Men behaving badly: The never ending story

avatar for Electronman
Too much of a good thing is never enough
Anyone surprised? George H. Bush accused of inappropriate groping.…

No excuse for groping an underage girl (or boy, for Kevin Spacey) and no excuse for non consensual sex with any woman. But, I'm not sure where this movement is going? Should we expect to obtain written and signed consent and verify a dancer's age before a lap dance?


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avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Don’t really believe this one think it’s a lot of bullshit.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
This is sad to hear. He’s seemed like a decent guy, but now he’s starting to look like a serial-butt grabber. It’s wrong to do this - as each case was non-consensual. The adults he groped - and the under age girls - none provided consent to be groped.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 years ago
It is a condition of hypocritical liberals that they think that they are royalty and entitled to anything they want. Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Hillary, Anthony the Wiener, And the list goes on of both male and female power brokers who think they are entitled.
It will only get worse as government get bigger and circles the wagons to protect its own.
Child molesters should be publicly hung in the town square as should be drug dealers, murderers
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Not so fast several guys on here like drug dealers.
avatar for laplurker
7 years ago
George Bush is a liberal????
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Tt You’re amazing check out your posting about fingering women’s vaginas you have misogynistic rants all over this site and you are ready to throw and old man in his nineties maybe senile, under the bus on the basis of some uncorroberated story what the fuck does government, liberal, conservatives, have to do with any of this nonsense this is ridiculous and you should know better.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
If you thought George Bush seemed like a nice guy you were not paying attention.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
George Bush Sr. a liberal ??? Now that's a good one !!
avatar for Doces300
7 years ago
Sad that we now reliving the Salem Witch trials. The new liberal order in which accusations with no accompanying evidence are taken as gospel. Used to be that to make accusations like these one would need some kind of proof to garner any attention. Now a person's life and reputation can be drug through the sewer because one vengeful liar spoke and no one cares if it is truth or not. It is not victim blaming to require proof other than their say so. To often in the future we will find the real victims are some of the accused.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
Like I've been saying strippers, prostitutes have clearer boundaries than these women coming out now. When you cross a strippers boundaries she lets you know, these girls wait like 10 years. Kids are off limits though. Actress for example "I went to his hotel room and he gave me head, now I feel he sexually assaulted me." After 10 to 15 years they start making these claims. Mostly when they are old and they feel their time is about to expire. All the young women going into the industry aren't going to be able to capitalize on the power their youth and beauty brings.

I'm not talking about kids. Kids need protection from these pigs.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
@Doces300 - a grown woman recently accused the elder bush of groping her at a photo op. when she talked to the SS they knew it was a thing. so did Barbara Bush. this is hardly a witch hunt. the others now coming forward are repeating the exact same story.

same thing with Weinstein - the same stories over and over again.
avatar for Electronman
7 years ago
How does anyone see this discussion topic as an opportunity for a rant or even a commentary about conservative versus liberal ideology? Men behaving badly does not break down by political party affiliations (or even religion-- Roy Moore professes to be conservative christian; Tariq Ramadan is an Islamic theologist).

No wonder we can't solve any problems; we can't even see the problems for the polarizing political trees!
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
And, Eisenhower. And, JFK. And, LBJ. And, Bill Clinton. All of them went way beyond a pat on the butt.

The press covered up for Eisenhower, JFK, and LBJ. Then, they openly defended Bill. That’s where the precedent was set that it was okay to harass if your politics were correct. Remember that when Trump was acting like a pig, he was a registered Democrat.

Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd used to have what they called waitress sandwiches during lunch. It was widely known, but never reported.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I find a parallel here to the employee/private contractor debate. Seems like all of those filing claims were after the fact. After they were no longer working as strippers, etc.

Now I see all of these accusers coming out many years later. Why now. It make me believe that at the time they thought that it was no big deal but now that they are out, they want something for it.
avatar for Doces300
7 years ago
@anonlvone it doesn't matter how many come forward. To accuse and be believed by me you need proof. These people coming out years later are suspect. They have no proof, they are repeating already published stories, smells like horseshit and probably is horseshit. Why not make the accusation at the time it happened, when there was a chance of proving it. Oh yeah they were using it to further their careers at the time, or it plain just didn't happen. I can just hear you guys chanting "burn the witch, burn the witch..."
avatar for Electronman
7 years ago
Good point Shadowcat. It does raise concerns about the motivation for going public for a transgression that supposedly happened more than a decade earlier. Your hypothesis is perfectly reasonable-- no big deal at the time and there may be some potential for financial damages for coming forward at this time. But there is one other hypothesis to consider. -- in the past some women may have been dismissed, bought out or threatened for coming forward with a complaint and failed to report even egregious behavior. Of course, the support and tolerance for women coming forward with complaints may have changed, but there are exceptions (see the reaction to the women who accused Tariq Ramadan of improprieties). It will be interesting to see what kind of "evidence" can be presented to support some of these accusations.

I tend to fall on the "innocent until proven guilty" end of the justice spectrum but when you get multiple independent accounts of a recurring pattern of behavior, it certainly adds credence to accusations that would otherwise be no more than "he said, she said."
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
@Tiredtraveler said "Child molesters should be publicly hung in the town square as should be drug dealers, murderers"

This from a self-professed "libertarian." And I do see that he lists a bunch of "hypocritical liberals," public figures who have touched women and children inappropriately, etc., but conspicuously fails to mention Roy Moore. None of the folks on Tiredtraveler's list are Christian conservatives who want to police your bedroom, but Moore is, so wouldn't that make him the biggest hypocrite of all? If the allegations are true, Moore is at least as big a hypocrite as Gender-Equality warrior Harvey Weinstein, right?

Anyway, I think the story about Bush is just pathetic. The part where she's "uncontrollably sobbing," give me a break! I have known people who were raped as infants and they don't break down in tears when they talk about it now. So fucking lame. How traumatic can it really be to have your ass grabbed?

Personally, I believe almost all of the stories. About Weinstein, Moore, Trump, Bush, Spacey, etc. AND I DON'T CARE!! Because the alleged victims didn't act appropriately. If someone touches you without permission, the correct response is to swat their hand away and say "hey don't do that." If someone whips his dick out and jerks it into a potted plant in front of you, the correct response is to say "Hey, if you're going to keep doing that then I don't want to be in your movies anymore. I'll just go back to waitressing." If someone has 'consensual' sex with you as a minor in your teens, the correct response as a grown-up is to acknowledge that it was consensual, that you knew what you were doing, and get over it already. And if someone actually rapes you or tries to rape you, the correct response is to immediately go to the police and submit a rape-kit if possible.

This nonsense where they wait 15 years and then go to the press has got to stop. And I'm telling you, this witch hunt will eventually get to the strip club industry. Mark my words.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
It will eventually come to SC and the spear head is going to be old strippers "educating" the younger, tighter strippers of the horrors in stripping. Women in general need to understand that the older they get, the less desirable they become. You can't strip forever.
avatar for Roadworrier
7 years ago
Attention = money. I have no doubt Cosby was a Casanova, Hefner liked to hump her, and Weinstein was a waddstein (and Louis CK telegraphed his habits for years). But one or two gals coming out and the general PC attitude of mass media has created a whole new cottage industry, in which I suspect 90% of all adult males could probably be found guilty of something.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
"But one or two gals coming out and the general PC attitude of mass media has created a whole new cottage industry, in which I suspect 90% of all adult males could probably be found guilty of something."

Thank you, yes, I totally agree. These Hollywood scumbags and George HW Bush and Trump, etc., were totally blindsided by these accusations (most of which are probably true), and we'll all be blindsided, too, when the #MeToo movement decides that strip clubs are dens of molesters and that anyone who visits one is automatically guilty. I'm not sure exactly how the shit will hit the fan, but it will eventually. If they're going after people for just jerking off, we can't be too far behind.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Jail the molesters--whether Harvey Weinstein or Roy Moore.
avatar for DoctorPhil
7 years ago
@jackslash "Jail the molesters--whether Harvey Weinstein or Roy Moore."

or g.h.w. bush or slick willy clinton
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
this has nothing to do with trump, who is nothing like bill clinton. clinton was expelled from Oxford because he was spending his time raping coeds, that's how long he's been at it. in contrast, the obamas and the clintons spent years, and millions of dollars and even tasked the cia and the nsa to dig up dirt on trump, and at the end of it all they came up with nada, zilch, ZERO
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Oh it's there, anonIvone, Trump is no angel. Who knows why it isn't public.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
@PoolyD - yeah you are. i must have missed the part where trump got behind george's wheelchair and forced him to stick his hand up that woman's ass...
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

I think what he means is that it's coming to the fore now because the party that claims to speak for all women (the democrats) has a new enemy who has been repeatedly accused of sexual misconduct (Trump).
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
much more likely it's coming to the fore as a distraction from the numerous democrats who face much more serious charges
avatar for dallas702
7 years ago
I mostly notice that the Hollywood left and D.C. elitists are getting torn up by their own clique. The accusers are also actors, movie people and wannabees.

And the exceptions even fit a pattern. George Herbert Walker Bush is 94 years old.confined to a wheelchair and limited in his movements. When people want a picture with him he has two responses - both yes. For a male, he asks they sit next to him where a picture shows their upper bodies and head closer and relatively even.

For a female he simply raises his right arm (his left is more limited) in an open gesture so they may stand next to the former President and get a picture. But he can hold that arm up only for a limited time, and when he must rest it - the best height he can get is usually the woman's butt. So he makes a slightly off color joke and almost all women realize that nothing is happening, other than an old man trying to politely allow pictures and put her at ease when he can't hold his arm up anymore. Only someone determined to be offended, or trying too hard to join the #metoo club, would be offended!

Judge Moore is another of the exceptions. I noted that none of the accusers claim rape or anything that would have been criminal in the 70's. Damaging to his campaign, grabbing attention away from Hollywierd self destruction and Clinton Russia news, but nothing that could lead to charges against the women for making false criminal accusations (even though statute has expired, it is technically possible to charge the women with a false complaint for publicly claiming Moore committed a crime). All five accusers stop short of a criminal offense in their claims. Convenient, and proof that the D.C. elite have learned from their attacks on Herman Cain, Donald Trump and others.

I don't know that all the allegations against Roy Moore are false, I don't claim inside knowledge. I do see the timing. I do know that Moore campaigned in Alabama for local or state office 6 times, each time a contested election, he also ran two primary campaigns, was a public servant for over 40 years, and has had the New York Times and Washington Post investigating for anything to "destroy" Moore for the past ten years (they claim they were out to get him in their own editorials). It is beyond reason that no one could have uncovered any hint of this behavior until 28 days before his US Senate election.

Especially when you consider that another "accuser," a woman attorney, insists that "everyone knew" (her words) about Roy Moore chasing underage girls. The Moore accusations are overblown theater created by either the Demo's or Mitch McConnell.

I want to get back to reading about Hollywierd icons perversely abusing young actors and actresses. I am really not interested in the questionable claims of overweight middle aged cows.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
supposedly mitch mcconnell was behind the roy moore allegations. he and that other rhino paul ryan both need to go
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

Sounds like you guys are simply more likely to believe negative claims about people who don't agree with you politically than about people who do. Partisanship has its limits, don't you think? Quick side note: the irony, of course, is that the leader of your movement, Donald Trump, was always a squishy moderate with lots of ultra-liberal views for decades. To say with a straight face that Paul Ryan is a Rino while implying that Donald Trump is a true-blue conservative strains credulity.
avatar for dallas702
7 years ago
From my position, the claims against Bush41 are likely true with a BIG asterisk. He is a very old dude with a "clean" history and his wife was right there - feet away when these supposed "gropings" occurred. See my comment above!

With Trump, it is different. He is a showman and has always offered a long line of bullshit. I do recall that the illicit recording included the line, "When you're a star, they let you do anything. . . . Grab them by the pussy." But contrary to the hype, he never actually said he did grab anyone by the pussy.

Do I deny he did that - no, I simply point out that he didn't exactly state he did. Then all the women were collected by Gloria Allred for a group accusation that Trump groped, raped, accosted, or looked at them crosseyed. When two or three of the claims were proven false ( groped on an airplane trip and eyewitness reports they were not even sitting together, and attempted rape in his Trump Tower apartment when he was NOT in New York, plus another I think) a lot of people realized that it was a political smear. Doesn't mean Trump is innocent, just means that other nasty people in D.C do terrible things.

PoolyD, I think even without "Grab them by the Pussy," the distraught Hillary supporters would have found something else. I am confident of that because DONALD TRUMP. That guy puts out more lightening rod remarks in a day than all prior Presidents did in their entire lifetime. The dude is creepy - and I voted for him. Better than the alternative.
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