
avatar for SlickSpic
I was eating lunch at a nice, small, hole-in-the-wall Vietnamese joint the other day. Good food, a Banh Mi sandwich. Anyways, I was friendly flirting with the waitress and in between her stops at my table, I made an Origami rose out of a napkin. She came by and handed me the bill with no rush to leave. Seeing that I had her attention, I paid the bill, no change, and gave her the origami rose with my name and number attached.
Sounds dumb? Maybe corny? It worked. She called me that evening. I've used the origami rose, weather in napkin or dollar form, many times with positive results.
Even though it sounds corny to me, it works. Do any of y'all have something you say or do, in the civilian or sc world, that might sound dumb, corny, schtick,etc., but works? Don't be shy. Let it out. Oh yeah, this isn't some PUA type tactic.


last comment
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
The rose sounds interesting Slick. Where did you get the instructions for it. Are the instructions on the web. I have an app on my iPhone with about 20 different figures but no rose.

I can do a couple figures. Nothing fancy but I like to do it and like you I usually get a good response from my efforts.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
All I know is the rose. My co-worker is all into origami so I studied from him and his books.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
I do things like that. They remember things like that. I did something lije that to a waitress at tikted kilt over a year ago and I just ran into her at another resturaunt a month or so ago. She is hot as hell and she remembered me. I did not recognize her right away with her clothes on...lol. she gave me the biggest hug and said 'I remember you. You did that trick with the dollar'. My buddy that was with me was a little shocked
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
A few years back I made an origami crane using a $10 bill and carefully placed it onstage for a cute Asian dancer. She grabbed it and sneered at me. Apparently she didn't appreciate the gesture.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I think the origami rose would only work for me if I made it out of a $100 bill.
avatar for Experimental
12 years ago
A buddy I club with occasionally makes rings out of the dollar bills. I think it is stupid but for some reason the dancers react quite positively. Too bad they don't know before they pretend to be all flattered and chat him up that $1 he folded up is pretty much his entire budget lol
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
"A few years back I made an origami crane using a $10 bill and carefully placed it onstage for a cute Asian dancer. She grabbed it and sneered at me. Apparently she didn't appreciate the gesture."

Ok gotta ask....did it really look like a crane, or was it really an origami dick?
avatar for lenimph
12 years ago
I'm not surprised the Origami crane trick didn't work. She probably felt stereotyped. Plus everyone knows how to make a crane.

Hmm now I want to see someone tip a black girl with watermelon and KFC drawn/written on the bill and see how it goes.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
@lenimph-That's cold but funny. I tip Latinas with fake green cards.
avatar for lenimph
12 years ago
@SlickSpic Haha that's good one! XD
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Could I get the same results if I start tipping with pieces of my metal sculpture?
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Hell yeah you can.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I tip russians with fake marriage papers
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