
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Which is worse for you booze or weed?
    lol. watching a stoner try to think is too funny. what happened nina, somebody steal your munchies?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Which is worse for you booze or weed?
    @nina i know you can’t help yourself from having yet another meltdown after getting spanked yet AGAIN but snapping at jester214 like that … aren't you afraid of you know, revenge porn?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Beyonce’s Shocking ‘Escort’ Secret Exposed! Devious Dad Has Love Child With Stri
    @nina i know you can’t help yourself from having yet another meltdown after getting spanked yet AGAIN but snapping at jester214 like that … aren't you afraid of you know, revenge porn?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Men behaving badly: The never ending story
    @jackslash "Jail the molesters--whether Harvey Weinstein or Roy Moore." or g.h.w. bush or slick willy clinton
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Why Are So Many White Men So Stupid?
    @vincemichels "I killed millions and millions of commies " you missed one hiding in his mommy's basement in san jose
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I haven't heard that song "in a minute".
    "...Club Brain Damage..." i'd go to that club in a new york minute. plenty of business there fo' sure
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Favorite mix of ethnicities in a stripper?
    paging ninabambina. Dr Mengele is calling on line 2
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    7 years ago
    Favorite mix of ethnicities in a stripper?
    unfuckingbelievable. smh lol. this must be the science part of a political science degree. lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Slavery And The Family
    @san_jose_guy. i know you are really slow so i want to make it clear to you that everyone already knows you're a FAGGOT. sorry that should read you're a STUPID FAGGOT
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Slavery And The Family
    ^^^ rotflmfao and everyone was SHOCKED when anderson cooper came out of the closet. NOT! “in Plato's text, symposium, Plato argued that love between males is the highest form and that sex with women is lustful and only for means of reproduction. Only with men, can the Greek male reach their full intellectual potential.”
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    @jackslash “Dancers have the potential to earn much more money than their education or skills would command in the ordinary job market. They can avoid paying taxes. They can drink on the job and take drugs. They can party and act irresponsibly. They can take advantage of government programs intended to help the poor. They can convince PLs to pay their bills and support their children and boyfriends.” damn, you make them sound just like politicians
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Sad story, great GFE, but a predatory element?
    ^^^^ maybe he knew from the start that you were the shit for brains known as zipman68 happily wallowing in your own shit
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Marijuana and sex
    “Participants have to say how many times they've had sex in the past month, and how much marijuana they've consumed over the past year.” so they asked a bunch of potheads who go through life so stoned that their grasp on reality is thinking that watching paint dry is good entertainment to self report on the frequency of their sexual activity and this is the result. wow, with so many dope smoking rocket scientists it is no wonder the country has gone to hell in a hand basket
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    What a shitty fucking day.
    you didn't mention anything about testing positive for AIDS so it couldn't be all that bad. OTOH san_jose_autobukkake_guy is still alive so yeah it was another shitty day
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hot or not?
    the only way she could hope to be considered hot would be if she had breast reduction surgery to get rid of the water balloons and then adopted the Venus de Milo look cutting off those ugly arms
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Thank you, fellow PLs, for not being (total) creepers.
    i seriously doubt that it was san_jose_guy. first that is a long way from his mother's basement to be riding his huffy bicycle. and if it had been him, his pants would definitely have been down around his ankles. Eve didn't mention anything about laughing out loud
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Underground Stripclubs
    probably the biggest pro to underground strip clubs is that there isn’t a snow ball’s chance in hell that you could ever run into san_jose_guy in one
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Fish out of water
    @burlingtonhofactory “As for the rest of you... I've never seen such judgmental bullshit in my whole entire life.” that’s a pretty darned judgmental statement there yourself sparky. lmfao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOVoCpJ29ow
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    well he does keep a firewall between here and his F2F life that the CIA couldn't crack but... lmfao
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Fish out of water
    @shadowcat "Are we being trolled?" well that's the most likely possibility. the only other possibility is that he has purposely kept enabling her to keep her addicted so he can control. dominate and abuse her as his personal real life sex slave.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    @TFP “So they're getting real with you in the minivan” there are no women getting real with san_jose_guy. the whole beloved latinas, underground mexican hat dancing and tijuana nonsensical fantasies all have to do with his ex-wife. she was a mexican who rejected him and took out a restraining order on his psycho ass IRL. now he spews his idiocy about how he is having or is going to have sex with all these imaginary mexican women in some sort of sick delusion to get revenge on his ex-wife as if she were on TUSCL reading every word
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    ^^^^^ lmfao. what an idiot. he can't even tell a convincing lie
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancer that aren't making any money
    ^^^^ lmfao. what an idiot
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Kissing dancers (for SJG)
    laughing my fucking ass off. san_jose_guy is such a stoopid, such a maroon, such a liar
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sexual assault in Seattle club.
    “started hunching me to the point that he had an orgasm,” hahahahahaha, slick willy is a premature ejaculator. maybe he could join the “TUSCL jizz in our pants” support group.