
avatar for jackslash
Strip clubs are our common hobby (or obsession), but I was wondering what other hobbies people pursue.

My hobbies are:

1. Reading. I'm not happy unless I have a good book. I'm currently half-way through Tolstoy's classic "Anna Karenina," and I just started "A Game of Thrones" since I have heard so much about the HBO series.
2. Exercise. I try to exercise every day. Now that the weather's nice, I'm taking 30 mile bike rides through Hines Park near Detroit.
3. Travel. While reading and exercise are cheap, travel can be expensive and it competes with strip clubs for my dollars. So far this year I've visited Miami and Chicago.

What hobbies do you guys have?


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avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
jack: " travel can be expensive and it competes with strip clubs for my dollars."

Who has time for hobbies? Between work, the market, strippers not much time left for anything else. Travel is something I definitely want to do more of. Love it. Will probably shifting some money from strippers to travelling. Photography is something I would also like to get into. Would go well with plans to do more travelling.
avatar for ime
12 years ago
1. Live music, particuarly punk rock, and smaller garage/underground stuff. Can't listen to anything on the radio anymore barely.
2. Working out
3. Photography, i'm still learning but I enjoy it. I mostly do pictures of cities, places, and random weird things i see. Maybe I can start photographing strippers.
4. Reading, mostly non-fiction at this point, but like Jackslash after the first season of Game of thrones i went and read all the books he's published in the fire and ice saga thousands and thousands of pages

avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Gardening - flowers, tomatoes, vegetables

Metal sculpture

Reading - fiction, biography, history

Bird watching

Cars - new, restoration projects

Wine and whisky (Scotch)

My dog




I don't sleep much (4 hours per night for as long as I can remember).

avatar for ime
12 years ago
@farmerart what kind of cars are you into ? I like old lead sleds and stuff from 30's to 50's. Once i finish grad school that is gonna be a new project for me. I'd love to get a 40's mercury
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
1. Harley

2. Genealogy

3. Gynecology

4. Jack enthusiast

5. Brew master results investigation.

6. Local band talent evaluations.
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
Travel- I LOVE to travel, but I don't get to do it as much as I'd like due to how expensive it is. I've never even been outside of the USA yet, but I'm still young so I've got plenty of time for that. Last year a buddy and I went to Vegas for 5 days and had a great time.

Collections- What do I collect? C'mon, do you guys really need to ask? ;)

Playstation 3- I'm not a hardcore gamer, but I like my fair share of video games. I mainly like sports and action/adventure games.

avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
1. Girls
2. Girls
3. Music
4. Sports (playing and watching especially basketball and football).
5. Girls
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
I lease a 27 ft. Luhrs and get me some gamefish when babydoll is entertaining her PL in HHI.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
I've been into scuba diving since I was 12. Underwater photography and travel go along with it. I would love to do regular photography but the underwater camera was expensive enough. I don't get to do it as much as I would like but still consider that one of my hobbies. I have to settled for a trip to the beach to satisfy my craving for salt water now.

I sold my Harley when my little boy arrived. Now I spend the majority of my non-work time with him and working around my house. He helps as much as he can for a 2 year old.

Damn I have expensive hobbies...
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
I play in a basketball league on Sundays and play a few times a week to stay in shape.

I play XBOX when I have time.

I kayak on nice days when its not choppy.

I ride horses, though thats more of a job now than a hobby.

I ride my ATV.

I deep sea fish.

The rest of my time is spent on women and whiskey, everything else is just wasted.
avatar for JackFrost9
12 years ago
I like to chill
avatar for sinclair
12 years ago
1. Traveling
2. Reading (history, political, travel topics)
3. Writing
4. Gardening (specialize in peppers, onions, cucumbers)
5. Fishing
6. EDM
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago

I have two projects on the go currently. My grandfather's black beauty, a late 1940s Packard and an old Ford 1 ton box grain truck from WWII that my dad used on the farm for about 30 years. I always called that old truck the 'Reptile' when I drove it around the farm in the early 1960s.

The Packard was in storage for about 40 years after my grandpa's death in 1955. I have it in good mechanical order and the interior is in impeccable condition. Body needs a bit of work and paint, of course. Parts are a bitch to find.

The old grain truck was out in the weather for about 30 years and it is in very rough shape. I have it running but there is much work remaining to be done. I don't think I will ever finish that project but it is lots of fun to spend a mindless day tinkering with it in my shop. I have two hulks in my yard that I am stripping for parts and I always keep my eyes open during my travels for more hulks that I can scoop up.
avatar for JackFrost9
12 years ago
Camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, MMA, UFC, WWE, Video Games, Si Fi books
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
- Photography (Sports, Landscape, Nature, Architecture & I dabble in Artistic)

- Flying Stunt Kites

- Coaching Soccer and Wrestling

- Amateur MMA competitor

- Writing Erotic fiction (recent hobby)

- Fly Fishing
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
1. Dogs - I got two puppies from the same litter last Thanksgiving. They take a lot of my time. A few photos of them are at the end of my profile pics.

2. Music - I play the French horn in two community concert bands. And I go to concerts of other similar groups and symphony orchestras in the area.

3. Model railroading - I've belonged to clubs before and built just one home layout. Presently I go to a friend's house twice a week for three hours each time to help him build his. I'm a scenery-builder. He takes care of the trackwork and maintaining the rolling stock.

4. Collecting produce crate labels - Prior to about 1950, produce came in wooden crates. They had elaborate, artistic, labels at the ends. The labels from that era are still around and collectors have made it a hobby. I mostly collect citrus labels from Southern California growers. Now that I live in Washington state, I suppose I should start collecting apple crate labels.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Great topic.
1. Brasilian Jiu Jitsu-Great way to exercise, learn how to defend yourself, and face your fears. It's like a physical chess match, setting your opponent up for a move 6 moves ahead.

2. Outdoor Activities- Whether it's hiking, swimming, fishing, horseback riding or surfing, I love the outdoors. I've been to many national parks, forests, and monuments. I don't get to surf that much anymore-the older you get, the colder the water gets, wetsuit be damned.

3. Gardening-I guess that can go with outdoor activities. Watching life sprout from seeds is an amazing occasion. I grew my first artichokes this year. My Nona Maria took them all. I love that old hag.

4. Music and Dancing-Live music is probably my favorite activity. A good band, a libation to quench the thirst, and a hot chick to groove with. Can't beat that.

5. Writing-Mostly songs and poems these days. It use to be short stories during high school and college.

6. Free styling-I eat sucka mc's. Nuff said.

7. Corrupting my nieces and nephews-Them kids kill me and I kill them back.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
1) Tropical fish
2) HO Gauge model railroading
3) Cooking
4) Flower gardening
5) Burning CDs/DVDs
6) Searching for treasures at garage/yard sales
7) Looking for 2AMers to report
avatar for JackFrost9
12 years ago
I like #6 shadow I do that one as well
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
Reading - lots of fiction
Just got elected to my condo's Bd of Trustees and spend lots of time learning and doing on this
Medicine - sick wife - care taking and doctor's visits
avatar for ime
12 years ago
Due to less free time I haven't homebrewed lately but hope to bottle and keg some IPA's soon and get an oktoberfest started
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Mine are listed.
avatar for londonguy
12 years ago
Alucard, a short but brief post as usual :-)
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Lot of readers on here. I read a good bit, non-fiction and fiction, recently I've been on a Ken Follett kick.

I like to travel, international and domestic. Seen a lot of amazing places, still have a lot more too see. Main issue is finding the time though I'm fairly lucky in how much I get to go. I really want to see Asia next though I may go back to Australia.

I enjoy good cigars and many of my friends and neighbors know if they smell smoke they can probably come to my back deck and get some booze and conversation, and a smoke if they want.

Love history and enjoy museums and will even go to the occasional historical conference if there's enough interesting content.

Cook a fair bit but not real fancy, keep to mostly basic stuff with different twist on marinades and flavors.

I dabble in writing fiction but not a serious hobby.

Like chess but struggle to find opponents who aren't much better or much worse than I am.

I enjoy blackjack, even if there's no money involved.
avatar for bman77
12 years ago
Reading-wide variety, but a lot of fiction-John Grisham lately...would highly suggest Carl Hiaasen's book "Strip Tease", absolutely hilarious work of fiction with a strip club in Florida serving as the setting for the story.

Music-Play the trombone-jazz and classical

sports fan-Cubs, Cowboys

gambling- Video Poker-full pay machines in Vegas-few and far between, but can make money or at least break even with appropriate strategy.

exercise-nowhere near enough but like to jog and ride a bike.
avatar for zipman68
12 years ago
Well let's see...

Music (Classical, especially opera)
Reading (especially SF)
Comic books (much to wife's chagrin)
Collecting art (especially Southwestern - Pueblo, Navajo, modern works from the Southwest)

And being a major league hippy freak, freakin' at the freaker's ball! Freak out!
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Alucard, a short but brief post as usual :-)"

There is often TOO much being said here. Plus, as I said mine are listed in my profile. Any person interested can look.
avatar for yndy
12 years ago
Jackslash, thanx...this is a great post! Very enlightening. For being "pervs," everyone is sure well-rounded.

Mine: Hike, bicycle, kayak. Follow sports, mostly football. Read (and collect books), write,"research" myriad topics on www. Music, both live and recorded. Some travel w/a bit of photography.

As I tell my faves, I'm very thrifty about everything except them.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I often have dancers ask what I do for fun.
Visit strip clubs didn't seem to go over that well as an answer.

At one time I thought photography was probably not a good answer to give because they might want me to take a bunch of pictures for them. With digital cameras and no expenses with film, that fear is unjustifiable now. I guess a few die hards may still use film. There are a number of dancers I wouldn't mind taking pictures of so maybe I should add that in.

Usually I just say surfing the Internet and sci fi.
As a teenager, I used to read a number of science fiction and fantasy books. One series that I believe could make an excellent movie series if done well was L R Hubbards Mission To Planet Earth Series of books. I believe 10 books are in the series and I believe no one made them into any movie that I know of.

I'm also an amateur astronomer. I have multiple hobbies that I haven't spent any time doing in years now.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I knew one dancer the same age as me who quit dancing a few years ago. She was an artist and drew paintings. She actually had some at the club and after talking to her with her taking a liking to me, she brought some out and showed them to me. I thought she was pretty good. That wasn't the typical thng you see in a strip club. I like a good painting but never really spent any time developing any skill with it. All I ever did were pencil sketches copying existing art work. The only paintings I did were in an art class when I was very young. I wondered if could have been a good sci fi or horror writer. Never spent hardly any time on that either even though I have a lot of ideas. I swear I think some Hollywood tv show writer was reading my posts on another site. I was just posting ideas though.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
In between full time work, daily other responsibilities, sleep, and surfing the Internet or here, I don't have hardly any free time. I did temporally become addicted to a pc game on Sunday. I played it for hours and even skipped eating lunch. I like never miss a meal. I haven't even played a pc game in months let alone get into one that deep.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
In no particular order:

-Working out, primarily resistance training and boxing
-My two doggies
-FPS video games
-building computers for friends
-surfing classy porn sites (ha!)
-tending to the many fruit trees in my backyard
-creating believable alibis for when my SO asks where I've been all day
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Does maturbating count as a hobby?
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
^For some it would count as an occupation I'm afraid...
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Sounds like the jestie-girl has some interesting hobbies. Hey, jestie - why don't you come over to my place, cook me dinner and then I'll find you a cigar of mine to smoke!
avatar for Dougsterr
12 years ago
^^^as usual I have nothing to contribute except stupidity!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I always know I zinged someone pretty good when "Douugster" (txtittyfan) feels the need to come to their rescue. :-)
avatar for Dougsterr
12 years ago
LMFAO like how I flatter myself! As if!!!! LOL!!!!
avatar for EarlTee
12 years ago
I love reading, music, travel, and long walks on the beach. Will you date me?
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Reading, mostly science fiction and fantasy, but not exclusively.
Horseback trail riding.
Tabletop RPGs.
PC RPGs, currently Skyrim.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
jackslash I agree 100% with your hobbies as I do the same. Travelling for me also includes dining out and just walking to new venues for no reason.

Another hobby of mine is learning....such as math languages, computer science etc.
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