
Sad story, great GFE, but a predatory element?

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Friday, October 27, 2017 10:06 AM
I never really know the answer to this. I always start with the presumption that everyone is a grown adult and work from there, which sometimes makes it hard for me to gauge when others would find what i do to be predatory. So here's the story and I'll let others be the judge. Last night, a girl who had left my favorite local club three years ago made a surprise reappearance. I did not know her that well back then, but she actually looked hotter pushing 30 than she did 3 years prior. She was avidly avoiding interacting with pretty much anyone in the club, content with sitting in a chair at a table by herself when she was not on stage. She seemed a bit hunched in on herself and more than a bit uptight. Oh man she had curves in all the right places and looked just great. With my easier options being less than ideal, a long time club dancer, who kinda' fills the House Mom role in the club and who routinely helps me out girls I don't know (for a small donation if I am successful), waved this girl over to come sit next to me. So far so good. From there she starts a long and twisty story about how she left 3 years earlier to clean up her act and to avoid a myriad of bad influences, which seemed to work as she looked incredible. She was only back due to dire financial circumstances (threatened eviction). Apparently her BF/baby Daddy, who she has been with for a long time, decided for her that she needed to come back and dance to make up the difference. Compounding the problem were the facts that he was the one who originally kept her home, even though he really couldn't swing it by himself, and that he hid the extent of their financial problems until things started blowing up. She had to go back to dancing a mere 3 days before the next rent payment was due because she had no other options. Then the fucker had the audacity to complain about her first nights, both because she brought home very little money and because she smelled like cologne. What the fuck does this pimp want? LOL Anyway, while she shared this long tale of woe, tears included at times, I helped calm her down by ordering her double fireballs, her favorite drink. She downed 4 of these double shot drinks while she shared her whole story, which included physical and emotional abuse of both her and her kid. It was a fucking sad story to be sure, but at least the tension in her body was going away, no doubt because she was able to share this with a sympathetic ear. The alcohol might have helped as well. ;) An hour after the story began, I asked if it would help if I could get her halfway to her goal (she was still short by a certain amount) through a trip to my hotel room. She said yes and it was one hell of an experience. That girl was so eager to please that she gave me a GFE the likes of which I have never experienced with a dancer. That girl might have kept me in that hotel room all night if I let her. It was no doubt primarily about the money, but it was also clear that she liked being wanted in that way after 3 years at home with that miserable pimp/baby daddy and she made it a fucking spectacular event. I guess though that I wonder if feeding her all of that alcohol, making her feel better about herself ITC and then leveraging her cash needs might have been a bit on the predatory side. This was clearly not her first trip to the rodeo, but she also clearly tried to leave that lifestyle behind a long time ago and, prior to the drinks and our conversation, looked miserable in the club.


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Geez Rick that’s what you do it’s predatory as hell but what the heck you got what you wanted so it’s all good.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    She was working, and she was upset over having to make ends meet. You helped her to make a good portion of the money she needed. You listened to her story, let her relax while she told you, you paid for her drinks, and you paid her. There’s nothing wrong with what you did. It’s far from predatory. She’s a stripper - you are a customer - she strips and decides if she will fuck you - and you pay for the service - so it’s all business - and it’s all good!
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    She went back to dancing to make money, you paid her. No problem.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Like one of our revolving taglines reads: You get laid, she gets paid.
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    Heck, sounds like she was preying on your soft heart and hard on!!!! You were the victim in this one!!!
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    It sounds like she wanted to have someone to talk to, make money and cuckold him beccause he is a loser and an ass. Everybody wins! (Even loser boyfriend gets his rent paid).
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    Of course it's "predatory", at least a little. That's the nature of free enterprise. We find someone who has what we want, and we trade them something we have for it. Or at least offer. Everybody needs something they can't provide for themselves, and as long as you didn't try to force her, or lie to her, I think you're good. I've been less sanguine about some of the other adventures you've posted here, but this one doesn't seem at all problematic. Yes, there was alcohol involved, but as I recall, you're not exactly a teetotaler yourself, so if the alcohol made it easier for her to accept, chances are it had some affect in your offer as well However, consider that she might also have been preying on you. Did you notice any signs of the physical abuse she described? Her story sounds to me like a weaving together of damned near every stripper sob story I've ever heard. It might be completely true, partly true, or completely made up. Doesn't matter. You offered, without any fraud, coercion or use of force, she accepted, without any fraud, coercion or use of force, and you both delivered. The epitome of free enterprise.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Rick, I do have to notice that so many of your stories involve girls who are facing serious financial problems, end of the month, rent due, etc. If you like the girl and want to know her, and if what she wants is to get fucked and paid, then that is not predatory. Sounds like this girl is a good as they come. But 4x double fireballs would not be good for anyone. Probably this woman is not that heavy either, so that makes it worse. If you look down on her, or don't really want to know her, then that is not so good. You seem to be looking for the downtrodden. Obviously, working in the strip club, and doing OTC, her financial woes are coming from BF / Pimp and/or substance abuse issues. Otherwise she would be building up a nice nest egg. For myself, I would say that a girl with such issues is sexually off limits. And this applies to Gawker's girl too. If you want to give her cash donations, that's fine. But otherwise, I don't think a girl with such issues going on is suited to being a kept mistress. My .02 SJG Yardbirds [view link]
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Did you get a good rate?
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    What chapter is this situation covered in - in The System?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I can also see it the way SamPepys does. SJG Yardbirds, a more white space type of performance [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Found that to be a f****** depressing story - ant IDK why it comes across to me as if Rick is almost- bragging w.r.t. the situation, sorta a "can you believe my luck at finding a chick in the dumps willing to fuck!" - but maybe that's just my read
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    A few years ago I had an old favorite come over and sit with me. She was young a cute and we had had some very good times in VIP in the past. Today she looked sad and I had to ask what was wrong because she looked like she didn't want to be there. Then she went into her story. 3 masked men broke into her apartment, shot her BF in the head, killing him and then robbed her of $1K+. She needed to be here to earn some money and would I take her to VIP. No way could I be predatory. I felt terrible for her and there was no way I could go to VIP with her. It would have been a total downer. So I told her "Sorry. Not today" and gave her $20 to help her out.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    Couldn't do it myself. Even the suggestion that she was even semi being pimped would destroy the mood for me.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Papi, there were 3 other chicks I could have fucked instead if I wanted, any one of which would have smiled and joked with me all the way to the hotel room. I told the story for (1) the novelty factor; and (2) because I actually wondered if I might have been a bit predatory in others' eyes.
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    You already know the answer to your question. Another perfect storm of desperation, low self-esteem and pouring EIGHT (4 doubles) drinks down her throat to loosen her up. Of course it's predatory, and of course you're a predator, but that's who you are. At least you're starting to acknowledge it. You rationalize all these encounters by saying we're all adults, blah blah blah, but man, these stories are both humblebrags and super depressing as Papi pointed out. Glad you had a good time. Hey, when the cell phone bill is due, maybe you'll get anal. CP
  • busta_nut
    7 years ago
    Winning... lol Please pm me the club and name so I can help too..lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Others' drama really affects me and I kina take-it personal (as in feeling like I gotta help other people) - by no means am I stating this to make me look like a good-guy b/c I can often get myself in situations I shouldn't be in by being "Mr Helper". Early-on in my professional-PL career I sorta had a fave - a "fave" in the sense that if I saw her in the club I'd always get dances from her (early-20s 5'2" light-sknned ebony w/ natural DDs) - but not a "fave" in the sense I went to the club b/c of her - if I saw her I'd get dances from her, if not I'd get w/ other girls (actually as is w/ my M.O. I'd get w/ other girls regardless if she was there or not). Anyway at it's customary w/ many a dancer, I did not see her for a good-while at her home-club which I woud visit at leat 1x/mo and sometimes more. A couple of months later I see her and she looks like she had been run-over by a truck - not that she looked bad, she still looked as attractive as always - she just looked clinically-depressed like I had never seen her b/f. We sit and talk for a bit and I ask her what's up - she then tells me about she and her BF getting into a fight and he beating the shit out of her - she said something along the lines of "he hit me as if I was a man" (busted-lip, black-eye, etc). She said she went thru a deep-depression and it looked like she was still in-it - of course my "Mr Helper" super-powers kicked-in and I spent the next 2-hours talking to her till closing-time - I didn't get any dances nor was she w/ any other custies - her demeanor and facial expression changed as we spoke and she even began to smile a bit - by closing time I knew she had not made any $$$ and she was not in any shape to be there but I assummed she was there b/c she had not danced for a while and probably needed the $$$ - I went ahead and gave her the $200 I had in my pocket (at that time I was making very-good $$$ so it was kinda nothing for me) - she never asked anything of me and seemed to enjoy if not need my convo and and genine concern for her situation. Def not meant as a humble-brag b/c being the way that I am I can easily be taken advantage off w/ "all my good intentions" - not that I should've given her the $200 but no f'ing way did it cross my mind as an opportunity to move-in - but then again I am no-doubt a PL.
  • anthonyu
    7 years ago
    I've had vendors tell me that things were slow, and they could give me a good deal if I ordered now. I've also offered vendors a drink. This provider has sold sex for years. She told you times were tough, and you bought from her. What on Earth is predatory about that?
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    you did nicely. most of these girls have situations of one sort or another. and she seems to have enjoyed the visit.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    RickDugan is a gay cocksucker! Lol!
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    Brilliant point about the post having depressing aspects Papi_Chulo. I'd find it more depressing if I didn't think it it was at least 90% fictional. Doesn't anybody else think rickdugan is exaggerating or making things up full cloth? I used to think he was a predatory d-bag and said it early on. So rickdugan called me a troll an "put me on ignore" (scare quotes indicate that he continued to respond to me on occasion). Periodically I'd think that maybe he wasn't that bad a guy and that I'd just stepped into his beef with Dougster without knowing what was going. Maybe he thought I was backing up Dougster or that I was actually a Dougster alias. Then he'd post something that would convince me that "no, he really is a d-bag!" Then the stories started to sound a bit too over the top. And he'd post about driving drunk despite knowing that posting that would elicit negative responses. Maybe he actually does go to strip clubs, though I will say that the one time I asked if his review descriptions were accurate nobody actually said "yes, he's spot on". But I think 90% of what he says is fictional embellishment.
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    ^^^^ maybe he knew from the start that you were the shit for brains known as zipman68 happily wallowing in your own shit
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    RickyBoy definitely embellishes his stores to make himself to looking the cunning, savvy predator. That is to the extent he is aware of the image he wants to project. When you read the stories where he is unaware a different RickyBoy emerges. A timid little guy who will drive a stripper around from drug dealer to drug dealer at night and hold her purse while she shoots up in the washroom. And not even get anything at the end of it. Or the RickyBoy who fancies himself "a real man" but has no idea how handle it when both his favorites are in the club at the same time, so just stays home on those nights for months on end. Anyone who thinks that 4got2wipe is anything like zipman is the real shit for brains.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    RickDugan, Since you are one of our OTC experts, mind if I ask a few questions? 1. Did the girl just leave with you right then, walk on her shift? 2. Did she then return to continue after you and she were done? 3. Did she drive her car, or did she ride in your car? 4. Were you already checked into the motel before you met up with her at the club? 5. Did you pay first, pay 1/2 at the start 1/2 at the end? 6. Is she now able to contract you, like by phone or email? Do you have a way to contact her? 7. Did she remember you from the earlier years when she worked at the club? 8. Do you think it takes away from the experience that you can't just fuck her right there in the club, or like across a parking lot, and that she probably has to change her clothes and take off her stripper shoes and use an automobile? You would only be able to have it be quite like that with her once anyway. Thanks, SJG I'm A Man [view link] [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Also, if she left with you, did she just walk right out the front door with you, or did you have to meet her outside? SJG Yardbirds, who likes the girl on the cover like I do? [view link]
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @SJG's position on this is kind off funny. He is not against grown adults exchanging sex for money. It's all voluntary after all, so no exploitation and nobody is predatory. No, if we were exchanging money for financial derivatives it would be different however. Still all voluntary but in that case there is exploitation and people being predatory. You're gonna have to keep your message a little more consistent, if you want to be a great revolutionary anti-capitalist hero, @SJG! Lol!
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    Win/win. Not preditory at all. You didn't have to coax her.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Financial speculation is just stupidity, guys who want to pat themselves on the back, and have nothing better to do with their money or time. Money for sex, well I've never said that that is the long term solution, its just a way to make things happen fast. SJG
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    SJG: " and have nothing better to do with their money or time." If people are in the best job for them, then that is correct: they don't anything better to do with their money or time. Everyone has to decide for themselves what the best job for themselves is.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    4got....this not your usual style. Let it roll off your back. Enjoy your posts.
  • maho
    7 years ago
    Between what could easily be interpreted as a bunch of SS, with an abusive psycho boyfriend no less, I'm a bit shocked you would partake in OTC with them. Me personally - I don't like drama, and while I can sympathize I don't like hearing a bunch about it. So at some point I would have been turned off. But glad everything worked out for you.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    CP posted: "Hey, when the cell phone is due, maybe you'll get anal." That's the spirit CP. ;) Seriously though, I always find your take on this to be interesting. You've been doing this long enough to know that many of your own OTC partners likely did it because they needed the money. So in reality you're OK with that so long as you don"t know the specifics. The expression for that is willful ignorance and it's not exactly a solid foundation from which to build a position of moral superiority. Just sayin'.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    It's funny, RickyBoy use the phrase "grown adults making decisions" to rationalize predatory behavior (which, of course, he is quite proud of). But when Shailynn asked him about his job, he used a very similar phrase. He helps "grown adults" make decisions. I've always thought that RickyBoy's most likely occupation was used car salesman or snake oil sales man. His use of very similar phrases in the two context certainly adds weight to the notion that his occupation is rather shady.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    Fair enough bubba267. You're right that I generally try to keep things positive and I put too much negativity about rickdugan in here. I mostly try to stay out of various beefs. No point to them! ;) rickdugan really is the one person on here who rubs me the wrong way, in part because I'm convinced that a lot of what he posts is intended to stir the pot. I've also become convinced that there is a lot of exaggeration and/or fiction in his posts. But who knows? Maybe he's truthful. Probably no point in even speculating. I will give rickdugan props for posting brilliant crazy stories, regardless of whether they are truthful or exaggerated! (or even totally fictional!) I've said too much. Now back to positivity! ;)
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Good deal...
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    Sorry, Rick. You can keep trying to deflect your Weinstein-esque actions towards these dancers, but there's a world of difference between you and me. You found a girl who was clearly in a bad place emotionally. You found another dancer to pimp her out to you and paid that dancer to help you. You then plied with eight shots (four doubles) of alcohol to lower her defenses even more, and get her to open up about her personal problems and then used that information in a moment of her weakness to get her to OTC with you. Yes, I know she's an adult and she has choices, but if you don't see that as taking advantage of a terrible situation she's in just so you can say you put your cock in another pussy, then I don't know what else there is to say. Those four drinks you bought her that night are three more than I've bought any dancer in the last 20 years total. I don't look for unstable chicks, I don't purposely go to clubs when the rent is due, and I don't ever fuck sloppy drunk chicks for any reason. When I see a dancer I want to OTC with, I exchange phone numbers. I'll text her a day, week, month later. If she responds, great. If not, fine, moving on. When she does choose to see me, it's not because I am applying instant financial pressure (you remind me of Mel Brooks' 'History of the World Part 1' with King Louis going "Hump/Death, Hump/Death, Hump/Death" before the maiden finally chooses "hump"). When we get together, it's daytime, she's sober and able to make rational decisions. That's called free will, and yes she wants my money (otherwise why would she be fucking a middle aged white guy like me?) but she makes her decision from a position of strength, not weakness. You can keep all your tweakers, cripples, alcoholics and truly damaged women that clearly turn you on. I'm guessing your family crest has a wildebeest with a broken leg on it. I'll stay in my orbit of finding the club's alpha females, who simply like to fuck, and don't mind me snarfing on their bodies for a few hours to make some extra cash. Splitting hairs? I don't think so. Now, having said all that, thanks for continuing to share these stories. You're one of the few guys on this forum who opens up and gives us glimpses into your personal life, despite all the constant shit you get from a few others. I realize my position of trying to treat these sex workers with a modicum of respect and dignity makes something of an anomaly on TUSCL, but I'm happy with my choices. CP
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I don't think RickyBoy "opens up" in spite of the constant shit he gets from people. He does it because of it. In his (personality damaged) mind being a predator is an achievement. Everyone wants to be one, but some just aren't as skilled or honest about their wishes like he is. At least that's how he sees himself. The rest of the world seems him as just a big joke and dipshit though, for thinking he has accomplished something by seeking out the girls with the most problems and targeting them in particular. Fuck that faggot RickyBoy!
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    And this made me LOL. #'s 3 & 7 are particularly applicable to this story: [view link] CP
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Do you think the girls post on Stripper Web, about their encounters with Rick Dugan, and others, and ask if they were being too predatory? :) :) :) SJG
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    CP, I'm going to ignore other OTC stories you have shared over time about same night meetups and take your reps about your planning methods at face value. I think you're misinterpreting your smug feelings of intellectual and moral superiority as respect for these women. You are saying that these women cannot be trusted to make their own decisions at the times that they make them, so you must set the guidelines for them. That's not respect; that's the ultimate disrespect. Now that I have talked about what I DID do, here are all of the things that I DIDN'T during my time with her: 1. I didn't force her to return to the club; 2. I did not force her to come over and sit with me; 3. I did not force her or even pressure her to spill her guts; 4. I did not force her or even pressure her to put down those four doubles; 5. I did not put the straw into those doubles to make them go down faster (never saw a straw used in a shot glass before, but there it is); 6. I did not force or even pressure her to go OTC; 7. I did not pay her less than the market rate for the encounter and, in fact, she negotiated the rate up from my initial offer; 8. I did not take her clothes off for her at the hotel; 9. I definitely didn't suck my own cock or do all of the other things she did to it, quite eagerly I should add; 10. I never did anything with her that was remotely threatening or coercive at any stage of our interactions. She made countless grownup decisions in that long series of events, yet you would label her as damaged and told her that she didn't have the right to make any of those decisions for herself. That';s the type of "respect" that you are talking about? People who think like you are quite disturbing. That is the same type of thinking that leads to endless morality policing by police departments around the country and political parties around the world filled with people who think that they know what's better for people than those people do and act accordingly. I never really pegged you as one of "those" types until now, but there it is I suppose.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    RickyBoy: "blah, blah, blah..." Really great and standard rationalization there, RickyBoy.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I don't get it. First you ask if it was predatory. (I think you were manipulative, but not to the level of being a predator.) Then you try to justify your actions after some responded that you went over the line. Why ask in the first place?
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    RickyBoy: "Honest question guys? Were my actions predatory?" Board: "Yes, they were." RickyBoy: "Fuck you, they were not!"
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    @rickdugan - there’s nothing to explain - as you did nothing predatory. You were in the club - and she was working the club - and you accepted her offer - and you paid her for an experience. It was a transaction requiring payment for services rendered - that’s all.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Flag, I'll admit that I worked some angles. I guess what set me off was CP's "Weinstein-esque" characterization of my actions. I found it to be offensive and nowhere close to what occurred here. Now maybe it was just a mis-applied version of a classic argumentative technique that involves bolstering one's position by latching onto a current event, which is routinely attempted by unimaginative cubicle drones in office parks all around the country, but either way I would have expected better from a poster with CP's history here.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    @Dugan: Glad you got a good deal on some aging, desperate, single-mom with stretch marks. I know you've complaining about paying your family's health insurance. You probably can't afford anything else.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    At least by being a traveling snake oil salesman and helping grown adults make the decision to buy his product RickyBoy avoids the daily commute with "the herd" of cubicle drones on their way to office parks around the country to latch onto what current event they'll misapply their argumentative techniques too. Holy Christ, what a fag RickyBoy is!
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    Rick: I'll admit to a bit of hyperbole in that statement, written with the intent of eliciting a reaction, which it did. So I'll own it and apologize for being somewhat over-the-top in my characterization of your actions. In all your tales of swordplay, there are two overriding themes which give me pause and why I call you out as I see it. I realize I may be in a minority on this site (and possibly even a super-minority) in that it offends me, but I've never been one of those "Look at meeeee!" posters who use this site as their only means of self-worth. The number one theme I see is that of desperation. The one thing all your "conquests" have in common is that they are in desperate straights, and feel they are backed into a corner, and they *feel* have no other choice but to succumb to your efforts. For me, a desperate dancer is an instant boner kill. Whereas you hear a tale of woe and immediately the gears start to turn as to how to use it your advantage, I look for ways to get that girl off my lap as soon as possible. In baseball right now, there is a lot of discussion about "high leverage" situations, and when to use your best pitchers in the bullpen. You use these same situations to manipulate women to have sex with you. While the "bro" in me wants to give you a high five for being a clever little boy, the human being in me is disgusted. Even when I do same night OTC, I purposely remove any leverage I may have with the dancer in question so that if she does, in fact, show up to my hotel room, she truly chose to be there. I know you roll your eyes at this delineation, and call me willfully ignorant, but there's a big difference in my viewpoint. I stopped visiting AMPs years ago when i found out most of the girls working there were essentially indentured servants working to pay off their relocation costs from Viet nam or China. I still have soul, and I cannot enjoy the transaction if I don't believe my partner has a choice in being there. I very much seek out positive sum results, whereas you're all about the zero sum game. The second theme is that of massive alcohol consumption. Have you ever tried using your (my apologies for using this term) system while both you and the dancer you seek to fuck are sober? You use alcohol as a substantial cats paw to pry yourself into her mind set and open it to your suggestions. If that's not predatory, then Merriam Webster might as well remove the word from his dictionary. Again, I'm not saying I'm better than you, nor do I look at my personal actions as morally superior to yours. I freely admit to getting as much as I can from every I can, and you'll hear no apologies from me for doing so. But, and I know this may hard to believe for many members here, I've never asked a dancer to any sexual act that has been performed on me. Never. I take what the defense gives me, and as she demonstrates herself open to grope here or a lick there, I continue on. BUT, as soon as she moves my hands away from a body part, I FUCKING STOP TRYING TO TOUCH HER THERE. I don't give her four doubles just so I can get another notch on my belt. CP
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Summary of CP's post: "I made a big argument that what RickyBoy does is worse than me. Despite that I'm not saying what I do is any better than you." What a retard!
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Am I a PL if I try to get GFE from my wife? I think she fakes it for access to my wallet. I saw a $2000 credit card bill ran up for school shopping and a trip to Nordstroms. I like to think she took advantage of me somehow, but it was good GFE!!
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    CP, why would she be fucking middle aged men if she didn't really need the money? But in your view, that's OK so long as she convinces you that she really wants to be there. Money is as much your leverage as mine, but it's OK so long as you don't know how bad she needs it or for what. And it's fine if she has had a few before she sees you so long as YOU were not the one who bought them for her. Dude, you are simultaneously a raging hypocrite and an emotionally needy guy who probably makes this tougher on them than it has to be. Say what you will about my approach, but the girls I take out come back over and over. Why? Because I am drama free, judgment free (or so they believe) and extremely easy to deal with. Oh, and what I do has nothing to do with notches on my belt. It is all about finding new shiny things to play with. And I post about a small percentage of my activities here for the same reason - it is all about my entertainment. ;)
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    RickyBoy: "Oh, and what I do has nothing to do with notches on my belt. " Yeah, right. Direct quote from his follow up to The System "Why do I do this?" "The oddest thing is that, when I score at a club or successfully arrange takeout, it is almost anti-climactic J It is almost as if the chase is better than the catch" [view link]
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    And there's that stupid phrase "the chase" again. RickyBoy is a completely clueless ass clown.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @RickDugan - Your story doesn't seem authentic to me. I think you concocted it to troll the board. It comes across partly as wish fulfillment, and partly as a possible pastiche of several real-life incidents which you're trying to present in a somewhat socially acceptable manner.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "Your story doesn't seem authentic to me. I think you concocted it to troll the board." ------------- Really, @analyvone? Story seems perfectly authentic to me. Story is about OTC with some aging, desperate, single-mom with stretch marks abused by her baby-daddy. How depressing. The kind of stripper dregs that the rest of us wouldn't even consider. But paying for sex is always an achievement to @Dugan. Despite what he says about the "cubicle drones," I get the feeling that @Dugan is just scraping by, himself. RIch guys don't complain about paying their family's health insurance.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    RickDugan, Since you are one of our few immediate OTC experts, mind if I ask a few questions? 1. Did the girl just leave with you right then, walk on her shift? 2. Did she then return to continue after you and she were done? 3. Did she drive her car, or did she ride in your car? 4. Were you already checked into the motel before you met up with her at the club? 5. Did you pay first, pay 1/2 at the start 1/2 at the end? 6. Is she now able to contract you, like by phone or email? Do you have a way to contact her? 7. Did she remember you from the earlier years when she worked at the club? 8. Do you think it takes away from the experience that you can't just fuck her right there in the club, or like across a parking lot, and that she probably has to change her clothes and take off her stripper shoes and use an automobile? You would only be able to have it be quite like that with her once anyway. 9. And so did she just walk right out the door with you, the front door? Or did you have to meet her out in the parking lot. Thanks, SJG
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    SJG, I'm not sure what broader probative value can be garnered from my granular answers regarding one particular girl at one specific club. Clubs and girls both vary dramatically, which means that the answers to those questions will as well based upon the specific facts and circumstances. Below are my generic answers based upon a broad sampling of girls: 1. Did the girl just leave with you right then, walk on her shift? Some can and some cannot. I prefer hunting in clubs where the girls have the freedom to leave, but that is not always possible. 2. Did she then return to continue after you and she were done? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. In some clubs, once the girl leaves, she cannot return that night. In others it is no problem, especially when she is getting picked up from the club after her shift. 3. Did she drive her car, or did she ride in your car? I transport about 90% of the girls that I deal with. The other 10% transport themselves. 4. Were you already checked into the motel before you met up with her at the club? Only when I am traveling. When I'm clubbing locally, I don't book a room until a deal is struck ITC. 5. Did you pay first, pay 1/2 at the start 1/2 at the end? I pay 100% at the end, always. 6. Is she now able to contract you, like by phone or email? Do you have a way to contact her? Some can share numbers and others can't. 7. Did she remember you from the earlier years when she worked at the club? N.A. 8. Do you think it takes away from the experience that you can't just fuck her right there in the club, or like across a parking lot, and that she probably has to change her clothes and take off her stripper shoes and use an automobile? You would only be able to have it be quite like that with her once anyway. No. In fact, I don't want a high volume ITC extras girl. OTC is always my preferred method and I only source OTC candidates from clubs where serious ITC extras are not on the menu. 9. And so did she just walk right out the door with you, the front door? Or did you have to meet her out in the parking lot. In some clubs, the girl can walk right out the front. In others, special precautions must be taken.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    RickDugan and SJG are both gay cock suckers! Looks like they are now in love! Lol!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    1. Did the girl just leave with you right then, walk on her shift? Some can and some cannot. I prefer hunting in clubs where the girls have the freedom to leave, but that is not always possible. Are there many clubs where girls can come and go freely like that? 3. Did she drive her car, or did she ride in your car? I transport about 90% of the girls that I deal with. The other 10% transport themselves. So did the girls then not drive their car to the club, or are they just leaving their cars there until you bring them back? 4. Were you already checked into the motel before you met up with her at the club? Only when I am traveling. When I'm clubbing locally, I don't book a room until a deal is struck ITC. That makes perfect sense. So is the girl right there with you when you check in? Likely that makes her feel good. 5. Did you pay first, pay 1/2 at the start 1/2 at the end? I pay 100% at the end, always. They never challenge that? These clubs where the girls can just leave, that is awesome. Where are there such clubs? And of the girls and the car, that works real well too. You've obviously got some really good set ups. Thanks for the info, your answers are eye opening. I hope these stupid LDKers and Dance Buying Chumps learn something. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Original source document for The System (tm) [view link] SJG
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    SJG, the way you asked Rick Dugan all these questions makes it look like you have no experience whatsoever in OTC. Even though you claim that's all you do. Front room makeout session followed by taking her home and ..... pumping load after load into her. Quoted directly from you. Seems to me that if you were so successful with this like you claim on here you wouldn't be asking another man a ton of questions on how he goes about his business. I always suspected you were full of shit SJG. With these last desperate posts begging for answers you pretty much proved you have very little if any experience in all that you claim to do.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    hey. we all start from somewhere. (i still consider myself a newbie with some experience.). ;)
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > SJG, the way you asked Rick Dugan all these questions makes it look like you have no experience whatsoever in OTC That's a strange critique of SJG. The general consensus seems to be that he makes way too many pronouncements and doesn't respect others' approaches. I think it makes a lot of sense to ask questions like this, since any tactic depends on the club, dancer and your goals. E.g.,I tried out the front-room money-feeding approach suggested by SJG and others here a couple of times when the club I was at turned out to be a clip joint, and the reaction of the dancers was more like: uhhhh.. what am I going to do with money that's less than what the extras room costs? It may well have yielded better somewhere else. I have always had better experiences at clubs that weren't clip joints, so trying other people's ideas on approaches was more of a hail mary, and later I noticed that the guys recommending this strategy weren't recommending it for the kind of club I was visiting.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    TFP: "SJG, the way you asked Rick Dugan all these questions makes it look like you have no experience whatsoever in OTC. " SJG certainly worships RickyBoy and will suck his dick at the drop of a hat. Even though RickyBoy, in return, just calls @SJG a psycho and a rapist. All very bizarre stuff!
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    ppwh: the critique stems from the fact that he constantly tries to tell people that buy dances or LDK or any process he doesn't agree with, how they should be doing it. But here he is asking Rick this long list of questions about the very process he tries to get us to follow. Just sounds suspect to me. I think you should absolutely ask questions about a process or 'system' if you're not sure or understand how it works. But from his own claims on here he is successful in front room makeout sessions followed by pumping load after load into the girl because he treated her like a civilian. If that's the case, you shouldn't have this many questions because your own system works. It'd be like Rick Dugan coming on here and asking Chili Palmer a bunch of detailed questions about how he goes about his OTC conquests. Never seen that happen. Justme62 I know exactly what you mean by we all have to start somewhere. That is me in a nutshell! As folks have recently pointed out I am still pretty new to this board and not really experienced in clubbing in general. Which is why I don't try to tell others how they should go about having their fun in the club. SJG on the other hand tries to tell you exactly what you should be doing. Which is why I found it odd that he's here asking another guy how to do it.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    TFP: I think it's pointless to criticize people for talking shop as it were. As for what anyone professes as the one true way of clubbing, take what you need, leave the rest.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @TFP: you honestly aren't seeing the skepticism behind SJG's questions?
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Anonlvone if anyone else was asking it, I'd say it was skepticism. But since this is similar to the kind of experience that SJG claims to pursue I see his questions in a more 'amazed' kind of light. Like SJG is asking because it sounds too easy for Rick. Yet for SJG for all his claims of treating the girl like a civilian and taking her home he actually has a hard time pulling it off successfully. The difference in the approaches is that Rick straight up offers cash while SJG wants to (or claims to) have sex with the dancer at home for free. Of course Rick's method is gonna be more successful. Anonlvone you think SJG is skeptical that Rick's system actually works? It just seems to me reading the posts here that SJG looks up to Rick. Just my take on it, I could be wrong.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    TFP, you draw way too many conclusions. I was married for a long time, and so I did not want to do things which would make a dangerous situation worse. I am anticipating extensive travels in the US and the Mexican border. Things will be different then. Until them, I am extensively tied up. In past times, I have extensive strip club experience, but local only. TFP, if you had any experience with civilian women you would immediately understand all that I have posted. SJG
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    SJG that's your go to line eh? "If you had any experience with civilian women blah blah blah". Funny stuff. So you're saying anyone on this board that has experience with civilian women immediately understands why you asked Rick all those questions? Well I can truthfully say I have plenty of experience with civilian women and yet it doesn't help me decipher a lot of the garbage you spew. With the info on your background and the future plans you just posted I'm assuming you were trying to ask Rick for some up to date tips on scoring OTC? This last post of yours was so vague that it amounted to a whole lot of nothing.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Rick is an expert in immediate OTC. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ There are a great number of logistical complexities to pulling that off. We are luck to have someone here like RickDugan who worked at perfecting The System (tm). SJG
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