
Comments by MojoDojo (page 2)

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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Block of Time LDs ?
    I gotta back Viking here. VA sucks in this department real bad, so off to DC or better yet MD for more/better options to choose from. Our state motto is "Sic Semper Tyrannis" (Thus Always to Tyrants) but it should really be "Abandon hope all ye who enter here!" no offense to Ms DuoMaxwell mind you I'm sure that she is quite lovely.
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    11 years ago
    After Marry, yes or no.
    Start fleshing out my harem of 20 something's and enjoy the ensuing feast of flesh (à la Caligula!)
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    - Photography (Sports, Landscape, Nature, Architecture & I dabble in Artistic) - Flying Stunt Kites - Coaching Soccer and Wrestling - Amateur MMA competitor - Writing Erotic fiction (recent hobby) - Fly Fishing
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    11 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Do you love women or?
    I'm with Papi on this one...(took the words right outta my mouth)
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    11 years ago
    OT:Cars Again
    I'm a byproduct of the free love generation. My mom was a hippy and my old man was an Outlaw biker so I grew up on the back of a hog and in the back of a VW Microbus until the 70's when we traded up to a custom Dodge Tradesman van with a tricked out interior and fucking blown out 400 ci big block V8 power plant. My dad had a custom paint job including a mural painted on both sides and it had dual side pipes attached to its tuned exhaust so it growled like a fucking tiger in heat when he punched it. We used to get stares from folks all the time when we drove it around town and eventually it became mine when I was in high school. In 1980 while I was in college they went back to riding a hog and took off back across the country to head to Cali where we were from.
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    11 years ago
    Take a chance or sure thing?
    So tallying the above and taking into account the replies that offered multiple answers along with a little divination of a couple responsive but non specific replies I get the following: A: 47% B: 7% C: 14% D: 36% A & D were the obvious favorites with out factoring in the emotional aspects where D had an edge over the other responses. So I guess being the PL rebel I am I'll have to go with "B" (LOL)
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    11 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Teen Mom's Farrah Abraham
    Uhem...yessireebob but I think that I'd have to educate her a little bit about the use of the term "backdoor" in the title of that video. I'm thinking that a trip down the chocolate highway is in order...yessireebob!
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    11 years ago
    Bare-to-bare contact
    Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction...
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    11 years ago
    What would you have done.
    Oh BTW @slick my mom says the next time you kick her out of the car like that she's gonna shoot you in the nuts... I'm just say'n! :-p
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    11 years ago
    What would you have done.
    Too true...I'm in the process of shaving my head right now...You? Hari Krishna, Hari, Hari...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What would you have done.
    Damn, sorry that last post was so fucking long!
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    11 years ago
    What would you have done.
    I have a slightly different take on the situation than Mr. Winkle and like him I'm not trying to offend anyone just tender a slightly different viewpoint that's all. So if I understand it correctly you are in a club spending time with one of the dancers when someone you don't know intercedes on your plans to purchase a lap dance or two or three, etc... I agree with Bullwinkle that this very like would have taken some chutzpah on the kids part but let's think about this a minuet. He obviously knew that you were hanging with the dancer in question and polite or not he asserted himself over you. He initiated the contact and asked a question "mind if I take her for some fun?" Now in my world the polite thing to do when someone asks you a question is to answer it. Simple right? Which is exactly what you did. Was it the "best" answer? Perhaps not, but it was simple and to the point and it sure doesn't sound to my ears like it was aggressive, rude or inappropriate. Compare it to something like "get lost!" or "what, are you some kind of clown?" or the ubiquitous "fuck off!" and your answer is better represented as what it was...an answer, a simple direct answer. Ok so try this on in another context. You have a bicycle, a nice new road bike and you are just about to mount it when a young man approaches you and says "mind if I take her for some fun?" What's the proper response? Pick just about anything that you possess at any point in time and ask your self would his politeness and chutzpah make you inclined in any situation to give up what is yours to him simply because he wants it? The 99% answer is no! Ok so if we have to paint one of you a deficient human which one is it? Think about this the kid had to assume that he was in a superior position than you or he wouldn't have asked you for access to your dancer so he was either "cocky," "clueless" or "belligerent" to a)intrude on your conversation and b)attempt to abscond with the dancer who had been sitting with you for some time. You on the other hand were none of the above you answered the question. You didn't start a fight. You didn't pitch a fit. You didn't overreact. The kid however was not satisfied with your answer and instead of accepting it and returning to his seat he pressed on. Why? Well my theory is that he lacks respect. Like so many of the ME generation he doesn't understand that when his question got answered he should respect that answer and retire back to his seat to wait his turn. Instead he argued with you. Let me say that again he argued with you. So who has the ego and is forcing the one up one down scenario? He is. He showed a serious lack of respect and frankly I believe that you should have stuck to your guns if for no other reason to reinforce the fact that he can't just barge in and ask (no matter how polite) to take something (or in this case someone) from you. As far as the dancer's silence goes that is of no significant consequence because if she cared one way or another she would have spoken up. As it was I believe she was going to go with whomever won the contest in a classic "to the victor goes the spoils" scenario. Looking for her to help you make your case was unfortunately for you a PL play (not that you're necessarily pathetic just that your inclination to look to her was a pathetic act IMO). So what would I have done personally? I don't know if you were standing when he approached or not but I would have stood up and introduced myself with a smile on my face and reaching out to shake his hand. Then I would have joked about my dancer saying something like "Damn she sure is sexy isn't she? I can understand why you would want to have some fun with her and I'll tell you what just as soon as we're done messing around I'll bring her right over to you. Where are you sitting again? Excellent! Well I'll see you in a little while. Take care." and with that I would turn from him, take my dancer friend by the hand and walk away. Nothing more need be said. I disarm him by owning the conversation and affirming him while at the same time assuming control of the situation. Any argument he puts up get's met with "Ahhh, I see. Of course. Yes I get it, but no, not now. Like I said I'll escort her to your table when we're done. Take care." Disarm with words and a smile on your face. Acknowledge his argument even paraphrase back his points but always end with "no!" and "take care." Anyway like I said a slightly different take on the situation. Not right. Not wrong. Just different. Take care ;-)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The rose sounds interesting Slick. Where did you get the instructions for it. Are the instructions on the web. I have an app on my iPhone with about 20 different figures but no rose. I can do a couple figures. Nothing fancy but I like to do it and like you I usually get a good response from my efforts.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you fold your bills when stage tipping?
    I do and actually I will sometimes fold a small origami figure if I think that the dancer will appreciate it however 98% of the time it's simply folded in half.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ever have a dancer say she wants to stay in contact after she quits? Then she t
    Go ahead, go for it! What do you have to loose? Fuck, why'd I say that? Uhhhh Google Voice, yeah Google Voice that's the ticket... ;-)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    what do you drive ?
    A hard bargain!
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    what does juice crew mean to you ?
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    what does juice crew mean to you ?
    Fraternal obfuscation of verisimilitude through delusional escapades resulting in amplified licentiousness.
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    11 years ago
    OT:2nd Place
    It kinda depends IMO. Second place in a race is respectable and should be cause for celebration because even though you didn't win 1st you won 2nd as opposed to loosing 1st. It's a mind set in racing culture. In judged competitions it's very similar the outcome of ranking the top performers is more of an accolade for the top 3 positions. In those cases taking 2nd or 3rd is an affirmation that you are one of the best and can compete at the highest level of your sport. Where your sentiment rings true, I believe is in head to head sports, that is to say sports where competitors square off against one another and the winner crowned champion. In my chosen sports, wrestling, Judo and MMA, the place of honor was 1st or 3rd (in tournaments at least). Both 1st and 3rd place finishers walked off the mat victors and felt the jubilation of winning their last match. First was obviously superior to third but the visceral feeling of having one stays with you as does the angst of having been defeated. I know that my little response doesn't cover all competitive situations but in sports (having participated in them at a very high level for many years) I would offer that it generally holds water.
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    11 years ago
    Worst Psycho Bitch Moment
    I dated a very attractive ex-stripper in '88 that could have been Glen Close's understudy from Fatal Attraction. Bitch actually poisoned my dog with antifreeze and then wrote FAG on my lawn in defoliant. I could never prove that she was the one who killed JR (my dog not Larry Hagman) and I never found out what she used on my lawn but it was incredibly hard to get rid of. I finally convinced a judge to grant me a restraining order and eventually she moved on but for 5 months she really fucked with me. Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned my brutha's
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Whores, Alcoholics, and Learning Disabled
    If that were the title of a book it might have the subtitle: "The Obama Years"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    sucking dick
    To be honest with you Juice I'm not particularly inclined to pay to suck on some guys meat stick. Now if the question is how much will I pay to get my stiffy slurped that my friend is a horse of a different color. I'd be willing to consider a scale based on the individual who will be servicing me...at one end of the spectrum would be the likes of Kate Upton or Bar Refaeli (in my wildest dreams I know) and hell I'd pony up a grand or more that experience...also high on the list would be a major league porn star like Kayden Kross or Tori Black and I'd be willing to pop 5 or 6 Benjamin's...lower on the scale would be my current object of desire a 20 yo hard body that dances at a club I frequent and while I haven't cracked the code for her yet I'd be willing to drop a hundred or so...the bulk of the providers fall south of that in the $50 ~ $100 range while frankly I cant imagine "wanting" a tongue lashing from anyone that I wouldn't be willing to pay $50 or more (not being egotistical mind you I just have my standards.)
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    11 years ago
    Have you ever told a dancer a story so good, she told others and they all wanted
    I tell stories all the time when I go to clubs in particular my local ones because lap dances are verboten in DC so the art of conversation is more important or perhaps relevant is a better word here. However I have to admit that storytelling is my thing so yes I have definitely found myself in situations where I've been asked to retell a story or elaborate on a story or my personal favorite tell a new story to dancers who have gotten wind of previous ones. Personally I think it's a blast and I enjoy it thoroughly.
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    11 years ago
    Ever have a dancer get turned on by your smell when you didn't put anything on?
    Happens to me frequently too. But as others have already posted I always take a shower and shave before going to a club. After all it is a gentleman's club {wink}.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    To boldly go OT where no man has gone before...
    ^too funny gator but I think that those qualify as fantasy not science fiction. Still they are all interesting titles (LOL)