All of the above are good as long as you take the crappy coffee and add some Jack.
Why not drink the Jack straight? Well, I would joke that most hairless apes feel it is in bad taste to drink straight jack first thing in the morning. But the reality is that I don’t give a shit what you damn dirty apes think about my drinking. Truth is that the caffeine helps me stay awake so I can really enjoy the drunk drivin’. ROAR!!!
I wont pay Starbucks prices or wait in line at Dunkin for an afternoon pick-me-up. I try to avoid added sugars add carbonated drinks that aren't beer, but if I need it I go to a convenience store and buy a Monster 👹
We make coffee at home every morning using the cusinart grind n brew if I’m not home and want a cuppa As crazy as it sounds McDonalds has the best coffee around, I don’t like Starbucks coffee at all it’s too bitter.
What I can't figure out is why my Kroger grocery store has a mini Starbucks inside when directly across the street is a full sized Starbucks. I rarely see anyone using the one inside of my Kroger's. I would think they could find a better use for the space.
I rarely drink coffee and if I do it's with breakfast on a cold winter day and in that case any place will do that serves good food.
S-cat - I see a lot of Krogers with those. They never may look busy but if you look around the store usually at least 1/4 of the customers shopping are carrying a Starbucks drink, especially on the weekend mornings.
Peet's has the best coffee. Dutch Bros is solid too.
I prefer my grocery store Starbucks as opposed to the regular one 200 ft away because of the cute blonde barista there. The regular Starbucks has a dude barista that says hi and calls me by my first name as soon as I walk in, and he creeps me out. (I don't know you that well, bro, and I don't care to either.)
I'm strictly a 3rd wave coffee hipster shop guy. If I walk by you and see you drinking that establishment coffee I'll be laughing my skinny jeans and infinity scarf off
I'm a big fan of Marylou's. They're all over the place south of Boston and well known for their pink coffee cups and attractive help. The coffee is good and a little scenery in the morning doesn't hurt.
I like Burger King coffee: $1 any size and only 64 cents with discount. Freshly brewed, too. Unlike McDonald's which serves burnt coffee left over from the morning.
I'm guessing a lot of the closed SF Starbucks were across the street from another Starbucks. Sometimes the density of SBUX blows my mind (like one inside a target three doors down from a free standing Starbucks).
While not being a big coffee drinker I do like hot chocolate and what I really like in that case is Land O Lakes variety pack. Some flavors: Arctic White Chocolate Caramel Chocolate Supreme Cinnamon French Vanilla Hazelnut Irish Creme Mint Mocha Peanut Butter Raspberry Salted Caramel Smores Strawberries & Crème White Chocolate
I’m mostly an espresso or americano drinker. Starbucks and Dunkin’ are fine for those but the independent shops usually get them right. When in Miami I’ll go for a cafecito or cafe con leche but that’s basically a Cuban espresso where they muddle some sugar to give it a smoky taste or add steamed milk.
sometimes I stop at flying J/ pilot truck stops when I'm driving cross country. I have my special cup that gives me a discount on drinks. and their coffee is decent.
last commentWhy not drink the Jack straight? Well, I would joke that most hairless apes feel it is in bad taste to drink straight jack first thing in the morning. But the reality is that I don’t give a shit what you damn dirty apes think about my drinking. Truth is that the caffeine helps me stay awake so I can really enjoy the drunk drivin’. ROAR!!!
I rarely drink coffee and if I do it's with breakfast on a cold winter day and in that case any place will do that serves good food.
I prefer my grocery store Starbucks as opposed to the regular one 200 ft away because of the cute blonde barista there. The regular Starbucks has a dude barista that says hi and calls me by my first name as soon as I walk in, and he creeps me out. (I don't know you that well, bro, and I don't care to either.)
Starbucks is fine if you dilute it with enough Jack. But I agree that Horton’s is better. You need less Jack to dilute it.
rickthemoose is also a big fan of Horton’s donuts. However, it sucks that they wouldn’t produce my line of wildebeest flavored donuts. ROAR!!!
but what the hell? what fun is that unless she's builtd nicely???
Dunkin is probably the worst. It's below McDonald's.
Next in line mcds french vanilla iced coffee only 1.06 thru the app
Starbucks announced the closing of 7 stores in downtown San Francisco.
That said, I do like iced coffee, and Dunkin has some really good ones.
Arctic White Chocolate
Chocolate Supreme
French Vanilla
Irish Creme
Peanut Butter
Salted Caramel
Strawberries & Crème White Chocolate