My Personal Club Strategy

So when I visit a club with friends to party none of this applies; but those types visits are few and far between. My usual intention is to accomplish a mission. Below I'll lay out my go-to strategy; It may not work for everyone, and some of you may even have better ideas, but this usually works for me and I hope it helps some people a little.
-Pick the right club. We want a well advertised club that caters to new dancers or maybe even college chicks. "But hey man I know this spot where all the girls are old pros and it's a sure thing every time." Well that's fine buddy you should go there. There's nothing wrong with those places but you definitely don't need this guide for a place like that. We want to spend time with young, hot, girls who haven't been jaded by the game yet. Ever wonder how to become a regular? How to get her number? How to find ones who will meet you OTC? It's a lot easier if you put yourself in an environment like this.
- Pick a spot to sit that's inconvenient for the dollar parade. I'm not here to pay tax, I pay enough of that everywhere else. If they come off stage and start circulating to the right I'll pick a spot a few chairs over from the left. They'll usually get bored and head back to the locker room or get scooped up before they get all the way over to me. When I see one I like I'll make eye contact with her or throw a few dollars to clearly telegraph that I'm interested in speaking with them...they get the message.
-Pick a quiet seat. For obvious reasons. It helps that most dudes have the opposite strategy as above so my preferred seats are usually in quieter sections.
-Do not stack dollars on the bar. Why would you do this? 10s 20s and 1s are all counted and in separate pockets; preferably pockets that button. When I want to spend money I'll take it out. Let's not invite them all over to take an easy bite out of my fun fund lol. I'll throw dollars at the ones I specifically want to talk to. It also helps to show up with singles; I'm not married so walking into the bank and asking for $600 in 1s doesn't bother me but I see how that could be a barrier for some.
-Do put your cigarettes on the bar. A lot of the clubs around me still let you smoke inside (and are well ventilated). Who doesn't want to bum a smoke we're talking about 20 cents vs $1 and if she smokes it with you now you have 8 min of time to figure out if you like her. Works like a charm.
-Don't go on feature dancer nights. The club will be packed, everyones drunk and spending money and the girls are stuffing their crown royal bags as fast as they can stick their hands back onto some idiot's pockets. Why would you want to compete with that? They don't have time for our nonsense; stay home and pick another night.
-Go on slow/weeknights. You might miss some of the perfect 10s that only work on Fridays and Saturdays but let's be realistic; they don't have time for you anyway, so F 'em. Once in a while you might get lucky too..even dimepieces need groceries on Tuesday lol.
-Don't drink. I know what I came here for and it's not a $25 watered down Jack and Diet. Get the $6 bottle of water, tip the bartender for her trouble, and call it an extended cover fee. I personally enjoy any experience offered by a club far more when my senses are acute and unencumbered. It certainly helps with negotiations as well. Lastly and most importantly it will telegraph to the right ones that you came for a reason and that reason is not to "get sloppy with your boys and make it rain."
-Don't dress like a bum. Comb your hair, brush your teeth, take a shower, clean/polish your shoes. You don't have to wear a suit, but look clean, like you got dressed with intention. This is how quietly wealthy men dress. The girls will pick up on it if done properly. And since we're spending our money with intention there's no reason they need to know whether you saved up for three weeks or popped in on a whim...which segues nicely into our next point.
Addendum to above: Never put on a suit just to go to the club (reeks of desperation) but if you had to wear one for work that day (and its a nice suit, properly tailored and not some boxy, off the rack, 2 for $199 deal) maybe keep it on...everyone loves a man with a reason to wear a suit lol.
-Budget. Bring enough money for what you want and be realistic. It's the difference between going to the club once a week and pissing away $100 each time on nothing and going once every six weeks with $600 and a goal and coming away satisfied. Dumping your money on stage and the dollar parade vs spending it intentionally in the vip. Knowing you've saved up properly and you're not blowing your rent money chasing a dream will help with our next point...
-"Alright but you gotta get over it" - T Soprano Don't get bitter; be in a good mood. It sucks sometimes man I get it. The cover was jacked up today for no reason. The fat girls are doing double rounds on the dollar parade and the one you want won't come out of the locker room. The guy who owns the high rise downtown decided to book a section and he's throwing so much cash all the girls are more cocky than a minimum wage employee at a Gucci store. Mercury is in retrograde. Whatever. Bad attitudes get bad results, period. No-one wants to hang out with a mope and the ones that do think you're a mark. You're going to keep having bad conversations and getting more bitter and on and on and on. Every new convo is a new start, you're happy, you're in a good mood and excited at the possibilities. It's tough but that's the way it's got to work.
Addendum to above: Don't be cheap. Nothing here should be interpreted as a pass to be a dick. Tip appropriately, they do spend on makeup and outfits and their feet always hurt. Don't be a sucker, but don't go out of your way to ruin another human beings night because someone did it to you.
-Reconnaissance. Paratroopers don't jump blindly into enemy territory and neither should you. Know what kind of special promotions and events the club has on the calendar. Know how much dances cost and what the club split is. Know how do house fees and tip outs work. Know which nights are generally heavy and what nights are generally slow. When do the experienced girls work vs the newer ones. Learn the names of the girls and their schedules. If the schedules are posted online or on a prerecorded message use them. Check the club instagram to see who's a vet and who's new and who constantly complains about the customers or who's got a bf or a gf.
Lastly and most importantly...
Have patience and be personable. If you can afford to dump 2k in her lap you'll get what you want every time. But then you probably wouldn't waste your time reading this guide either. We're not doing that. Theres a human element here. This is a longer play. If you're new to this or even just new to doing it this way it'll take some getting used to. Maybe just take $300 to the club with the goal of scoping it out a bit, having conversations, and maybe a LD or two. Work on being personable. Ask her about herself. Sure you don't care and that's exactly what you came here to get away from...but now you're hustling just like she is. Play their own game right back to them. Its surprisingly easy to win when you play as I've described...
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last commentThis is excellent advice. I have also discovered that if there is a dancer you like, buy her a drink so you can have some time to socialize with her while she is sitting on your lap. I will then ask the dancer what other clubs she dances at. This is a good way to get info about other clubs in the area.
I've had good times on nights when a feature was performing. When the feature is on stage everyone is focusing on her, leaving the house dancers with nothing to do. I've had some very good experiences with dancers who appreciated that I was paying attention to her and not the porn star on stage.
Good article! I'd point out that a lot of the advice is just universal good advice (e.g., don't dress like a bum). And some of it is personal preference for you, but may not apply to someone who simply prefers a different experience.
As an example, I violate your "don't drink" rule. In fact, I just don't violate it: one of the experiences I'm going for is to drink shots and carry on with a gorgeous young woman in her underwear. As long as she doesn't get too drunk, I think it's always a better experience, not a worse one.
More objective, as long as the club doesn't have outrageously priced "dancer drinks", buying the stripper a drink is one of the best deals in the club. Once we decide to get a drink, we wait around 10 minutes for the waitress to come, order the drinks, wait 10 minutes for the waitress to come back, and then in most clubs it's customary for the stripper to sit with you while she's drinking. That amount of time is a pretty good deal, $15 to have a progressively-more-buzzed stripper sit with you.
You know what's an even better deal? Buy her lunch. We wait 10 minutes for the waitress to come by to give us a menu, spend some time figuring out what we'll order, wait 10 minutes for the waitress to return, wait 20 minutes for the food to come out, 20 minutes to eat, then digest and do another shot of bottom shelf tequila for another 20 minutes. I don't know what that all adds up to because I've run out of fingers and toes, but I think it's over an hour, for the cost of a $20 chicken club. Best deal in the club hands down, the only one better than buying her a drink... IMO. Obviously, in recognition for all that time, you have to do enough dances to make all the time she spent worth it, so you're talking multiple VIPs, but I was planning on doing those VIPs anyway.
Excellent article with great practices. Strategic seating is a great point. An experienced PL can walk into a club and find it's "blind spots" immediately. The blind spots are the places where you are not exposed to the dollar parade or are sitting in front of the locker room, and yet have full view of the stage and the seats. Pillars and other architecture can be helpful with strategic seating, because it's possible to sit in a way that you can see everyone but everyone cannot quickly spot you in the open.
good tips!!!!