
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    P4P Women On Your Payrole?
    is that a consensus opinion between you and the voices in your head or are you the obstructionist denying all of them the help that i and every other mental health professional your parents took you to have tried to give to ALL of you?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Central Florida woman attacks, runs over boyfriend at strip club
    @san_jose_guy “I never ever would take psych meds, or use alcohol, …” now come on their psycho rapist boy, you’re lying again. it’s like you’re not even trying any more. you know the problem with lying is remembering what lies you’ve already told. in this thread: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=40274 you said “This is one of the reasons why I stopped drinking.”
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Most reviews on TUSCL
    @PapiChulo "SJG is going to blow us all ..." never mind, i'm not going to say it. that would be just too easy.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    P4P Women On Your Payrole?
    sarcasm or not that “thanks” is a potential breakthrough for you. are you ready to tell me why you hate your mother. i’ve told you that she felt institutionalizing you was the best thing for you. can’t you at least accept that was why she did it?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    P4P Women On Your Payrole?
    @san_jose_guy "I had been planning to start a thread like this..." well start by learning how to spell PAYROLL correctly you stupider than fuck idiot
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Central Florida woman attacks, runs over boyfriend at strip club
    @san_jose_guy “People talk about those San Gabriel Valley Clubs,…” just take your meds and stop listening to the voices in your head
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    What do YOU consider "good money" for a stripper to be making?
    @san_jose_guy “My own experience is that strippers…” now why do you bother to write 40,000 word essays that you know no one is going to read when your opening sentence is a bald faced lie. you have no experience with strippers and not even the most gullible person here could ever be convinced otherwise.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How would being rich change how you club?
    @san_jose_guy they say time goes by faster and faster the older you get and you are already old so if you are ever going to experience what it’s like to be anything except a mentally ill loser in life you had better pick up the pace there psycho rapist boy
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    San Jose Guy
    @san_jose_guy “when I am in sensitive environments” shut the fuck up. you are in your mom’s basement. it is not your “command center”, it is not the “front lines”, it is not “on the ground”, and it is not a “sensitive environment”. it’s your mom’s fucking basement you retarded psycho
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How to remotely send $ to a stripper
    @Gawker “I've been directly depositing cash or check in a branch of her bank. My ATF has an account with Bank of America. I have her account number and can deposit at any branch. No fees involved..” free, anonymous if the amount isn’t outrageous and instantaneously available on the other end if your deposit is cash and not a check the easiest and safest method despite the counselor's exhaustive research. don't quit your day job John
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Proselytizing for the Mongering Life?
    @san_jose_guy “In fact, for many decades I thought it meant that there was something wrong with me. How about you guys?” well duh… ding, ding, ding… OF COURSE THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU, YOU BABBLING PSYCHO, MOTHER HATING RAPIST, MISOGYNIST BITCH BOY. everyone else has always known that. is it just now dawning on your addled brain damaged mind that you were right all along? sheeesh
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    @san_jose_guy “I'm sure we are already losing people…” hey psycho rapist boy, news flash for you: just like in real life YOU are NOT a part of any WE and you will never be a part of WE here or anywhere else except among the voices in your head. here you are nothing but a very unwelcome squatter
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    An African turtle, originally from Zanzibar, heading straight for the white women...
    any bets on how long it takes @zipman68 to trot out the next creature in his rickmenagerie – rickthelotlizard?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    SJG;s Drivers License......
    more violence san_jose_guy? that cell in Vacaville is just waiting for you. better take your meds before they hold you down and force feed them to you again. you fucking psycho loser
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Kissing/Proper Etiquette for Kissing
    @san_jose_guy i'm a little confused about what you're trying to say here. was your asylum co-ed? did they allow you out of isolation once in a while to mingle with your fellow lunatics or something? was it more than an hour a week? or are you saying all you crazies had to take group showers? or were these ""women" the same ones who are going to join your organization and exist only in your head? i'll take your answer off line with another of your psycho PMs please.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    SJG;s Drivers License......
    @san_jose_guy "And then there will be lots of sleep overs with them" i don't think your mommy is going to go for that. tell you what, talk it over with one of your shrinks and ask real nice like that if you behave and take your anti-psychotics if he won't maybe, just maybe intervene with your mommy. how's that tree house coming anyway? is that where you are going to have your sleep over? will you be sending out invitations to all the other crazies in the neighborhood? and have you decided on a really cool name for your organization yet or are there dissenting opinions among those voices that aren't in your head? post some pictures of the tree you've picked out won't you...
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    SJG;s Drivers License......
    @san_jose_guy you really hate your mother for having you institutionalized don’t you? have you ever consider the possibility, as remote as it no doubt is, that she was doing what was best for not only you but for all of society? tell me, do you fantasized about decapitating your mother and having her severed head perform fellatio on you? what about just plain vanilla raping her when she falls asleep? you fantasize about that a lot don't you? what are the voices in your head telling you right this instant having read the above questions?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    my CF made me feel old last night.
    @JohnSmith69 “she makes a comment to me about how everybody on the beach is so old. They looked to be 50s-70s. I didn't say anything.” trust me on this one, you didn’t have to….
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Hypothetical: what if only black girls did extras?
    only at night time.. enough with the fucking skin color. if i didn’t know better i’d swear you all were race baiters (not the same thing as masturbators btw). unfortunately i do know better and too many people here are serious and have some serious issues IMHO. fucking get over it "Now is the time”… "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – a dead southern christian preacher
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    $2 bills
    @JohnSmith69 “Onion they have dogs at lots of airports. They are for bombs, not drugs” hey counselor, i like you. you remind me of my retarded little sister in a goofy kind of way so i’m going to let you in on a little secret. every airport that serves as a port of entry has US customs and border protection agents and now get this, they all have both bomb detection k9s AND drug dogs. and then there is always the chance encounter with local PD with their k9s wandering through the airport. and in the case of Colorado both the state and the DEA are actively trying to stop domestic smugglers from taking shit out of the state to sell in other states. seems organized crime has moved in and is giving legalized marijuana and Colorado a bad name now remember me when i need legal representation. no i don’t want you to represent me. i want you to refer my to a "competent" lawyer who isn’t high as a kite.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Life after dancing.
    about all the become a real estate agent advice, yeah it is an option but something like 9 out of 10 newly licensed agents have given up within the first year. it is not an easy way to make a living for most people. look into becoming a property appraiser if real estate is the area you are interested in. again you can work for yourself, largely working your own hours low overhead to get into business and unlike real estate agents it is largely a recession proof field. property appraisers are in demand if the market is hot or banks are foreclosing or simply if people are dying and their heirs need an appraisal for tax purposes. pet grooming is another independent business that falls into the same category. Americans will always spend money on their pets regardless of the state of the economy. in the short term consider becoming an independent mobile notary public. there is a demand for notaries to physically go to places like nursing homes where people need the service but can’t go somewhere to get it done. easy and inexpensive to get started and you can set up your appointments to suit your schedule. you won't get rich and it won’t begin to pay the bills like a full time job but it is something you can do quickly, earn a few bucks, fill in some blank time on your resume and give you some very valuable experience running a business as a sole proprietor. do some research and ask some questions about whatever pops into your head. try something. if it doesn’t work or it is not for you try something else. the options are pretty limitless for anyone to do well and quite possibly become rich in America but you do have to put in the effort. and if you aren’t a conservative now you will be when you experience the leeches taking your hard earned money and we need more conservatives and less leeches that’s for sure. good luck
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Bad Decisions
    @zipperhead look asshole i know that there really is such a thing as “retard strong”” so in real life you must be about the strongest person in the world but here? shit you are just another internet tough guy. i’m shaking in my boots – not. so fuck off you goose stepping, george soros dick sucking, America hating asswipe. oh sorry, i guess that asswipe comment is something you don’t understand with you not having any firsthand experience with basic hygiene
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    9 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Bad Decisions
    hey zipperhead. @Chili Palmer asked you to be quiet so why don’t you and your entire @rickthezoo cast of real life losers shut the fuck up. instead why don't you all go back to posting as @Str8ButtSuck and your love of sucking dicks in your glory hole thread. and btw you never 4got2wipe. forgetting isn’t intentional you fucktarded idiot
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Life after dancing.
    @jackslash “A college degree is no guarantee of a good job.” agreed and what’s more it is most assuredly not a guarantee of an education especially in this day and age. fucking off in college for a 17 – 22 year old can be fine but if you are “in” college in your mid twenties/thirties well there had better be a reason beyond “i am going to get my college degree”. at that age you are behind the power curve for that track and you are unlikely to ever catch up. think long and hard about that one before you waste time and money trying to get some worthless piece of paper. it may be admirable to get a degree if you’ve got nothing else but you need to make up for lost time. (***if you want a real education you are much better getting it through self study and avoiding college anyway). i would also caution you to think long and hard about all those healthcare jobs. it is an option but there is a whole lot of down side that most people never consider. there is also an entire industry to provide “training” at usually a very, very steep cost that they will encourage you to borrow to pay for because after all, you will be making so much money it will be worth it – not. and despite the promises there are no guarantees you’ll pass the licensing or even if you do, finding an entry job is usually not that easy (certainly not your dream job anywhere near where you want to be). (***be careful of any of these we will train you for an exciting career scams in any field). i would suggest that you look into a trade/skill type job. barber/beautician, cpa, book keeper etc. these often times don’t require quite the same level of upfront investment of time or money. they also don’t tend to require a high overhead to operate your own business, you can work for yourself or as an employee or independent contractor often working your own hours and these professions are generally very portable so you can change locations as you desire. and for the most part no one is going to be asking what you were doing in your twenties. be aware that what they do usually require is some sort of licensing. if you get past that hurdle you have something you can sell with an existing ready market that is largely recession roof. these fall into the general heading of being your own boss (or running your own business) which frankly is the best way to go. fail or succeed, it is on you but self worth, self satisfaction and being able to tell whoever to fuck off – priceless. i also understand that there is a new world order organization looking for ex-strippers to provide the male members with sex on demand. it might just be one of those urban myths but i hear they are headquartered in a basement (with plans to expand to a tree house and then open franchises in Denny’s parking lots) somewhere out in San Jose. seriously, do some research and ask questions. the longest journey begins with one step but you do have to take that first step. good luck and whatever you do don’t go around saying you’re going to be a lawyer
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Phoenix question
    i’m pretty sure that breast augmentation is covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act. i hereby demand that you stop this blatant bigotry or go back to 1824 . September 1st. at around 3:26. in the afternoon. mountain standard time. dammit