I've surmised during my long Tuscl membership that a large segment, if not a majority of Tuscl members are solo flyers (including myself) in their club visits. On occasion, some members step outside their bubble by having a mini tuscl meetup with another member. An interesting question to ponder is whether such meetups enhance your experience. Did you notice more dancer attention with a "buddy" at your table or seated by stage ? Did you gain more insider tips on club, or expanded knowledge base on who the best dancers are in the club as well as ROB's who should be avoided ? Answer is it depends on several things, such as familiarity with club and dancers, whether club is a high hustle club, the day of the week, time of the day/night, etc. What follows are meets with 3 different Tuscl members in 5 different clubs, plus a Follies meet with "The Godfather" and 1 other member.
CASE #1 : Club Regular Lead, Club Rookie Wingman
After exchanging PM's, Brahma2K expressed interest in trying out 2001 Odyssey in Tampa. We both agree on an approximate time one weekend evening. This would be a case of me, a club regular, giving a new club visitor some pointers. Yet it wouldn't be entirely one - sided as we could guard each others seats at appropriate times on this developing SRO night. Plus see if more dancers approached a 2 man flight vs a solo flyer. I found that to be the case tonight as several dancers who might not have approached me normally came over to our table. They came mainly to talk with B2K, and happened to be my secondary go to choices. (Meaning I'd purchase dances from them, but not quite my top choice.) Especially on crowded nights, it pays to have backups. B2K is a charming fellow, and conversed with dancers for several minutes. Which made other dancers take notice, and stop by once he tipped dancers for their time. (He was in the take in the scenery mode).
For some background, club is a moderate (IMO) hustle factor club. Meaning they'll approach, but not linger too long, takes no/maybe later with grace. After a parade of 2 - 3 prospects, my wingman expressed interest in a dancer who I knew fairly well. So I waved her over, B2K got his dance. Another dancer noticed this and approached me. I told her I'd get some dances with her when B2K returned, she was fine with that. So chalk one visit up where one got noticeably more attention from dancers, even where I'm a seasonal regular of sorts.
Myself and racejeff have made several visits to 2 Indy clubs (Brass Flamingo, Dancers) over the years. I'll add an isolated visit by rj to Dayton area to my go to club there, Living Room. (Completely destroyed by F5 tornado in May 2019).
Brass Flamingo: We're both quasi-regulars here, meaning we know our way around the club, but few if any dancers would recognize us, maybe 1 or 2 visits per quarter. My visits there go back to the 90's, but I slacked off noticeably after 2012 Super Bowl there when the night lapdances went up from $10 to $20, and they inserted a staff cashier to basic area process. I found that sitting with Jeff made no difference to the level of dancer attention I got vs solo visits. Then again, Brass Flamingo is a low hustle club to start with and pretty much a "regulars club." (Many dancers tend to hang only with their regulars.
Dancers: Neither of us have that many visits here, and I have less visits than the Brass @ Dancers, but still managed multiple visits between 2013 - 2016 , both solo and having wingman rj with me. (Or the other way around.) Dancers isn't a high hustle club, but I noticed a bit more dancer attention when I sat with rj vs my solo visits. Another tuscl member who was at club unbeknown to rj and I commented on the action we were getting from dancers after we both submitted reviews shortly after a visit. Chalk up a yea vote for pairing being more beneficial vs. solo.
Living Room: This time I was host lead for rj, and he beat me to club. LR was my go to club in Dayton area, rj had cause to come to Dayton to visit prominent museum, and wrapped up trip with visits to Cheeks and Living Room. I punted on meeting him at Cheeks since they scanned ID's there, and agrred on approximate time for Living Room. I'd slacked off on my LR visits ever since one of my faves left 2 yrs. prior to this meetup. RJ had already snagged a floorside table, and already had a dancer sitting there. I didn't recognize any dancers there, but I had several approach shortly after I sat with rj. I guess something about the dynamics of having 1 dancer at table with 2 guys attracts other dancers to approach. I ended up getting dances with 1 of them, and wished that I got some with another who became locked down by another customer after my initial "later" response. So another "yea" vote for wingman pairing vs. solo flying.
CASE #5: Off Peak Early Evening Meet At Infamous Mons Venus. Through PM exchanges, I agreed to meet John Smith 69 at Mons Venus ~8pm one early/midweek evening. He was already there in stage side seet before my arrival. Things back then (2015) didn't pick up until 10pm or so. So in this case, having a wingman didn't appreciably enhance dancer attention then or after our finner break. I did learn a few things about NC clubs and of JS69's strong preference for younger dancers when he turned down one of my familar Milf's there. So chalk up a nay vote here.
SPECIAL CASE : Triangle Offense At Follies With Coach Shadowcat.
On my way down to FL, I stopped by Follies early Saturday afternoon. I spotted his distinctive Ford Mustang with his personalized tags. Upon entering club, I spotted him at his pre - briefed corner spot wearing one of his trademark T-shirts. First visit at Follies having long time regular as a guide is a no brainer yea vote for pairing with someone. He indicated that East Coaster would be in Atlanta area for a day or 2 and would be joining us later. But first he introduced a hot young blonde to me. I ended up geting 3 - 5 dances with her. She's one that I would make a special visit to the club to see her. Soon enough East Coaster shows up, we all swap info on latest club happenings. SC then introduces me to a hot dark haired Milf who I end up buying multiple dances with and chatting a bit. Two dancers who I'd go out of my way to see. I relayed this to SC in PM when I got to FL. He indicated that I hadn't even met the "A Team". Still definitely a nice side trip on my way to FL.
CONCLUSIONS: Final tally is 4 yeas and 2 nays for clubbing as a pair vs going solo. Although my preference is to club solo, I've found that it's occasionally good to club with a good wingman or lead just to broaden ones outlook and round out club experience with other good hobbyists. Isn't that what Tuscl membership should be about ?
Wingman can be fun, as long as it's for the right reasons. You are not going to get more mileage per $, because of a wingman in the same way that can happen in the real world. The wingman is just another source of entertainment when you're not busy with a girl, given that much of the time in a club is often waiting time. My preference is meeting wingmen from a list so the relationship with the wingman itself offers the same anonymity as the relationship with the dancer. There's no sense of embarrassment from stories back in the real world and there's no competition. Just a bunch of guys with the same intentions and attitudes out for fun.
You've hit some of the cases that make SCing with buddies my choice as often as possible. In my case, since they're actually all buddies, there's also other benefits, like people to talk to on the hour drive up, being safer in sketchy areas of the city when there's 5 of us, and having someone to talk to on the drove home (especially comparing notes as to who got what from whom, always interesting to see who get YMMV treatment from a stripper who was average to the rest of us).
But beyond that, I do love the dynamic at the table and feel there's definite advantages as far as getting your choice of strippers. I agree, first of all, that if there's one girl sitting with 2 or 3 guys, that makes the other girls pour over to fill out the seats. Also, here's a VERY common thing: I have a stripper, and my buddy knows he wants Porsche but she's not available (she's in the back, she's with other guys, etc). We tell my stripper, and she just goes and gets Porsche. As long as there's even one girl at the table, it's incredibly easy for all the rest of us to have her pull in the other girls we want. In fact, that last time I went with buddies, the girl I wanted was sitting with other guys the whole time. I told the stripper who was sitting with my buddy, she goes "Oh she's new and doesn't realize those guys are a waste of time, they don't buy dances", then she gets up and whispers in the other girl's ear, and 2 minutes later I have the girl I want. The entire game of "the stripper I want is in the back or with other guys or I can't get her attention" is a non-issue.
Your shadowcat story shows the other side, the benefits of a newbie (to that club) being with a regular of who has the club wired in. The new guys who come to the club with us get a completely different experience than they've ever had at the strip club. An example: back in the old days, Crazy Horse let the stripper take a 30-45 minute break each shift. I took my buddy to the club, and at one point in the night one of the girls comes by "want to take me to Farmer Browns?" (the bar many of the girls went to). So I grab my buddy and he and I walk with her to the bar, where there's other strippers, and he and I are drinking and carrying on with a bunch of strippers at this cool little bar for 30 minutes (yes, on our dime). Then we walk the girls back to the club and he gets FS with one of the girls we were partying with. On the way home he can't stop talking about it -- "you do this all the time? the girls ask you to go drinking at that bar and then you have sex with them?" Well yes, **if** you're a regular and one of the guys who the girls trust to take out. Maybe not exceptional for a tuscl PL, but for a muggle, getting invited by a stripper out of the club and hanging out was something he didn't even realize was possible. Definitely makes the extras more fun afterwards too
Nice article, Minnow. It was good getting to meet you at Follies back in its heyday.
I’m not sure I have a solid answer to the question of “Does having a wing man in club visits enhance one's enjoyment?” – especially as it relates to getting more dancer attention, insider tips on a club, or expanded knowledge on who the best dancers are as well as ROB's who should be avoided. As you say, it depends on many factors.
First off, I’ll say that I have been to more than 300 strip clubs in North America. Back in college (when dinosaurs roamed the earth), I went to a few strip clubs – and then only with friends – but that was *way* before the era of lap dances and extras. I gave up strips clubs when I got married, but returned to the hobby about 25 years ago. Since then, at least 95% of my strip club visits have been done solo – and 100% without the knowledge of any of my family, co-workers, or non-TUSCL friends.
Since joining in 2014, I’ve reached out to a number of TUSCL members because their writing showed them to be thoughtful, insightful, and, often, possessed of a good sense of humor. In my travels, I have met about 40 of them, at least half a dozen of whom are women who have posted here. Most of these female TUSCLers are dancers (of course), but one – a non-dancer – is a lesbian and a dedicated strip club monger, just like the rest of us. What a delightful and interesting meet-up that was!
Interactions in clubs with fellow mongers can certainly be fun, helpful, and informative, but much of the time the music is so loud that trying to hear one another is a challenge. In addition, it probably doesn’t help that my attention is more focused on the girls working the room than on the monger sitting next to me. (I’m sorry, dude, I’m not trying to ignore you, but holy shit, did you see that blonde over there?)
For me, I’m not sure that sitting with another monger has had any measurable effect, one way or the other, on being approached by dancers. I do appreciate intel shared about specific dancers (especially ROBs), but I’m experienced enough to know that just because Monger X (maybe whom I’ve just met) says he had a good or bad time with Dancer Y, that doesn’t guarantee that my experience would be the same. That’s why the TUSCL mantra is YMMV. But I will say this: No matter where I go and what I do, I learn something from every single person I meet. And that’s a good thing.
last commentI thought all the approaches were because of you. Glad to hear I could make a positive contribution.
But beyond that, I do love the dynamic at the table and feel there's definite advantages as far as getting your choice of strippers. I agree, first of all, that if there's one girl sitting with 2 or 3 guys, that makes the other girls pour over to fill out the seats. Also, here's a VERY common thing: I have a stripper, and my buddy knows he wants Porsche but she's not available (she's in the back, she's with other guys, etc). We tell my stripper, and she just goes and gets Porsche. As long as there's even one girl at the table, it's incredibly easy for all the rest of us to have her pull in the other girls we want. In fact, that last time I went with buddies, the girl I wanted was sitting with other guys the whole time. I told the stripper who was sitting with my buddy, she goes "Oh she's new and doesn't realize those guys are a waste of time, they don't buy dances", then she gets up and whispers in the other girl's ear, and 2 minutes later I have the girl I want. The entire game of "the stripper I want is in the back or with other guys or I can't get her attention" is a non-issue.
Your shadowcat story shows the other side, the benefits of a newbie (to that club) being with a regular of who has the club wired in. The new guys who come to the club with us get a completely different experience than they've ever had at the strip club. An example: back in the old days, Crazy Horse let the stripper take a 30-45 minute break each shift. I took my buddy to the club, and at one point in the night one of the girls comes by "want to take me to Farmer Browns?" (the bar many of the girls went to). So I grab my buddy and he and I walk with her to the bar, where there's other strippers, and he and I are drinking and carrying on with a bunch of strippers at this cool little bar for 30 minutes (yes, on our dime). Then we walk the girls back to the club and he gets FS with one of the girls we were partying with. On the way home he can't stop talking about it -- "you do this all the time? the girls ask you to go drinking at that bar and then you have sex with them?" Well yes, **if** you're a regular and one of the guys who the girls trust to take out. Maybe not exceptional for a tuscl PL, but for a muggle, getting invited by a stripper out of the club and hanging out was something he didn't even realize was possible. Definitely makes the extras more fun afterwards too
I’m not sure I have a solid answer to the question of “Does having a wing man in club visits enhance one's enjoyment?” – especially as it relates to getting more dancer attention, insider tips on a club, or expanded knowledge on who the best dancers are as well as ROB's who should be avoided. As you say, it depends on many factors.
First off, I’ll say that I have been to more than 300 strip clubs in North America. Back in college (when dinosaurs roamed the earth), I went to a few strip clubs – and then only with friends – but that was *way* before the era of lap dances and extras. I gave up strips clubs when I got married, but returned to the hobby about 25 years ago. Since then, at least 95% of my strip club visits have been done solo – and 100% without the knowledge of any of my family, co-workers, or non-TUSCL friends.
Since joining in 2014, I’ve reached out to a number of TUSCL members because their writing showed them to be thoughtful, insightful, and, often, possessed of a good sense of humor. In my travels, I have met about 40 of them, at least half a dozen of whom are women who have posted here. Most of these female TUSCLers are dancers (of course), but one – a non-dancer – is a lesbian and a dedicated strip club monger, just like the rest of us. What a delightful and interesting meet-up that was!
Interactions in clubs with fellow mongers can certainly be fun, helpful, and informative, but much of the time the music is so loud that trying to hear one another is a challenge. In addition, it probably doesn’t help that my attention is more focused on the girls working the room than on the monger sitting next to me. (I’m sorry, dude, I’m not trying to ignore you, but holy shit, did you see that blonde over there?)
For me, I’m not sure that sitting with another monger has had any measurable effect, one way or the other, on being approached by dancers. I do appreciate intel shared about specific dancers (especially ROBs), but I’m experienced enough to know that just because Monger X (maybe whom I’ve just met) says he had a good or bad time with Dancer Y, that doesn’t guarantee that my experience would be the same. That’s why the TUSCL mantra is YMMV. But I will say this: No matter where I go and what I do, I learn something from every single person I meet. And that’s a good thing.