Was it a stripper or escort? Stripper or escort? Civi girl or wife? For me it was two beautiful civi girls; fun at first, then bullshit city. Even got threatened to get shot!
Sure boogieknight369, second trip to Vegas in 2010 and decided to phone one of those escort numbers in yellow pages. Sent a totally inappropriate girl and sent her away, another turned up 20 mins later, again she wasn't to requirements. Agency kept sending girls despite repeated requests not to. I ignored knock on door but one blagged her way into room and things got a bit nasty.
Londonguy, that seems to be SOP in Sin City. I've had some below standard escorts in Vegas but nothing that bad. Mikeya02, does the psycho bitch have to be someone you had a relationship with or a fly by stranger?
I rode the light rail to downtown MPLS one afternoon and a big fat black chick waddles on, and sits in two seats. She starts loudly talking on her mobile about the healthy salad she was gonna eat later and informing the entire train car about how she is a health food nut now. She had a diet coke in one hand and bag of cheeto protruding from her purse. Some dude yells out "bitch, popeys ain't health food" and fat chick just went off the deep end, started hollering at the top of her voice, stood up, moved toward whoever said it with arms flailing. It was a site to see. Someone musta alerted the driver cuz at the next station the transit cops were waiting and forced her off the train. I'm sure they didn't haul her to jail though, no way she woulda fit in the back of a squad car.
I dated a very attractive ex-stripper in '88 that could have been Glen Close's understudy from Fatal Attraction. Bitch actually poisoned my dog with antifreeze and then wrote FAG on my lawn in defoliant.
I could never prove that she was the one who killed JR (my dog not Larry Hagman) and I never found out what she used on my lawn but it was incredibly hard to get rid of. I finally convinced a judge to grant me a restraining order and eventually she moved on but for 5 months she really fucked with me.
Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned my brutha's
I, too, got ripped off by an escort in LV. The "agency" called to see if things went well and I said the bitch grabbed the money and ran. She offered to send another and I said no, I'm not in the mood. The woman then offered to come to my room and blow me - no charge.
My ex-wife is psycho every now and then, but I had a girlfriend who would just lose it when she didn't get her way. I even talked with the father of her kids about it once and he said that's just "----" blowing off steam. She would stand in front of my car so I couldn't leave, she would threaten me. Plenty of nights I slept in another room with the door locked. Finally had to move in with a friend to get away. She is one of the main reasons I am in this hobby today.
last commentSome dude yells out "bitch, popeys ain't health food" and fat chick just went off the deep end, started hollering at the top of her voice, stood up, moved toward whoever said it with arms flailing. It was a site to see. Someone musta alerted the driver cuz at the next station the transit cops were waiting and forced her off the train. I'm sure they didn't haul her to jail though, no way she woulda fit in the back of a squad car.
There are a few reputable agencies but really you want a provider that isn't working for someone. Usually takes a little research to find one.
I could never prove that she was the one who killed JR (my dog not Larry Hagman) and I never found out what she used on my lawn but it was incredibly hard to get rid of. I finally convinced a judge to grant me a restraining order and eventually she moved on but for 5 months she really fucked with me.
Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned my brutha's
So true. Problem is these crazy babes have no understanding of consequences from their fucked up actions.
Scary shit when one of these chicks go psycho like that. Not much can be done but hope they go away.
The finer they are the fucking crazier.
@Londonguy, love your avatar.