This happened on my last trip to one of my regular clubs. So as I was about to go to some dances with a stripper, some weird dumbass kid comes up and stops us. He tells me "I been chatting up this girl all night, mind if I take her for some fun". Of course I just look at him and basically said "wait your turn". He gives me this whole spiel about not wanting seconds. Which just makes me want to punch him. Meanwhile the girl just stands there and doesn't say a word. I'm steamed at this guy and at her. But I don't want to make a scene. I let them go off, I finish my drink and leave.
Now Personally I think the Dancer should have cut him off, we had already agreed to go get dances. You want me to spend money on you, make me want to. So my question is this, what would the wise old sages of TUSCL have done in that situation?
If it's a regular club of yours she's probably seen u in there and knows your a regular. I would've smiled at the kid but said nothing to him. Then I would've whispered in the strippers ear "your choice, but if you go with him, you'll never make a dime off of me, ever". If she's got any sense at all, that would do it. Strippers don't like to piss off regulars of the club.
It would have depended on how interested I was. If I really wanted the dances I'd tell him to fuck off, if I wasn't that excited, I'd let her choose. Her response would probably dictate our future business.
Depends on my level of interest in the dancer, or how many fucks I have left to give. My most likely "interested" response would be something along the lines of "I suggest you learn to deal with disappointment", and then escorted her to the dance area.
Hell no would I have let any punk cut in on me like that.
I would have told the dancer “let’s go (get our dances)†and if she refused then that is her choice – but I would not let some dude stop me from getting dances.
Depends on my mood. My first response to the kid would probably have been, "Are you fucking serious?"
From there, if I gave a shit (for example, if I was heading back for a FS VIP gig), I would have told him that he should have pulled the trigger sooner and then taken her on in.
If I was a bit more ambivalent (meaning that this was just a LD gig), then I would have put her on the spot to manage her customer issue. But if she chose to go in with him first, then she would be dead to me from then on.
If a dancer goes off with someone else when she just agreed to dance for me, I might avoid getting any more dances from her in the future. If nothing was agreed to, then everything is up in the air. If I was ready for her to leave, I would be ok with her dancing for someone else. No need for some guy to talk to me. I rarely have anyone come up and talk to the dancer sitting with me except other dancers. Maybe people have manners or I intimidate others. I am taller and bigger than a few of the bouncers. I would like to think they have manners.
I have a slightly different take on the situation than Mr. Winkle and like him I'm not trying to offend anyone just tender a slightly different viewpoint that's all.
So if I understand it correctly you are in a club spending time with one of the dancers when someone you don't know intercedes on your plans to purchase a lap dance or two or three, etc... I agree with Bullwinkle that this very like would have taken some chutzpah on the kids part but let's think about this a minuet. He obviously knew that you were hanging with the dancer in question and polite or not he asserted himself over you.
He initiated the contact and asked a question "mind if I take her for some fun?" Now in my world the polite thing to do when someone asks you a question is to answer it. Simple right? Which is exactly what you did. Was it the "best" answer? Perhaps not, but it was simple and to the point and it sure doesn't sound to my ears like it was aggressive, rude or inappropriate. Compare it to something like "get lost!" or "what, are you some kind of clown?" or the ubiquitous "fuck off!" and your answer is better represented as what it answer, a simple direct answer.
Ok so try this on in another context. You have a bicycle, a nice new road bike and you are just about to mount it when a young man approaches you and says "mind if I take her for some fun?" What's the proper response? Pick just about anything that you possess at any point in time and ask your self would his politeness and chutzpah make you inclined in any situation to give up what is yours to him simply because he wants it?
The 99% answer is no! Ok so if we have to paint one of you a deficient human which one is it? Think about this the kid had to assume that he was in a superior position than you or he wouldn't have asked you for access to your dancer so he was either "cocky," "clueless" or "belligerent" to a)intrude on your conversation and b)attempt to abscond with the dancer who had been sitting with you for some time. You on the other hand were none of the above you answered the question. You didn't start a fight. You didn't pitch a fit. You didn't overreact.
The kid however was not satisfied with your answer and instead of accepting it and returning to his seat he pressed on. Why? Well my theory is that he lacks respect. Like so many of the ME generation he doesn't understand that when his question got answered he should respect that answer and retire back to his seat to wait his turn. Instead he argued with you. Let me say that again he argued with you. So who has the ego and is forcing the one up one down scenario? He is. He showed a serious lack of respect and frankly I believe that you should have stuck to your guns if for no other reason to reinforce the fact that he can't just barge in and ask (no matter how polite) to take something (or in this case someone) from you.
As far as the dancer's silence goes that is of no significant consequence because if she cared one way or another she would have spoken up. As it was I believe she was going to go with whomever won the contest in a classic "to the victor goes the spoils" scenario. Looking for her to help you make your case was unfortunately for you a PL play (not that you're necessarily pathetic just that your inclination to look to her was a pathetic act IMO).
So what would I have done personally? I don't know if you were standing when he approached or not but I would have stood up and introduced myself with a smile on my face and reaching out to shake his hand. Then I would have joked about my dancer saying something like "Damn she sure is sexy isn't she? I can understand why you would want to have some fun with her and I'll tell you what just as soon as we're done messing around I'll bring her right over to you. Where are you sitting again? Excellent! Well I'll see you in a little while. Take care." and with that I would turn from him, take my dancer friend by the hand and walk away. Nothing more need be said.
I disarm him by owning the conversation and affirming him while at the same time assuming control of the situation. Any argument he puts up get's met with "Ahhh, I see. Of course. Yes I get it, but no, not now. Like I said I'll escort her to your table when we're done. Take care." Disarm with words and a smile on your face. Acknowledge his argument even paraphrase back his points but always end with "no!" and "take care."
Anyway like I said a slightly different take on the situation. Not right. Not wrong. Just different.
It's like the old school playas you to say, "Your bitch chose me." If she don't respect you or your capital, kick her out the car and make her walk home, so to speak.
I can see where Bullwinkle is coming from. And honestly his point about the chuztpah to ask is fine. And really his asking wasn't what grinds my gears. My father always said "the answer is always no, until you ask". But rather the notion that he should not accept seconds but rather that I should. His attitude was not that of an eager guy wanting time but one of someone who just didn't want to wait.
And I can see what you are saying Mojo, wanting the dancer to take action does fall pretty far into the PL spectrum. So more bruised Ego there. Also I was standing as he came up from behind while we were in mid-stride and about 2 steps away from the entrance to the LD area. Maybe the guy was in a rush or was waiting for her to come back to him or something.
Who the hell complains about getting seconds at a strip club. Especially if she's any good?
That's like complaining getting wet when you're swimming. I feel like if he was in a rush he should have been honest and said that instead of the whole "I don't want your sloppy seconds" excuse.
TBH I would have gotten as mad as the op did but I would have asked her what she wanted, because it's her choice. What that guy did was totally rude. Good thing to know there's worse then getting whistled at when heading to the LD area.
I used my bux to snatch a dancer away from a table of young beer drinking jocks monopolizing her time. Very intimate lap dances followed and a sweet OTC event after the club closed.
I didn't give that table of broke ass jocks any thought at all. If it had happened to me I am sure that I would have been pissed but since I am now a mostly decrepit old fart I would probably just sit and take the indignity,
No idea what I would have done. Mainly because reading the text of a situation and having it happen real time, there are way to many variables to judge. Things such as voice inflection, body language, eye contact, etc.
"d) Put a cap in young Sancho’s punk ass. Although a shiv shoved into the larynx not only makes the same point but a nice statement as well" & "but “D†is also acceptable and possibly more appropriate as the situation dictates"
I'm suprised the kid had the coochie balls to do it. I would have left the dancer decide but tell her to choose wisely as you were here first and not "some kid"
last commentYou'll regret not telling the kid to fuck off. The bigger regret would have been getting in a fight over a dance with a stripper.
It would have annoyed the shit out me for sure though.
I would have told the dancer “let’s go (get our dances)†and if she refused then that is her choice – but I would not let some dude stop me from getting dances.
I would make her choose if I could. But if she went with him, she will lose my money forever.
Yea he's been chatting her up all night, he does not have any money.
From there, if I gave a shit (for example, if I was heading back for a FS VIP gig), I would have told him that he should have pulled the trigger sooner and then taken her on in.
If I was a bit more ambivalent (meaning that this was just a LD gig), then I would have put her on the spot to manage her customer issue. But if she chose to go in with him first, then she would be dead to me from then on.
I rarely have anyone come up and talk to the dancer sitting with me except other dancers. Maybe people have manners or I intimidate others. I am taller and bigger than a few of the bouncers. I would like to think they have manners.
So if I understand it correctly you are in a club spending time with one of the dancers when someone you don't know intercedes on your plans to purchase a lap dance or two or three, etc... I agree with Bullwinkle that this very like would have taken some chutzpah on the kids part but let's think about this a minuet. He obviously knew that you were hanging with the dancer in question and polite or not he asserted himself over you.
He initiated the contact and asked a question "mind if I take her for some fun?" Now in my world the polite thing to do when someone asks you a question is to answer it. Simple right? Which is exactly what you did. Was it the "best" answer? Perhaps not, but it was simple and to the point and it sure doesn't sound to my ears like it was aggressive, rude or inappropriate. Compare it to something like "get lost!" or "what, are you some kind of clown?" or the ubiquitous "fuck off!" and your answer is better represented as what it answer, a simple direct answer.
Ok so try this on in another context. You have a bicycle, a nice new road bike and you are just about to mount it when a young man approaches you and says "mind if I take her for some fun?" What's the proper response? Pick just about anything that you possess at any point in time and ask your self would his politeness and chutzpah make you inclined in any situation to give up what is yours to him simply because he wants it?
The 99% answer is no! Ok so if we have to paint one of you a deficient human which one is it? Think about this the kid had to assume that he was in a superior position than you or he wouldn't have asked you for access to your dancer so he was either "cocky," "clueless" or "belligerent" to a)intrude on your conversation and b)attempt to abscond with the dancer who had been sitting with you for some time. You on the other hand were none of the above you answered the question. You didn't start a fight. You didn't pitch a fit. You didn't overreact.
The kid however was not satisfied with your answer and instead of accepting it and returning to his seat he pressed on. Why? Well my theory is that he lacks respect. Like so many of the ME generation he doesn't understand that when his question got answered he should respect that answer and retire back to his seat to wait his turn. Instead he argued with you. Let me say that again he argued with you. So who has the ego and is forcing the one up one down scenario? He is. He showed a serious lack of respect and frankly I believe that you should have stuck to your guns if for no other reason to reinforce the fact that he can't just barge in and ask (no matter how polite) to take something (or in this case someone) from you.
As far as the dancer's silence goes that is of no significant consequence because if she cared one way or another she would have spoken up. As it was I believe she was going to go with whomever won the contest in a classic "to the victor goes the spoils" scenario. Looking for her to help you make your case was unfortunately for you a PL play (not that you're necessarily pathetic just that your inclination to look to her was a pathetic act IMO).
So what would I have done personally? I don't know if you were standing when he approached or not but I would have stood up and introduced myself with a smile on my face and reaching out to shake his hand. Then I would have joked about my dancer saying something like "Damn she sure is sexy isn't she? I can understand why you would want to have some fun with her and I'll tell you what just as soon as we're done messing around I'll bring her right over to you. Where are you sitting again? Excellent! Well I'll see you in a little while. Take care." and with that I would turn from him, take my dancer friend by the hand and walk away. Nothing more need be said.
I disarm him by owning the conversation and affirming him while at the same time assuming control of the situation. Any argument he puts up get's met with "Ahhh, I see. Of course. Yes I get it, but no, not now. Like I said I'll escort her to your table when we're done. Take care." Disarm with words and a smile on your face. Acknowledge his argument even paraphrase back his points but always end with "no!" and "take care."
Anyway like I said a slightly different take on the situation. Not right. Not wrong. Just different.
Take care ;-)
Hari Krishna, Hari, Hari...
I'm just say'n!
And I can see what you are saying Mojo, wanting the dancer to take action does fall pretty far into the PL spectrum. So more bruised Ego there. Also I was standing as he came up from behind while we were in mid-stride and about 2 steps away from the entrance to the LD area. Maybe the guy was in a rush or was waiting for her to come back to him or something.
That's like complaining getting wet when you're swimming. I feel like if he was in a rush he should have been honest and said that instead of the whole "I don't want your sloppy seconds" excuse.
TBH I would have gotten as mad as the op did but I would have asked her what she wanted, because it's her choice. What that guy did was totally rude. Good thing to know there's worse then getting whistled at when heading to the LD area.
I used my bux to snatch a dancer away from a table of young beer drinking jocks monopolizing her time. Very intimate lap dances followed and a sweet OTC event after the club closed.
I didn't give that table of broke ass jocks any thought at all. If it had happened to me I am sure that I would have been pissed but since I am now a mostly decrepit old fart I would probably just sit and take the indignity,
"but “D†is also acceptable and possibly more appropriate as the situation dictates"
So you advocate MURDER heh Che??!!