vultures are the best at being convincing right away. Easiest customer decision in the world is a pass on them!
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    a year ago
    Dens of Rip off Bitches
    A lot of the bay area guys have been calling New Century Theater a den of ROBs for years. Most of the PLs just got the word and stay away.
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    a year ago
    Parking lot reviews
    Ah, I was going to say in the context of a full review, mentioning the parking lot is perfectly useful in examples like, "don't park in the parking lot, my car got broken into!" "It's a no extras club the girls will bang you in your car in the parking lot" etc. What you're calling a parking lot review, here's one that's valid: "I drove to the club, pulled into the parking lot, and it's permanently closed". What do you guys think of: "club website says open at 5:00. I drove into the parking lot at 5:00 and it was still closed; stayed until 5:30 and still closed. Drove away." I suppose that's ostensibly useful, to know they don't really open at the time at their website. OTOH there's no way to know this actually happened.